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Old 29-08-2006, 04:16 PM
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Re: What an bastard I am....

Originally Posted by like2bonk
The best reply so far. Give u rep points for that
Hey.. Wasn't mine good too.. and creative, humurous, challenging and sacarstic enough?
Old 29-08-2006, 05:25 PM
oink71 oink71 is offline
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Re: What an bastard I am....

well bro,

if you cant take the heat from the fire you are playing, then u shouldnt be doing it in the 1st place....

you know tat you are not a very strong emotional guy, and you let emotions rule over you. then you shouldnt be playing this kind of fire.

only guys who are emotionally strong, can 'fire and forget' gals and still go home to be with families, then can come out to "chiong".....

you this type of guy.... better just stay at home with wife la....

anyway, lecture you now also no use.... damage done already.... my advise is stay away from this 17 yrs old gal.....

or just tell her the truth tat you are already married.

young teenagers dunno how to handle emotions, i can tell you... she can literally throw herself to you like a leech... then u jialat liao.....
Old 29-08-2006, 05:41 PM
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Re: What an bastard I am....

Do not forsake what you have now for what you have just gained, you may be simply hanging by the thread before you even know it.

Old 29-08-2006, 06:08 PM
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Re: What an bastard I am....

Just treat these flings or ONS as passing clouds. Can't really classify that as 'love' These are just so-called emotional support during your spouse's preganancy. You have cheated 2 women now, either you make a choice now, or both of them will backfire you real hard, emotional and financially turmoil.
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Old 29-08-2006, 08:02 PM
euks euks is offline
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Re: What an bastard I am....

Lastly, please be reminded that you are a class below bastards.

Bastard people like me do bastard things knowingly and face our own demons and consequences.
1.We do not create a false "nice guy" image to people.
2.We do not delude ourselves by thinking we are actually innately "emotional person, not those wimpy type but the type tats have compassion for people..."
3.We don't come out with a list of excuses to try to justify our wrong doings.

You are an immature HYPOCRITE and I hate people like you. You are those classic "mr nice guy" that bastards like me always warn our female friends about but fail.

Your type of "compassion and love" hurt people in the worst way. People like you feel too much, talk too much, promise too much but always fail to deliver when tested with reality.
Old 29-08-2006, 08:24 PM
xphone xphone is offline
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Re: What an bastard I am....


how u get to chat up with gers on msn arh???

teach leh.. ppl always tell me but i duno how..

wanna know a ger like YT like that also
Old 29-08-2006, 10:16 PM
mudhoney mudhoney is offline
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Re: What an bastard I am....

This fella mite s well seek advice from his mum better. The mum will say in cantonese ( san kaw char siew hou kor san lei) hahaha stop seeking advice from us anymore....
Old 29-08-2006, 10:49 PM
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Re: What an bastard I am....

Originally Posted by mudhoney
This fella mite s well seek advice from his mum better. The mum will say in cantonese ( san kaw char siew hou kor san lei) hahaha stop seeking advice from us anymore....
Dun bring mothers to illustrate your point lah, although you mean well.
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Old 30-08-2006, 12:10 AM
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Re: What an bastard I am....

Sorry, but I don't think that you are a bastard, I would recognise one ... because I was a bastard and I think, the biggest bastard in town!! I am a bloody mother-fucker now ... and you are not that too!! You, I am sorry to say, are scum!!!

As bro euks say, bastards like us take responsibilities for our actions ... if we are wrong, we face the music and correct the mistake ... scums like play the "nice guy" and rationalise their mistakes and think they are doing humanity a favour ... Please don't do anyone any favours ... you are not doing the 17 yr old SYT any favour by sticking with her ... who are you? - an adulterous spineless liar!!! Your fling with the SYT was a mistake, admit it and correct the mistake ...

You have a family ... but a scum like you don't know the meaning of the word or the value of the treasure that you have ... Your wife, the woman who you have promised (but promises means nothing to scums like you!!) to have and hold, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others until death do you part ... Your wife is carying your baby ... someone conceived by the 2 of you, your own flesh and blood ... and you can consider leaving them for a SYT? 17 yrs old at that .... BTW how old are you? Sorry to say, for a working professional as you claim to be, you have a mental age of 5 and a sub-zero IQ ... EQ, zilch too!!!

Don't equate lust with love? Your relationship with the SYT was based on lies and falsehood ... it will never last!

Do the right thing, break off while you can and go back to your FAMILY ... learn to treasure them and they will be with you thru thick and thin; forsake them and they will despise you like the scum of the earth!!!
Old 30-08-2006, 12:21 AM
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Re: What an bastard I am....

Pls... WAKE UP and go back to you wife.. YT is not worth it..and she really need to study, u might had ruin her future.. my suggestion is to bring her for a good dinner..and tell her nothing but the truth..and go back home.. be a good DAD..

Juz my 2 cent worth of comment..
Old 30-08-2006, 01:29 AM
Zenkid Zenkid is offline
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Re: What an bastard I am....

Originally Posted by Madhanuman
well like what I have said, b4 I got married 3yrs ago, I did not even commit a single crime against my wife(gf then)...

I just dun understand y I fall after I got married...sighz..
It doesn't really matter here if you have committed any crime against your wife before or not. Listen to the advice here, stay away from the SYT and get back to wife, else your 'first' crime to going to be a really BIG one.

Originally Posted by Madhanuman
Like what u guys said, is breakin off with YT fair?
I know its not fair to my wife but she's a victim too T_T
Both your wife and YT are victims, no matter which path you choose, it can never be fair. So stop using 'is it fair' as an excuse here. What is done cannot be undone, what matters most here is how you rectify it.

Originally Posted by Madhanuman
anyway YT is having her Os this yr & I do not want to jeopardize her results since she's from normal stream by ditching her without any reason.
Another excuse for you to drag things on so that you can enjoy the best of both world? Come on, you knew it that YT is having her Os this year. If you really concern about not jeopardizing her results, in the first place, you will not have lied to her and get her into this mess.
Old 30-08-2006, 09:14 AM
golfkaki golfkaki is offline
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Re: What an bastard I am....

The freaking bastard was expecting sympathy posts from all of us and since he got none of it, he went missing...
Old 01-09-2006, 03:19 AM
Madhanuman Madhanuman is offline
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Re: What an bastard I am....

Haha not that I went missing but doing the things I should have done these few days.

I've put in place all the things liao.

I confessed to my wife, she shared the responsibility for what I have done & forgave me.

I've also broke the truth to YT, she accepted it calmly & ok to remain as friends.

Seriously I'm not here to get watsoever sympathy replies, it doesnt work on me...I just need the screws to wake me up from my own fuckin idea..tats wat I'm lookin for here, harshest replies where I can find the best solution.

& 2day just went for a checkup with the gynae & hey, its a girl (haha mayb next time got retribution b coz of me)

& had a long talk with my wife when she encourages me to work on our marriage.

So I want to thank all the bros who has given me their harshest comments & helped me pull through this event.

Without all u laujiaos in this place, prolly I still dunno wat to do.

Even though YT ok to remains as friends, but I feel that its hard for me or her (mayb for me only) emotionally if we continue seeing each other.

I'm bringing her to KTV as promised b4 I broke the news to her & a secret place which I promised to bring her tomolo.

Everything will end tomolo. Wish me luck bros

Hopefully my incident will make some bros who wanna "try" the fire to think twice. I've caused enough pain to everyone. Pls dun be like me..


A Big Thank You to everyone who gave me their valuable inputs.

Really Appreciated
Old 01-09-2006, 08:17 AM
golfkaki golfkaki is offline
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Re: What an bastard I am....

I am happy for you... I can assure you, you'll not regret it.
Old 01-09-2006, 10:23 AM
fausto fausto is offline
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Re: What an bastard I am....

"Even though YT ok to remains as friends, but I feel that its hard for me or her (mayb for me only) emotionally if we continue seeing each other.

I'm bringing her to KTV as promised b4 I broke the news to her & a secret place which I promised to bring her tomolo."

Your wife forgave you and wants to work on your marriage together.

yet, you still maintain seeing the sweet young meat and shit. You are right. Your wife is everything a man can want in a wife. Because i seriously dont see any woman who is patient, caring and forgiving enough to spend the rest of her life with a lying fuck like you.
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