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Old 03-07-2014, 04:56 PM
FEDERER801 FEDERER801 is offline
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
bro slyer, you don't know Federer's cai meh? he already made clear who his cai is in his first post:

His cai is more or less the same as his master

Now as to why he go and call and then post negative fr on jia jia and han zhi, which are not his cai, that is certainly very puzzling indeed.
Actually i am very curious to know who u think my master is?
Old 03-07-2014, 04:58 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by FEDERER801 View Post
Actually i am very curious to know who u think my master is?
Well, Nato17 has spoken up for you so I guess I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

Do continue with whatever you are doing
Old 03-07-2014, 05:54 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Well, Nato17 has spoken up for you so I guess I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

Do continue with whatever you are doing
Don't bring me into this. You KNNCB kia.
I just don't think fed is a clone doesn't mean jack shit. I am entitled to that opinion period. You have a fucking idiotic attitude that if we take a poll, we will find that you are one of the most annoying people in the forum.

Maybe lets do this, shall we.

We take a poll, which you did previously, that if 10 people support your ideas, you will do it. So lets take a poll. How many people think that Bronzegod, should just shut up and get the fuck out of this forum.

I started this poll, so let me vote.

I vote BronzeGod takes a hike.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 03-07-2014, 09:58 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
Maybe lets do this, shall we.

We take a poll, which you did previously, that if 10 people support your ideas, you will do it. So lets take a poll. How many people think that Bronzegod, should just shut up and get the fuck out of this forum.

I started this poll, so let me vote.

I vote BronzeGod takes a hike.
It's a good suggestion to propose to boss & sponsor to have a "like" & "unlike" button on each samster's personal profile page just like Facebook. Then we will know how many "likes" he has
Beckham07, cassano10, bonkning: Trolls cum L6H66 promoters
Old 03-07-2014, 11:44 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by slyer View Post
It's a good suggestion to propose to boss & sponsor to have a "like" & "unlike" button on each samster's personal profile page just like Facebook. Then we will know how many "likes" he has
Now that suggestion I think is excellent.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 04-07-2014, 12:12 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Flesh Young Dreamer

WL: Meng Lu (梦逯)
House: 1805
Home: Hubei
Age: 21
Ht/Wt: 160/47
Debut: May 2014

Looks (7/10): Sweet young looking. Long black hair to boobs, round face, small kissable lips, big eyes. Her complexion was good, skin was jade white and smooth. She had a black mole on her back but no big deal. Hour-glass waist with slight tummy. Her legs were firm and strong, sporty and not leggy type.

Boobs (7/10): B-cup boobs with light brown aerola and pinkish tits. Filled up fully in my 2 palms. Soft and bouncy without sagging. Very sensitive to licking. Moaning sounded fake when licked.

French (6/10): Allowed but not passionate, commercial touch and go feel.

Pussy Painting (6.5/10): Neatly shaven pussy hair. Pinkish abalone, nice to suck and lick at. Her squirming during painting sounded fake and commercial. She needed to let herself go and be more relax. If fake, can improve on the acting skill.

AR (6/10): Brief but shiok. Before I started to enjoy it, she has already finished! If can be longer, will score for this.

Bath (6.5/10): Front and Back rubba briefly only. Not much sensuality felt. But she BBBJ my dick after thoroughly washed my naked dick head compensated for it.

Cat Bath (7/10): She did put in some effort on this part. Her soft white boobs and licking my whole body with warm water quite shiok.

BBBJ (6.5/10): Licking my dick like a lolipop, quite shiok. Sucking at my balls, perineum quite stimulating feel. But too brief. If a little longer will score better.

FJ (6/10): Felt mechanical. Perhaps due to her lack of experience, she tended to rush through step after step. Finished missionary, moved to folding chair, then doggie. Before I can enjoy each position enough, she automatically moved on to the next position. Sigh! The final position at doggie, her ass angle was too high that my dick had to bend at such ackward way to enter and was a bit painful. I cummed at this position though it was painful. First time that I felt pain and shiok at the same time. Can't really describe the feeling in writing... My dick was still hard but no mood after that. After the FJ, still got plenty of time, only 30 min done. She bathed me and asked me to lie down and gave me a back massage. Quite shiok.

GFE (6/10): We chatted a fair bit. She named herself Meng Lu. As for the meaning of it, I felt quite personal for her, so I wd leave it to you to ask her.

Overall: She was a raw gem waiting to be polished. If you have the patience to teach and guide her, I believe her service can be improved. Just a tip, if you enjoy any part of the session and want more, say bbbj, do let her know. Else she will move on to the next sequence soon without you knowing it. Her plus points were her fresh face, young innocent look at 21 years old and her soft jade white boobs and smooth young skin.

RTF: Maybe later when she is more polished
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Old 04-07-2014, 06:24 PM
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Re: Three Prinsesses of 2045

Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
F.H has a high sex drive back home.......she actually enjoy been fuck by many men though some she go thru the rountine becos she no chemistry,but many she still have chemistry......can get sexually satisfy n earn money.....she sure serve people well....a born whore.......i like too......
well ur right, i committed a silly mistake..i should have heeded many bros advice which most will say n do: never find wl who is going to ord soon. 不聽老人言 吃虧在眼前 . i last year find feng huang 2045, was her regular, that time she still very horny n wear fishnet stocking n very commando. i got good chemistry with her, every time go will french n i paint pussy she allow n she moan a lot. i french also french deep deep with her,fuck also very enthu can tell she fucking horny last year.
this year cny start to slack a little but still acceptable, now, feng huang 2045 going back in around 2 months time, no more wear fishnet stockings ,no french , no cunninlingus. attitude still ok, but very big difference, last time so horny, now like 看破紅塵 , i wont say cold, still got a bit of service, but can tell she really burnt out n tired , fucking also no stamina , and i was her first customer in that afternoon when they just opened!

i guess this is called ord mood? haha , i near ord that time also like that. should have thought of that. feng huang 2045 service now is more like cat100 or cat80 instead of cat150, even though i pay cat150. feng huang from commando standard last yr now is drop to be like cook clerk storeman

and 2045 environment sucks big time, so small and run down , okt also very fucked up attitude n rude , like what china ppl say 老鳖三 没文化 , never mind i dont 计较 with this type of low class vermin.

next time u wanna book any gem from 2045 or any other lousy house , i suggest u go to better more high class bigger n luxurious house like club style 1817 and westerhout yi tiao long. 0819 although big but still lousy realtively speaking compared with 1817 n ytl. 1817 n ytl the okt more polite n friendly.

thats my advice for fellow bros , shun wls going to ord, best is find new recruits, and order angpai from lousy house to better environment like 1817 n ytl. ytl sister house w1619 not bad. n 1606 environment also good, spacious room n waiting corner, while waiting can smoke, drink tea , chat with cheong buddy or watch tv provided there.

hope sg brothel can be more like German n swiss fkk, they really rock.
fellow bros happy with my intro on bei bei n advice , can upz me , lol

Last edited by xiaofeiyang; 05-07-2014 at 07:13 PM.
Old 05-07-2014, 01:57 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by oinkoink88 View Post
manage to book her two days back and time spent with her is worth it

FR on house 1606 Rong Rong mid 20s mm JiangSu

Face: 8.0/10
(bubbly vivacious friendly type, big smoky eyes, wears fakes lashes which look nice. lots of nu ren wei appeal. My type of girl.)

Height: 1.68m
(She is tall. I like tall girls. )

Boobs: 8.0/10
(A Natural 36C frontal assets! Definitely a must try for Boobs lovers! They were certainly very shiokalicious to lick, suck, mould and caress )

Body: 7.2/10
(Fair, smooth and curvy. A great body to have sex esp that butt as a few bros mentioned )

Bath: 7.5/10
(Very hygienic. Soaps and washes me from neck to legs. I like the feeling when she soaped my dick and pcc me for a good 5mins. Feeling very shiok nearly cum. Luckily I can tahan )

Frenching: 8.4/10
(passionate sensuous engaging frenching. lots of GFE feel)

Catbath: 7.2/10
(Wet and sensual cat bath)

BBBJ: 7.9/10
(She is quite good in BBBJ. Can feel her suction and her tongue swirling around the tip of my dick. I like the part when she deep throat all the way. I also like the way she pcc me and at the same time licking sucking my balls. Very shiok. nearly cum and i ask her to stop immediately.)

FJ: 8.0/10
(We had sex in missionary, cowgirl, doggie on the bed and standing doggie. Very nice moaning. Great riding skills. Manage to make me cum in cowgirl position.)

GFE: 8.2/10
(Very nice feeling. Like having sex with your gf. She will hug you and lay by your side on the bed and tease you. We exceed the time by 5mins.)

RTF: Yes
Yest went down wanting to RTF her to find out she now on CODE RED. have to wait a week to enjoy her again
Old 05-07-2014, 10:45 PM
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My fr of the day as promised. I bonked this whore recently.

Piao Yang 2045
Face: 7.3/10 very slutty look which i like alot. clear tanned complexion. Pouty sexy lips which i like.
Body: 7.5/10 Although she is not very slim, i like her body alot. Fat is distributed very evenly. Nice round ass which i should have doggie her, but i didnt.
Breast: 7.5/10 B cup but firm and nice. I like her breast alot. Usually i only like big breast, but her breast is good in my view.
French: NO NO NO. CB!!! In my cionging years with whores, very very very rarely i was being rejected by whores first time when come to frenching. This PY dare to deny me. KNS!!! I will not give up! Maybe PY is the same as Apple, must try her second time then i will get it.
Overall Experience: Not good because no french. She allow me to kiss her sexy lip at most one sec each time. CB WHERE GOT SONG? And i need to forcefully kiss her then she will perform tamil head dance. Fuking TULAN!!! However her bbbj is not bad when seeing such a slutty face performing this act, really feel like loading my sperms into her sexy mouth.
RTF: YES i want to punish her.

Personally i like her body and face alot. If samsters do not mind no french, must definitely try her!!!
Old 06-07-2014, 12:31 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Federer801, very honest FR on piao yang. indeed she doesn't allow majority to kiss her lips for long time let alone French. Only a minority privilege group can kiss her lips for long time & maybe French in rtfs gd luck on ur rtf

Btw don't forcefully kiss a wl la. Not good. Let it flow naturally.
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Old 06-07-2014, 10:01 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Yeah, saw this Piao Yang a few times, indeed slutty CFM looks. Once was with a sexy yellow halter type dress, exposing her curvy figure. But if she's no frencher, really no go for me
There are many ways to shoot and score! Be the Libero
Old 06-07-2014, 03:37 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

A Korean Lookalike Hot Sexy Eye Candy....

Zi Yi (L28 H31A)

Age: 25yo
Height: 1.68m barefoot
Exp in GL: Debuted in Apr 2014
Misc Info: Prior KTV experience in china.

Face: 7.2/10
(Zi Yi looks like a hot feminine sexy Korean lass! Definitely suits k pop babes lovers including myself. She has a pair of small single eye lid dreamy eyes which makes her looks very Korean. Her eye makeup and mascara enhanced her eyes beautifully. She has a high and sharp nose and a small sexy lips. Her face is very small palm sized. Very sharp delicate facial features. She has long silky smooth black hair. Her facial complexion is fair, smooth and almost flawless.)

Body: 7.3/10
(At 1.68m tall barefoot, she is very skinny and bony. If she puts on a little weight she definitely looks prettier. She has slight tummy. Though skinny, she has some womanly sexy curves plus her long slender smooth hairless legs. I simply love to see her in heels. Damn her legs are very sexy. No blemishes on her body. In fact her body is very fair, smooth, creamy and silky. Saw a faded tattoo on her hand. No arm pit hair. Very cleanly shaven arm pits. Very sparse almost cleanly shaven nice pinkish pussy! She definitely knows how to dress up. Very good fashion sense.)

Boobs: 7.2/10
(Zi Yi has a pair of enhanced B- cup boobs with protruding eraser like light brown nipples. The base of her boobs felt hard. Her nipples are very long and protruding. Simply love to suck and lick her nipples like a hungry baby.)

Bath: 6.8/10
(She is very particular about hygiene. She washed and soaped me so thoroughly and long. Nothing much happened in the bath. Just some sensual body to body rabba and HJ. Made some small chats with her.)

Cat Bath: 7.6/10
(I laid on my front. She performed very thorough, sensual, gentle cat bath from my neck to my back and ends on my thighs. She spent a very long time in cat bath, focusing all her attention in it. Her tongue is very soft wet and agile. Basically my entire back was covered with her saliva. Felt shiok when she used her nails gently scratched my back and when her nipples brushed against my flesh. I flipped over. She used her nails gently scratched my frontal erotic regions to arouse me. Can't help and moaned in estacy. She then used her boobs rabba my front. Simply enjoyed the feeling when her nipples brushed against my flesh. After which she performed similar cat bath from my neck to my thighs. She spent a long time licking and sucking my nipples about 1-2 mins per nipple haha. Generally, her cat bath is good.)

Frenching: 7.5/10
(Very spontaneous, passionate & gentle frenching. Lots of tongue action. Her tongue is soft and agile. Felt great to French her. Noticed her eyes were closed during frenching. She seemed to enjoy this moment.)

AR: Nil and I didn't request for it so doesn't matter.

BBBJ: 7.6/10
(Her BBBJ skills are above average. Very strong suction and deep throated. Lots of saliva stimulating my dick and slurp slurp sound. She love to use her nails gently scratch my balls to arouse me. Very agile tongue flicking action on my dick head.)

Pussy Painting: 7.8/10
(Zi Yi has very soft, sparse pussy hair. Her pussy looks dark pink and quite nice. Can't help it and dived my tongue into her love hole. Delicious yummy pussy juice. She enjoyed my tongueful as she closed her eyes and enjoyed with soft sexy moans. Her thighs were clamping my cheeks and hands all over my hair. Spent a long time painting her beautiful oyster. Shiok! Bon appetite. I love to lick her sensitive regions especially her neck, ears and arm pits areas. She enjoyed my licking!)

FJ: 7.5/10
(Her love hole is quite tight and wet! I entered her love hole in missionary. I started off with slow tempo thrusts. Every thrust I made, she appeared to enjoy as she closed her eyes and moaned sexily. We embraced each other and locked lips in passionate fashion. Lots of non stop tongue fight. I then licked her ears and neck while she licked and tuned my nipples. I felt aroused and upped my tempo with faster thrusts. We then switch to doggie in front of mirror with her in heels. Damn she's tall and the height is just nice for me to doggie. Het back view is nice. Very curvy smooth flawless back. I gave her back a thorough lick and at the same time grabbing her boobs from behind and pumping her. She turned her head around and we frenched passionately. I brought her to the dentist chair. With her laid on the dentist chair I bonked her in missionary. We frenched non stop profusely and passionately. Her hands were all over my face and body. Her moans getting louder and sexier. I cannot last any longer and unloaded my sperm with loud satisfying ahhhhh!!! She said I must have stored my sperm for many days haha. Great sex with this hot Korean lookalike babe! Fulfilled my fetish of bonking a Korean lookalike babe!)

GFE: 7.1/10
(When she doesn't smile, she looks moody, icy cold and stern. When she smiles, her sunshine smile melted my heart. She's a shy and quiet girl. Managed to break ice with her and we enjoyed chit chatting with each other. She's very caring and gentle. No KC shit. Very genuine nice girl. With more RTFs i reckon our chemistry will improve.)

RTF: Yes til she ORD!

Note: Above ratings/descriptions were based on my personal encounter. Service of WL varies from customer to customer, depends on chemistry, WL's mood, individuals and sometimes luck.
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Old 07-07-2014, 01:43 PM
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Smile Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by Libero View Post
Yeah, saw this Piao Yang a few times, indeed slutty CFM looks. Once was with a sexy yellow halter type dress, exposing her curvy figure. But if she's no frencher, really no go for me
Hi Libero, If u like french, give her a miss. I can see her temper not very good too. Hard nut to crack. I will use all my charm to make her french me on second RTF.
Old 07-07-2014, 01:50 PM
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Smile Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

My fr of the day. I bonked this whore many months ago. Not too sure whether she is still around. Last time i fucked her, Mei You still around. Mei You not my cup of tea cos too fat for my liking.

Mei Qi 2033
Face: 6.5/10 fair plain look. not sweet also no pretty. Pleasant GND. She look very weak, anytime can faint one that type. Overall passable.
Body: 7.5/10 Very slim, fair body. Nice butt. I like her body very much.
Breast: 7/10 Nice perky natural B cup which i like.
French: yes abit only and not passionate. I can tell she not into frenching. If bro who like french like me, can skip her.
Overall Experience: not bad.
RTF: No. i done her twice. Gd enough.

She is not the proactive type. also not aggressive type too. Good at chatting which i am not interested at all. Overall, i kind of like her body.
Old 07-07-2014, 03:34 PM
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Re: Three Prinsesses of 2045

Originally Posted by xiaofeiyang View Post
well ur right, i committed a silly mistake..i should have heeded many bros advice which most will say n do: never find wl who is going to ord soon. 不聽老人言 吃虧在眼前 . i last year find feng huang 2045, was her regular, that time she still very horny n wear fishnet stocking n very commando. i got good chemistry with her, every time go will french n i paint pussy she allow n she moan a lot. i french also french deep deep with her,fuck also very enthu can tell she fucking horny last year.
this year cny start to slack a little but still acceptable, now, feng huang 2045 going back in around 2 months time, no more wear fishnet stockings ,no french , no cunninlingus. attitude still ok, but very big difference, last time so horny, now like 看破紅塵 , i wont say cold, still got a bit of service, but can tell she really burnt out n tired , fucking also no stamina , and i was her first customer in that afternoon when they just opened!

i guess this is called ord mood? haha , i near ord that time also like that. should have thought of that. feng huang 2045 service now is more like cat100 or cat80 instead of cat150, even though i pay cat150. feng huang from commando standard last yr now is drop to be like cook clerk storeman

and 2045 environment sucks big time, so small and run down , okt also very fucked up attitude n rude , like what china ppl say 老鳖三 没文化 , never mind i dont 计较 with this type of low class vermin.

next time u wanna book any gem from 2045 or any other lousy house , i suggest u go to better more high class bigger n luxurious house like club style 1817 and westerhout yi tiao long. 0819 although big but still lousy realtively speaking compared with 1817 n ytl. 1817 n ytl the okt more polite n friendly.

thats my advice for fellow bros , shun wls going to ord, best is find new recruits, and order angpai from lousy house to better environment like 1817 n ytl. ytl sister house w1619 not bad. n 1606 environment also good, spacious room n waiting corner, while waiting can smoke, drink tea , chat with cheong buddy or watch tv provided there.

hope sg brothel can be more like German n swiss fkk, they really rock.
fellow bros happy with my intro on bei bei n advice , can upz me , lol
Feng huang maybe got boyfriends here liao leh.......skip her la.....she maybe not lack of funds liao.......try new blood....her house got gd newer girls la.....
Life is like a box of condoms,you will never know what you will feel before you use them !!!!!
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