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Old 07-09-2016, 05:19 PM
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team TomMAffolter/Bote

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
U have not miss out... stupid guy still around.
This is Naomi aka LITTLE YELLOW DICK. I'm not sure how u find the time to post 20,000 mostly useless messages when u seem to spend so much time sucking Tom's arse.

I mean how foolish do u feel now that u know Tom manipulated u. U r a complete brainless moron.

I am stunned by your stupidity
Be safe, have fun and treat all girls with respect
Old 07-09-2016, 06:42 PM
Kittenz Kittenz is offline
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team TomMAffolter/Bote

Originally Posted by sidtip View Post
This is Naomi aka LITTLE YELLOW DICK. I'm not sure how u find the time to post 20,000 mostly useless messages when u seem to spend so much time sucking Tom's arse.

I mean how foolish do u feel now that u know Tom manipulated u. U r a complete brainless moron.

I am stunned by your stupidity
This is opposed to your 200+ useless posts, i dont know who should feel more foolish, maybe the one going to a asian based sex site asking for information, then later because you have been brushed off, and ignored then you go around making racist racial slurrs..yeap thats real smart real mature...i suppose when you are as ugly and useless as you are that you cant get female attention without enticing them with big tips, and you are effectively or literally unemployable, your only form of entertainment is to come to this site and write your fantasies. (this is what your have yourself posted so dont say im slandering you)
namelo jul 2003 til sep 2016 22600 posts = 143 posts a month
sidtip jul 16 to sep 16 260 posts = 130 posts and you are just dont go throwing those sorts of arguements around
Old 07-09-2016, 07:36 PM
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team TomMAffolter/Bote

Originally Posted by Kittenz View Post
sidtip jul 16 to sep 16 260 posts = 130 posts and you are just dont go throwing those sorts of arguements around
As mentioned, his brain is death. In real life, he was bullied too much thus in cyber he is trying to be keyboard warrior to bully back but unfortunately with no substance, everyone now is against him. With so many samsters against him, he lost of word and started to call name, started to use "color".... pathetic, toothless loser.

Yet he can act pitiful, stating I am trying to gain others to side me against him Samsters have eyes to read and intelligent enough to know who is an idiot. Again, a pathetic loser.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 07-09-2016, 08:39 PM
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team TomMAffolter/Bote

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
As mentioned, his brain is death. In real life, he was bullied too much thus in cyber he is trying to be keyboard warrior to bully back but unfortunately with no substance, everyone now is against him. With so many samsters against him, he lost of word and started to call name, started to use "color".... pathetic, toothless loser.

Yet he can act pitiful, stating I am trying to gain others to side me against him Samsters have eyes to read and intelligent enough to know who is an idiot. Again, a pathetic loser.
if he was to use comical or intelligent epithets i would have found him amusing, instead to use "colour" based slurs or bring in peoples parents with disgusting sexual imagery, this guy really is the lowest of the low, not even fit to be called human...i feel sorry for those who might have helped him in the beginning, im sure they would know the meaning of regret, much like his own mother for giving birth to him.
Old 08-09-2016, 08:11 AM
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team TomMAffolter/Bote

Originally Posted by Kittenz View Post
if he was to use comical or intelligent epithets i would have found him amusing, instead to use "colour" based slurs or bring in peoples parents with disgusting sexual imagery,.

calling little yellow dick a funny name is not hurtful. calling him yellow is hurtful because he knows he is yellow and he knows that he cant change it so its the most effective word that can be used against him.

its like calling u a VK. u cant change it and for some reason it annoys u. is it because u fled your country and then were forced to return because u could not make it in the west. is it because ur parents were traitors or are u just all ashamed

its nice to see the two of u becoming such good friends.

and its still funny how u wrote Asian style a few days ago and now ur English is perfect. LITTLE YELLOW DICK was manipulated by u.

Why don't u two lovers get a room and continue to praise and support each other
Be safe, have fun and treat all girls with respect
Old 08-09-2016, 08:15 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Please don't insult animals, they are kind in nature.
Old 08-09-2016, 08:16 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Kittenz View Post

Finally as to hurricanes site, that is merely a collation of the info losted from 2004, ie info 12 years old, so dont be suprised if the places are closed, or they start overcharging you for subpar services. I mean there are some guys willing to pay 60usd just in tips for a hj, when you can fj 2-3 18-19yr olds for the same price, and if thats you then you are welcome to enjoy those places.

Hahahah here we go. Joharuilli u r like a spider in a web. Kittenszz is a pimp who charges people money to take them to out of town venues where prices are $5 less a pop but the girls have a high incidence of HIV and other STDs. he has sucked u in and will now invite u though a different name to a tour of the city. there is a whole other thread exposting kittenz who has now changed his name from TOM MCALFOLETer ..others will show u how to find the thread. read it carefully. this kittens has obtained photos and names of people he shows around and posted them on sex sites and extorted them for money and possibly sexual favours. ( he likes men.women I have been told).

Be very very careful johurilli
Be safe, have fun and treat all girls with respect
Old 08-09-2016, 10:27 AM
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Re: Team Hoian/sidtip vs Team TomMAffolter/Bote

Again I need to highlight this,

When 1 said u are stupid, the someone might be wrong. When 2 said u are an idiot, the 2 might be idiot themselves but when
3 or more said u are an asshole, u ought to look at yourself with your own pee, u are an asshole.

If u want bark, bark with substance... dun just bitch around sounding pitiful and imagine wildly. U guys ganging up, u guys make up, u guys this and that... damn, now getting worse than arguing in market. Do the facts, bark with facts... Someone mentioned in the forum.... dun argue with an idiot, he will downgrade your intelligent to his.

Delusional disorder freak.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 08-09-2016, 11:21 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by sidtip View Post
Hahahah here we go. Joharuilli u r like a spider in a web. Kittenszz is a pimp who charges people money to take them to out of town venues where prices are $5 less a pop but the girls have a high incidence of HIV and other STDs. he has sucked u in and will now invite u though a different name to a tour of the city. there is a whole other thread exposting kittenz who has now changed his name from TOM MCALFOLETer ..others will show u how to find the thread. read it carefully. this kittens has obtained photos and names of people he shows around and posted them on sex sites and extorted them for money and possibly sexual favours. ( he likes men.women I have been told).

Be very very careful johurilli

U pointed out Mutant Chicken/Tommafolter's style of luring newbies to contact him by telling many people overpay n he knows where to get cheap , young girls out of way from d1.
not a clue on whereabouts n when newbie contact him will be told to exchange info (newbie where got info) or pay him to bring them to these places.

He got banned n definietly will be back using a new clone as disguise.
Old 08-09-2016, 12:30 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

He is already back as Kittenz. I will leave him alone for now until he starts with his nonsense again or tries to click-bait with fake photos.

Originally Posted by datou View Post
U pointed out Mutant Chicken/Tommafolter's style of luring newbies to contact him by telling many people overpay n he knows where to get cheap , young girls out of way from d1.
not a clue on whereabouts n when newbie contact him will be told to exchange info (newbie where got info) or pay him to bring them to these places.

He got banned n definietly will be back using a new clone as disguise.
Old 08-09-2016, 01:46 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
He is already back as Kittenz. I will leave him alone for now until he starts with his nonsense again or tries to click-bait with fake photos.
Oh no; This MC is back with new nick Kittenz. I can't understand why must he worked as a PIMP where there are others jobs.
Happy Bonkings and Must Remeber to Pay $$$ Orh !!!

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Ai Yeu Toi Suot kiep????

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Old 08-09-2016, 02:53 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by hoian View Post
He is already back as Kittenz. I will leave him alone for now until he starts with his nonsense again or tries to click-bait with fake photos.
I thought so, after seeing the similar style as MC/Tommafolter.
Sidtip was sharp n fast to point him out.

Originally Posted by FireShark View Post
Oh no; This MC is back with new nick Kittenz. I can't understand why must he worked as a PIMP where there are others jobs.
Pimps are usually lazy people wanting easy ,immoral money living off earnings of WLs.
Old 08-09-2016, 03:55 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by datou View Post
I thought so, after seeing the similar style as MC/Tommafolter.
Sidtip was sharp n fast to point him out.
Pimps are usually lazy people wanting easy ,immoral money living off earnings of WLs.
Haizzzz; why till today he still didnt learn his lesson.
Happy Bonkings and Must Remeber to Pay $$$ Orh !!!

Top Vietnamese Songs

Ai Yeu Toi Suot kiep????

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Old 08-09-2016, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by datou View Post
I thought so, after seeing the similar style as MC/Tommafolter.
Sidtip was sharp n fast to point him out.
It's definitely him. A few days ago he was writing with bad English. Do U call it Singapore English or something. And suddenly now he has perfect English. He is either a fast learner or a scamming pimp. Glad to see that some sensible people have finally arrived fire, dat and H. I was zapped to hell and back because kittenz managed to fool Naomi and his ladyboy pals into thinking that he was a real punter. Although I did go a bit far calling Naomi little yellow dick. As I've said before I wish I was yellow and Asian. The best thing in the world would be to have all those sexy girls at my doorstep from birth. When I'm walking down the street I don't even look at white girls anymore. Yellow is the way to go
Old 08-09-2016, 06:15 PM
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Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
Again I need to highlight this,

When 1 said u are stupid, the someone might be wrong. When 2 said u are an idiot, the 2 might be idiot themselves but when
3 or more said u are an asshole, u ought to look at yourself with your own pee, u are an asshole.

If u want bark, bark with substance... dun just bitch around sounding pitiful and imagine wildly. U guys ganging up, u guys make up, u guys this and that... damn, now getting worse than arguing in market. Do the facts, bark with facts... Someone mentioned in the forum.... dun argue with an idiot, he will downgrade your intelligent to his.

Delusional disorder freak.

I'm not sure why u needed to say it again. Was it because no one read your shit the first time. Well
I've got news for u. No one will read your boring shit this time either.

You have been manipulated by Tom/kittenz. Grow some balls and admit u made a mistake. I admitted my mistake a few weeks ago. It's not difficult unless u really are a friendless pitiful loser who is not man enough to say sorry
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