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Old 26-03-2018, 10:33 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Good morning to all samsters,

Five Terrific Tips to Attract Beautiful Women

Tip No. 4

On meeting a woman for the first time...

"You don't experience the REAL her when you first meet! Her social mask handles anyone she deals with only on a surface level. Her persona is the first test of a man's worthiness."

My comments: She will begin testing you the moment she meets you. She needs to find out if you are a real man or just a pretender. You must learn how to pass her tests.
Old 26-03-2018, 11:20 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by lieusha View Post

Wonder how tall are you bro WB?
You should meet him in person at an outing. Unassuming man, and nice to chat with.
A Singaporean in China
Old 26-03-2018, 01:52 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Hi bro besafe,

Like u, I hv been too nice to these these gals.

We need to hv complete mental n emotional detachment regardless of how beautiful the gals r n no matter what happens. Live in the timeless present moment n enjoy every minute...

My beloved subject, the mysterious Rashomon effect, has always been on my mind. I must conclude that reality is in the mind of the beholder...see my thread on this effect:

I hv cheonged w/ a young fellow DD for abt a yr. Wats inexplicable is that our preferences for gals r so totally different, well beyond one man's meat is another...

For example, The gal who has given the best fxxk of my life is a legal cat150 Bingbing at L20H62, whom I met in Feb of this yr n for whom I wrote 2 FRs. My young fren drove me there on that fateful n auspicious day. I was immediately very attracted to the 172cm BB, but my fren DD tried very hard to dissuade me from upping her! Luckily, I took her anyway. He later picked a gal who was homely n most unattractive to me!!!

My FRs on BB r the most detailed n best I hv ever written, initial FR on 13/02/09

I RTF-ed her as often as my didi could tahan w/ the assistance of an unlimited supply of Cialis. Sadly, I had to return to Gotham City after 10 days. I guess her height of 172cm w/o shoes were unattractive to many SGP men n her business had only been so-so despite my glowing FRs. Hoping to see her again on my next visit here, I wrote an update on her while I was in Gotham City:

Unfortunately, she left our little red dot towards the end of Mar. I'm still in ctc w/ her n hv both her HP in China n Macau. How much do I like her? I hv actually thought abt spending the rest of my life w/ her in China!!

Another example is the SH gal SS w/ whom I had a brief encounter recently. I picked her to sit w/ DD. They were together for 2 hrs. After I told my BAO-ee GG to leave at 9PM, I gestured SS to sit w/ me...

A wk ago, DD, before leaving for China on a business trip, gave his frank opinion on SS. He knew I had lost ctc w/ her. He said, "I dare not tell u before, but she is very ordinary, I dun understand wat u see in her! BTW, do u know that her body has a smell...BO?"

I must confess that I never detected any strange smell in SS, despite spending many hrs w/ her...

There is ONLY one gal we both liked: An 18 yo Fujian gal at TAM. She was sitting on my right when I first met the mysterious Mr. Austin. He later SMs-ed that he doesn't understand what I see in her, she is very ordinary, maybe worth $200 for ST...

Now u know the power of the mysterious Rashomon Effect. Reality is indeed in the mind of the beholder, hehehe.

Ths to all bros who hv posted here. Keep them coming, hahaha. YOU make my day!!

Cheers to all!!!
Bro WB,

What a great thread here.

I have to research what "" meaning same event can be interpreted different meaning by different ppl.

One man's meat is another man's poison and there is no right nor wrong.

What you had described that you had the best sex in years. So you had benefited and enjoyed thoroughly.

Doesn't matter what others say so long you enjoyed.

It will be interesting for me to continue reading from here. So far it had been very beneficial to me.

Let us keep this thread going.

Have a great day.
Old 26-03-2018, 02:20 PM
GaoKiew GaoKiew is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Support superb thread by Bro Wb. Hope to read more.
Old 26-03-2018, 02:27 PM
suratcai suratcai is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post


Thanks! This thread will begin its 10th year soon. Yes, I'm still around.

Bro WB
Yes thanks and support for another 10 years.
Old 26-03-2018, 02:32 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB, thanks for your nice thread.
Have a good week ahead.
Old 27-03-2018, 06:01 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Thank you so much!

No, I'm not a master.

Yeah, I'm still going strong and still learning everyday.

Recently, it dawned on me that one of the most important factors for connecting w/ a girl is to understand her as a person. It's hard for her to resist a man who truly understands her deepest fears, insecurity, aspirations, dreams and emotions.


In the last few weeks, I met two SYTs, both aged 18-19 yo. One of them XX wanted BY very quickly.

The other one TY is slightly prettier n taller, but she appears cold n aloof. Almost the same attitude as my legal wife when we first met decades ago. I mentioned to TY about becoming my LP twice. She remained silent.

A few days ago I met TY again. Remembering what my wife told me why she was cold and aloof, I had a good talk w/ TY.

I told her: You appear cold and aloof because of three factors. Your innate personality. You have a very strict family upbringing. And you hv adopted this attitude to ward off many men from trying to hit on you. You're actually a friendly and kind person.

Minutes later, she wanted to be my LP! I offered her a modest package for full time BY. She said: You serious? I replied yeah. She said, for how long? I said: At least one yr. She said: OK.

BTW, I never praised her looks, figure and youthfulness. I actually pointed out some of her minor physical flaws.

If I reacted to her apparently negative mental frame, game over. In the past, I might start thinking: Perhaps this young doll doesn't like behaviour n body language/voice would also become negative.


Bro WB
Bro WB

Thank you for taking time to reply to me.

I learned another lesson from you.

Gal will be tough to resist a man if you understand her completely. Is as though the gal can tell her problems to someone listening to her.

That is a very good technique.

Old 27-03-2018, 07:19 AM
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Originally Posted by chenzong View Post
You should meet him in person at an outing. Unassuming man, and nice to chat with.
Up u bro. 😊
Old 27-03-2018, 04:34 PM
tittybollocks tittybollocks is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Went to CJ at 940PM w/ some frens. Quality of gals not good. Must go at 5PM next time.

I sort of "picked up" a gal inside someone else's room. Walked around n saw a cute SYT sitting inside another rm where there were one other gal n 6-7 men. I opened the door n gestured her to come out to talk. She came to the door n said she was already booked for the nite. I told her I wanted to book her for DC hh session the next day. I got her name TJ n HP n told her my name. The whole incident happened in less than 45 secs. One of the men in the rm was furious n started to shout at me. I apologized n disappeared quickly. TJ appeared young, 20-22?, 163 only, but had very proportionate figure. Not very sure abt her looks or anything else.

Was ready to go home after 11:20PM?, but 2 frens went down to DC n sat at the main hall n requested my accompany, I said 15 min top. There must be 27 plus singers lining up for PPC, but there were few patrons around. Of all the singers there, I only fancied one gal who looked young, slim, tall w/ very proportionate figure. Very poised. Slim upper extremity n long black hair. Couldn't see her thighs n legs though. Her body reminded me of Bingbing. Also couldn't see her face clearly from a distance but she seemed pretty. Hanged a token flower. My frens laughed n said she wasn't pretty? But the gals they fancied had most disproportionate bodies!! Fxk them! The evil Rashomon Effect at work again! Had to leave 10 minutes later w/o even knowing her name, hehehe. Will try to get a closer look at her tonite, hehehe.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB,

Well done for starting such a wonderful thread. Was reading about all your experiences picking up ktv gals and correspondences with brothers Austin, Marc5, justime, etc.

There are plenty to digest in there.

I wanted to comment on above post because I felt that ktv gals are here for a reason and we knew make money.

So here you saw a gal your taste and took her contact when she was booked for the nite by another client. Here it seems that we go market to choose a piece of meat and the first bidder paid gets it.

I hope my analogy was correct or any comment?

Not sure what happened if a jealous guy came out and just whack you for doing so. Anyway all fights started because of woman and in the past dynasties wiped out also because of woman.

Will continue reading this very interesting thread.

Have a great day.
Old 27-03-2018, 07:04 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Support very good thread by Bro WB, please share more.
Old 27-03-2018, 10:48 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Nice sharing
Old 28-03-2018, 05:34 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

.................................................. .................................................. .......

Yesterday evening my fren managed to pick up all 3 gals n me n we all went to the lounge on the 23rd fl at the Fairmont. I thought I was in Gotham City as the majority of guests were Ang Mo. From the veranda, I could get a great view of perhaps half of the race track.

Unfortunately, the American MK didn't like the English-speaking PRC MM I intro, saying that he preferred someone w/ a little more her, pointing to my Dongbei GF. He didn't like GO either as she was aloof n cool. Actually GO was uncomfortable n felt out of place bcos she had never seen so many Ang Mo in her entire life. I told GO to leave early.

MK will be spending quite a lot of time here n has a suite reserved for him as he is on the board of the Raffles Hotel grp. I advised him to BY a local Chn who could speak good English.

BTW, I'm a bit indisposed w/ flu n will be out of commission for a few days.

Ths for reading n hv a great day!!

Wow played too hard and really went under weather. I can understand sometimes tiring to intro a gal to another friend. Always tough decision and dun match.

I have stopped intro gals to any friends and always prefer to tell friends you choose your own. Friends always complain no time to go select and still I dun care because is their choice.

I am sure your PRC mm will definitely be out of place in a group of english speaking friends and dun even need to be ang mo.

Hope to read this fabulous thread to the end.

Hope all of you guys have a great evening.

Old 28-03-2018, 10:25 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by tittybollocks View Post
Bro WB,

Well done for starting such a wonderful thread. Was reading about all your experiences picking up ktv gals and correspondences with brothers Austin, Marc5, justime, etc.

There are plenty to digest in there.

I wanted to comment on above post because I felt that ktv gals are here for a reason and we knew make money.

So here you saw a gal your taste and took her contact when she was booked for the nite by another client. Here it seems that we go market to choose a piece of meat and the first bidder paid gets it.

I hope my analogy was correct or any comment?

Not sure what happened if a jealous guy came out and just whack you for doing so. Anyway all fights started because of woman and in the past dynasties wiped out also because of woman.

Will continue reading this very interesting thread.

Have a great day.
Will continue to follow this thread too.
Old 29-03-2018, 03:18 PM
warbird warbird is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by chenzong View Post
You should meet him in person at an outing. Unassuming man, and nice to chat with.

Long time no see.

Pls come to my outing some day or we could just tour all the Peace Centre joints FOC. Usually starting from 5:45pm. I usually go for dinner, then return around 9pm.

Originally Posted by cauquang View Post
Bro WB,

What a great thread here.

I have to research what "" meaning same event can be interpreted different meaning by different ppl.

One man's meat is another man's poison and there is no right nor wrong.

What you had described that you had the best sex in years. So you had benefited and enjoyed thoroughly.

Doesn't matter what others say so long you enjoyed.

It will be interesting for me to continue reading from here. So far it had been very beneficial to me.

Let us keep this thread going.

Have a great day.

Tks! You should watch the movie Rashomon.

Originally Posted by sopmayone View Post
Bro WB

Thank you for taking time to reply to me.

I learned another lesson from you.

Gal will be tough to resist a man if you understand her completely. Is as though the gal can tell her problems to someone listening to her.

That is a very good technique.


Thanks for ur post.

I just learned that myself, unwittingly. It's a missing piece in the puzzle.

I actually told TY the fourth reason why she was so cold and aloof. "You're very insecure and fearful." "You're a kind and friendly person inside."

I hit a home run! I'm certain that no boy/man has ever told her that. BTW, she only had one previous BF in her entire life. He is about her age.

I was non-reactive to her negative mental frame n was able to suck her into my reality. I must confess that I was on the verge of giving up. Then I thought abt my legal wife when she was very young...

Originally Posted by tittybollocks View Post
Bro WB,

Well done for starting such a wonderful thread. Was reading about all your experiences picking up ktv gals and correspondences with brothers Austin, Marc5, justime, etc.

There are plenty to digest in there.

I wanted to comment on above post because I felt that ktv gals are here for a reason and we knew make money.

So here you saw a gal your taste and took her contact when she was booked for the nite by another client. Here it seems that we go market to choose a piece of meat and the first bidder paid gets it.

I hope my analogy was correct or any comment?

Not sure what happened if a jealous guy came out and just whack you for doing so. Anyway all fights started because of woman and in the past dynasties wiped out also because of woman.

Will continue reading this very interesting thread.

Have a great day.

Tks, but I don't think he was going to whack me. If he did hit me, I would not resist. I would fall and sue him.

Originally Posted by phung View Post

Wow played too hard and really went under weather. I can understand sometimes tiring to intro a gal to another friend. Always tough decision and dun match.

I have stopped intro gals to any friends and always prefer to tell friends you choose your own. Friends always complain no time to go select and still I dun care because is their choice.

I am sure your PRC mm will definitely be out of place in a group of english speaking friends and dun even need to be ang mo.

Hope to read this fabulous thread to the end.

Hope all of you guys have a great evening.


Tks for your post.


Good afternoon to all samsters,

Pls come to my outing some day or we could just tour all the Peace Centre joints FOC. Usually starting from 5:45pm. I may go for dinner, then return around 9pm.

I need to see many, many girls to find one I like. Are there other places where I can see so many girls FOC? Let me know asap, thanks. I know the quality is very bad and many women are in their 40s. I think some are over 50!! I may take a look at their granddaughters who are 18 haha. But there are still rare gems once in a blue moon.


Bro WB!
Old 29-03-2018, 03:57 PM
cauquang cauquang is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post


Tks! You should watch the movie Rashomon.

Good afternoon to all samsters,

Pls come to my outing some day or we could just tour all the Peace Centre joints FOC. Usually starting from 5:45pm. I may go for dinner, then return around 9pm.

I need to see many, many girls to find one I like. Are there other places where I can see so many girls FOC? Let me know asap, thanks. I know the quality is very bad and many women are in their 40s. I think some are over 50!! I may take a look at their granddaughters who are 18 haha. But there are still rare gems once in a blue moon.


Bro WB!
Bro sure thanks will watch the movie.

Enjoy your little pickup entertainment.
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