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Old 21-03-2025, 02:26 PM
kcy69 kcy69 is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Open for second round exchange. 15 points to trade daily, no queue, can return immediately. Any points can exchange (12087)

Waiting Bro To Return (Second Round):
124asf124; 4Dguru; AlMinH; bc77; Botakhead; bpafree39; BroRelax; CheongKa; CHINYC; Continental;
coolmanspooky; crackpod; darkmania; dave76; divergent27878; edmundhello; emotions; Eumiru; exactmatxspeed; guest68;
Hanster; heng49; hongkongdoggy; jaydenboy; kason; kinkyboy94; Koizumi; kopigaogao; kthan10; kyc2110;
LinQingXia; Lokmachaudog; lookingaround; love2paint; Love 6969; lt0l0tl; ly1968; meatvegelove; Milobing; Moderator88;
MrAves; naysmith; NZKiwi; omg888; owen10; owl888; Power666; Powerman881; Prejudiced; qazxcvbnm;
QT169; Rickey; Ricky_Torres; sanuuk; sc slayer; sex crusader; Sex1314; sgGem; Sgoh; ShaTauKokDog;
Shiofukis; Silentreader88; simple2kee; SimplyUnperfect; slicker69; Steventan; Super00; szczesny; The Old Nite; Tinybee;
Tubi; undergroundtree; Vivianchow; w00f; wohaha96; XSaint; Zek85; zendra; zl1983;

Waiting Bro To Return (First Round):
Dragonbal; Canetra; Dekwaen; Footballax; Dougles;Tangramz; ladgaga; oppaman; kidate3028; linconbarack;
spaceant; bluraywriter; voram93; Quasimodo; Ravenzano; chidoryx90; mao9999; simpletouch; heavenmothz;william99;
sexylover; Thaksin; hoian; neopets; babyonboard; valerossi; DeusExMachina; whitebread;vihaanreddy;
jijimomochi; MegaMan991; Hipposarus; sweetytomato; cornporn; beanbeanx2; Justin Bieber;hasaan;GreenieHulk; merelyevil;
mightyys; Doggoman; unfriend; essray; Aroithai69; rvd_always_rulz; enzomatrix;taroo1;cablefl;changed;
slickdick87; Happyboi123321; Jubei777; subwaymeltz; Justshut; SBFqualityctrl;Ugot2hohoho;lmf07;ahlongkia;RayNix;
jahok; ratatarat; topguru; phua2908;papam; dangtai;rlskyline;Kenzofero;blusterRifle;wasise;
kree; MILF_LOL; hotindboi; vemoninc; helitop;rauldon;tagata3937;deadend143;hipsterrock; cookieghost;
bulletman; xinowe1;Acenoobie;AquaticHoop;qwertyoo;BalKuro;Hem powerry;kelang;Johnnypapa;
Funlover;blackboystreet; metalslug97;Dr4ke;sharingannnn;gohbeng;Brojoms;inc amaiden;jacky88;boobymansion;
ossy77;wanted900;slimtea;Dacomforter;roamer99999;M ozen11;kingofsex;Relcom888;xiaomidnightz;pine33;
tcss2;sadlonelyguyer;marvel12 3;MAM4TS;Leeds;cucu_kuman;audi a6;TeKOT;boooberman;greenmangos;
toukin;Enjoysilved; mario55;komododx;Aranessetro;spiked;likebossamboss ; Ahyong83; Vashiewsho;
roundaclock;Xzor66;liarrr;Lambor88;crew;Arrol;Icem an1182 ;daveinaction;vanityandwax; saltedcaramel;
jackyka;SigmaPhi406;acerboy12;newbie5566; Beyond2048x;Usersinga;stalkerslender;eggtrey;sinne rsins;yangyangyang;
Airasight;ATCong;ironmanex ;plainterg;jianming02;rihnohorn;Jtbc1983; iloveojz;icecube1357;brandonsim;
rajveer;matakaki;Nifer63;eliyahu; yehuda;ahlongg;honaca; Fishwife;Starbuc;toyeva;
romaine;jbhouse;forcestrike;demoha15; FastFoody;Wubo;fireranger; abdulmalik;toothsaber; snowwhite55;
mrham; Benong1975; BigLongHard; slimbullet; SadLoser; phubor;Beckham07; jjee9999; nirehog91; ricter;
simisimi; Ravanelli; jonlester; daddyrocks; tookara; thickbigtight; dinite66; stocks80; LoveCoolSex; JOGK;
terrarompa; hokena; sparrowship; Shaggy1909;HairyHairyBalls; hasoxw; clickerfive; jajebo; alex18122003; rikawot599;
numbersix; MrYenDao; number32; cookiecream; onzao; lalala89; Cupnoodle;
Old 21-03-2025, 02:41 PM
rawmaster101 rawmaster101 is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Open to second round exchange, 13 pussies to trade daily, any pussies can trade, fast return (11198)

Waiting for return (Round 2):
124asf124; 4Dguru; bc77; Botakhead; bpafree39; BroRelax; CheongKa; Continental; crackpod; dave76;
DigitalTV; Eumiru; Greenfrog; guest68; hccheonger; heng49; jaydenboy; Joined2005; kason; kinkyboy94;
Kiss4you; Koizumi; kopigaogao; kthan10; kyc2110; LinQingXia; Lokmachaudog; Love 6969; lt0l0tl; maeda91;
Me Siam Bu; meatvegelove; Milobing; MrAves; Naka_Timo; naysmith; omg888; owen10; paganwinter; Powerman881;
Prejudiced; qazxcvbnm; Rickey; sanuuk; sc slayer; sex crusader; Sex1314; sgGem; Sgoh; ShaTauKokDog;
Shiofukis; Silentreader88; simple2kee; slicker69; Steventan; teebs_darklord; The Old Nite; Tinybee; Tubi; Vivianchow;
wohaha96; XSaint; Zek85; zendra; zl1983;

Waiting for return (Round 1):
rvd_always_rulz; Aroithai69; essray; unfriend; mightyys; merelyevil; Cheeserath; Justin Bieber; drslump99; cornporn;
sweetytomato; Hipposarus; MegaMan991; davidbeckham123; vihaanreddy; whitebread; valerossi; babyonboard; neopets;Thaksin;
sexylover; kingking28; william99; heavenmothz; mao9999; chidoryx90; Ravenzano; gorilladmz; voram93;spaceant;
linconbarack; ladgaga; GreenieHulk; southpark99; Dougles; Footballax; Dekwaen; Dragonbal; Canetra;changed;
slickdick87; Happyboi123321; Flash28; Jubei777; subwaymeltz; Justshut; SBFqualityctrl; Ugot2hohoho; lmf07;ahlongkia;
fuggly; RayNix; jahok; topguru; phua2908; papam; dangtai; rlskyline;Kenzofero;blusterRifle;
kree; MILF_LOL; hotindboi; vemoninc;helitop;rauldon;tagata3937;deadend143; hipsterrock;
xinowe1; bulletman; Acenoobie; XiaoLaoPO; AquaticHoop;AmyUber;Informergy;Hempowerry;qwertyoo ;kelang;
Johnnypapa; Funlover;blackboystreet; metalslug97; Dr4ke;sharingannnn;Brojoms;Bustybibi;funfox;jacky8 8;
boobymansion; Cumclub22; MasterPenguin; wanted900; roamer99999;Kobayashi99;Grimwell;Mozen11;kingofsex ;Relcom888;
xiaomidnightz; pine33; tcss2; marvel123;MAM4TS;Leeds;cucu_kuman;audi a6;TeKOT;boooberman;
bralessbaby; Aranessetro; toukin; Enjoysilved; mario55;komododx;spiked; likebossamboss;Ahyong83;
Vashiewsho; Xzor66; liarrr;Kenshelec;nkdskull;crew;Arrol;hambaconchee5 3;daveinaction;vanityandwax;
Abcefg;saltedcaramel; jackyka;Bouncyasset;SigmaPhi406;acerboy12;newbie55 66;Beyond2048x;20471120;yangyangyang;
Putlittlein; sinnersins; hottyspice;toothsaber;Airasight;frenchseries; ATCong; jazp;ironmanex;plainterg;
katekboy; jianming02;rihnohorn;Jtbc1983;Vivacious;iloveojz; siamcenter; icecube1357;LiuGuanZhang;abdulmalik;
flaminglime; Nifer63; ahlongg;honaca;tariha63; Wubo; fireranger; snowwhite55;suhim;mrham;
Benong1975; BigLongHard; slimbullet; SadLoser; phubor; Beckham07; nirehog91; simisimi; Ravanelli; jonlester;
wearhelmet; daddyrocks; messi; thickbigtight; dinite66;stocks80; JOGK; hokena;sparrowship; HairyHairyBalls;
Botakhead2; clickerfive; hasoxw; jajebo; alex18122003; rikawot599; numbersix; frostrun;chrishon; number32;
cookiecream; onzao; lalala89; sertt; Cupnoodle; neb_neb;
Old 21-03-2025, 02:45 PM
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Min 3 pts
Old 21-03-2025, 02:47 PM
marklui520 marklui520 is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Open for second round exchange, 9 points exchange daily. Any points welcome. Fast return (10286)

Waiting for return (Second Round):
124asf124; 4Dguru; AlMinH; bc77; bpafree39; BroRelax; candle2000; CheongKa; Continental; divergent27878;
DigitalTV; edmundhello; emotions; Eumiru; Greenfrog; guest68; hccheonger; heng49; jaydenboy; Joined2005;
kason; kinkyboy94; Kiss4you; Koizumi; lt0l0tl; ly1968; Me Siam Bu; Milobing; MrAves; naysmith;
NZKiwi; overlord9898; owen10; PinkOcean; Powerman881; Prejudiced; qazxcvbnm; Ricky_Torres; sc slayer; sgGem;
Sgoh; Shiofukis; simple2kee; slicker69; Steventan; szczesny; Tinybee; Tubi; w00f; wohaha96;
Zek85; zendra;

Waiting for return (First Round):
Udonit; classyact; MarkStrothard; Lpman; FWDstriker; Ahyong83; drslump99;beanbeanx2;bestrobber97;sweetytomato;
Hipposarus; MegaMan991; davidbeckham123; Zeith; babyonboard; neopets; Thaksin;sexylover;heavenmothz; chidoryx90;
cmmaster; gorilladmz; voram93; spaceant;linconbarack;kidate3028;ladgaga;Tangramz; southpark99;Dougles;
Dragonbal; Canetra; Dekwaen; blossomgun;slickdick87;Happyboi123321;frostfuryz; Flash28;Jubei777;subwaymeltz;
Justshut; SBFqualityctrl; Ugot2hohoho; lmf07;ahlongkia; fuggly;RayNix;jahok;papam;dangtai;
alanlim78; rlskyline; Kenzofero;blusterRifle;sam782003; wasise;MILF_LOL;hotindboi;vemoninc;itenshi;
avbeng035; rauldon; tagata3937; deadend143; hipsterrock;xinowe1;bulletman;Acenoobie;klocc; koxor89;
baewatch212; AquaticHoop; PatJuz;qwertyoo; Hempowerry;Voyaguefi;kelang;Johnnypapa;Funlover; sharingannnn;
gohbeng; citol; Bustybibi;tplink4gltedong; funfox;jacky88;boobymansion;Cumclub22;ossy77; roamer99999;
Kobayashi99; Grimwell; Mozen11;kingofsex; xiaomidnightz;pine33;SuperPaman;marvel123; wildbunch; Leeds;
cucu_kuman; audi a6;TeKOT;boooberman;fuGIM;Aranessetro;CHINYC; toukin; bomberman18;
mario55; komododx;spiked;likebossamboss;Vashiewsho;HAIDILAO HOTPOT;Badtz1984;Xzor66;liarrr;
Acceson; nkdskull;crew;Arrol;whalesun; daveinaction;vanityandwax;pinkgensis;Abcefg; saltedcaramel;
Bouncyasset;jackyka;Colin80;AndyWood worth;acerboy12;Franchisors;Beyond2048x;newbie5566 ;Mumu1;skullkendy;
yangyangyang;sinnersins; hottyspice;mafic2428;toothsaber;Airasight; Shaggarino; ATCong; ironmanex; plainterg;
katekboy;jianming02;rihnohorn;Jtbc1983;Vivacious; Loctite; siamcenter; Balluz;iloveojz;BikinisLover;
icecube1357; fck44grand;Tictachow;LiuGuanZhang;carlodlm;abdulma lik;flaminglime;rajveer;jenziel;matakaki;
BristleStoop; ChrisChristofi;Nifer63;Blueset;HumanIcy;foxx0x0;Al triuslewinski;workerparty0;mssword;ahlongg;
honaca; tariha63;tikeb67;playlist;vivocityy;daimon;dolesa7 1;snowwhite55;suhim;foxer50;
johnlim82; mrham; katong; Benong1975; BigLongHard; slimbullet; phubor; Woshiidoudou; jjee9999;nirehog91;
flare; ricter; simisimi; Ravanelli;jonlester; wearhelmet; daddyrocks; kidssy; messi;thickbigtight;
dinite66; stocks80; JOGK; hokena; sparrowship; HairyHairyBalls; Botakhead2; hasoxw; clickerfive;jajebo;
alex18122003; rikawot599; numbersix; medew80; Kljm; frostrun; number32; cookiecream; onzao; lalala89;
gnd123; sertt; Cupnoodle; neb_neb;
Old 21-03-2025, 02:49 PM
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Refresh n Update
43933 18/3 43959 21/3
1 bro upped me 11 pts wo name

Q list :
KIV : zip4671 ejectjoy

Waiting for new post : Littleskinny tamperman fawek99 dromad68 cinesoj
Old 21-03-2025, 03:52 PM
fastshot fastshot is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

posting for exchange, cheers
Old 21-03-2025, 04:00 PM
CookCrew CookCrew is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Current queue:

Returned (most recent): tanq4203

Waiting 2nd round: loneyheart, ejectjoy, Swagelock, WankJanice, Freepeterr, meatvegelove, slicker69

Pending new post: None
Old 21-03-2025, 04:03 PM
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Just returned up fav to 2 bros who MIA for long time ... upped them back with old post back in Oct 2024 .....
Take up the chance as now " No Expiration Date " for the pass posted
43933 18/3 43959 21/3
1 bro upped me 11 pts wo name

Q list :
KIV : zip4671 ejectjoy

Waiting for new post : Littleskinny tamperman fawek99 dromad68 cinesoj
Old 21-03-2025, 04:25 PM
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Wanna exchange points?
Minimum Power4 to trade
*Include your nickname when u up

Waiting for their return upzz -->> Many

Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Searching for nympho FB/FWB. PM me
Old 21-03-2025, 05:24 PM
Ecuader Ecuader is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

25 for exchange

No queue
Min power 5 for exchange
Old 21-03-2025, 06:14 PM
sgGem sgGem is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Originally Posted by NewPapaSan View Post
up you already for exchange,
Upz ur points for exchange

(11 power or above to trade)
Old 21-03-2025, 07:01 PM
titan titan is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

slots opening up for exchange for tonight! min 3 pointers and above!
exchange of points welcome with 3 and above only. points will be returned gtd

Beatty - exchange! - bro, can't find your ID, cant return your pts ar!

posting needed - fatladysings, Greenfrog
2nd round up list - NZKiwi, WankJanice, Koizumi, WPNS, slicker69
Old 21-03-2025, 08:19 PM
NZKiwi NZKiwi is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Originally Posted by sgGem View Post
Upz ur points for exchange

(11 power or above to trade)
Upz, round 2

(min 3 power to trade)
Old 21-03-2025, 09:18 PM
beginat63 beginat63 is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Hi, I log in daily to Xchange with & up 2 different bro/sis +5points everyday.
No Q currently.
Do leave your nick to enable me to up u back.
Thank u very much. ... Cheers ... !!
Old 21-03-2025, 09:29 PM
Joined2005 Joined2005 is offline
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Re: premium point exchange corner points 10^ / general discussion

Originally Posted by alex18122003 View Post
Chief, can up me too
Thanks for your prompt returnz! Steady! Cheers!
Remaining bros need to wait a bit more to get to u: rawmaster101(ard Apr), marklui520 (ard May), .... thanks for your patience!
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