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Old 16-01-2005, 02:17 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

If you got a hard time controlling your credit card expenditures, change them into Debit card. Like that, no future cash, no future urge to spend. That's why i use Debit card. Same functions as Credit card but not so impressive to show gals. At least it deter you from spending in a spur of moment.
Old 16-01-2005, 02:59 PM
ignis sport
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

pls allow humble me to share my experience...
1. lost S$100k in shares in Jan04, part of it personnal savings, part of it frens joint investment & 10k fm DBS cashline.
2. lost job in Feb04, paid 50% for frens losses with personal savings, start servicing cashline repayment oso fm personal savings
3. wife left n file for seperation in Mar04, savings almost dry, still got to service cashline n support son's monthly expenses

My humble solution:
1. work part time in hotel (any job can-even dishing washing) cos got flexi hrs
2. look for fulltime job, start side-line selling anything tt came my way...pills, oils, lighting balast, car audio systems/speakers...anything tt's legal
3. work out monthly payment based on income, cut spending on everything, lock up credit card, rent out empty rooms in my flat-even if it means sleeping in hall
4. talk to mom&dad, admit mistake eat humble pie ask for help

1. got a full time job, still doing sideline, paying back mom&dad monthly (better than paying banks)
2. selling flat, so can pay mom&dad back lump sum
3. still owe S$2.5k to close fren/ins agent, he advise no hurry
4. very very PAINFULL lesson learnt
5. got a few gfs so no need to pay for bonks, if no bonks avail-use left or right hand or both

To thread starter:
1. there's always a way out, painful as it may be but if u serious abt getting out of the mess...u'll find it

my 2cents worth
Old 16-01-2005, 04:31 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Brother Ignis_Sport, u are damn steady. A real man also. You were so jialat yet is on way to recovering liao. Respect.
Me:Can you be my gf?
Girl:We are friends, ok?
Me: How about fuck buddies?
Girl: No. Never. You not handsome.
Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! )
Old 16-01-2005, 04:45 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by Sha_Gua75
forget about asking such firm to help u. they do for you for certain fee
Agree with you on this. Banks prefer to talk to you direct.
And to advise on your expenditure etc, any good brothers can help you.
But at e end of e day, its up to yourself to be disciplined on what you set out to do. Nobody can help you if you don't want to help yourself.
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Old 16-01-2005, 04:47 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by tittyhawk
Really too late liao...
bro, its never too late. all you have to do is start NOW.
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Old 16-01-2005, 05:04 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by dargonfly75
bro, its never too late. all you have to do is start NOW. is never too late....if u can have the time and cash to post in here then it is not too late
Old 16-01-2005, 09:04 PM
ignis sport
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by cbjuiceyumseng
Brother Ignis_Sport, u are damn steady. A real man also. You were so jialat yet is on way to recovering liao. Respect.
thank u sir, had read ur post in the gl threads n enjoyed them v much i can't afford for now hence read FR hehe...
it's a humbling experience n part of life's many lessons but i hope don't hv to re-learn this one again...once more thank u sir
Old 16-01-2005, 10:31 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by dargonfly75
bro, its never too late. all you have to do is start NOW.
Yes, on the recovery path also had painful lesson learnt similiar situation as wat bro ignis_sport describes spend future money...
Old 16-01-2005, 11:10 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by ignis sport
pls allow humble me to share my experience...
1. lost S$100k in shares in Jan04, part of it personnal savings, part of it frens joint investment & 10k fm DBS cashline.
2. lost job in Feb04, paid 50% for frens losses with personal savings, start servicing cashline repayment oso fm personal savings
3. wife left n file for seperation in Mar04, savings almost dry, still got to service cashline n support son's monthly expenses
Wah.. with all this.. and u can rebound back... *salute*...
"Do it today, have fun!!"

Typical guy in Geylang.
Old 16-01-2005, 11:31 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by cbjuiceyumseng
Cheebye lah! Lanjiao advice.
hello, cbyumseng:clark_kent
in forum, something can be real or not real, unless we see the prove. i'm not young, i enter so many forum, no such thing can not joke, joke is just to make ppl laught, this thread created by clark_kent not you, you can not joke then no reply me, if clark_kent can not joke, can tell me, if this forum can joke, then i don't joke any more, but if because you are lao jiao, can scold me like that, no point i stay here, before i leave, i can tell you Mr. cbyumseng: gan ni na beh lao chi bai !!!
Old 17-01-2005, 02:03 AM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by uncleloo
hello, cbyumseng:clark_kent
in forum, something can be real or not real, unless we see the prove. i'm not young, i enter so many forum, no such thing can not joke, joke is just to make ppl laught, this thread created by clark_kent not you, you can not joke then no reply me, if clark_kent can not joke, can tell me, if this forum can joke, then i don't joke any more, but if because you are lao jiao, can scold me like that, no point i stay here, before i leave, i can tell you Mr. cbyumseng: gan ni na beh lao chi bai !!!
Sigh..uncleloo u really got no shame u know. Ppl scold u liao u should hide one corner and ask yourself wat went wrong? Register since early this year got zero useful postings and post 2 stupid threads like this, like how to booking gal for overnight? Kiam gan sibo?

This thread is a brother asking us for help regarding his problems and U ARE THE ONLY CHEEBYE THAT COME IN AND JOKE. Even if u want to joke, do it at a appropriate timing. And it is more than ok to joke if u have something good to say before then. And wat have u only said?

This forum alot of ppl entertaining each other and joking around but cheebye kias like u dun pick a good timing and u call that joking? Thats lame. Fuck back to the lanjiao forums u come from. Gnn, still dare to say u old and wise? Lanjiao understand! You are not qualified to talk.
Me:Can you be my gf?
Girl:We are friends, ok?
Me: How about fuck buddies?
Girl: No. Never. You not handsome.
Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! )
Old 17-01-2005, 02:05 AM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by ignis sport
thank u sir, had read ur post in the gl threads n enjoyed them v much i can't afford for now hence read FR hehe...
it's a humbling experience n part of life's many lessons but i hope don't hv to re-learn this one again...once more thank u sir
I am the one that need to call u "Sir", u know old folks always say a hero is not a hero until he suffer some setbacks in life. Anyway goodluck to you and hope u recover 100percent ASAP.
Me:Can you be my gf?
Girl:We are friends, ok?
Me: How about fuck buddies?
Girl: No. Never. You not handsome.
Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! )
Old 17-01-2005, 02:31 AM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by ignis sport
thank u sir, had read ur post in the gl threads n enjoyed them v much i can't afford for now hence read FR hehe...
it's a humbling experience n part of life's many lessons but i hope don't hv to re-learn this one again...once more thank u sir
Can i old are you?
Old 17-01-2005, 07:34 AM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by vivian_hoo80
Can i old are you?
He's still quite young.. and good looking too, (I know cos' I've met him)

You interested? I can help make the introduction.
Old 17-01-2005, 08:42 AM
ignis sport
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
He's still quite young.. and good looking too, (I know cos' I've met him)
You interested? I can help make the introduction.
hehe...gor gor mai chong ti wah lei pai sei one lah
i 33yrs young, look lang gar compared to all the yen tao kous like yourself, nirvana, darkstar, poolhot gor gor, acer gor gor, popiah, vlnerna etc...
thanks for the kind words, my apologies for leaving so soon last night, kana recall by ex to talk abt my little boy
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