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Old 30-05-2010, 07:49 AM
animalplanet animalplanet is offline
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

just had a session with them yesterday.
overall i think angel is the sweetest girl i ever seen.
young and innocent face.
good to bonk.
however i think that it will be better if they go solo,especially angel.
she's is such a gem in the making
totaly syt and gnd.
she stuned me with her look totally.
young demure and innocent.
Old 30-05-2010, 02:40 PM
rocketv rocketv is offline
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

Was rather captivated by the FR from other bros. So decided to try it out last week. Minimum mandarin by one of the girl but sign language should be more than sufficient. Well.. there was still time to play a few rounds of black jack haha.

Looks : 7/10 definately syt but not pretty. Fairly decent imho.
Body : 8
BJ : 4
FJ : 8
GFE : 8
Frenching : did not try
Fingering : a little
RTF : no (not my type)
Overal : 7 (for bros who are into syt, i would recommend to go for it. But if u are into looks, u might want to have a second thought. No offence to anyone)
Old 30-05-2010, 06:26 PM
leclair leclair is offline
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FR : Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline

well, i was trying to type a fr from my phone but now i am with my laptop, so here goes.


Well , sms and checked whether i can go earlier for my appt and the quick positive reply was received. THat turned out to be one of the few positives in this whole encounter.

"ting tong" and Angeline (thereafter Lin) opened the door in her sleepwear (slik alike thing ) and boy does she have heavy eye bags and dark eye rings. she completed the look with bunched up at the back shoulder length hair with no make up at all. Disheveled is the word i think.

First impression = failed.

(I can only blame myself for being stupid and still dare to take the risk after the last few frs from the bros. I was thinking of cancelling it after the frs but decided to go ahead since it was planned ahead.
Well i have to pay a price for being stupid.)

Next i went into the dark room, and saw Angel lying on the bed. the sight of me barely warranted a courteous smile on her face. Yup, she was lying down there even when i was in the room.

"ting Tong" huh? how come there was somebody else at the door? It turned out to be the hotel staff who wanted to check the minibar ( i think he got news of a pair of sexy gals in the room and want to check them out actually) they were in sleepwear and no bras so he must have some eyecandy to bring back.

So after the "scare" , lin went to shower me after she took the 1 sec to get rid of her clothes and her boobs were very nice high and rounded with pointed nips, very shiok and the touch is like water bags. Positive !

i thought she was going to just wash me up but after a while i figured out that we will be in for a bath in the bathtub. ( rem she only know a very little chinese and angel knew nothing) . It was very nice with her lying down with me with her boobs on me and afterwards i turned her around with her back to me and i was able to grab her boobs from the back. it was nice.

It was then that i realised that lin was sick with runy nose and sneezing. ( think the 24 hr aircon got into her) so i forgave her for not looking good in the 1st impression .

Angel was not in the bathroom with us. and i thought it is supposed to be both of them ! Disappointed.

Out of Bathroom

Next we went out of the bathroom and Angel was still lying on the bed like a a a .....statue no...mermaid someone who is not into it at all and wants it to end before it has started.

I lied down between them and i was still quite excited , thinking that things will get hot up when the action starts.

Boy was i wrong. the gals were not very experienced in serving, they only hold mt 2ic and tried to "shake" it to life . I am not kidding that is what that Angel did ! I was almost laughing.... And their eyes were glued to the tv more than focusing on me. I was still trying to control myself ( i am someone who doesnt show much emo on the outside) . i got frustrated at the end and switched off the tv myself.

And bros and sis you would think now things will be better? haha......

The gals continue to touch my 2ic and they could not get it to rise. ( just to point out it was hard when i was in the bathtub with lin).

I sensed that this is not going to work so i took the initiative to try to bring them to life instead! i tried to kiss them all over they said it was ticklish. I even painted both of them and what did i get for my effort ? not a single moan from either of them! You may think that i am not good in painting, well maybe, but how about another brave bro try that on them and see what happens.

I am tired and felt deflated ( ego ) so i lied down again . the gals by now know something was not right and Lin tried to ask what happened to my 2IC. Well how do you even begin to explain to someone who know so little chinese?

So they continue to touch my 2 ic ( thats the only thing they know i think) and i was just lying down there between the 2 of them.

and i swear to you the room was quieter than the cemetery for the next 5 or 10 mins. and boy was it awkward for all of us.

Finally i decided enough is enough. i pulled up Lin and sucked her delicious boobs and had Angel to hj on me ( which was a tad painful cos too forceful, but i did not bother to correct her - how to explain ?!?). after awhile , i came and went to the bathroom and this time Angel washed me up.then she started to fill up the bathtub with water and i was thinking that she will do what Lin did to me at the beginning. Wrong!!

She saw me still standing in the bathtub after a while then she gestured me she is done with me! N there i was standing like an idiot waiting! wahaha....

Nevermind, i looked at the time 1.5 hours already, i am not even bother with the second shot. just dressed , passed the money to Lin and went my way.

A least i said bye to Lin and she is the one who opened the door to me. And guess where was Angel? She was lying down and soaking in the bathtub already!!!

Looks : Line - ok but teeth i think was not too nice/ Angel - innocent very young very schoolgal look

Body : Line - boobs was nice / Angel - small petite build with some boobs

Service : I have to praise Lin here as she was more responsive and tried much much harder to please me. ( bear in mind that she was not feeling well)

Angel - I have nicknamed her the " One handed Goddess" after she only used either hand on me throughout the whole session. That is an indication of her participation level throughout. ONe bro actually used the words "blowup doll" and i actually think he was not far wrong after the session.

RTF : Next to never. i mean if you ask me how much i would pay after today i would say not even if it is free. maybe some would say i have high expectations but thats is how i feel. NOw i really wonder which gals the earlier fr were referring to . they sounded totally different persons.

I think the language barrier is too much of a hurdle. and the gals are simply not trained enough yet to serve customers well. ( i felt that i was the one serving them !) If i was less patient, i think i will do what one bro did - threw the money down and went off!!! ( i almost did btw haha .......)

I think if you have money to throw and want the experience than try lor. But expectation level must set to the lowest.

For me i think PRCs and locals will serve most bros much better and more satisfying.

All the above are strictly my personal experience and opinions. Your experience may be totally different. ( Dont bet on it though)

Oh yeah forgot 1 last point. The last sms to me was to bring CDs. after the whole thing i nearly want to reply back " NOne was required!!" but did not want to waste another 5cts.

Tarma with viet/thai gals??? i will stay far away from such threads in future. and add a "DE" after tarma. haha !!!

Hope my fr is of use to other bros. every word is true and You decide you want to spend $250 to see whether my words are true or your experience will be totally different or not.

And i just realised that i spent more than 45 mins writing this. Hope someone better benefit from my fr. i am not here to brush up my english!

Until the next time , cheers!
Old 31-05-2010, 04:38 AM
atmlover69 atmlover69 is offline
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

Had a session with the babes last night, a rather impromptu one I must say.

First comment is that bro KYnKY is very service orientated, which I must applaud.

When I arrived at the hotel, I rang at the door bell (yes,it had a bell). The door was opened by a sweet girl. I assumed it was Angeline, as well, it suited her look. When I walked in, out popped Angel from the bathroom. In my opinion, she looks totally like a school girl. very my type. Angeline looks like a 1st year poly student.

Maybe I look cute, they giggled and smiled when I said hi. I was led to the bed whereby they told me to take a seat. Angeline could speak decent Mandarin so it was pretty cool. Angel could not understand my words. Angeline helped to translate.

They both undressed me at the same time. But only Angeline went in to shower with me. She bathed me from head to toe. Including my didi. I did ask why Angel did not join in for the bath, she said previous customer complained it was too cramped for 3 in the bathtub and they got 'scolded'. Anyways it was all good as I don't like to be constrained during my shower.

Back onto bed, The action started. Angel started with a BBBJ. my semi errected didi was in full power. She has a real baby doll face which turned me on. Whilst she was BBBJing, I carressed Angeline boobs. Great natural boobs, C cupped. Soft with sensitive nipples. Her boobs were very nice to fondle.

I could not take it much longer so I asked to be capped. I decided to pump Angeline first so Angel could take a rest. Tight! Angeline is very tight and very wet. Her soft moans were very nice as well. While screwing her, I kept looking at Angel. Almost telling myself to faster finish this shot so I could move on to the next one. I came after 10 mins or so.

During the interval, I just laid down and took a puff. I could tell the girls were cold. probably due to the numerous baths they had to take. After my puff, I decided to go for Angel. Honestly, the last time I had such a fresh and young pussy was 20 years back during my sec school days. Needless to say it was tight and wet.

I left early as I had to report to OC. paid the girls and tipped them. Overall it was a wonderful experience for me.

My opinion and experience is different from what some bros experienced. I felt the service was good. Maybe because Im not out for pro level service. I feel if 18 year old girls served like a pro, then it would take the youth factor out of the package. Ive had plenty of pros at JC and Geylang before.

my ratings are:

looks - 8.5/10 babyface doll, very adorable
body - 8/10 soft boobs
FJ - 7.5/10 wet and tight

looks - 8/10 syt with cfm look
body - 8.5/10 nice C cups
FJ - 8.5/10 more responsive and tighter than Angel

Hope my FR is of use to the Bros. Definitely not pro service as KYnKY mentioned, but for bros who like beautiful faces and smooth tight bods, these girls will satisfy surely. Sorry if this is a poor FR format, first time writing one. pls upz me if bros find it useful.

Last edited by atmlover69; 31-05-2010 at 05:06 AM.
Old 31-05-2010, 11:40 AM
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

Aloha fellow samsters, just had my session with the girls so heres my honest feedback. No offence to anyone here as this is purely my personal opinion.


Nice 4 star hotel that is easily accessible. A good departure from the transit chain of hotels that Im used to from other providers.


Good communication that was prompt and efficient. I was even given directions on how to get there via numerous methods of transport.


Ok, heres the meat. I was in the queue for Bella and Belle as I prefer girls with slutty looks. However my buddy had tried this pair and highly reccommended them to me. So what the heck, gave them a try.

I went up with low expectations of service. Im not a sucker for service as I prefer to serve da ladies.


First impression of the ladies. Very pretty. I am not into syt and cute girls, but in all fairness, I would rate them 8/10.

Body wise I would agree with most of the bros here. Nice boobs, especially Angeline. The younger one was very petite in size, but still had nice boobs that looked big on her. I would rate 8/10.

(Personality and attitute)

In terms of attitute, I would rate 7.5/10. They are very willing to please, but due to the language barrier, I had some problems telling them what I wanted. Luckily Angeline could converse in Chinese.

Following what one of the bros here did, my iphone came into handy with translation. The session then became chirpy as some barrier was broken. I got to know that they are actually shy. Many at times they seem distant or inactive because they do not know what the customer might want. They are afraid to make mistakes, so they remain dormant. I told them that by doing so, they sent out the wrong signal. They said in Vietnam, guys were violent. If something wrong was done, they get bashed up.

Thus I could emphatise with them.

(The Action)

FJ was 8/10 to me. Nothing beats sex with two young girls. Fresh hot bodies, smooth soft skin, tight pussies. Basically nothing to complain about here.

I would consider them to be very active and passionate during sex as Ive tried numerous viets.

bros who have tried viets would know that the vast majority of them are very QUIET during sex. Perhaps its their culture.

They do not moan out loud or fakely like many of the PRC girls I've tried. I find fake moaning a huge turn off.

This pair had genuine soft moans which matched the rhythm of my movements. A major turn on for me personally, especially considering their nationality. Kind of felt I hit the jackpot, or maybe my tool and service skills had got better.

(The interlude)

Bath was standard procedure. I like quick showers as I have sensitive skin, so I requested to be bathed quickly. Not the kind that like action in the tub, makes my skin wrinkly. The Bathroom was nice and neat. Towels were ample. Met my criteria.


Overall a satisfying session for me. No major flaws. Girls were very pretty, bodies were great, hotel was of standard. Would consider it a good value for money package. Only thing is I hope the girls took my advice and will become more proactive. Their shyness translated in 'bochapness' in the eyes of some bro here.

Given some fine tuning, they would be great service providers. They have the attributes to do so, just that they do not know how to use them. I personally disagree that they are blow up dolls. It is rather insulting to call a human being that. The girls are young and willing to please. From my short conversation with them using my iphone, I got to know roughly why they come to work this trade. And I believe the reasons are something that most people can not do, at least here in Singapore.

Again,no offence to anyone here. Every word I say is true and purely my own personal opinion. One man's meat is another man's poison.

Overall experience I rate 8/10.

RTF maybe. I would try out the other pair before I decide who to visit again. However, definitely in consideration.
Old 31-05-2010, 10:25 PM
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

Tks for the FRs' Bros..

Honestly, beauty is in the eye of the man's meat really is poison to the other..

Old 01-06-2010, 03:37 AM
Devilnitz Devilnitz is offline
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

First of all, Thanks Sis Kynky for slotting me into their last few session. Sorry that my request is only at night and last min.

As promised, will give short FR.

After viewing all bros FR, I decided to give it a try as I didnt try Tarma before. The moment i got the detail, Wow 4 star. Hahaha never stay in SG 4 star yet. Shy

As my first time with Tarma, my feeling is Excited. Will not expect much in service as some bro given negative feedback. Looking forward for first time testout. Hahaha

Bell Ring .... OMG, not SYT look but a lovely sweet looking gal appear infront of me. immediately I know she should be Angeline. Wow haha my brother react liao. hahaha

She smile at me and bring me in. Room smell abit smoky but fine with me. I am oso a smoker. At least they put in their effort to spray some Purfume before I come. haha

To my surprise, again another OMG, school time girlfriend looking gal lying on the bed smiling at me. Did I went into the wrong place? hahahaha

They undress me and Angeline follows me into the bathroom. She bath me and I tease her in the bath. Wanted to try in the bath but its ok. Still looking forward to try two together on bed. Hahahaha

Will not go into detail on bed. Angeline really had a nice body and Angel's build although smaller in size, look great too. Hahaha. They do lack in some service areas. As my expectation not so high, overall experience is great to have both gals to be my side even without doing anythings.

I know they are tired and I finish in 30mins with only one shot. Its ok and I told Angeline that will let them get more rest for the next customer.

Will end this FR and hope that bros who had tried or havent, pls do consider that they really did their best to please us. They look real to me and I can feel that Angeline and Angel had been doing all these everyday non stop.

Overall experience great to get 2 gals to serve you. Will try out more of your Tarma Babe in future if I got the time.

Thanks Sis Kynky again.
Old 01-06-2010, 03:23 PM
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

All Pm's replied..tks for the FR bro..

Old 01-06-2010, 04:55 PM
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

Hi Bro Kynky,

Your mail box is full, can you pm me the contacts please?
Old 01-06-2010, 06:04 PM
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

Sis, do I qualify to get the contacts?
Old 01-06-2010, 11:51 PM
vincent_wong85 vincent_wong85 is offline
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

Tarma Viet Babes Angel... 31-05-2010 10:51 AM u okt zap u

So now what.. There should only be positive fr? Writing a negative one means u are an okt? If so, say earlier mah.. i also good in story telling. Even a june2010 member who post "do i qualify?" 1 post only..also got ppl add points..
Old 02-06-2010, 11:56 AM
_KYnKY_ _KYnKY_ is offline
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

Hi Vincent,

Fyi, I did not zap you and I also cannot control who does or does not..if you have a problem with me, please take it not mess up my thread..

You did not give an FR as bad as some here, if I were to be zapping around and adding points, it would take me ages to so.. you would understand if you knew how the system works..

Old 03-06-2010, 08:13 PM
_KYnKY_ _KYnKY_ is offline
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

Sorry for the late replies bros..was really tied up..

All Pm's replied..


ps: Heard that Angeline is going back soon, so bros who are interested to try, do so quick..
Old 03-06-2010, 08:42 PM
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

Thanks Sis KYnKY for taking the trouble to send me the contact.

Had the pair yesterday, so heres my short review.

The hotel was very nice, call me outdated, but never knew such a nice place existed.

Well for a start, the customer service and hotel was excellent.

On to the girls. First impression, indeed very SYT and pretty. Figure was very good, especially Angeline. Im quite tall so I prefer girls slightly taller. Angeline is probably around 1.62-3m I estimate. Angel is the typical schoolgirl. Pretty, but my taste leans more towards Angeline. In the looks department, the girls definitely excel.

Perhaps they were given some training, I personally felt that service was not bad. Good in fact. I was greeted by both girls at the door, and attention was paid to me. I was offered a bubble bath, but I rejected as I don't like to soak in tubs. Find it a waste of time.

In bed, both girls attacked me left right. A heavenly feeling. Both had very soft and tender skin, great boobs that were sensational to touch and squeeze. Angeline is the more reactive one, or perhaps Im biased. I do find her very alluring and spent most of the session on her. The FJ was good, Both girls were very tight. Have to agree that Angeline is tighter though, eventhough she is a year older. Nice wet pussies with no smell. I could tell they enjoyed my painting.

overall a very good experience which I would visit again. I would definitely take Angeline if they are willing to do one-on-one. Angel is like her name, angelic in looks and would appeal to samsters who like svyt(sweet very young thing).

looks 4/5 (one of the best looking pair Ive seen)
figure (boobs, butt etc) 4/5 (very ample in assets)
attitute 4/5 (only barrier was language, compensated by Angeline's mandarin)
BJ only tried for less than a min, Im not a BJ fan so no comments
Frenching Angeline 4/5 Angel 3/5 (Angeline is more passionate, or maybe we clicked more)
overall 4/5 (Good experience that left me smiling through the day)

Thanks for the intro sis. Do let me know if Angeline does one-on-one. looking forward to new babes as well.
Old 04-06-2010, 10:53 AM
_KYnKY_ _KYnKY_ is offline
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Re: Tarma Viet Babes Angel and Angeline (Pretty SYTs!!!)

Originally Posted by thonglorsoi10 View Post
Thanks Sis KYnKY for taking the trouble to send me the contact.

Had the pair yesterday, so heres my short review.

The hotel was very nice, call me outdated, but never knew such a nice place existed.

Well for a start, the customer service and hotel was excellent.

On to the girls. First impression, indeed very SYT and pretty. Figure was very good, especially Angeline. Im quite tall so I prefer girls slightly taller. Angeline is probably around 1.62-3m I estimate. Angel is the typical schoolgirl. Pretty, but my taste leans more towards Angeline. In the looks department, the girls definitely excel.

Perhaps they were given some training, I personally felt that service was not bad. Good in fact. I was greeted by both girls at the door, and attention was paid to me. I was offered a bubble bath, but I rejected as I don't like to soak in tubs. Find it a waste of time.

In bed, both girls attacked me left right. A heavenly feeling. Both had very soft and tender skin, great boobs that were sensational to touch and squeeze. Angeline is the more reactive one, or perhaps Im biased. I do find her very alluring and spent most of the session on her. The FJ was good, Both girls were very tight. Have to agree that Angeline is tighter though, eventhough she is a year older. Nice wet pussies with no smell. I could tell they enjoyed my painting.

overall a very good experience which I would visit again. I would definitely take Angeline if they are willing to do one-on-one. Angel is like her name, angelic in looks and would appeal to samsters who like svyt(sweet very young thing).

looks 4/5 (one of the best looking pair Ive seen)
figure (boobs, butt etc) 4/5 (very ample in assets)
attitute 4/5 (only barrier was language, compensated by Angeline's mandarin)
BJ only tried for less than a min, Im not a BJ fan so no comments
Frenching Angeline 4/5 Angel 3/5 (Angeline is more passionate, or maybe we clicked more)
overall 4/5 (Good experience that left me smiling through the day)

Thanks for the intro sis. Do let me know if Angeline does one-on-one. looking forward to new babes as well.
Tks for the FR bro..

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