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Old 18-03-2020, 11:38 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

looking forward for more
Old 18-03-2020, 11:43 AM
MaskRider64 MaskRider64 is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

this is a nice story, hope for more updates soon
Old 18-03-2020, 11:50 AM
DeborahNguyen DeborahNguyen is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by bigbentower View Post
Great story!

So happy to be able to story in tough coronavirus situation.

I love to story too.
Old 18-03-2020, 11:55 AM
LaKopiC LaKopiC is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

TS effort really commendable!
Old 18-03-2020, 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by cheersMike View Post
Same.. keep refreshing for updates
Up u bro. 😊
Old 18-03-2020, 01:00 PM
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Originally Posted by btblue8 View Post
Supposed to be today... Guess anytime now...
Up u bro. 😊
Old 18-03-2020, 01:24 PM
rihnohorn rihnohorn is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

this is a really nice story, thanks for sharing.
Old 18-03-2020, 03:58 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

15th June 2015

It was my first day of so call official work after almost 2 weeks of doing nothing.
I went back to the castle and realised the garden is in need of a trim. There’s no time to meddle with the plants. I need to get ready to head over to Yvonne’s place.

I saw Hong smoking with a cup of coffee in hand near the first aid house when I left and we exchanged a wave.

It’s also the first day of Yvonne’s renovation.

There’s no need for Yiling to be present on the 1st 2 days.
We will need her only after the connection into her apartment has been completed.


I met up with Calvin and his men at a private housing estate 2 junctions away from Yvonne’s place. That will be our meeting point before we head over. Yiling owns an apartment there as well and the basement carpark provided the privacy we need as a staging area of sort.

It will also be the place she gets into her disguise when she starts tagging along as Calvin’s men.

The lot of us arrived at Yvonne’s place ready to carry out our grand plan.

Teng must have increased the number of people stalking Yvonne. I could see them loitering around the basement as Calvin’s men started unloading their stuff and equipment.

I could see a pallet of cement and plaster neatly wrapped up with Yvonne’s unit number written on the plastic wraps. The supplier had deposited it by the lift lobby earlier.

Guo : Hi… you must be the designer…

I turned and came face to face with one of Teng’s men. He must be the one in charge. At 1.8m tall and looking a little too buff for his tight t-shirt, he strikes me as someone who spends only time on his upper body in the gym.

Jackson : Hi… you are… ?

Guo : I’m Guo…. I’m assigned to take care of Yvonne…. Just concerned about Yvonne’s safety….

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow before telling him that Yvonne is not the one doing the renovation.

Jackson : She’s the one paying the bill… not the one doing the heavy lifting….no reason why she would be in any danger…

Guo : hahha…. I see….

Guo wanted to know how long will I be there that morning.

Jackson : It’s the first day of work…. I don’t know…. could be an hour… could be 5…. Why ?

Guo : hmmm… my employer…. He’s not comfortable with Yvonne being left alone with so many men….

Jackson : what are you getting at ? we’re re-doing her place ….from damages I understand was caused by your employer….

There was a brief pause before Guo smiled;

Guo : Nothing…… we will pop by every now and then….just so you know….

Guo gave me a smirk that made me feel like slapping him before strolling away back to his car with a swagger.

Yvonne’s mini is now wedged in between the 2 large SUV Teng’s men are driving. Guo went back to one of the car and his colleague handed him a coffee. He settled into his seat while nursing the coffee in his hand as if he was some hot shot detective shadowing a perp.

Calvin and his men took the service lift with their equipment while I went up the private one.

Yvonne was already up and waiting for us.

Yvonne : hey… morning….

She looked nervous but I could see she was excited to begin.

Yvonne has her hair tied up and I could still see the moisture on her freshly washed face. The fringes of her hair were still damp. When she spoke, I could smell the fresh scent of the mouth wash.

Seeing her in a pair of grey cotton shorts so tight and short, I would stake my annual salary that she is not wearing any underwear. How is her figure so good after giving birth ?

Yvonne was wearing a white singlet but, on the outside,, she wore a pastel blue windbreaker with a hoodie. That’s a nice touch, the hoodie would provide Yiling more cover if when she does the switch.

The sisters must have talked about this.

Yvonne : all ok ? Teng increased the number of men…. He’s crazy…. We had a shouting match over the phone last night…. he wanted to have his men supervise very part of the renovation….

Calvin came in and I gestured for him to join us.

Jackson : Guo approached me…. says he’s going to pop by every now and then…. To make sure Yvonne is ok…

Calvin : That’s going to be a problem…. We don’t want him here when we are hacking the connection…..

Jackson : How long do you need to break through…. ?

Calvin : Not long….a few hours…. But it’s the covering and cleaning up that takes time….

Yvonne : what should we do ?

After a bit of discussion, we decided to go ahead and start work on the other areas just to see the frequency of Guo’s visit.

Yvonne made me a coffee and we barely sat down at the dining area when our eardrums were treated to a medley of hacking and drilling.

15 minutes in and we decided that this is not going to work.

It’s too noisy and we were literally shouting at each other just to talk.

30 mins into the drilling and hacking, Guo just entered the house through the back door because it was left unlocked for the workers to go in and out.

Yvonne : what are you doing in my house… ! get out !!!

Guo : I am here to ensure your safety Ms Yvonne….

Yvonne : get the fuck out of my house now… !

Guo smiled, looked around before leaving.

I could see Calvin thinking how to fix this situation and I offered a solution.

Jackson : We need to go out Yvonne….

Yvonne : go where… ?

Jackson : the men will follow you if we go out…. Leaving Calvin to do his work….

Calvin : it’s worth a shot…

Jackson : grab your stuff and let’s find out….

Yvonne nodded and she stuffed her phone into a small sling bag before joining me in the private lift. Looking at how tight the sling is slicing diagonally across her body, accentuating how full her breasts are, I noticed that Yvonne was not wearing a bra.

I swallowed a gulp of saliva as a sick thought just entered my head.

If Yiling is going to switch with her sister, does that mean she has to wear what her sister wear ?

The moment the lift opened; I could see Guo waiting for us. The men on the opposite block must have told him we are leaving.

Guo : where are you going ?

Yvonne : None of your business… get out of my way…

Guo : feel free to take our car….

Yvonne : It’s ok…. I prefer Jackson’s ….come… let’s go….

The men got into their car immediately and started their engine.

Yvonne buckled up and I told her it seemed that they are determined not to let her out of their sight.

Yvonne : let’s take them on a wild goose chase…. Hahaha

Jackson : We could try to lose them… haha…

Calvin called and he told me all of Teng’s men on the opposite building is gone. Right about then, I saw 2 men walking briefly to their car from another lobby.

Jackson : 3 cars…. Not going to be easy to lose all…

Yvonne : fuck them… let’s go for breakfast … as long as they get out of here….

Jackson : ok …

It was literally a convoy. I pulled out and the 3 vehicles just followed us to the point of tailgating.

Yvonne : Let’s go town for breakfast…. Somewhere far away….buys Calvin a bit more time….

Jackson : where ?

Yvonne : anywhere…. I want to talk to you about my sister…. Hahah

Jackson : not again…

I drove to Orchard road and as we entered the CBD, a naughty thought came to mind.

Jackson : do you get car sick easily ?

Yvonne : No… why….

Jackson : let’s fuck with them… hahaha…

I looked at the rear mirror and I could see the 3 cars following us closely. I ran an amber light earlier and all 3 followed suit, desperate to make sure they are close.

I turned into Orchard central and floored the accelerator up the ramp. Orchard Central has consistently ranked as one of the worst carpark every designed. The person who did it is probably high and the people who approved it probably don’t drive.
Yvonne gasped before laughing and turning around to check out our tail.

My car is small, old and battered in a way and I don’t mind driving a little faster in one of the worse carpark in town. A little bump and scratch won’t hurt.

The large SUVs however is going to be a bitch to control. Depending on how fast they are willing to go, there’s a high chance they are going to get a new paintwork on their bumper.

I went up a few floors and immediately made a turn to start my way down, passing by mezzanine floors of almost empty parking lots.

Yvonne laughed and commented that they are not behind us.

Jackson : Well…. We could lose at least 1 car I think…. They would have to figure out whether we went up or down… hahaha…

I jerk the steering wheel a little when I almost ventured too close to the wall, I could feel my head spinning a little when I exited the carpark and joined the main road.

Yvonne was chuckling and looking behind as we drove further down the road.

Yvonne : sharks… hahaha… they’re still behind and they look pissed… ahhaha…. …and you’re right !!.. hahaha… only 2 cars left….

Jackson : They must have sent one up all the way to make sure we did not park there… hahaha…

Yvonne tapped my arm excitedly, asking me to do it again.
Old 18-03-2020, 03:59 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Jackson : Won’t be easy this time….. they know what we are up to…

Yvonne : Fuck them… just do it.. hahaha…

Jackson : Let’s go to Ngee ann City….. their carpark is special….

Yvonne : really ?? how ?

I explained to Yvonne that Ngee Ann City has a helix ramp. 2 spirals running one on top of the other, one going up and one coming down. It can be hard to visualise and explain but I told her since it’s the day time, chances are we can pull a stunt without inconveniencing anyone.

Yvonne : I have no idea what you just said but fuck yeah… do it… hahaha…

I checked the rear mirror and the heavy traffic maintained the distance between Guo and us. They can see us turning into Ngee Ann city for sure and I know I can lose another car easily.

They would have to make the choice of heading into the basement or up the ramp. No way they can do this without splitting up.

I went up the ramp to the top and got ready to head back down, but not before waiting a while so one of the tails could see us. With no cars behind me, I stopped at the entrance of the down ramp and waited.
The car coming up would see us directly opposite him just before we go down given how the ramp is designed.
Guo in the lead SUV saw us and I could see him honk and flash his headlights as he came out of the Up ramp.

Yvonne gave Guo the finger, laughing as she did as I started to descend.

As I go down, I slowed to check the exits for other floors where vehicles would join up into the same exit ramp.

I stopped at the 4th floor and made sure the coast is clear before making an awkward turn and mounted a small safety kerb before going against the driving direction into the carpark.

Yvonne : hahaha…. Oh my god Jackson ….

Jackson : Don’t try this alone….

I found a corner, reversed in and cut the engine.

Jackson : Ok… let’s go for breakfast…. Let them go around in circles hahaha….

They’re probably going to head back down and try to figure out where did we go. There’s a chance they might search every floor of the carpark for us but we would be somewhere in the mall enjoying our breakfast.

We settled down in a café and Yvonne attracted quite a few looks from the men. She’s a pageant winner after all. We ordered coffee and breads while Yvonne started grilling me about how I felt towards Yiling.

There was really nothing much for me to say except we enjoy a very professional relationship. Employer and employee that is.

We spent close to an hour talking, it’s more like an interview. A job interview.
Yvonne is a smooth talker and somehow she can coax nuggets of information out from me even when I did not feel like sharing them. Once she feels she is ready to go for the kill, she did.

Yvonne : don’t give me this employer employee shit Jackson …. It’s a simple question… you like my sister…? Or you don’t like my sister…. ?

Jackson : errrmmm… well I like her sometimes…..when she’s not… throwing a fit and all….

Yvonne : it’s an act I tell you…. It’s an act…. Girls are all like this…. They want attention…. You eh hiao bo ( dialect for do you comprehend ? )

Jackson : it’s… well… complicated…. I work for her and… and…

Yvonne : don’t be a wuss Jackson …. You like her… do something about it….

In between munches of her breakfast, Yvonne seemed pretty determined to hook me up with Yiling, I’m not sure why.

Yvonne : you know what Jackson ….. leave it to me…

She patted her chest as she took a sip of her coffee. My eyes inevitably got drawn to her nips that were showing through her top. I quickly looked away and made eye contact with another guy with his girlfriend who was looking in my direction as well.

He looked away awkwardly, embarrassed he was caught staring at Yvonne.

Yvonne : I will make sure I become your sister in law…. !!!!

Yvonne said that really loud that even the barista stopped making her latte.
My eyes widened and I looked around the café, feeling utterly embarrassed.

What the fuck man. The men in the café must think I’m a fucking loser.
People get friendzone.

Here I am with a hot babe, good figure, and I get sister in law-ed .

It’s worse than being friendzoned and rejected. I mean I’m interested in Yvonne physically for obvious reason but to have her make that statement that loudly, well, it hurts my ego.

Yvonne : eat… eat… eat… leave it to me… hahahah….

I decided that was no point arguing with her in case she blurt something else embarrassing out again.

Breakfast, shopping, followed by a foot massage, a late lunch and we did all this with Yvonne’s phone ringing off the hook.

Jackson : You going to just ignore them ?

Yvonne : fuck them la…

Calvin called around 4pm as we finished up the rest of the post lunch dessert.
Teng’s men just got back at the house while he is finished with the connection into Yiling’s place. Calvin put one of his worker in the carpark and he reported that only one car went back.

Jackson : the connection can be used already… ? is it covered up.. ?

Calvin : It’s covered up by the old cabinet….. we will replace it with the one we did tomorrow….

Jackson : Ok… we will be back soon… within the hour….

We approached the mall carpark cautiously and I had a feeling Guo will be there waiting for us. His car has been doubled parked in front of ours.

Guo marched aggressively towards me the moment he saw me.

He shoved me and I fell back on the bonnet of my car.

Guo : Who the fuck do you think you are… ?

Yvonne : HEY !!! get your hands off him !!!

I straightened myself and Guo put his face so close to mind that I would have thought he wanted to kiss me.

Guo : I’m warning you… I’m watching you…. Fucker….

Yvonne shove Guo away, giving him the finger and asking him to fuck off.
Guo shouted to one of his guys behind him.

Guo : Leon !.... you stay on him …. Bloody fucker… trying to be funny…. Fucking piece of shit… you follow him everywhere he goes…..i will find out where you stay…. I will fucking play you until you regret you ever met me…..

I reared my head back and wiped what I assumed was his saliva from my face.

I kept my cool and gave him the I don’t give a fuck expression.

Jackson : What are you so upset… ? I don’t understand.

Guo had already walked away but he turned and walked towards me in a threatening manner again. Yvonne put her body in between the 2 of us.

Yvonne : enough !... back off Guo… !

Guo : pussy… you need a girl to help you ?? is that it…. You need her to protect you from me you fucking pussy….. come AH!!... COME!!!.. fucking ball less fuck….

Yvonne dragged me by my arm and I gave Guo a smile, infuriating him further as we got into my car.

Yvonne : they are all jerks… don’t mind them…

Yvonne shouted at the men for them to shift their car and I realised they clipped the side of their SUV pretty good on the right. The headlights were cracked and there was a ugly dent with white stains of paint.

Jackson : Ouch… that’s got to hurt… hahaha

Yvonne : Let’s go… haha…

When we reached Yvonne’s place, Calvin and his men were packing up. I realised he has another 3 men with him.

Calvin : I borrowed some workers from a friend of mine…. Don’t worry… they’re good…. we can get things done faster…

With the groups of 6 workers clearing debris and blocking up the door at the back, Calvin quickly showed us the connection.

Nothing fancy, it’s literally a hole in the wall about the size of your 40 inch TV just that it’s vertical. That’s big enough for Yvonne to enter and move any stuff she needed to.

We covered the hole with the carcass of the cabinet that Calvin had removed.

Calvin : Tomorrow…. All out packing…

Yvonne : Ok…

I left Yvonne’s place 30 minutes later and I realised Leon was following me but thankfully he sucks as a driver. I lost him along the expressway when I made a sudden exit.

I may have lost Leon, but when I pulled into the carpark at my place, I saw a Rajah dismount his Ducati, lit a cigarette and slowly walked towards the direction of the coffee shop.

Plus one for Rajah’s riding skill.

16th June 2015

Yvonne had started packing some stuff in the night with no lights on. There were 3 suitcases on the floor by her bed.

I could see Teng’s men eyeing me intently from across the block and I don’t want to risk stirring up a hornet’s nest unnecessarily. We’re not going to pull anymore stunt that morning.

Calvin and his men are busy installing the parts of the new cabinet. With a modified back, you can slide it open like a door to reveal the connection.

Jackson : let’s put some of the kitchen stuff away…. Wrap them up properly…

Yvonne : We can’t… Teng’s men will see us…

Jackson : we can…. You need to clear out your cutlery and utensils anyway … if not how to change the whole cabinet….

Yvonne thought about it and she agreed.


The false cabinet went up without much issue and all of us breathed a little easier after that.

Calvin’s men will start working on the hole in the floor.

There was no need for me to be there any longer and I went back to Bukit Timah.

Guo was eyeballing me at the carpark and seeing that Yvonne was not with me that day, he did not get anyone to follow me although he deliberately drove and block my way until I started honking at him to move.

Guo took his time to slowly cruise his vehicle right up to the exit, determined to waste my time. I pity him. He must be so bored that these are the only things he can do to entertain himself.

It felt good to be back at the farmhouse again. I spent the day cleaning up the place before working up a sweat at the garden.

Everyone is busy with their respective duties and I was glad to be able to find some normalcy in my old routine.

I ate at the cookhouse. I worked in the garden and I met up with Candy and Xiaoyu for lots of body contact. Yes, we were rubbing our sweat all over each other’s bodies grunting and panting while moans and groans filled the entire gym.

I get to pin Candy down, straddle her while I fantasise about ripping off her sports bra while she moaned and groaned for me to stop.

Unfortunately though, what filled the gym most of the time was my groans of pain, and the moans of pleasure followed right after either Candy or Xiaoyu let go of their crazy holds on my joints and limbs.

19 June 2015

Steamboat at the farmhouse and this time round, we have additional guest.
Xiaoyu and Candy joined the usual group of us around the crowded table.

Cindy, Aaron and Yiling is out somewhere. It’s Friday. She does whatever she needs to do on Fridays.
It feels different having the girls with us for dinner. More attention were given to them and everyone was piling them with food. Declan had brought along a bottle of 12 year old Yoichi from Nikka brewery and it was half gone even before the dinner is halfway through.

Xiaoyu is so feminine that at times I forgot that she was once a male.
The way she hold the chopsticks, the way her delicate fingers peeled prawns for the guys, there was no awkwardness at all as the lot of us squeezed around the table.

Even the playful slap she gave when the guys teased her about her sexuality felt so natural.
Old 18-03-2020, 04:01 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Xiaoyu scooped some noodles and threw in a peeled prawn for Hong as a way of thanking him for topping up her glass with ice.

Hong : sooooo nice… Xiaoyu… sooooo nice…. Slurpzzz… hmmmm… your 下面 ( prawn noodle 虾面in chinese sounds like ‘down there’ 下面 ) is so nice you know….. hmmmmm….

I would have thought Xiaoyu would be offended but it’s obvious she got used to remarks like this and brushed it off as nothing more than a joke.

Xiaoyu : really ?? … you want my 下面… dry…. Or soupy… ?

Everyone ewwww and Xiaoyu smacked Hong playfully on his head with her prawn juice stained fingers.

Hong made a sick expression of showing the white of his eyes as he started slurping the air around his mouth.

Kamal : Your expression…. Very sick eh… stop it… haha

Hong : You jealous is it…. She offer me…. not you….

Kamal : fuck off la…. want to eat prawn … peel on your own….

The bickering and laughter around the table has this homely and family feel to it. Everyone is just so comfortable with each other we had no qualms cracking self depreciating jokes or making fun of each other.

Hong : come la… I peel for you…. Prawn….. prawn… for Dr Kamal… call me…… Xiao Hong…

Hong squeezed his manboobs and tried to push a piece of prawn at Kamal only to have him smack his hands away.

Kamal : You don’t Chee bye ( curse ) can or not…

Candy offered me one out of a sudden and I accepted it as low growls of mumbles started to sound out around the table.

Hong : ohhhh… ohhh… ohh… lai liao… lai liao…. Candy peel prawn for Jackson too eh… hahah

Candy rolled her eyes and gave Hong her middle finger while Hong quickly asked Xiaoyu to peel one for me.

He has his shit stirring game face on and Xiaoyu caught right on to it.

Hong cleared his throat and tapped his bowl with his chopstick.

Hong : Jackson…. Between…. Xiaoyu and Candy…..

I knew he was trying to stir something up and I didn’t want to give him the chance to. I popped both into my mouth at the same time much to his disappointment, but Hong still want to squeeze a reply out from me.

Hong : which one taste better… ? hahahah….

Jackson : Candy taste sweeter….

There was half a second of pause before everyone understood the reply and started clapping and cheering.

Declan : hahahha.. well played….. well played….

Everyone cheered and gave me the dirty look as Candy looked shyly away while trying to hit Seven on his head for teasing her.

Xiaoyu : what about me… !

Jackson : I ate yours too…together… at the same time…

Hong : wah.., wah… wah…. Jackson …. Very the fucker you know….

He nudged Xiaoyu with his elbow while raising his eyebrow at the same time.

Hong : He wants ….. together… you know… together one… ahhahaha….

Xiaoyu : can be arranged….… haha.. ….

Xiaoyu played with her hair as she gave me a wink.

Jackson : No thank you….

Xiaoyu : Candy ?... hahah

I caught the playful wink Candy gave Xiaoyu but after much consideration to my future bowel movements, I still gave the same reply.

Jackson : No thank you…. Hahah


22 June 2015


I was at the staging area with Yiling at 9.30 and Calvin arrived shortly after.

By 10.30 am, the switch between the sisters has been done. Yvonne is busy packing and transferring her stuff into Yiling’s apartment. Yiling settled down by the couch with the windbreaker her sis was wearing earlier.

To avoid unnecessary harassment by Guo and his men, I volunteered to run errands and leave the house. True enough, with me gone and Yiling in sight all the time, Teng’s men hardly bothered her.

Teng’s men went up once to poke around and Yiling just excused herself to the bathroom since ample warning was given by Calvin’s man stationed by the truck in the carpark.

By the end of that day, the hole in the ground leading to Teng’s apartment is halfway done.
The hole, about the size of medium pizza box is covered up with wooden planks. Calvin says he just need another 2 hours max to get through totally.

23 June 2015

Yvonne estimated that she’s about 50% packed. Yiling’s place has almost 10 boxes filled with her stuff ready for shipment.

Yvonne : I’m going to be done by this week…. With the lights off, I can continue packing and shifting my stuff…… they are none the wiser….

From the way the 2 sisters are whispering to each other, it appears as if they are keen to bring up the schedule but is held back by the videos that Teng is still holding on to.

I’m not sure if it was just me but I noticed while I no longer notice the Rajahs following me, but the number of them hanging around the coffee shop actually increased.

They paid no attention to me and I ignored them when I buy my dinner. It’s their coffee shop afterall.

29th June 2015

Yvonne’s place has been completely stripped of the kitchen cabinets.
With almost 30 boxes of stuff that needs to be shipped out in Yiling’s place ready to go, we decided that it’s time to call in the movers that week to start shifting things out.

Everything is going according to plan so far. All that is left is the videos.

It would have been a typical day for me if not for one of the workers coming up to inform Calvin that someone important is coming. The worker was talking to the security guard of the condominium as he put up cones to block off newly vacated lots right beside the private lobby.
It only happens when the VIP is coming.

The fact that Teng is coming got everyone into a frenzy. If he pays an unannounced visit, only Yvonne would be able to hold him off at the door.

Yiling walked casually into the guest bedroom. Moments later I can hear her shouting for Yvonne to come back over.

Calvin sent 2 of his men to the service lift to fill it up with stuff they are bringing down to buy some time. There’s no telling when Teng will arrive.

Calvin was still barking orders to his men when I heard the metallic sliding sound of the private lift opening.

I quickly walked over to Calvin and pulled him to the yard, gesturing that someone has arrived. Calvin gestured towards the guest bedroom door that was still left ajar.

I literally held my breath when I turned and looked at Guo standing beside the older man who I assume is Teng. He’s looks familiar, I must have seen him somewhere on TV before.

He must be almost 50 years old and I can’t believe he is lusting over Yvonne. His eyes are small and with a receding hairline and a forced crooked smile, he looks every bit the villain no matter how you look at him.

Makes me wonder if the ruling party is that desperate for people that they have to find someone that looks like a crook to be a Politician.

Jackson : Who are you….? Why are you here ?? !!

Guo : you don’t know who is he… ? are you living inside a hole.. ?

Jackson : You are trespassing on private property….

Guo : and what are you going to do… ??

I raised my voice slightly, intending to sound the alarm to the girls in the room.

Jackson : Get the fuck out !!! you are trespassing on my site….!

From the corner of my eye I could see the door to the guest room slowly close. I hope the girls could switch back in time.

Teng : relax… I’m a friend of Yvonne…. You must be the designer…

He did not offer me his hand, Teng spoke with his hands behind his back as if there is no point for him to shake my hand with no cameras around and no media to add political points to his career.

Jackson : Yes I am…. And you are trespassing….

Teng laughed and walked around slowly as if he was invited to tour the site.

Jackson : Yvonne !!!... do you know this guy …!!

I shouted my warning towards the guest room, praying Yiling is long done and the opening into her place has been closed off.

Teng looked at the empty kitchen before nodding and I could see him walking towards the guest room.

The door opened and I could see Yvonne on the phone.

Yvonne : yes.. yes… I need more roses for next week… there’s a big order for a wedding… yes… thank you….

She hung up her phone and I could see Teng smiling at her.

Yvonne : we agreed you cannot be here…. You can’t just fucking walk into my place !!!...

Teng: you are not alone…. There are so many people around…what’s the difference with a couple more….

Before Yvonne could speak, Teng reassured her that he is here to make sure everything is ok.

Teng : I just want to make sure everything is ok….

Yvonne : yes… everything is fine… please just leave…

Teng : How long are you going to stay angry with me… ?

Yvonne : I’m not having this discussion with you….

Teng looked around, well aware that everyone is within earshot.

Then he said something that I made my heart skip a beat. I’m sure not only my heart skipped a beat. Calvin, Yvonne and perhaps even Yiling would see their heart rate go up a notch.

Teng : It’s so dusty… and you don’t have a kitchen… how about you come and stay in my unit… it’s right below….

Teng paused for his offer to sink in and he spoke at the right moment as if he could read Yvonne’s thoughts.

Teng : Don’t worry…. You will stay there alone… at least until the renovation is over….

I could see it in Yvonne’s face.

She is going to take the risk and go for the videos the moment she gets a chance to.

Yvonne : well… Since you offered…. Sure…

Teng smiled and I could see the glimmer in his eyes.

Teng : I could make dinner tonight….and we…

Yvonne : I thought you said i will be staying alone… ?

Teng : at least have dinner with me…. ? surely it’s not a lot to ask for…. I will leave you alone….. after dinner….

A dinner.

You would have to be dumb to believe it was just dinner. I could see it in that horny fucker’s eyes.

Yvonne took a deep breath and agreed.

Yvonne : Just dinner…

Teng : hahah… good… just dinner….
Old 18-03-2020, 04:02 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Teng gestured to Guo and the 2 of them left via the private lift.

As soon as the door closed, I turned to Yvonne;

Jackson : Are you serious… ? surely you know he wants more than dinner…

Yvonne : It’s a risk I have to take…. We might have to move things up a little….

Gathering again at the dusty dining table, I dialled Yiling’s phone and put her on speaker. Yvonne brought her sister up to speed about the latest development.

Yvonne : do you think we can make it… ?

Yiling : hold on… I’m on my laptop… let’s see if I can get a ticket for the flight….

A couple of tense minutes later, Yiling finally spoke.

Yiling : There’s a ticket… it’s for a 8am flight…tomorrow…

Yvonne : I can make the 8am flight… the moment I get the tapes I will go… my stuff….

Yiling : I will send them… just pack a change of clothes and go…. No check in luggage….

Jackson : where will you be flying to…. ?

Yvonne was about to answer when she replied that it’s better no one knows.

Yiling : She will be transiting at another airport 2-3 hours away. … the moment Teng’s men realise she is gone… they will start looking for her…. with his connection…. Teng can stop Yvonne at the airport…. Even on the flight, he can turn her around….

Jackson : what the fuck…

Yiling : All he needs is some excuse that there is a dangerous criminal on board … the airline will have to turn the flight around….

Yvonne : I will be safe as long as I land and exit immigration…. A car will take me to a smaller airport when I will fly my connection via a private plane…. You just need to buy me the time….

We spent another 30 minutes going through what needs to be done before we dispersed.

Just before I left Yvonne’s place, I overheard her telling Yiling that if she needed to, she will just have to sleep with Teng for one last time.
I watch the 2 sisters shared what might be their last hug for a long time in the guest room.

Yiling : be careful….

Yvonne : you too…. Teng will come after you with everything he has once I’m gone…. He won’t take this lying down….

Yiling : I’ll worry about that when it happens….

Yvonne pulled me aside and she spoke with me in a serious manner. There was no smile and none of her cheeky joking self.

Yvonne : Jackson ….

Jackson : I know… don’t worry…. I’ll make sure she’s ok…. Whatever it takes…

Yvonne : thank you…

She gave me a hug before tapping me on my cheek a couple of times.

Yvonne : I mean it…. I want to be your sister in law…. Don’t fuck it up….



Yvonne has gained access to Teng’s apartment but she is not left alone.
Guo and another guy is with her while Teng goes shopping for cooking ingredients.

From the way Yiling is texting, I could tell she is worried about her sister and not being able to do anything is damm frustrating for her.

I tried to lighten up the atmosphere and crack a few jokes.

Jackson : makes you wish you can send your men inside there and take care of it once and for all eh… haha… I could already picture Hong inside there wrecking things up…

Yiling : Not with Teng…. He’s well connected…. I can’t risk La Bella Vita and the people working for me….having a new administration breathing down our neck while trying to score political points is the last thing I need for my business.

She said it all without looking up from her phone.

I went to Yiling’s apartment where we used the carpark as the staging area.
I was expecting it to be empty but it was not. It’s fully furnished and stocked with food and wine.

Jackson : wow… you actually do live here…

Yiling : sometimes…. When I want to get away from it all… I will come here and stay…. Very rarely….

Yiling ordered pizza in but neither of us had any appetite. Yiling opened a bottle of wine.

Yiling : You want some… ?

Jackson : No… I’m going to be driving later…

Yiling filled her glass and finished it all in one gulp.

She refilled the glass and I stopped her from drinking it too fast.

Jackson : calm down… it’ll be ok… she’ll make it….

Yiling exhaled and she sighed.

Yiling : She has to…

Walking to the balcony of her apartment, Yiling opened the sliding door. I could feel the humidity of the evening air hit me in my face.

Stepping out to a view of housing estates, Yiling rest her arms on the railing.

There was a gentle breeze and the setting sun cast a radiant glow of orange on Yiling’s face.

Yiling : thank you for doing this Jackson …

Jackson : what’s wrong with you… ? no need to thank me…

I rest my arm on the railing as well, looking at the setting sun beside Yiling.

We didn’t speak for a while and Yiling was the first to break the silence.

Yiling : I’m sorry… if my sister says something stupid to you….

Jackson : Like what…

Yiling looked at me before turning away.

Yiling : Like saying she wants to be your sister in law and shit like that….

I laughed.

Yiling brushed back her hair and gave me a doleful look while resting her cheek on her palm.

Yiling : Don’t fall for me Jackson ….

Jackson : hahahah… I like your sense of humour….. you then don’t fall for me…

Yiling looked away and mumbled under her breath.

Yiling : People like me….. we don’t have the luxury of falling in love….

Jackson : what do you mean.. ?

Yiling shook her head and I could see the bitter smile on her face.

Yiling : Nothing… nobody will ever love someone like me….

Jackson : that’s not true…

Yiling : what is love then Jackson … ? holding hands ? …. Kissing… sex ? … marriage… ? then what… kids… ?

Jackson : Everybody loves you Yiling… they just don’t know how to say it…. Asians are not good at expressing themselves….

She laughed and straightened her hand on the railing, standing in the same manner when I first saw her at the castle.

Yiling : I’ve never been loved…. Always feared I guess…

Jackson : that’s nonsense…

Yiling turned and looked at me with her arms folded.

Jackson : Aaron loves you enough to be jealous that you hired me….

Yiling : What.. ?

Jackson : Hong… Seven…. They love you enough to risk their life for you….

Yiling looked like she was about to speak but I went on.

Jackson : Kamal…. Declan… everything they’ve done for you…. You think it’s for the pay… ? The girls… Cindy….. Candy… even Xiaoyu….the things they are willing to do…. The laws these people are prepared to break….. you think they do it for the monthly pay… ?

Yiling : i…

Jackson : I’ve seen the way everyone look at you Yiling….. maybe you don’t see it…. All of us are here…. With you…. Because we each love you…. In our own way….

Yiling exhaled and looked at me.

Yiling : what about you… ?

I smiled and gave her my honest reply.

Jackson : I’m attracted to you Yiling…. i’m curious about you……..i want to know more about you….. I want to protect you……. i… errr

I paused, trying to think of the right words.

Jackson : I….I find myself… willing to do things…..i’ve never even think I would…. Just for you…… I’m sure you can tell…. Like the rest…. It’s not because of the salary you are giving me every month…and yes…. i….i love you too…

We were both quiet for a while, yes that moment was there but only for an instance. It disappeared as soon as it appeared.

Yiling’s phone was ringing in the dining area.
It’s Yvonne.

Yiling : ok….. ok sure…. We’ll be waiting….
Teng just started cooking dinner for Yvonne, fingers crossed, it will be over and done by 10pm.

The wait for the next couple of hours is excruciating. No matter what position we settle in, it’s not comfortable.


The call Yiling has been waiting for finally arrived. She put Yvonne on speaker and both of us leaned forward and waited for Yvonne to speak.

Yiling : Sis … are you ok … ? what’s the situation… ?

Yvonne : Teng just left……I’m fine, I really need to go soon…. He’s not taking no for an answer when he gets here tomorrow…..

Yiling : You’ll be long gone by then…

Yvonne : There’s a problem, I can’t get the cabinet open…. I thought the lock can be easily pried open but I can’t…. we can smash it but it would make a lot of noise…. And it’s late…. Teng’s men are in the carpark and across the block…

Yiling looked at me, hoping to see if I have any ideas.

I closed my eyes and tried to quickly work out the time.

8 am flight

She will board at 7.30am
She needs to get to the airport say around 6.45am ish at the latest for a bit of buffer.

From woodlands to the airport, it would be good if she leaves home at 6am.

There’s no way Yvonne can leave easily with Teng’s men keeping an eye on her.

Jackson : we’ll smash and grab…

Yvonne : what??

Jackson : Calvin has left tools in the house, we’ll smash and grab the videos…

Yiling : then what…. ?

I told Yiling to disguise herself and enter the property on foot. Everyone is focused on the lobby leading up to Yvonne and Teng’s place. Teng’s men are in the basement and across the next block.

It should be safe if Yiling enters on foot and gets to the private lift lobby via the 1st floor instead of the basement.

Jackson : She will go to her unit and wait there….

I told the girls I will head back to Yvonne’s place on the pretext that I forgot something.
Old 18-03-2020, 04:03 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Jackson : That would draw the men’s attention and it’s the best time for Yiling to head up to her own place….

I will then grab the necessary tools and go straight to Teng’s place to get the videos out.

Yvonne : How are we going to escape…. ?? !!!

Yiling will pull the switch with Yvonne then and come with me down to the carpark with a suitcase in hand.

That will set alarms off and everyone will spring into action.

Jackson : Yvonne… stay hidden in Yiling’s place for a while…. When the men are chasing us… get on a cab and head to the airport….

Yvonne : ok…. Ok….. but you…

Jackson : Don’t worry about us… we’ll be fine….

I looked at the clock and it’s coming to 11pm.

Jackson : get ready, I will be there at 5am…. If we are lucky….Teng’s men might even be asleep in the car….

Yvonne : ok… please be careful…

Yiling : stay safe Sis…. It’s almost over….



I slept on the couch for a bit and Yiling woke me up.

She just had a shower and her hair is still wet
She offered me a towel and I washed up too.

No fancy heels or dresses. Yiling was wearing a pair of running tights with grey sports bra. A loose fitting singlet followed and she tied her hair up into a tight bun.

I sipped the coffee she made for me as she put on her socks and running shoes.

We won’t know what to expect but I can be sure we will be running for a bit to buy Yvonne enough time.


I dropped Yiling off about 300m away from the estate before driving down to the carpark.

Teng’s men are still there and I could see one of them sleeping but the other, I recognised as Leon is awake and playing games on his phone.

He jumped up when he saw me in the carpark.

Leon : what are you doing here…. What do you want… !!!

Jackson : dude….. I left my files up there… I need them for another project….

Leon : at this time ??!!! who are you kidding !! ?

I sighed and told Leon that I’m going to go to Malaysia for a meeting.

Jackson : brother….. !! ….. I need to grab the files…. Then go back to my office at Tanjong Pagar….. grab some sample boards…..and print the dwgs… by the time I done and drive up to the causeway…. What time already…. I need to clear immigration and get to Pekan Nanas…..!

Leon looked unconvinced and I just kept walking towards the lift.

Leon : wait… wait…. I need to call in…

Jackson : do whatever you want bro… I just need to grab the files I left in the site and leave……you think my work as easy as yours ?? sit here and got money take ah…. ? siao … !

I literally shove my way pass Leon I entered the private lift and scanned the access card Yvonne gave me on the first day.

I did not waste time, I went straight to the tool box and grabbed a hammer and a crowbar.
Yiling text me that she has made her way up to her unit and I called Yvonne to open up the back door to let me in.

I took the stairs down and Yvonne was already there waiting for me.

Jackson : where is the cabinet ??

Yvonne : here…. Follow me….

I entered Teng’s study and Yvonne pointed to the locked cabinet. I jammed the crowbar into the side where the hinges are located and hammered it to lodge it in.

Jackson : stand back…..

I grabbed onto the makeshift lever and pulled back several times as if I’m trying to row a dragon boat standing up.

After 5 of 6 strong strokes, I split the cabinet door apart.

I stood back and I could see Yvonne frantically shining the light of her mobile phone in the cabinet. She started grabbing hardisk and CD roms, throwing it all into the bag she was carrying.

I looked around Teng’s study, nothing extraordinary. Books, files, a old desktop with all it’s plug disconnected. Doesn’t look like it has a network adaptor either.

Some awards and photos with fellow politicians.

As I scanned the photos of Teng, I saw something. It flicked a switch in my mind.

Yvonne : I’m done.. I’m done….

Jackson : ok…ok…

Yvonne wasted no time and she was already heading towards the backdoor.

I picked up the photo and after a slight hesitation, pulled it out and kept it in my pocket.

We ran up the stairs to Yvonne’s place and I was perspiring badly by then.

Yiling was squatting by the connection to the guestroom.

The sisters hugged the moment they say each other.

Yiling : You ok … you got it… ??!!

Yvonne nodded.

Yvonne : yes… yes… I got it…. It’s all here…. I cleared out the cupboard….


Jackson : time to say your goodbye….

I could see Yiling on the verge of tears as the sisters reminded each other to be careful.


Yiling slid the connecting door behind the cabinet shut. Yvonne will be calling a cab and Yiling and I will provide the necessary distraction.

Yiling : ok… there’s no turning back now…

She pulled her sister’s windbreaker on before switching on the lights to the house.

I looked across the block and I could see Teng’s men on their feet looking at us. Leon must have told them I’m coming up. They would be surprised to see Yvonne and me in the same apartment when she should be in their boss’s place.

Jackson : is the cab here… ?

Yiling kept looking at her phone.

Yiling : yes… it’s arriving…. Turning into the carpark….

Jackson : ok…. They’re looking at us…

Yiling looked up and told me we need to act as if we are planning and plotting something.

Yiling : something to get their attention on us…. Enough to make them come up and….

I reached for Yiling’s hand, pulled her close and before she could react, I kissed her on her lips

She did not expect me to do that and I did it with my eyes opened. Yiling’s eyes were opened too, no doubt in shock as to what I have done.

I could see Teng’s men scrambling to get out of the house from across the block and still I kept my lips on Yiling’s

I slowly pulled away after about 20 seconds later and Yiling looked away, so did i.

Jackson : I…. I’m sorry…. I’m… pretty sure that got their attention….

There was a pounding on the back door and I could hear Leon shouting for us to open up.

Leon : OPEN UP!!! JACKSON !!! you’re dead!!! You hear me.. you’re dead !!!!

I went to the back door and I could see Leon and another man hammering on the door through the peep hole.

Jackson : wait… wait a bit.. wait for the other 2 guys to get here….

I ignored the hammering and kept looking through the hole.

The moment the other guys from across the block arrived I asked Yiling to tell her sister to go.

Jackson : Ok….go now… into the cab !!! ….

Yiling : sis… now… go… go…. !

Yiling ran to the window and waited while the pounding on the door got more intensified.

Yiling : ok… ok …. Sis is gone… the cab left….

Jackson : ok… now we just need to buy her time….

Yiling called the security to tell them she is being harassed. That should buy us a few minutes.

I’m sure Teng and Guo would have been notified by now. Maybe they are on their way over.


Yiling : Yvonne has arrived at the airport and just checked in.

Jackson : ok … good…

Yiling kept looking at her phone and said Teng kept calling her sister.

Jackson : Too late to do anything now….

The commotion outside the door did not subside at all and now the security guards are also asking us to open up to clear up the situation.

Yiling : what now ?

Jackson : we can’t stay holed up here forever… time to go…. Take them on a wild goose chase for as long as we can…..

Yiling nodded and put on the hoodie. She added a surgical mask as well and put it on her face like a Korean star avoiding the press.

Yiling : how should we go ??

I stretched my body and loosened my muscles and gestured to the lift.

Jackson : like a boss…..

Yiling laughed and she clenched and unclenched her fist a couple of times.

We stepped into the lift and I knew Teng’s men would be at the carpark waiting for us.

Jackson : don’t speak…. Just go straight to the car….

Yiling : ok… ok….

I could see Yiling’s reflection beside me from the polished lift.
Maybe it’s the coffee, or it’s the lack of sleep or the excitement coursing through my veins. Fuck it might even be the kiss I forced on her.

I reached for Yiling’s hand and I felt as if a spark of electricity ran through my veins when I touched hers.

Our fingers interlocked as the lift door opened.

The moment I stepped out, I saw Leon on the phone and his eyes widened in shock when he saw me holding what he thought was Yvonne’s hand with a suitcase in tow.

He literally shouted into the phone.

Leon : fuck… fuck !!! they’re making a run for it…. Jackson is taking Yvonne !!!
Old 18-03-2020, 04:05 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Yiling and I ran to my car and I started driving the moment my engine roared to life.

The wheels of my car screeched against the floor of the carpark as I made a dash for the exit.

Leon’s car went against traffic and he knocked a fire extinguisher off a wall as he crashed into it slightly while blocking off my route.

I mounted the dividing kerb and I could see the security guard running over in shock as I drove against the arrows towards the boundary of the estate right into the angry honk of another resident’s car.
I switched lane quickly and the barrier arm barely had time to lift up for me as I made a sharp turn onto the main road. Looking into the rear mirror, I could see Leon’s car in pursuit before another joined him.


The roads are starting to get crowded and I kept to the speed limit.

This also pretty much meant I can’t shake my tail.

Leon and the other car are following closely and I could see them talking on their phone.

Jackson : call your sis….. see if she’s ok….


Yiling : She’s boarding the flight now….we’re almost there…. they’re going to send more people after us…..

Jackson : we’ll keep driving… tank is full…. This is Singapore… they can’t just run us off the road….

I took the expressway towards CTE.

Central expressway during a weekday peak. Perfect for wasting time.


Yvonne should be airborne anytime by then and we’re stuck in the middle of peak hour traffic on the expressway.

Leon’s car is right behind us while the 2nd car is 2 cars up front.


The traffic did not ease up until we got to Jurong. I switched to another expressway PIE and both cars are following us closely.

I was tempted to head back to Bukit Timah, drive into the castle and leave them hanging outside the main road but Yiling is against the idea.


I turned out into Enuos industrial area, making turns and just wasting time.


Yiling : there’s another car…
She’s right and I could see Guo behind the wheel.

I entered the expressway again to head towards Tuas on the PIE.

By then the patience of Guo and his men have started to run out.

They were driving aggressively, trying to box us in. I was forced off the PIE and I exited at Toa Payoh.

Cutting through the estate to Bishan, I kept making turns, trying to lose the tail.

Finally coming back to Ang Mo Kio, I made use of my knowledge of the neighbourhood, turning into carparks that had more than one entrance and exit.

Even so, I only manage to lose 1 out of 3 cars and for a short period of time.
It’s getting frustrating.


Yiling’s phone rang. Yvonne has landed and is in the midst of clearing immigration.

Yiling : ok… ok… take care sis… we’re ok…. See you soon….

Yiling hung up and said her sis will be out of immigration in less than 10 minutes.

Yiling : ok… ok…. She’s ok….there’s no way they can get her now…..

Jackson : that’s good to know….

Yiling : you can stop the car now… there’s nothing they can do once they realise I’m not Yvonne….

Jackson : I’m not too sure about that….we just made a lot of people very angry this whole morning…..

Yiling : fuck them….drive to the nearest police post…. Nothing they can do….

I made a turn and smiled.

Jackson : I have a better idea….

I made my way back home and parked head in into the nearest lot I could see.

Yiling and I got out and we started running.

Leon’s car screeched to a stop and he jumped right out sprinting towards us as if a medal was at stake.

I turned in time and pushed Yiling away as he kicked me on my side, causing me to tumble and roll on the turfing.

I got back up just in time to block his knee with my right forearm before tackling him down on the grass.

Leon : aRGHHH fuck you !!!

Before I could do any real damage, another guy came at me. He tried to grab my neck but I got loose and struck him on his nose with the bottom of my right palm. Guo kicked me away but my ears were already rewarded with the satisfying crack of nose cartilage snapping from my hit.

Guo punched hard and it hurt to even block his blows but the lessons I took were not for nothing. I bidded my time, went low, grabbed his legs and yank him off balance.

Yiling was struggling with another chap and I ran over to get her free.

Grabbing Yiling’s hand, I dragged her towards the coffee shop where I always had my breakfast.

Turning around, there were no less than 9 men in pursuit. The commotion got the attention of the sleepy neighbour, several retirees who were playing chess earlier were staring and pointing at us.

Guo charged at us just as I was reaching the coffee shop. He was trying to grab Yiling and I shove her aside again to take the hit.

The momentum of his charge plus his bulk gave him the leverage to literally lift me off the ground. There is a ground level difference between the turfing we were on and the floor which the coffee shop is at.

Not much, about a metre.

The impact sent me flying first onto the red canvas sunshade that extended outwards from the coffee shop. My fall collapsed the structure, tore the canvas at the seams and I landed onto a table at the coffee shop.

My body toppled food, and coffee from the table before I fell onto the tiled floor. I could see my hand covered in fishball noodles as I got back up on my feet.

Yiling : are you ok ??!!

Jackson : I’m fine….

Guo : you have no idea who you are fucking with do you !!!!! HAR !!!! you’re FuCK I’m telling you… !!!!!

Guo grabbed a plastic chair and swung it a couple of times to build up the momentum before slicing it through the air towards me, sending patrons screaming and running away from the coffee shop.

Guo : WHO…. THE FUCK…. DO YOU THINK… YOU ARE !!! Arghhhh!!

I pulled Yiling behind me with the intention of blocking the chair but the chair stopped in midair.
It stopped so abruptly that the ends of the plastic chair shook and vibrate angrily on it’s free end.

I would have thought it was Harry Potter himself who cast a spell to stop the chair from hitting me but I was wrong.

It was not Harry Potter.
Neither was it a wizard wielding a wand he bought from Diagon Alley.

The chair was stopped midair by a hand.

A tattooed hand featuring a phoenix in all its glory with it’s wings spread.

The chair fell to the ground as I pulled Yiling close behind my back and a smile slowly broke on my face.

I backed away slowly as the men whose breakfast I just disturbed slowly got on their feet.

3 at the table devoid of food

2 snubbed out their cigarettes at a nearby bin.

1 came out from the bathroom, his hands still damp.

And all, with the same phoenix tattoo on hand.

Looking at a infuriated Guo whose numbers just ballooned to more than a dozen bolstered by new arrivals, I answered his question.

Jackson : me……?.............................. I’m ………… a nobody……

Spreading my hands wide apart like a host introducing his guest, I added while looking at the men beside me.

Jackson : They………………… are the Rajahs……


Last edited by ilikeoldchangke; 18-03-2020 at 08:59 PM.
Old 18-03-2020, 05:39 PM
time4secret time4secret is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Waaaaa what an update so exciting omg
Old 18-03-2020, 05:47 PM
sojaboi sojaboi is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Sweee la !
Keep it up on the writing
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