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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 15-08-2005, 09:51 AM
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Re: Lexon

All Hail the Queen !!! Long Live the Queen !!

Now let the celebrations begin !! All bros make a bee-line to Lexon to congradulate the Queen...heehee... give her your 21-gun slaute !!

Bro Bono... this time round the contest all quite slow ah... i still reme,ber this Bugis one was so HOT that even JJ ask me to vote for her. "U vote for me, I blow for you...." Haha... those were the days !!

Veri Sianzzz Member of The League of EXTRA Horny Gentlemen
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 17-08-2005, 02:19 AM
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Re: Lexon

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Bro Bono... this time round the contest all quite slow ah... i still reme,ber this Bugis one was so HOT that even JJ ask me to vote for her. "U vote for me, I blow for you...." Haha... those were the days !!

Veri Sianzzz Member of The League of EXTRA Horny Gentlemen
Thanx for the support Bro OP, yeah this time rnd both the leisure n lexon pageants vry vry slow. Mayb this 2 HCs r not so popular with Bros here, as compared to BHC. Jus look @ no. of posts in BHC thread as compared to these 2..... or mayb also the ppl patronizing these 2 HCs r more of the "executives" type so less internet savy n no time to participant in my little pageant
anyway hope there will b better response nex time rnd
Thze Man looking thru the Sex-solo-scope @ The Tip of Cold Cold Turkey Mt(I HV CCTV SEX-SOLO-SCOPE OK!!DUN WAYANG!)

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Old 17-08-2005, 07:53 AM
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Talking Re: Lexon

Well, Bugis HC got many gals who look like celebrities and perform more than their counterparts at Lexon or Leisure...

Bro Dbono, I hope that you organise the big ultimate contest where all the winners from DHC, Legends, Bugis, Lexon, Leisure will vie for many votes from us. The winner will be crowned as "Ms. HC Universe"
Old 17-08-2005, 08:16 PM
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Talking Re: Lexon

Originally Posted by ang076
Well, Bugis HC got many gals who look like celebrities and perform more than their counterparts at Lexon or Leisure...Bro Dbono, I hope that you organise the big ultimate contest where all the winners from DHC, Legends, Bugis, Lexon, Leisure will vie for many votes from us. The winner will be crowned as "Ms. HC Universe"...
哗! 惨了! The Q for this Miss Hard Core Universe will stretch to the next galaxy and back!!! Heeheehee...!!!
Due to overwhelming demand (2 months!), exchange for now is restricted to minimum 7 points. Cheers!
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Old 20-08-2005, 01:49 AM
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Re: Lexon

went to Lexon first time today...should say my 1st time to health spa...

my fren got Yuki while I got Joanne....not bad I might say...from my chat with her, she told me she's 24, from KL and was previously working as a cosmetics salesger...

quite tight pussy she had sia...she rode me after missionary and doggy on her...and before i knew it..her pussy was milking my small head..and I buay tahan shot liaoz....

but still prefer SYT leh...any reccomendations?
Old 27-08-2005, 08:28 PM
LveMassageMan69 LveMassageMan69 is offline
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Re: Lexon

I went to lexon last week to look for Jasmine (PRC) but was told that she no longer work there :-(

The recept intro another PRC - COCO to me.

When I saw Coco, I got a shocked! She was formerly working in Eminenet Plaza KTV which I went there b4 as she was sitting with my friend. She told me she has been working in lexon for about 2 months liao. Anyway her bbbj and fj is up to standard and the best is she even give ass rimmings.... yummy

Ratings (pls don't flame me, as this is just my own opinion)
1. Look: 6.5 (got CFM look though)
2. height: tall, about 1.65
3. Breasts: C Cup though a bit sagging
4. FJ: 7
5. BBBJ: 6.5
6. Ass Rimming: 8 (I just love it)

I will definitely return more for her.

Old 28-08-2005, 01:25 PM
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Re: Lexon

Originally Posted by LveMassageMan69
I went to lexon last week to look for Jasmine (PRC) but was told that she no longer work there :-(

The recept intro another PRC - COCO to me.

When I saw Coco, I got a shocked! She was formerly working in Eminenet Plaza KTV which I went there b4 as she was sitting with my friend. She told me she has been working in lexon for about 2 months liao. Anyway her bbbj and fj is up to standard and the best is she even give ass rimmings.... yummy

Ratings (pls don't flame me, as this is just my own opinion)
1. Look: 6.5 (got CFM look though)
2. height: tall, about 1.65
3. Breasts: C Cup though a bit sagging
4. FJ: 7
5. BBBJ: 6.5
6. Ass Rimming: 8 (I just love it)

I will definitely return more for her.

Bro., me too got a shock when I 1st saw her, her look is not everyone cup of tea. Sorry definitely not mine. Too much cosmetic surgeries have made her look like a "plastic mannequin' and from certain angle I've to squirm as she looks manly! Her other works were ok though. No disrespect to your fr. but I've a different prospective. I guess different strokes for different folks.
Old 28-08-2005, 08:24 PM
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Re: Lexon

Sigh.....another ang pai leaving Lexon soon.....
Old 30-08-2005, 01:35 AM
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Re: Lexon

Originally Posted by Tiong
Sigh.....another ang pai leaving Lexon soon.....
Old 30-08-2005, 10:38 PM
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Re: Lexon

I hope its not Joyce....still need her badly......
Old 31-08-2005, 03:37 PM
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Re: Lexon

Originally Posted by Jameslee2002
I hope its not Joyce....still need her badly......
Sorry bros, I promised her not to tell yet, she still have some things to tidy up first. U all will know in due time. Altough I knew what she is doing is quite unethical but it is good for her. Anyway, I wish her best for her future.
Old 31-08-2005, 03:42 PM
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Re: Lexon

Is it Gucci? Went there 2 weeks ago n the recept told me she no longer working there...
Old 31-08-2005, 07:13 PM
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Re: Lexon

Originally Posted by Desperado
Is it Gucci? Went there 2 weeks ago n the recept told me she no longer working there...
Gucci is still around, supposed to be either in DHC or Executive Spa
Old 31-08-2005, 07:20 PM
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Re: Lexon

That is different gal in different place using same codename- Gucci.

DHC's Gucci had been with DHC for so long..

Originally Posted by Tiong
Gucci is still around, supposed to be either in DHC or Executive Spa
Old 31-08-2005, 08:19 PM
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Re: Lexon

Originally Posted by ang076
That is different gal in different place using same codename- Gucci.

DHC's Gucci had been with DHC for so long..
Heard that Lexon's Gucci joined DHC with using another name. Yes, I used to look for DHC's good old Gucci. Her service is one of the best in DHC.
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