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Old 17-08-2006, 06:40 AM
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

Originally Posted by youallgross
if you're scared of losing her, just plain dont do it.

wanne get married? then be faithful.

get the MCP mindset out of your system already. Society has evolved and obviously some get left behind.

But nvm. There are good men out there. The rotten ones are just those that still expect women to stay at home and cook.

dont flame me too. this is my "IMHO" as well.
Hi sis weallnotgross, so you siam to here here and not answering your "why do men cheat" thread ah? Anyway in response to you..

"If you scared your guy flirting, then treat him nicely.

If you wanna get married, then be extremely pleasing.

Get the feminist mindset out of your system la. No matter how society evolve, obviously you will get left behind.

But nvm, there are good women out there. The rotten ones are just those that still expect men to stay at home one hand carry baby, the other jerking himself off.

dont flame me too. this is my "IMHO" as well."

Come on, even if a married couple divorces, the man will have much lesser problems to remarry than the divorced lady. Why? "Society has evolved and obviously some get left behind."
Old 17-08-2006, 09:46 AM
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

Originally Posted by 84gunner
hey brudders, if your gf really make life difficult 4 u after u cheong, fark her off lah. dun worry, there are lotsa gals in the region willing 2 b your gf / wife & still allow u 2 cheong! watever equality of the sexes r crap from those feminist groups trying 2 defy nature! since when is men & women made 2 be equal?
Bro, I agree with you. Not that I am an MCP, who treats women like nothing. But law of nature since time immortal till now has always been male dominated. Although female are catching up, but it isn't becase they are better. But because WE (the males) allow that to happen.

However, on the other side of the coin, guys who always whine about how domineering the female is, it is YOUR fault as you are supposed to be the Alpha male and not some yuppy SNAG...
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Old 17-08-2006, 09:51 AM
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

Originally Posted by ilovesammyboy
she just smiled and say " well at least you didn't watch porn. that's a good thing"
Is sammyboy considered porn..............
Old 17-08-2006, 10:37 AM
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

Maybe i can help bro who want to chat with msn or yahoo or Aim, don have to install the messenger, EBUDDY.NET, quite similar to msn but it cant cam in this chat program.
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Old 17-08-2006, 10:59 AM
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

Originally Posted by ilovesammyboy
...its more challenging to have a smarter gf than a stupid one. stupid one listens to you all the time = no kick. and relationship is so boring....think it this way. its rather thrilling. you have a smart girlfriend and you want to have affairs.only way is to outsmart her.hehe
brudder, no pun nor offence intended. I guess u are rather young, probably in your 20s? well, probably u are out there looking 4 challenges, u get high facing challenges & win or outsmart the challenges.

u are not wrong, in this aspect, and many other aspects in life, there is no right or wrong. It is more of a matter of individual / personal opinion.

Getting high on challenges, the excitement, the adrenaline rush, etc, is 1 stage of life where many people may go through. But juz be careful, as the saying goes, play too much fire, u may get burnt by the fire!

Since u like the challenge, u know the game v well; either u outsmart your gal, or she outsmart u. then if u kena caught / outsmart by her, dun complain!!! u know the game & consequences full well!!! everybody likes to win, but where there is a winner, there will be a loser. if u wanna play the game, be prepared 2 lose well b4 u play, juz like be prepared 2 lose b4 u start 2 gamble. if u cant afford 2 lose, then dont gamble (dun play the game).
Old 17-08-2006, 11:28 AM
84gunner 84gunner is offline
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

another point 2 look at:

I do not wanna de-value gals nor treat them as slaves, I am oso rather soft-hearted & PAMPER OBEDIENT gals (ya, such soft-hearted guys, including me, often "die" in the hands of gentle, obedient gals in the region, especially the ever well-known China gals!). y are so many men, especially sillypore men, so bewitched by the china gals? it is becos many of these men never felt so pampered, so happy 2 be pampered b4!!! especially when the china gals r so much more beautiful than SG gals! it simply feels like u are in heaven, something which u probably never even dreamt of!!!

Which religion, culture or race in the world & history advocates or allows a woman 2 have more than 1 husband? In the modern world 2day, Muslims still can have more than 1 wife legally. In the good old chinese days, it is v normal for men 2 have several wives, even the emperors lead by example, hahaha!

In those good old days, gals r not allowed 2 go 2 school, they have no place in the business world, their feet r bounded, etc. 2day, they r given more recognition, they go 2 school, they have more say in the business world 2day, then look, wat has the society(s) become? they give more stress 2 the guys wif their tantrums, when they show their unhappiness, etc. give them more privilege, more say, more recognition, they tend 2 climb over u, and probably cause havoc. they are conflicting creatures, and u let these conflicting creatures rule u?

by the way, a person, whether man or woman, dunnit study nor go 2 school 2 be smart hor. There are many people who never study but are much smarter than many other people with impressive certificates!

over the weekend, a neighbour (in Thailand) said (in front of his gf) in a group gathering of guys & gals, if his gf dun give him sex whenever he wants it, then he'll go 2 the HC nearby. there r so many gals in the HC 2 choose, the gal will give him a good bathe, not 2 mention, good service in bed too. So if his gf dun give, then he'll go cheong the HC. His gf juz lower her head & keep quiet. their mentality is: if he really go cheong HC becos she cant satisfy him, then it is her failure & it is v disgraceful tat she cant serve her man well, cant satisfy him & keep him beside!
Old 17-08-2006, 08:04 PM
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

main rule never share a computer with ur spouse....... laptops r killers..... easy to move around..... so they can bring to their frds who knows computers.... or even worst look for experts to dig out informations.... so for me i use desktop to do my things...... get those FULL tower desktop..... damn heavy so cant carry..... hahahaha..... but she still can ask ppl to help..... here is another trick...... install another harddisk with a secret power switch..... so when u using turn that harddisk on and boot that harddisk.... when finish use then switch off...... also remember to keep both desktop looking the same....... also u still need to delete UR logs......
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Old 17-08-2006, 08:08 PM
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

Originally Posted by ilovesammyboy
got to disagree, its more challenging to have a smarter gf than a stupid one. stupid one listens to you all the time = no kick. and relationship is so boring.
getting intelligent girlfriends does not make you stupid, conversation is better,they will take the initiative to make you laugh rather than you wasting your energy to make them laugh all the time. true enough, sometimes you have crazy scenarios that she goes over your head. but you should be smart enough to overtake her! well, if you can't, then find a not-so-intelligent gal.

think it this way. its rather thrilling. you have a smart girlfriend and you want to have affairs.only way is to outsmart her.hehe
Bro ... its not a matter of having a smart gf or stupid gf .. its a matter of having a stupid gf tat thinks she is smart tat creates the prob ...

alot of relationships get into trouble becoz of power struggles between the sexes ...
a stupid woman wun even start such a power struggle ...
a smart woman wld hav easily won such power struggles wif such sophisticated methods tat the man wld hav no idea basically he is in her hands ...

it is a stupid woman tat thinks she is smart tat creates all the power struggles .... they use brute force e.g. nagging, throwing tantrums, witholding intimacy, acting cold etc etc to get their way ...

I hav a good example of such a smart woman ... had a fren who likes shopping but her bf juz hates shopping ... n she still manages to get him to accompany her to go out shopping whn they go out n even pay for some of the stuff ... well, how she does it ?? anytime whn she notices tat her bf is getting tired she wld suggest goin to cafes etc sit down n rest ... n then get the poor guy to continue once he recover his "stamina" ...
n whn she's sees sometimes nice n tat her bf can afford she wld hint to him on the spot (guys r dumb so she made it really obvious!!!) .. ofcoz she doesn't break his budget ... she's in it for the long run ...

and at the end of the long day ... she rewards him wif a good bonk ... hell, I dun think any guys wld mind in such a case to be playin arnd in her palms ...
Tis is wat I called a smart woman ... she still gets wat she wants to a certain extent n she gets to keep the guy as well. ..

bros ... if u agree wif me pls upz me hahaha ... LOL !!!
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Old 17-08-2006, 10:19 PM
youallgross youallgross is offline
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

Originally Posted by Purgatory
yah... at least we've reached an agreement here... SCARED DUN CHEAT
PS: oh well at least I can say that I can cook better than most, so U dun agree with the cooking part? hahaha but U do agree wif the BBBJ part rite? hehe that's wat a good woman should do at least... (esp if she can't cook )

Yes, agreement reached.
Old 17-08-2006, 10:23 PM
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

[QUOTE=gilagila100]I hav a good example of such a smart woman ... had a fren who likes shopping but her bf juz hates shopping ... n she still manages to get him to accompany her to go out shopping whn they go out n even pay for some of the stuff ... well, how she does it ?? anytime whn she notices tat her bf is getting tired she wld suggest goin to cafes etc sit down n rest ... n then get the poor guy to continue once he recover his "stamina" ...
n whn she's sees sometimes nice n tat her bf can afford she wld hint to him on the spot (guys r dumb so she made it really obvious!!!) .. ofcoz she doesn't break his budget ... she's in it for the long run ...

and at the end of the long day ... she rewards him wif a good bonk ... hell, I dun think any guys wld mind in such a case to be playin arnd in her palms ...
Tis is wat I called a smart woman ... she still gets wat she wants to a certain extent n she gets to keep the guy as well. ..

I am so agreeable with u on this...i second that opinion cos this scenario like mine
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Old 17-08-2006, 10:44 PM
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

Originally Posted by 84gunner
Since u like the challenge, u know the game v well; either u outsmart your gal, or she outsmart u. then if u kena caught / outsmart by her, dun complain!!! u know the game & consequences full well!!! everybody likes to win, but where there is a winner, there will be a loser. if u wanna play the game, be prepared 2 lose well b4 u play, juz like be prepared 2 lose b4 u start 2 gamble. if u cant afford 2 lose, then dont gamble (dun play the game).
yeah...if u are scared den don cheat!but the feel of winning the challenge is always good...haha
Originally Posted by 84gunner
y are so many men, especially sillypore men, so bewitched by the china gals? it is becos many of these men never felt so pampered, so happy 2 be pampered b4!!! especially when the china gals r so much more beautiful than SG gals! it simply feels like u are in heaven, something which u probably never even dreamt of!!!
i agree with u here totally..china gals are much more beautiful!!and not to mention willing
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Old 17-08-2006, 11:08 PM
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

Originally Posted by Dickster
By default , only ms xp ,2000 is having restircted access . Xp home enable u to make the whole of ur "my documents" inaccessible by others,
Easy to take its ownership back too
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Old 18-08-2006, 12:26 AM
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

Yeah i agreed ms os really dun give u a sense of security per my personnel view and it does not represent sb forum view. Hmm Since there are so many bros who encounter this problem . Can any bros who are pro in IT especailly in ms os give advice? Given the Situation on how to protect ur data against other administrator or worst proect ur data from "own account"

Data encrepting software not really works. system restore will remove watever secuirty u have set.

The last option is to used a portable harddisk and set ur profit pointing to it?

Any IT pros give advice?

Old 18-08-2006, 02:25 AM
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

I would suggest not to use PC since most of the activities don't require it. Handphone is safer and more private. In any case, anything that goes into the PC is as good as public, if means are extensively explored.
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Old 27-08-2006, 05:47 PM
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Re: Warning ! Clear your chat program history .....

Originally Posted by sgblackdevil
Is sammyboy considered porn..............
My former company server blocks whatever is considered porn..., but new company never block
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