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Old 04-07-2020, 11:52 AM
Fitacloud Fitacloud is offline
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

Thanks for nice story!
Old 04-07-2020, 08:27 PM
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

Nicely written, TS. Looks like you found yourself a new toy too, she knows how to play with your big head.
If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges.
If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that.
Old 04-07-2020, 09:25 PM
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

Originally Posted by Orange22 View Post
Please continue TS, support nice story!!
69 points for you bro JB

I. AM. JB.

Old 04-07-2020, 09:27 PM
funfox funfox is offline
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

Great post TS.
Assuming a 3some at some point after you have had Jenna. Sounds like the good stuffs are on the way. 😋👍🏼
Old 05-07-2020, 12:57 AM
micropen micropen is offline
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

hey guys had a good bonk with the wife.. today went to IPL appointment to keep it smooth for painting :P
Originally Posted by micropen View Post
I open my eyes and look at her and see her looking to the side and she said to me
"looks like we have to change the bed sheets again.."
The Arrangement
As she turn her head to look at me wiping the cum off her face (she doesnt like to swallow )
"whats gotten into you lately?? its been a while you middle of the night come busy body with me"
I didnt want to tell her about how jenna got me all worked up.
"haha i you pushed up against me how do i not want to fuck you? your ass so soft and smooth rubbing me.. I would be crazy not to get busy with you"

we then washed up and changed the bed sheet. (i know changing bed sheet is time consuming but we are quite proficient at it if you catch my drift )

We then proceeded to sleep as she said
"we cant do this all the time ah washing the bedsheet is time consuming"
she dozed off into a deep sleep as it was almost 3:30am.
I crawled into bed and turned off the side table lamp and spent a brief moment to think about jenna and what she was doing when my wife and I were making love. I then drifted into a deep sleep as well.

I was woken up but the sound of my phone vibrating at around 10:30am.
My wife already has woken up and was outside doing her work. I grabbed my phone in half a daze to see that I got a message from jenna. I felt happy inside and immediately woke up.
I swiped the phone and read the message:
"Heyy how was it last night? did you have more fun than I did?"
I was quite happy that she still took note and remembered our convo from last night. I felt quite comfortable talking flirty to Jenna now as I felt she was quite open to well.. basically everything.
"Hey yeah it was how was your fun with your toys?"

"it did make my happy juices come out " she said innocently

Last night was kind of a crazy ride for me with jenna coming into my life, me thinking about her while having sex with my wife and I felt like I needed to tell her everything to get the weight off my chest.
"Wow thats good to hear.. truth be told I was thinking about you and your video when I was finishing.."

I was hoping I didnt push it too far so that it would become awkward.
"Oh really? what did your wifey think about that?"

She seemed quite cordial and normal about it so I replied:
"I didnt tell her.. let that be our little secret.."

"ooo okay well if it makes it even I came too you want to see?"
as she said this there was no way in hell I was going to reject whatever she was going to send

"Since when did I ever reject anything from you haha" I said reassuringly

"promise not to laugh okay?"

Before I could reply the attachment came in and it was another video.

I immediately pressed play eager to see what she had in store for me on a friday morning 10:30am.
She was sitting in her usual spot the camera frame directed to her pussy. the view was spectacular with good lighting. skin was smooth but this time the dildo was missing. I could hear her breathing so heavily it was very arousing as I saw some of her cum dripping out of her pussy. she spread her lips with her two fingers as her cum came out. It wasnt a spray like my wife's but I was damn hot nonetheless seeing it slowly come out and drip down on to her anus and onto the floor. I felt like helping her clean it with my tongue. I watched it again just to hear her sweet sound of her breathing. The videos she was sending was top quality.

"wow thats really hot.. Did you cum thinking about me?" I asked flirtishly
"hehe~ i was looking at your display photo and thinkng of both of you.. your wife is really pretty"
Damn seems like she was eyeballing my wife too and not just me... it was pretty hot. I replied to confirm if this was true:
"so u you like girls too huh?"

she then replied
"Oh yes~ I was les before"
I tried to cool down the situation before I get too hot and bothered again:
"once you're lesbian you never really can go back" (my wife told me this before as she was les during uni)

"haha omg that is so true!"
I felt this girl was so easy to talk to and so kinky and cute at the same time. but then it hit me that all this could just be some girl putting fake pictures of someone up. I was quite comfortable with her so far as her personality goes so I could either ask for a video chat or I could ask her for a meetup. I decided to take the leap and ask her out.

I tried to make it as casual as possible trying to make it look like friends meeting up by throwing in mobile legends as an excuse but we all know that wasnt true:
"hey this gonna sound real weird and if you think its too much then i'm cool with it but do you like wanna meetup for a coffee to talk about mobile legends and other things?"

I waited for about two minutes thinking did I just pushed it too far too fast?
just as I was gonna say something to recover whatever i could she replied:

"omg yeah thats so cool you can bring your wife too we can all catch up!"

Bring my wife? what the hell? here I am trying meetup a girl in discrete and shes asking me to bring my wife? this was a strange situation i was in..
was it she didnt want to be alone with me? or maybe she felt bad for my wife? i had no idea but I agreed to avoid making her feel uncomfortable:
"oh.. yeah alright"
"but umm we keep our little secret a secret ah"

she then replied:
"Yes omg i wouldnt sabo you like that silly you~"

I felt a relief but at the same time I was very nervous in how I should introduce my wife to this random girl i met on a gaming platform.. It felt like it would be really hard trying to juggle the two girls so I decided to get her input on it and be honest.

"haha yeah.. I'm not sure how to introduce you to her also cause I just met you the other day.. not sure if it will be too weird for her"
I was expecting her to agree with me and just have me meet her but noo this 小bb always has some surprise for me.

"oh just say we were old gaming friends that found each other after a long time"

Actually that made a lot of sense. It was a white lie of course but it did have some truth to it...

"Damn you're good.. since its friday you wanna meet for dinner then after work?"

"Yeah sure! when you guys free?" she asked

"I'll have to check with the wife " I said.

"okay let me know "

at this point in time i felt really excited.. about to meet jenna with my wife! thats is totally crazy after all that happened in the last day. I was nervous if my wife would be suspicious of me but i've gone too deep to pull out now (no pun intended).

i pulled my self together to compose myself properly and walked out the door to find my wife.

"hey babe hows work?" i asked to start things off casually.

"damn lousy these people so annoying WFH is damn tiring." she complained about her work.
I used this opportunity to try to get her out to meet jenna. (take note this was before CB was in place during early march but some companies already implemented WFH)

"aiya its like that one work will never end one dont worry" i tried to console her.

"yah lor just sian"

"you know whats so strange? I found one of my old game buddies and they are asking us out for meetup!" it tried to play it cool. (not used to lying to my wife)

"which gaming buddy? you got so many! last time you play so much everyday got new friend" she teased me.

"oh her name is jenna we used to play mobile legends quite intensively back in the day" I lied again (till this day she still believes jenna is my old friend.)

"oh really okay la anything to get away from these idots (talking about her colleagues)"

I was really surprised at the time she said this but then now that i think of it its not so bad as it would of been even more suspicious if it was just me meeting her instead of both of us.

"okay i'll let her know we go eat dinner tonight!"

i went back to the room to inform jenna.
"she said okay! any place in particular you wanna eat?" i asked

"you guys choose i'm okay for anything"

"table manners good for you at expo there?" I asked

"oh I never been before okay no problem!" she replied

"okie see you there around 7pm?" I asked

"oki~" she agreed

I had a meeting for work scheduled that day at 11am so I had to go.. I really wanted to talk to her more but gotta make some money..

"okay i got a meeting in 10 mins so i gotta prepare dont have too much fun without me"

"i never do" she replied

I smiled to myself and went for my meeting..

Today is going to either be a really good or bad day. but one thing is for sure. it'll definitely be interesting....

Thanks guys for the support if you enjoyed please donate some points if you can much appreciated.
I also added titles for each chapters for your reference

again for those who hate my commentary here is the convo to read
chat 1 chat 2 chat 3 chat 4

Last edited by micropen; 05-07-2020 at 01:09 AM.
Old 05-07-2020, 05:16 AM
meijipcc meijipcc is offline
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

really like this nice story, look forward to your next update TS.
Old 05-07-2020, 09:25 AM
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

this story is nice!

setting up my tent here to wait for more.
Old 05-07-2020, 09:27 AM
unobtanium unobtanium is offline
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

Nice stories.
Please share more.
Old 05-07-2020, 10:49 AM
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

Originally Posted by funfox View Post
Great post TS.
Assuming a 3some at some point after you have had Jenna. Sounds like the good stuffs are on the way. 😋👍🏼
Haha.. no it was something else entirely... Please stayed tuned
Old 05-07-2020, 11:24 AM
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

Support TS ! Nice story and got picture got convo to show !
Old 05-07-2020, 03:30 PM
songtao songtao is offline
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

TS, thank you so much for nice story.
Old 05-07-2020, 03:31 PM
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

morning guys.. today chilling at home wife went to sephora to get some makeup. think we gonna role play tonight! fingers crossed.
Originally Posted by micropen View Post
Today is going to either be a really good or bad day. but one thing is for sure. it'll definitely be interesting....
The Naughty Table Manners
During the meeting I wasnt really paying attention.. they talked about a business trip to China for me to implement some emergency tech in the next few days. I was assigned to leave on that Sunday for a few days. The was a common occurrence in my line of work.

I went out to inform my wife:
"haiya babe Sunday I need to fly to China again.. be back on thursday if everything goes well."

"again? but then how to make love if you back on thursday... (usually we have dirty sex on wednesday)

"its okay can postpone to thursday one day la.. I know your sex drive high but can tahan a bit okay?"

"okay.. she said innocently. I will find other ways hehe"

"you naughty girl ah. dont forget later 7pm we meeting my friend for dinner ah" I reminded her

"oh yah okay i start prepare at 5:00" she replied.

I checked my phone to see if jenna said anything but nothing so i decided to shoot her a text.

"finished my meeting.. I've got a business trip coming this sunday to thursday.. sian but at least didnt mess up our plans for dinner tonight!"

waited a few minutes but not reply.. she must of been busy shaking kids in the toilet :P.

I continued to do some work when the wife came in and jumped on the bed in a fit of rage about her work

"Haiz i hate the people at work so damn annoying always trying to find trouble."

she proceeded to play with her phone as I was working on the desk.

"you are never short of complains.. maybe you can quit soon find another job you like doing?" i tried to console her

"yeah so stressed these few weeks WFH."

I took a glance over to her and she was looking really sexy facing away on her stomach from me lying on the bed. her ass was the first thing I saw round like a peach waiting to be eaten. her back was arched which made her ass look even more perky.

"wah babe your ass is damn nice.." i told her

"really? meh okay only ah" replied.

I took out my phone to take a picture to show her.

"see sibei nice right you are lucky i think many girls want this"

"orh i was born like this leh haha.."

I gave a tight slap on her ass and continued my work...

the rest of the time was quite quiet as I had a few more meetings to attend.

We got ready at around 5 and as my wife was getting ready I looked at her and said:
"wa babe you dont need too much make up you already so chio"

"eh I finally go out I want to doll my self up okay?" she snapped back
I love it when shes fiesty.

"okok you ready to go?"

we got into the grab and went over to expo.
during the ride jenna texted me:
"Hey sorry i was really busy today I'm on my way see you there ya? "

I was quite excited to finally meet this girl even if it was with my wife.. I hope nothing bad will happen.

"yeah no problem we will wait for you we are reaching soon"

we arrived early as usual when we have outings. at around 6:50pm.
we found a table out side first to have a small drink. the area is quite nice at changi city point along a stretch with a few nice bistros.

As we waited i could see my wife was bored so I decided to play around with her. i took out my phone and turned on teh camera

"babe what why so sad look here.." as i snapped a picture

"haiya we always early must wait so long" she sighed

"haha yeah we are always earlier. maybe next time we try being late" i joked

"no i hate being late.. when is your friend coming?" she asked.

"soon she should be here any moment" I replied

A few minutes later I see this 165 cm tall girl walking towards me from the walkway and I instantly recognized her from her photo. I tilted my head a bit to the side and gave a squinting face. she did the same and it was like a confirmation that we knew each other even though it wasnt the case. She was wearing denim jacket over a blue floral dress. shoes she was wearing wedges with straps. very attractive.

I stood up to greet her as she started to run a bit towards me.

"Jenna?" I said with a bit of question in my voice

"omg charles its been so long since i've seen you! as she lept into my arms give me a hug".
This was a bit unexpected for me shes a pretty good actress.

"yeah! umm long time" I tried to play along.
"Jenna this is my wife Elaine! I don't think you guys met before!"

she immediately turned to my wife and gave her a big hug.
"omg so I finally got to meet you! so nice to meet you!"

my wife slightly taken by surprise but she seemed to like her right off the bat

"yeah! Charles always has friends online he used to play so much back in the day but so nice to meet you too" she replied

"omg you're so pretty! I only saw you in pictures (she referring to my profile pic) but it doesnt do you justice in real life" she said.

"oh no la haha you also very pretty leh we can be both be pretty how about that?"

and for me I was kind of just standing there dumbfounded feeling like a third wheel as the two girls clicked. I then tried to include my self somewhat into the convo:

"so you guys wanna go in i'm quite hungry."
They both said at the same time.
"Okay!" looked at each other and laughed.

It seems like my wifes bad day suddenly ceased to exist and it almost felt like she met her long lost best friend. I felt good because they seemed to be getting along so well but also bad because i felt they excluded me by already having their own inside jokes and what not.

I went up to the waiter first while the girls followed and asked him for a table for 3. he pointed to a cozy table right at the corner. I looked back to signal the girls to come and I could see they already had their arms linked like best buddies.

We sat down my wife and i sat next to each other while jenna sat across from us.

"so how how long do know charles?! I never seen or heard of you before?" my wife asked

I started to get a little nervous not sure how or what jenna would say. She looked at me for a split second with her cute sexy eyes then looked back at my wife:

"oh i think about 3 years now! we played a lot of games together last time but never really met up that often right?" she then looked at me to confirm the statement

"uhh yeah last time you remember I played a lot games sometimes i lose track of my online friends" Clearly i'm not as good at this as she is.

my wife then answered cheerfully:
"you know out of all his friends i think you're the best! haha!" as tapped on jennas hand lightly

"aww you're so sweet. I wish I would have met you earlier!" jenna replied.

we then proceeded order.

"so what you guys getting?" i asked the girls

"umm i thnk i'll get the caborana its my fave!" jenna said

my wife instantly replied
"omg what its my fave too!" they both gave each other a high five

I chuckled a bit and said
"you guys are like twins huh.. Well i'm getting norwegian baked salmon. what about drinks? i'll probably get a Stella"

my wife the said
"oh you wanna share a bottle jen?"
wow already with the nick names....

she then replied
"okay how about a chardonnay?"

"perfect choice!" my wife exclaimed

I proceeded to call the waiter and place the order.

as the drinks came first we drank and had chit chat.. well the girls talked more about whatever girls talk about and I most of the time just sat there looking at jenna admiring her.

we just talked about random stuff till the food came 25 mins later and the girls already drank half the bottle. I ordered another Stella as i didn't have much to do or say but only to drink :P.

We had a very pleasant dinner as the two girls got to know each other. they seemed to have a lot in common strangely enough. About 1.5 hours later and now on their second bottle of Chardenay.

my wife was venting out her work with Jenna:
"my office hor so annoying ever since work from home... everyone like trying to push arrows to me..."

"babe you so lucky you can WFH you can any time just go to bed" jenna replied

"yeah i know but it was much easier when we were all in office now over the internet people can just siam and jus............."

I was listening half way when suddenly i felt something touch my leg. I looked over to my wife to see if she was doing anything but no she was just ranting passionately not even taking any notice of me.

I then looked over to Jenna. she was smirking a bit looking at my wife but the she glanced over to me ever so briefly and looked back.

I felt her feet glide along my calf and slowly go up to my inner thigh. i clenched a bit. i started to get a little rush down to my dick. as she moved her feet up and down my crotch area. she was still looking at my wife 'listening' to what she was saying but focusing on me with her legs. I have never felt this way before she was so daring to do this in front of my wife.. but it never felt more sexy.

I opened my legs a bit more for her.. (I'm not sure if this is counted as a foot job lol..). I slowly moved my hands to rub her feet and calf under the table as they were so smooth. I could see her re adjust her seating and smiling a bit more. My wife had no idea this was happening.

when my wife finish ranting she retracted her legs and i snapped back into reality.

"yeah omg girl sounds damn stressful.. but its okay you got Charles to always console you" she replied to her.

my wife turned to me a bit tipsy and said:
"yeah i do dont i hehe.." as she gave me a kiss.

I would feel that Jenna was watching.

"I try my best haha.." I said trying to cool down myself.

we finished dinner at around 1000pm and decided my wife was already quite tired and a little bit drunk. We walked out of the restaurant.

"omg it was so fun to meet you today we should do it again sometime." my wife said to Jenna.

"yeah heres my number we can organize something with just us girls" she replied

to me at that point in time if she kept our little secret a secret then i have no worries.. which she has kept so far so i didnt feel that uncomfortable jenna giving my wife her number (I also was a bit tipsy).

the area was quite empty at this time as most people were still at the bars.
"babe call the grab I need to go toilet really quick" my wife said and quickly ran off to the toilet.

so it was just me and jenna standing there at the wall. I was booking the grab halfway when she pushed me against the wall and gave me a huge french. I was taken by surprise and dropped my phone but as she kissed i just naturally grabbed her ass and squeezed it. we frenched for like 10 seconds then she whispered in my ear.

"you dropped your phone" and smiled and pulled away.
you know till this day I can never put my finger on jenna as I can never fully figure her out.

i snapped back into reality
"jesus jenna. you are fiesty." as I picked up my phone.

Before i could say anything further we could hear my wife come around the corner.

I continued to book the grab and the girls chit chat further as i stood there dumbfounded on what just happened.
they were laughing and joking when the car finally came.

"ohhh is so fun with you babe we do this again soon yeah!?" my wife said as she hugged jenna

"aww of course see you soon" she replied as my wife got in the grab

"Byee Charles see you soon too i hope!" as she came and hug me to this time grabbing my ass.

I jumped a bit scared that wife would of seen but i was facing the car so she couldnt see.

"haha.. see you jenna we should play together again soon its been too long"

she then whispered in my ear "yeah its been too long"

As I heard this i got chills run down my spine.
As disengage from the hug i glided my hand from her waist diagonally down and brushed her pussy lightly. If she could tease me I sure as hell could do the same.

i got into the car and we both waved and drove off

"omg jenna is so nice you stupid la never intro me earlier!" my wife said as she jokingly hit me

"yeah she is nice..." i said thinking about what happened as we headed home..


Thanks guys for the support please donate some points if you can if you enjoyed
the small convo here not much though so for those who like to skip should read this time Chat 1
Some links may be broken as they were taken down.

Last edited by micropen; 05-07-2020 at 10:23 PM.
Old 05-07-2020, 03:33 PM
EmpressQ EmpressQ is offline
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

Nice video, can see her juice flowing out
Old 05-07-2020, 04:06 PM
EvanesceWind EvanesceWind is offline
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

What intense pleasure. Seeing more adventure while u are away in China and likely 3some once u are back. Cont with the story bro! 2 hotties yum
Old 05-07-2020, 09:16 PM
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Re: The time I managed to get a threesome on a gaming platform

Any ladies have kink to fulfill or enjoy teasing a man cock in public whenever she wanted? Don't be shy to PM me, very open to suggestion too.
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