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Old 28-12-2003, 08:42 PM
ordinaryguy123 ordinaryguy123 is offline
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Just wondering what are the ways to test if a Thai girl loves you truely or just playing around with you? Need your help to enlighten me. Thx.

Originally posted by siamcutey
Aiya, FRs are nothing. In real life, Thai men can drive their wives to Massage Parlours in Thailand and let various men fuck their wives and at the end of the day go and drive them home. To them, they just think she is selling body not soul. Also, she is bringing the money home. But do you think this way or not? There are many other ways to test a Thai girl whether she loves you or just playing around with you.

And if a customer go out with the MP girl, and happen to saw the husband, the girl will introduce her husband as the brother. And the husband can even smile and joke with the customer. The MP girl can even flirt with the customer in front of the husband. It's normal. They just want the $$$.

Old 28-12-2003, 10:07 PM
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Originally posted by ordinaryguy123
Just wondering what are the ways to test if a Thai girl loves you truely or just playing around with you? Need your help to enlighten me. Thx.
From GL, one of the most simple trick is the amount of languages one girl can speak. If she can speak a lot of languages, she is quite lau jiao liao. And also if she does sms you messages, those messages which seem to be in perfect english, deserves to be suspicious, cos forwarded from other customers.

For advance level, go and learn the thai language then don't let her know and during overnight sessions can act stupid don't know what they say but in actual fact, you understand what tricks they are sharing up their sleeves.


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Old 28-12-2003, 10:24 PM
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Originally posted by ordinaryguy123
Just wondering what are the ways to test if a Thai girl loves you truely or just playing around with you? Need your help to enlighten me. Thx.
You can have some Thai lessons here...
Old 01-01-2004, 02:31 AM
rickyongshow10 rickyongshow10 is offline
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Just curious to know,
What happen if your wife apparantely ex prostitute and after marrying for many years then you only found about it.

What would be the reactions.
Old 01-01-2004, 02:58 AM
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Originally posted by rickyongshow10
Just curious to know,
What happen if your wife apparantely ex prostitute and after marrying for many years then you only found about it.

What would be the reactions.
What is your reaction then?


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Old 01-01-2004, 04:50 PM
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Re: y women become prostitutes?

Originally posted by smallkuku
i have always wondered y the women chose prostiution as their job.. anybody noe this answer? forgive me if u consider me asking stupid questions
Then i ask you back............

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Old 02-01-2004, 04:14 PM
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Originally posted by siamcutey

And if a customer go out with the MP girl, and happen to saw the husband, the girl will introduce her husband as the brother. And the husband can even smile and joke with the customer. The MP girl can even flirt with the customer in front of the husband. It's normal. They just want the $$$.

that reminds me of a relatively beautiful HDY WL who told me her brother is in HDY the time I booked her from a 'hair-salon' .... we even went dinner together with her 'brother' that nite.

The next morning, she said her 'brother' is leaving HDY to BKK by coach so I passed her 500 BHT (equiv. to S$35 in '94) for her brother's bus ticket. But thats ($) not the issue ..... amazingly her brother joined us for lunch next next day ....



Last edited by DNAT; 02-01-2004 at 04:18 PM.
Old 03-01-2004, 04:05 AM
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Re: Re: y women become prostitutes?

Originally posted by Ah Dez
Then i ask you back............


they are professional fucker,
do it for a living.

your gf/wife dun do it for a living,
can't satisfy you. go for paid sex.
Old 03-01-2004, 03:49 PM
pakpak2001 pakpak2001 is offline
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Re: Re: Re: y women become prostitutes?

Originally posted by jon2000sg
they are professional fucker,
do it for a living.

your gf/wife dun do it for a living,
can't satisfy you. go for paid sex.
dear bro jon2000sg
u r rite.
i know of some prc chicks who cum here 2 earn big $$$, only 2 giv it all to their lao gong who do nuting but gamble & fuck in china.
these prc gals smart 2 earn/grab/cheat singgi men's $$$ but stupid/horny/gian to giv it all to their lao gong.

1 cheongster tell me that while walk along L8, he hear this prc gal Fi Fi tok cok on her hp. she crying on the phone and say so loud that she will not forgive the bitch over at xiamen fucking her lao gong at that time.
she shouted that when she return to xiamen, she will kill that bitch for seduce her husband while she kai gong at geylang!
can never understand prc chicks!
why so horny for their china farmer lao gong?
why cum here 2 earn/con our $$$ - so much $$$ but to tiap their husbands who are having fun fucking other women
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Old 03-01-2004, 03:54 PM
jeay jeay is offline
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Aiya, go read Straits Times Fri Life. Read and think deeper into what Sandra Ng says "Things just happen..."

What's the point of asking all these questions as to why they into this flesh trade? This thread sounds more like an extended tirak thread to me. If can hang on to the tirak game, play on. If not, quit. Simple.
Old 03-01-2004, 05:02 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: y women become prostitutes?

Originally posted by pakpak2001
dear bro jon2000sg
u r rite.
i know of some prc chicks who cum here 2 earn big $$$, only 2 giv it all to their lao gong who do nuting but gamble & fuck in china.
these prc gals smart 2 earn/grab/cheat singgi men's $$$ but stupid/horny/gian to giv it all to their lao gong.

1 cheongster tell me that while walk along L8, he hear this prc gal Fi Fi tok cok on her hp. she crying on the phone and say so loud that she will not forgive the bitch over at xiamen fucking her lao gong at that time.
she shouted that when she return to xiamen, she will kill that bitch for seduce her husband while she kai gong at geylang!
can never understand prc chicks!
why so horny for their china farmer lao gong?
why cum here 2 earn/con our $$$ - so much $$$ but to tiap their husbands who are having fun fucking other women
this is the mentality of China women? they can do everything for
love. a lot of them work to give all their $money$ to OKT aka Chicken Head and at one time these ChickenHead can have up to 4 girlfriends sleeping with them. his sole responsibilty is to arrange visa for them to fly overseas to make $money$.

an advice to all cheongster: fuck them, pay them and fuck it.
if you tip them, it goes to the lao
gong. FOR WHAT ?
Old 03-01-2004, 06:15 PM
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Re: Re: y women become prostitutes?

Originally posted by Ah Dez
Then i ask you back............

Elementary Dez... he visits prostitutes to understand y they wanna be prostitutes... and whilst u could not... post a question to ask y so that he will not need to visit prostitutes again.

The Hustler
Old 05-01-2004, 01:07 PM
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Originally posted by jeay
Aiya, go read Straits Times Fri Life. Read and think deeper into what Sandra Ng says "Things just happen..."

What's the point of asking all these questions as to why they into this flesh trade? This thread sounds more like an extended tirak thread to me. If can hang on to the tirak game, play on. If not, quit. Simple.
No pun intended.

Is Sandra Ng's topic talking on prostitutes? If it is, then I think she doesn't know much about them unless her own circle of friends are or she has been in that circle before or she is a guy and visit prostitutes.

Just because she is a celebrity and ones listen? You don't go asking Bill Gates about Apple OS, do you?


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Old 05-01-2004, 01:12 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: y women become prostitutes?

Originally posted by jon2000sg

an advice to all cheongster: fuck them, pay them and fuck it.
if you tip them, it goes to the lao
gong. FOR WHAT ?
When we tip a WL, its because of the service rendered that is good. Not because on how she is going to spend the money on.

If you are employed, when your boss pays you your bonus, he doesn't even ask you whether you are going to spend it on pros. What if he knows you are a cheongster. Do you think he will think that since you are going to spend the bonus on pros, might as well fuck it. since he give you the bonus, it also goes to the pros. FOR WHAT?


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 05-01-2004, 01:19 PM
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Re: chaingrai girls

Originally posted by bladyslacker
My Thai squeeze says she's working to buy house in Chiang Rai. I asked her before how much it would be to buy her out of her sorry situation... she said $50K. I think this number has been quoted too often. She's not even living in those shacks or kampongs. I know that cos she calls home so surely there must be telephone line.
I bought her Thai newspapers to read before. Nabeh, she say she don't know how to read. How can Thai dunno how to read their own chicken scribbles?
Anyway, all she wants is gold, perfume and phonecard to call home. WTF. She can jolly well fuck and pay for them herself.
This Tirak thing is crap. Tirak = Regular customer. That's it.
After the $50K, she will need some renovations and furniture. Once stay inside, will need a car at the garage to complement it. Then maybe a shop infront of the house to do some business.

If she don't know how to read Thai newspapers, then what's the colour of her passport?

As for gold, the Thais buy gold so as to show off during festive period. New Year, Songkran, festive seasons are periods of time where they buy gold to go home to show off to the whole village they have money. No gold no face. Thais love FACE even more than the Chinese.

If the Thai girl love you, she will give you money to ask you keep for her cos they themselves know they spend money like water and it will be good for their real tirak to keep for them.


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

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