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Old 13-06-2014, 07:53 AM
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Re: Pattaya

140 for a beer you guys thing cheap or ex? Soi 6 is cheaper
Old 13-06-2014, 09:34 AM
ahtecklim ahtecklim is offline
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Re: Pattaya

Originally Posted by Soi6 View Post
Maybe I should elaborate a bit. Bottled beer at 140 baht. And yes the place same same as Farenheit and Lighthouse.

Mostly agency girls. Not overly pushy but pushy nonetheless.

The nightmare were the in house girls were either old or plain ugly. Nothing..I repeat again nothing like CH Bkk.

For me not worth a return visit. As I have also never returned to the other sister gogos in WS.
5555 expected something like this based on your 'waste of time' comment! Nowadays opening days usually find agency girls to fill the place. Shark and Fahrenhide is not bad ; hot and cold but Mandrain is always bad for me. Maybe gotta give Crazy House some time to settle down.
Old 13-06-2014, 09:36 AM
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Re: Pattaya

Originally Posted by MyFriendYou View Post
140 for a beer you guys thing cheap or ex? Soi 6 is cheaper
These are Bangkok prices. Some of the top Pattaya agogos have 40/50B draught so why buy a bottle of same amount for 3 times the price?
Old 13-06-2014, 10:01 AM
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Re: Pattaya

Originally Posted by MyFriendYou View Post
I hope one day i can do an fr on each bar at soi6. However this fr might not be accurate as the girls come and goes every few month.

Is always the girls that beckons us into the bar.
Next , i believe the price for drinks at each bar is different.

So what you guys think for a bar in general at soi6 that will make you monger?
There are so many bar to talk about, any guys can share others bar info?

For instance,
Pook bar
The rose
Bee bar
3 angels
I am a newbie to Soi 6. Only discovered it truly to visit our bro at the new defunct Kawai Bar in Dec.

I sat outside Soho bar for a while awaiting Kawai Bar to open one afternoon and it was a nice chill place. No pressure from the pretty girls. I sat there a few more times just chilling and would return if I want to people watch.

Soi 6 traditionally is like Geylang. Go look , if like , take and fuck type of place! Action starts the moment she says welcome! I've seen BJs being done openly in the bar ; behind closed doors off course.

But in recent years many have started to drink there and enjoy the linguistic skills of the thai charbo so the place it changing its charm.

One some of my previous attempts to understand the place , I tried Mandrain (supposed to be an Soi 6 agogo with links to Nana's). It was terrible and only 1 or 2 girls will dance when someone enters the bar!

My most expensive toilet break was also there! Went into a bar (forgotten the name) to relieve myself and bought 2 drinks for the girls! 555555

Soi 6 can be quite intimating for the newbie. You get the rock star treatment where all the girls will scream your name while walking down the street. Unlike Geylang , the girls sit outside and will grab and pull you into the bars.
Old 13-06-2014, 01:03 PM
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Curfew to end tonight?

Gen. Prayuth Chanocha is expected to announce the end of the nationwide curfew today.

After fighting aggressively to have the World Cup shown for free throughout Thailand, the junta is expected to lift the curfew to coincide with the quadrennial sports event, which will air live in Thailand at 3am.

The sources said that Lt-Gen Thirachai Narkvanich, commander of the First Army Region, had already submitted to NCPO chief General Prayuth a situation assessment report which would be used for consideration to determine whether curfew should be completely lifted.

Prayuth is expected to make the announcement when he delivers his weekly address later today, Thai PBS reported.
Old 13-06-2014, 02:17 PM
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Re: Curfew to end tonight?

Originally Posted by CPBoy View Post
Gen. Prayuth Chanocha is expected to announce the end of the nationwide curfew today.

After fighting aggressively to have the World Cup shown for free throughout Thailand, the junta is expected to lift the curfew to coincide with the quadrennial sports event, which will air live in Thailand at 3am.

The sources said that Lt-Gen Thirachai Narkvanich, commander of the First Army Region, had already submitted to NCPO chief General Prayuth a situation assessment report which would be used for consideration to determine whether curfew should be completely lifted.

Prayuth is expected to make the announcement when he delivers his weekly address later today, Thai PBS reported.
You missed the most crucial news. Interim government will be formed by August. That will see the official end of military law. While they may still pull the strings at least its civilian rule. General elections may follow a year later.

This is the news everybody is looking for.
Old 13-06-2014, 02:39 PM
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Re: Pattaya

most important and good news for sex tourist in thaikand is curfew when over. who cares who in charge of thailand. if u singapore lang u should care more who in charge singapore 2016 your cpf how ? if you need to work macdonalds or retire in pattaya when you are 65
Old 13-06-2014, 03:19 PM
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Re: Pattaya

Originally Posted by Shangui View Post
most important and good news for sex tourist in thaikand is curfew when over. who cares who in charge of thailand. if u singapore lang u should care more who in charge singapore 2016 your cpf how ? if you need to work macdonalds or retire in pattaya when you are 65
Bangkok to me has been fucked for years. Makes no difference to me if the curfew there never ends. More value in pattaya as well as better clubs. Why people go thai g clubs to spend what they can spend only half in a nite at agogo and still take the girl back is beyond me. G clubs at most you get to squeeze her tits and her LT prices are like asking for a new ferrari! The only thing worth going tp bangkok is the MPs.

From a selfish point of view, i hope it never ends! Everyone scared to go thailand except mongers! Baht crashes and SGD is currency for the gods there!

5555555 wishful thinking...........
Old 13-06-2014, 04:33 PM
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Re: Pattaya

Originally Posted by ahtecklim View Post
Why people go thai g clubs to spend what they can spend only half in a nite at agogo and still take the girl back is beyond me. G clubs at most you get to squeeze her tits and her LT prices are like asking for a new ferrari! The only thing worth going tp bangkok is the MPs
agree pay so much to teh neh neh. in the end hole all the same thats why i stay near pattaya better. brother sure you joking siboh? your new ferrari hope not made of paper? the type your burn

pap dog have sbf account? some dog leave comment "here your cpf" and my point is lower?
dear dog uncle take all cpf out. nothing for dog to eat.
new member want to ask what this point is for? can change for bottle of beer at soi 6 boh?
Old 13-06-2014, 05:32 PM
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Re: Pattaya

Originally Posted by Shangui View Post
agree pay so much to teh neh neh. in the end hole all the same thats why i stay near pattaya better. brother sure you joking siboh? your new ferrari hope not made of paper? the type your burn

pap dog have sbf account? some dog leave comment "here your cpf" and my point is lower?
dear dog uncle take all cpf out. nothing for dog to eat.
new member want to ask what this point is for? can change for bottle of beer at soi 6 boh?
Just trying to make a point with the Ferrari comment! 55555555555

Point no use one la. I invite everyone to zap me without leaving name. GO AHEAD MAKE MY DAY!
Old 13-06-2014, 05:43 PM
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Re: Pattaya

i thinking can exchange for beer or discount at walking street. so why have this point for what? brother you stay in pattaya? i now finish with wife stay alone boring like to meet you all at this singapore bar. uncle now freedom liao!
Old 13-06-2014, 10:16 PM
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Ho say lah!!!

BREAKING NEWS: Curfew has been officially lifted across the whole of #Thailand
Old 14-06-2014, 07:13 PM
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Re: Pattaya

Originally Posted by ahtecklim View Post
Just trying to make a point with the Ferrari comment! 55555555555

Point no use one la. I invite everyone to zap me without leaving name. GO AHEAD MAKE MY DAY!

Bro..need to make new investment in WC scores. Know of a reliable Broker? 555
Old 15-06-2014, 04:26 AM
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Re: Pattaya

Originally Posted by MyFriendYou View Post
"Good gogo - many beauty girls. good stuff and mama. BF till 10 - 1500 coyote 1000 dancers. after 1000-700. girls want 2-3 ST 3-4 LT. have choice. This is FR and picture from my friend. One man's meat another's poison. Please don't shoot the messenger."
Your pricing is very scary lol........ if like that I might as well stay and party in BKK
Old 15-06-2014, 02:57 PM
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Re: Pattaya

Originally Posted by ahtecklim View Post
Bangkok to me has been fucked for years. Makes no difference to me if the curfew there never ends. More value in pattaya as well as better clubs. Why people go thai g clubs to spend what they can spend only half in a nite at agogo and still take the girl back is beyond me. G clubs at most you get to squeeze her tits and her LT prices are like asking for a new ferrari! The only thing worth going tp bangkok is the MPs.

From a selfish point of view, i hope it never ends! Everyone scared to go thailand except mongers! Baht crashes and SGD is currency for the gods there!

5555555 wishful thinking...........
Bro, dont waste your breath on people especially some sinkies who are patronising the tao hui diu(flower joints) and worshiping the TY chicks like goddesses and become chai tows themselves by hanging 1k sgd at times? WTF.....

Lets gather sinkies who can get it and understand that every precious night in the nightlife scene must be all set for a good boozing sparing session and ending with LT or ST!

OH ya and shoutout to the noob that compared Soi 6 to Geylang in a previous post here, go chiong a few more years and TELL ME how fucking toned down geylang is as compared to SOI 6 LOL....
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