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Old 30-08-2006, 06:41 PM
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LOS pricing... why not?

I think the 150/90/2 shots is actually quite reasonable and pragmatic. In fact I prefer this to the xxx/60/1 for eg. I once have a eastern european and because it is 1 shot and the timing got screwed up - I have to really go through a rush.

90 mins is just nice. As long as the gal's attitude, 2 shots should not be a problem - second shot can be bj or even hj. Or if the gal really satisfy you for the full 90 mins, 1 shot is enough.

I once had a model LOS for 200/90/1 - mind you 1 shot only. But because she is so damn pretty and it was late (last customer) that she actually went out with me for supper.
Old 30-08-2006, 07:31 PM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Put things into perspective, for that amount of money you get a pretty decent room in an above average hotel plus LOS girls usually do not short change us in terms of service. You do not have to make the best use of your 2 shots, if the quality of your 1 shot is good, it's well worth the money don't you guys agree?
Old 30-08-2006, 10:51 PM
blitzing1201 blitzing1201 is offline
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

In my humble opinion, it's a valid trend brought up by Bro dakboyslim. it's a cat and mouse game between different providers. I liken it to SingTel Vs. Starhub competition.

In the end, if it doesn't work, we'd have things like "weekend madness", "weekend special", etc. On the otherhand, if it's a hot deal and "limited edition", then the price may go up.

I also agree with Bro Littleman's theory of demand and supply. It's also about marketing, packaging and the track record of the provider.

We do have a choice. Sometimes, you stumble upon a good deal at 120/90/2, even today. However, sometimes the quality is obvious when you compare a 100/90/2, 150/90/2, 170/90/2 or even a 200/90/2. However, I must say there's really a thin line between the 150/90/2 and the 170/90/2.

For me, it's like having service in charge included or not included, where the latter will give us the flexibility of tipping.

Old 30-08-2006, 11:25 PM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Erm ....
Originally Posted by dakboyslim
.... but if there are 16 customers ....
If there are 16 customers, wouldn't the girl have to shower 16x2=32 times a day, once with each customer before "action", and once after?

Old 31-08-2006, 12:27 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by Ah Jet
Erm ....

If there are 16 customers, wouldn't the girl have to shower 16x2=32 times a day, once with each customer before "action", and once after?
Well said. So do you think the girl will shower 32 times? What about the towels? How often have we come across FR that said: "Sian ah, she has already taken her shower and ask me to take myself." For all you know, you are licking the saliva of the previous customer on her nipples or pussy!

What about cases where after 1 bonk at 45 mins and small brother is still not satisfied and wanted another round? How? Tell the next customer to delay for another 45 mins?

Maybe threadstarter should try booking the last slot of the girls he like to bonk and share with us the service of the girl.
Eventually, the tips he give will shrink in no time and soon he will boycott his OKT...
Old 31-08-2006, 01:43 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by Da Ming
one more point to add

i wouldn't mind to pay more for gals service if she get the more ...why

let me give an example

OKT A rate is $130 - Thai gal A get $100 and $30 to OKT

OKT B rate is $130 - Thai gal B get $80 and $50 to OKT

which okt would you patron? Physological, gals that get more $ will provide better service because less pressure

if each girl get 5 customers( usually more than 5) and end of the day
Gal A will pocket $500 whereas Gal B will pocket $400 before minus off paying for hotel

There are good and bad OKTs around....but i still stick to my regular OKT to provide me his stocks
You forgot about the AGENT'S cut.

Gal gets $100? $80? Not even close.
Old 31-08-2006, 01:52 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by scott999
I agree with you.
Not all can accomplish 2 shots within the timing.

Just my 2cents.
then how? u thinking of bringing yr fren along ah? then after yr 1st shot ..u pass the baton to yr fren meh? then all u have to pay is half of it lor..swee bo?

i still its reasonable for a 150/90/2

furthermore ..i know one of OKT..and from him...his cut is low la...still have to buy meals for the gals...get clean fresh new towels for brudders to use...condoms..etc..
if some brudders wants it cheap...then u guys will have to use used smelly towels...having hungry gals(bad service) and who knows ...?? used recycle condoms??!!

give and take mah..
if wanna have fun and sex..must prepare to pay la..if not DIY lor.

hope i dun offend anyone here...okies?
Old 31-08-2006, 02:52 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

So who is to say that this or that price is high or down? It all boils down to the market forces at play. As long as there's demand, the prices will be kept up. So if it doesn't fit your bill, simply don't chase it & push up the demand.

As for quality, usually but not definately, the higher the price, the better the gal will be. It can be in terms of look or in services. Sometimes, packaging them to different sect of clientele do artificially change the price. The same gal will cost u $300 or more in top-class KTV but put the same gal over here, it will be lower. Put her in GL lorongs, even much lower. It's your own purchasing power.

Of coz, if they have the option of longer/shorter time or 1/2 shot, their customers base will increase as it can tailor to different customer's need. Reason being: You may like 90m but another person may not or you may want 2 shots but another may not. And if u think that by just supplying one standard option, all of them have no choice but to take it, you will be far from right. There are still a lot on the sideline not jumping in coz it does not suit their needs or find that it may not be resonably value, in relative to the price.

It does make bussiness sense to have options IF they want to capture a bigger market share of the pie but if they are happy with what they are getting now, by all means let it stay. Cheers

Last edited by Shakyywayy; 31-08-2006 at 03:07 AM.
Old 31-08-2006, 07:47 AM
ph1970 ph1970 is offline
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by Shakyywayy
So who is to say that this or that price is high or down? It all boils down to the market forces at play. As long as there's demand, the prices will be kept up. So if it doesn't fit your bill, simply don't chase it & push up the demand.....
good one bro!
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Old 31-08-2006, 09:23 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by DaniCalifornia
You forgot about the AGENT'S cut.

Gal gets $100? $80? Not even close.

You must be refering to their BKK AGENT .. Am i right
Old 31-08-2006, 09:39 PM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by DaniCalifornia
You forgot about the AGENT'S cut.

Gal gets $100? $80? Not even close.

What agent cut? You mean the person in between?
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Old 31-08-2006, 09:43 PM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by Da Ming
You must be refering to their BKK AGENT .. Am i right

I don't know about others, BKK Agent fee should NOT be taxed on the gals.
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Old 31-08-2006, 11:55 PM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by Shakyywayy
It does make bussiness sense to have options IF they want to capture a bigger market share of the pie
Sis Bonniesan, you have heard the bros opinions. Why not just give it a try : have 2 types of pricing, viz. 150/90/2 or 80/45/1. Notice I suggested $80 for 45min, not $75. You are one of the main OKTs for LOS girls, so if you agree, the other OKTs will follow. Try it for a month and see the response, ok ?
Old 01-09-2006, 01:53 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Well All bro i had a session with Bonniesan gals B4 it cost 170/90min but the service is good the gal had try hard to make me to go for my 2nd shot .So if you cant make it then it will b you not the gal or the okt and sometimes some bro must oso think about the next bro that is oso waiting like me had knna 1 bro who do not want to leave in the end i would have to wait for 30min.Even china gal charge 80 to 100 without rooms but some times they only give you 30 to40 min and with no service
Old 01-09-2006, 08:45 AM
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Re: LOS pricing... why not?

Originally Posted by Bonniesan

I don't know about others, BKK Agent fee should NOT be taxed on the gals.

I'm confused too...there are gals who work directly under the OKTs whereas some come here through Agent(probably their first trip to SG)
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