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Old 31-03-2010, 12:15 AM
razer11 razer11 is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Wow you really drove there just to see her?
Old 31-03-2010, 09:22 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

nice update TS..
Old 31-03-2010, 04:15 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


Reached home and straightaway smsed to June, reporting to her that I am safe home. Below were the SMSes exchange between me and her.

Me SMS: "Hi, I am safe. Now going up to my unit. Hope you have a good rest. Sweet dreamz ya."
June SMS: "Now I can have a sound sleep knowing you are back. Thanks for making the journey just to see me. I really appreciate that. I can't wait for the Genting trip to be with you and Isabelle. Really want to go for a short break."

Me SMS: "Good things must wait patiently. I am sure we will enjoy this trip. I promise you. Hope to see you soon. I miss you already. Got a very strong feeling that I want to be with you."
June SMS: "You sure you are not making a wrong choice? Things might not be the same before and after. I don't want you drag you into misery of marriage."

Me SMS: "I know what I am doing. I choose this path. I don't have to be answerable to anyone. Rest assure I won't blame you. I am sure we will definitely enjoy each others companion if we are to be together."
June SMS: "Ok...let's not talk anymore. I am going to zzzz... You rest early too k. Don't think too much. Sweet dreamzz to you too. Muak!"

Reached home. Got a nice shower then enjoyed a glass of HL Milk. SMS came in. Picked up the phone by the SMS wasn't from Jne but May.

May SMS: "Hey, guess you must be sleeping now. Just want to say thanks for shooping with me just now. Anyway, just wanna jio you for clubbing with my female kakis tomorrow at dragonfly. Give me an answer tomorrow k. See you. kekeke."

I did not return the SMS afraid that the conversation might get too lengthy till I compromise my sleeping time.

Back to the office that day. About tea-break time at 10plus, bumped May in the pantry.

May: "Hi! So did you see my SMS last night?"
Me: "Oohh...yape. Thanks for the jioing....But I can't confirm with you now. What about later in the day?"

May: "Hmmm....ok lor. But really hope you can come. Wanna introduce you my friends to you."
Me: "Huh? Why me?"

May: "No lah....See you no girlfriend mah. So maybe help you to widen your circle of friends."
Me: "Oooohhh I see. Thanks huh. You very helpful huh. What about I jio my guy friends and intro them to you?"

May: "Urrr...don't need don't need. I can help myself. So hear from you later k?"
Me: "Sure. Get back to you."

Back to my work. Started thinking of June. So smsed her.

Me SMS: "Hi babe, what you doing now?"
June SMS: ""Nothing. Zero tasking. Stoning!"

Me SMS: "Wah! So exciting huh!" Is he bak?"
June SMS: "Yape. This morning. We didn't talk. He is sleeping like a pig now!"

Me SMS: "Ok....too bad lor. Can't see you liao. You take care hor."
June SMS: "Sure. If I can, I will arrange with you for meet up k. Muak!"

Happy! At least gotten some motivation for the rest of the day. But the best is to able to see June. 5pm clock striked. My direct line phone rang.

Me: "Hello, who is this on the line."
Caller: "Oh, this is May, calling from the office. May I know if this gentleman that I am speaking to, is he able to make it for the clubbing tonight?"

Me: "Oh.....urrrr....I guess I have no choice but to obilge."
May: "Great! See you at the entrance, 9.30pm yah."

Me: "Ok...see you."

Packed up and off to my home for a short break before heading towards dragonfly.

To be continued.......
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Old 31-03-2010, 06:26 PM
rob_onny rob_onny is offline
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Arrow Re: Road Accident Encounter

Great moves Bro Urger...
This is what the old chinese said, "one leg step two boats"... ha ha ha ha...
I wish u'll have "boat reach the end of the bridge will naturally straighten"...
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it
Old 31-03-2010, 08:00 PM
gaipauchi gaipauchi is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

following this story awhile, getting interesting now, pls continue w the juicy stuff...
Old 31-03-2010, 09:21 PM
othniel othniel is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Camping for the story... Hmmm... rather long... but progressive.. How long was the entire event till now?
Old 01-04-2010, 12:52 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Hmmmm.... waiting for more updates..
"Temptation know no laws, standing prick has no conscience."

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Old 01-04-2010, 12:58 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by otamay View Post
Hmmmm.... waiting for more updates..
Gd morning Tiko otamay & hope to see u back again

Today few of the bros just mention about u & it happen to see u appear here.

Toto & 4D will strike like a dream

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Old 01-04-2010, 10:21 AM
chikoman chikoman is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Bro, nice, continue pls
Old 01-04-2010, 11:21 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


Reached dragonfly about 9.30 pm sharp. Gave a call to May.

Me: "Hi, I am here. Are you guys here already?"
May: "Oh....sorry. We are still at Vivocity. Should be there about 10 plus. You wait for us k. See you."

Me: "Oh...ok...wait for you at the entrance then. Give me a call when you guys reach k."

Hung up the phone feeling about lang lang! Bo bian. Took out a cig. Loiter around the area, scanned the area and saw quite a few babes. Tick tock tick tock..... 10.30 pm still no call from May. Bo bian lor, went in alone. Inside I just stand near the counter and ordered a drink. Happened to saw my Uni friend kakis and chated with him. About 11.00pm, May smsed me saying that they were outside. Told her that I was inside and very soon they joined us.

Wah wah wah! Never know that May's friends are all of good quality stock! 1 OL, 1 Model and 3 Air stewardess. A brief description on the friends.

OL: She is a PA for a Managing director of a Temasek linked Company. I think ST group if I still remembers. She was wearing a 2 piece coat like those Chanel type. Black with big white buttons. Very cool and doesn't talk much among the group. Married.

1 Model: Fashion apparel model. Mid 20s. Very bubbly. Not very wide and character was quite a GND type. Any mum would love it.

3 Stewardess: Nothing to talk about lah. Personally I never like air-stewardess. I only have one fantasy is to fxxx the "hell-out-of then" Very stuck-up attitude. They behaved like leech, constantly trying to hook guys and leeched on them. For the whole night, I think the 3 of them had the best deal. Free flow of drinks and tonnes of hp number on their palms! Can become a walking yellow pages!

Anyway I didn't really enjoyed that night. My mind has only one thing. That was June. Wondering what she was doing at home etc. My Uni Kakis actually pulled me over to a side and said to me.

My kaki: "Hey bro, that one long hair your colleague huh?"
Me: "Yah...why? You interested is it? I can intro you i you want."

My kaki: "No lah. I saw her quite a number of time here and other places."
Me: "Wah is it? Never know you also cheong so much."

My kaki: "No lah...sometime with friend, sometime with client blar blar blar lah. Btw I got something to sharfe with you. You colleague damn wide! Everytime I saw her dancing like no tomorrow. Let guys autoroamed. Especially one time I saw her drank like hell, then a lot of wolves and buayas starting to surround her. Sure loose type!"
Me: "Never know that. She behaves so differently in the office."

My kaki: "Aiyah bro, that's why people say "don't judge a person by the surface."
Me: "Now I have a total change perception on her liao. Ever thought of chasing her. Now I see her like that...sigh..."

My Kaki: "ON her lah. Get her as your FB."
Me: "No lah. you xiao huh!"

My kaki: " Can try one lah! Office sex leh. Imagine doing on the table, pantry etc. Shiok leh"
Me: "Don't want lah. I always believe in "Never eat and shit at the same place."

My Kaki: "You are right. But if you want, things always have it's risk. See how you handle hor."
Me: "Yah...I fxxx her then quit the job right?"

My kaki: "Maybe"

So the whole night I only tend to talk to the OL, model and my friend. I left that place rather early. With me, the OL also left early. We both walk towards the carpark. That OL was actually driving a Audi TT! Malu lah for me! Honda Civic! Maybe should change my car to SLK! (Small Little Kelsa)

To be continued......
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 01-04-2010, 11:52 AM
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Arrow Re: Road Accident Encounter

Bro Urger, still no hot actions huh?? like that saliva going 2 dry leow leh [drooling]...
BTW, the "SLK" is a gd one.. ha ha ha ha ...
Like that, i think i should go & change mine 2 BMW (Buay Malu Wheels)... ha ha ha ha ...
Originally Posted by urger View Post
That OL was actually driving a Audi TT! Malu lah for me! Honda Civic! Maybe should change my car to SLK! (Small Little Kelsa)
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months...
For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it
Old 01-04-2010, 02:21 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by urger View Post
1 Model: Fashion apparel model. Mid 20s. Very bubbly. Not very wide and character was quite a GND type. Any mum would love it.
Bro, can explain this sentence? She's not very wide? Don't get your meaning.

The best car for suggesting sex will always be the Nissan Bluebird. Old car yes, but just look at the name. You think of sex when you see the Bluebird name right? When I tell my younger colleagues that Nissan ever had a car called Bluebird, they don't believe me. Nissan Lan Jiao (just in case you still don't get it).

Want to come sit in my Bluebird? Can my Bluebird send you home? My Bluebird is wet (rain) again. I like to wash my Bluebird with snow wash. Vacumm my Bluebird, baby... Wherever you stay, my Bluebird is along the way.
I don't exchange points. So no point adding me hoping I will up you back. No need to pm me about points too.
Old 01-04-2010, 02:26 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by Xgenre View Post
Bro, can explain this sentence? She's not very wide? Don't get your meaning.
Typo mistake. Not very wild.
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Old 01-04-2010, 03:04 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

So good to see TS bk....Continueyr story....Been Chasing....Like Drama.....Haha...
Old 03-04-2010, 11:11 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by davepower View Post
So good to see TS bk....Continueyr story....Been Chasing....Like Drama.....Haha...
HAHA! My exact sentiments! It really is just like chasing those TVB drama shows.
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