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Old 30-08-2017, 12:35 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by PokerFaced View Post
Really a nice read
Agreed with you
Old 31-08-2017, 08:10 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

But PRC gals coming to SG r looking for money, not RS or love. Of course if they can meet the right man who can give them happiness, which must include some level of financial security AND CPVOs, more money may be meaningless to most of them hahaha.

Yes, they will fall madly in love with n become sexually addicted to the man who can give her financial security n CPVOs, especially 高富帅 like u and bro KB hahaha.

C'mon, how abt a $10K flower for the right gal?


Bro WB
Bro WB

There were many warnings in your thread that many of these gals came here to work for money. Falling in love with them will be disastrous both emotionally and financially. Many cases of family broken out or bank account cleaned up.

Similarly many Viet gals came here repeating what the PRC gals doing.

Good that you sounded plenty of warnings.

Please continue to post here and hv a great long weekend coming up.

Old 31-08-2017, 04:44 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

You don't bind her to you by getting emotionally attached to her yourself. To the contrary... the more emotionally attached to a girl you become, generally, the less attached (and interested) she'll be in you.

The more time you spend emotionally pursuing something or someone - and any time you even vaguely "want" something, it's emotional, at least to some degree - the more power you give that something or someone over you.

And what happens when someone has power over you?

She realizes it................................................ .......

So there is some amount of paying your dues to get there.

Every rookie salesman wastes time with customers who lead him on and lead him on and never pan out, or wear him down into giving them the deal of a lifetime - and one he ends up regretting having given them later.

Likewise, every rookie ladies' man wastes time with women who lead him on and lead him on and never pan out, or wear him down into accepting a "just friends" role with them, or quietly waiting in the background for her to finish up with her string of all-wrong bad boy hookups and realize that, really, he was the one she wanted all along, she just hadn't seen it (cue romantic music).

These experiences get coded into your memory as "lessons", and you need them there to stand as examples of what not to do, and where you don't want to end up going again in the future.

So don't think you're going to have a few hookups or a girlfriend or two under your belt and be immune to this. It takes time, experience, and getting burned at least a handful of times first before your radar really starts going up and getting attuned to the proper signals.....................................

Those caveats aside, let's talk about the one rule to follow to ensure you don't end up getting too attached to a girl:

As the time it takes to bed her INCREASES, the effort you put into doing so must DECREASE.

Most men take the opposite tack.

For most guys, as the time they put into a girl goes up, the effort into her remains constant, or goes up too.

And that's how chasing happens. An escalating or never-decreasing level of investment as a woman stretches things out and strings the man along.

Likewise in sales - a customer stretches things out longer and longer, piling on more and more demands, and rookie salesmen continue investing the same levels of effort, or more.

My advice - both to greenhorn sellers, and to new-to-the-game seducers - is to reduce your effort in direct proportion to the amount of time that's gone by and investment that's been asked of you.

Getting too attached to a girl before she's yours leads to:

You chasing hard (and her running away)
You becoming tentative and awkward; her meaning more and more to you
You becoming an emotional mess, subject to the whims of her availability
You passing up loads of opportunities with other, more interested women

That last one's the real kicker. All the time you spend chasing a woman with an ever-decreasing probability of ending up with you (the longer the courtship, the less likely it is to ever be consummated) could have been spent on women with a much higher probability of ending up yours - including women prettier, smarter, more fun, and more amazing than the girl you've currently fallen into the attachment trap with.

In sales, you miss out on more and better sales by wasting time on finicky customers who probably aren't going your way anyway, or are going to give you something that's not really worth the time and effort you put into it if you soldier on through and finally get it.

The same is so in seduction - sacrifice your time and energy for a girl you've messed up on or who is not very interested, and you will end up paying $500 for a $10 item.

Don't let yourself get too attached. Be cognizant of when you're spinning your wheels, and decrease effort as time increases.
Then instead of wasting time, you'll save it - and save yourself from the draining emotions of chasing after women who aren't interested (or have lost interest), too....................................


Bro WB
Bro WB

Your guru above spoke the right tune.

We cannot over invest in a gal and also get too attached. This is taboo and will inflict plenty of hurt and damage. The above was long but very useful.

Always play with the right frame of mind.

Hope you can post more guidance here.

Wish you have a great holiday weekend.
Old 31-08-2017, 05:27 PM
sbfnewpie sbfnewpie is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

A very good thread you have here.

Please post and share more with us.

May you have a great weekend ahead.

Old 31-08-2017, 07:44 PM
2Spades 2Spades is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Support great thread by bro WB!!
Old 01-09-2017, 03:21 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Happy Holiday to all samsters,

What an auspicious day! Again, I must express my gratitude to everyone who has ever posted here. I have learned so much from ALL of you, including the very negative ones. 

Originally Posted by commonsense View Post
Bro, thank you for reply. Hope you have not suffered Monday blues.
Bro,  nice guy become a dick, haha.
True that no gals will tell you that "you are nice but I dun really like you". Often we read in SBF that Sinkee men are nice and idiots according to the PRC gals.
Pls continue to post and will support you all the way.
Have a great day ahead.
Thanks! Treat everyday as if it's a holiday. That should be the right mindset.

Originally Posted by goodjoker View Post
Bro WB
The above was a great piece of work. I read this several times and finally understood.
What you are saying that you can tell is a gal was having PVOs by just looking at her gait. Google gait and found the answer.
I agreed with the writer that any gal who had PVOs oten will be very satisfied sexually and cheerful iin person. Her steps will be fluid and graceful when she walks.
Please help to post more so that more can benefit frrom the master.
Have a great week. Hope you not traveling so soon.
Tks for your post. I want to read that once everyday. I still forget sometimes.
Originally Posted by jixiang View Post
Bro WB
There were many warnings in your thread that many of these gals came here to work for money. Falling in love with them will be disastrous both emotionally and financially. Many cases of family broken out or bank account cleaned up.
Similarly many Viet gals came here repeating what the PRC gals doing.
Good that you sounded plenty of warnings.
Please continue to post here and hv a great long weekend coming up.
The overwhelming majority of gals n young women who come here to work in the night scene only want to make money, as quickly as possible.
There are a few exceptions though.

Originally Posted by Snote View Post
Bro WB
Your guru above spoke the right tune.
We cannot over invest in a gal and also get too attached. This is taboo and will inflict plenty of hurt and damage. The above was long but very useful.
Always play with the right frame of mind.
Hope you can post more guidance here.
Wish you have a great holiday weekend.
Tks for reminding me of the above post. 
I have a bit more to say below.
Cheers to all,
Bro WB

.................................................. .............................

Recently, a bro sent me the following PM.

"I read your post and understand that you are much much senior in compared to me.
You actually bao the girls if you like but you do cut down on drinking and smoking in which i presume due to health issue or maybe due to the nature of your previous occupation.
But in short to say, you are actually paying more but you just cut off the wooing part and go straight to the point.
In my perception, i do not really spend much on girls.
I head to thai discos but i still get my target at times. I will get them to woo me in which is an added bonus otherwise i do not bother. I really think being wealthy helps alot in your relationship. But one thing i totally disagree with you, you have so much money and being so thrifty but at the end of the day we come with nothing and go with nothing."

This bro has refused to post his question here, as I hv requested. I don't know why.

Here is my answers to him:

I don't know your age. I'm what many would call a lao chee ko pek based solely on my chronological age. However, biologically and metabolically n sexually, I'm decades younger than most men my age. I'm on no prescription meds. And my weight is the same as when I was 18-20.
I never drink because alcohol gives me headache n I have smoked less than 5 cigarettes in my entire life because I hate the smell of tobacco. 
No, I pay the lower range of the going rates for bao yang. Yes, I'm UNAPLOGETIC for wanting the youngest and prettiest SYTs of my type and I'm always MODE ONE.
I'm a badass gentleman and not a phony wussy, dickhead aka nice guy.
You don't spend much on girls? Good for u, less is often more sometimes. If you have the right mindset.
I don't like Thai discos, too noisy and smoky, very bad for health.
A wealthy man can own many pussies w/ his money, but his wealth alone will NEVER be enough to capture a gal's heart. Ironically, his wealth is often a hindrance. 
I don't have "so much money," perhaps just enough money to do what I'm doing. Frugality is a virtue. Never waste money. If I can BY a pretty SYT of my type w/ the least money, why not?
My word is my bond n I never short change anyone. If a LP bears my kid, I'll support my kid for life. I'll also support the mom as long as she is w/ me.
"Come w/ nothing and go w/ nothing" is very true. I'm generous to those who deserve it.


Bro WB

I'm reading a book by an Ang Moh guru. He is good, but I don't like his style of writing n I hv done minor editing.
"Take a man who has the looks, fame, money, or whatever else society has led you to believe women want, and pit him against a man who has the right mindset in regards to having sex with lots of beautiful women and the man with the right mindset will come out on top every time."

"For example, being a dominant masculine man turns women on viscerally. Enough that she’ll forget about her good looking, rich, famous boyfriend or husband. And no I’m not kidding."
When he uses the word 'masculine,' he is referring to masculine character traits, not muscles like Arnold's.
No, he is not kidding. He thinks 99% of men have the wrong mindset. I think it's closer to 99.9% haha.


Bro WB
Old 01-09-2017, 04:46 PM
Aplexus Aplexus is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Timbuktoo View Post
So much to learn, so much to read.

Thank you for the nice thread bro WB.

Still have tons of reading to catch up with.
Fully agreed with you bro.

Happy holiday
Old 02-09-2017, 07:38 AM
jialatstory jialatstory is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Anyway, after she sat down with me, I began to like her more n more. She is 22 but looked younger, like 19-20. Pretty n very cute, good complexion, quite fair, 168, 49-50 kg, small bony frame, long straight n sharply legs. No, she is far from perfect as her shoulders a bit broad due to frequent swimming n her boobs only B. She is from Hubei, a model n uni graduate. In terms of looks n figure, she is the best I hv seen since I met my current young mistress over a yr ago.

We made great connection, chemistry? Predestined affinity? She was friendly, jovial. I asked her: 你出街吗?She asked: 什么是出街? I said: 去开房。 Her reply: 不去。 I asked again: 多少你说,多少钱都不去? Her reply: 不去!I then said: 我喜欢不出街的, 我要照顾你!She didnt reply.We then share d a couple of jokes.

I started touching her on the wrists, arms n escalated my pfysical ctc. Before long I was massaging her neck n then kissing her cheek n hugging her tightl y...then I frenched her.I knew her pussy was  mine.

I consummated the BY the very next day. I was sati sfied with her naked body n pussy. She was easily  orgasimc...

On Sat I left her to sit in the massage  chair at  PC while I went to park my car. We were going to b ro S's outing to a small joint at Parklane.When I  came back in abt 10 minutes, I saw a man bending o ver talking to her, trying to invite her to dinner !I approached them n he turned around: Your GF? I  said my mistress.He walked away quickly. Yesterday , she came to PC Sophia rd so that we could go to  see a movie at Cathay. She  arrived early n ordere d  noodle at the 1st fl cafeteria.When I came 12 m inutes later, she hurried to my car. She said two  men stared at her n tried to pick her up inside th e cafe!! 

I guess these must be bros who hv read my thread!!  Well done.Keep it up. I welcome competition which  gives meaning to success.These bros still got cha nce as it may take a full month for a gal to get s exually addicted to a man.Besides, she is on a 14  day visitor pass n has to return to PRC very soon.  Her sis n agent suggest that she get singer pass  on her return. The singing type as the visa is muc h cheaper n she is a good singer. However, she wou ld be pleased to apply for student pass if I agree  to keep her on her return. I'm not sure at this t ime as I already hv two other mistreeses.I like he r as she is very vivacious n very passionate.She l ooked stunningly pretty n sexy last night.During t he show, she n I were glued together...


Bro WB
Bro WB

I was reading your amazing success story above.

Wow, your LP must be a beauty and guys hitting on her. You must be a proud man.

I had similar incident. When I was with my gf most of the guys will aim my gf because she was hot dame with great ass, I was so happy that I kept teasing her. My gf was the generation where she careless what others see her.

I read your teachings never to worry that your gf was taken away by anyone or rather lose her. This was the absolute brilliance. I just act bochup and let her sway her legs.

Lastly hope you in your best of cheong and enjoy.

Dun forget to post.

Old 02-09-2017, 09:24 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by jialatstory View Post
Bro WB

I was reading your amazing success story above.

Wow, your LP must be a beauty and guys hitting on her. You must be a proud man.

I had similar incident. When I was with my gf most of the guys will aim my gf because she was hot dame with great ass, I was so happy that I kept teasing her. My gf was the generation where she careless what others see her.

I read your teachings never to worry that your gf was taken away by anyone or rather lose her. This was the absolute brilliance. I just act bochup and let her sway her legs.

Lastly hope you in your best of cheong and enjoy.

Dun forget to post.

Bro WB,

I also had a similar case. The guys would look at my gf as she had a great body and loved to wear revealing clothes. I just bochup and let her be.

Please continue to share you valuable experience here.

Have a good weekend.
Old 02-09-2017, 04:59 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I really love ur story!! But I don't get it n need clarifications to make sure I get your story right.

You went to a TD (Thai Disco?) last night n u hung a girl $50. She sat w/ u most of the night. Whereas other guys (not one guy, but how many?) hung individually or collectively $500? And she ignored them almost completely n they became so angry n envious that they tried to grab her away from u?!! How did u react when they did that to ur girl? Perhaps they ran away like frightened little puppies w/ their tails between their legs, hahaha.

This is incredible! You must be the most dominant n coolest badass she had ever met. Do u also look like 潘安?

I presume u just met her n I also presume that she was very pretty. Even if it was 'love at first sight' for her, she would've whispered,

'My dearest deathnitez, even though I'm madly in love w/ u, those goons n retards over there hung lots of flowers for me tonight, it's my job n my obligation to go over there to sit w/ them, if I want to keep my job. After work, meet me at XXX n make passionate love to me...'

My only logical explanation for her most unusual behaviour is that you somehow hypnotized n controlled her completely, But even then, the boss of the joint would've intervened...did u hypnotize him n the other guys too?

If so, you're the most powerful person in the world, not Vladimir Putin.

I would appreciate more details on what actually happened.


Bro WB
Bro WB

This bro story is truly amazing. What I think is that the other guys were too eager to hook her and may had already been there several times. She just saw a fresh face and seek solace with him to escape this group of demanding clients.

I guess only and we never know the truth. What you had suggested above maybe the truth.

Anyway been cool and not trying to show off may help. This bro may had teh look old the most handsoem face of young version Andy Lau.

Please share more and will try to contribute here too.

Old 04-09-2017, 12:50 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Chendot View Post
Bro WB,

I also had a similar case. The guys would look at my gf as she had a great body and loved to wear revealing clothes. I just bochup and let her be.

Please continue to share you valuable experience here.

Have a good weekend.
Sounds familar!!

Wish you all the best.

Old 04-09-2017, 02:19 PM
SonOfNhat SonOfNhat is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Great thread by Bro WB. Support here!
Old 04-09-2017, 05:11 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by jialatstory View Post
Bro WB

I was reading your amazing success story above.

Wow, your LP must be a beauty and guys hitting on her. You must be a proud man.

I had similar incident. When I was with my gf most of the guys will aim my gf because she was hot dame with great ass, I was so happy that I kept teasing her. My gf was the generation where she careless what others see her.

I read your teachings never to worry that your gf was taken away by anyone or rather lose her. This was the absolute brilliance. I just act bochup and let her sway her legs.

Lastly hope you in your best of cheong and enjoy.

Dun forget to post.

Bro, tks for ur post.
I met the gal at TAM in Oct 2013. A bro who sat next to us got her HP no. He offered her more money, trying to wrest her away from me. He failed. She showed me all his desperate msg haha.

Originally Posted by Chendot View Post
Bro WB,

I also had a similar case. The guys would look at my gf as she had a great body and loved to wear revealing clothes. I just bochup and let her be.

Please continue to share you valuable experience here.

Have a good weekend.
Bro, tks for your post.

Originally Posted by jialatstory View Post
Sounds familar!!

Wish you all the best.

Originally Posted by SonOfNhat View Post
Great thread by Bro WB. Support here!
Tks, bros.


Good afternoon,

I know a guru from Gotham City who recently told me about 3 mindset switches that will have you getting laid like a rockstar.

Switch #1: Have an abundance mindset

Switch #2: Women are easy

Switch #3: Women love sex.

I couldn't agree w/ him more.


Bro WB
Old 04-09-2017, 11:28 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by jialatstory View Post
Bro WB

I was reading your amazing success story above.

Wow, your LP must be a beauty and guys hitting on her. You must be a proud man.

I had similar incident. When I was with my gf most of the guys will aim my gf because she was hot dame with great ass, I was so happy that I kept teasing her. My gf was the generation where she careless what others see her.

I read your teachings never to worry that your gf was taken away by anyone or rather lose her. This was the absolute brilliance. I just act bochup and let her sway her legs.

Lastly hope you in your best of cheong and enjoy.

Dun forget to post.

So familar!!

All the best to you.

Good luck!!
Old 05-09-2017, 12:01 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Very good thread here. Support!
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