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Old 03-08-2019, 11:32 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

Originally Posted by apache View Post
Big Boobs List as of 29 July 2019

3. Real deals
- 2062a Yue Qi Ds
- 2062a Yue Hao full B
2062a Yue Qi felt more like B+ / C to me, maybe I was mistaken.
Old 03-08-2019, 11:37 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

Originally Posted by myluckyguy View Post
2062a Yue Qi felt more like B+ / C to me, maybe I was mistaken.
Personally I agree with you.

When an intel given to me she was a d cupper I went to recce the house but nv see any well endowed gal. Ask the okt for her but when I saw her she was like b cup
Old 04-08-2019, 01:40 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

Originally Posted by joker88 View Post
I am no senior bro la. I am only useless cheongster.

Just giving my advice to young bros here who have a good wife and happy family.
Dun screw up your marriage and family becos of the male weakness for pretty gals.

男人好色是天性。 All men are lecherous.

Play as much as you can, while you can, but dun cross the line.

Joker bro played for 34 years liao since 1985 but must always observe the safety procedures.
SAF drilled into our minds. Safety , safety, safety.

My fav Malaysian WLs, Peh Yi, BMW, M1, Wen Fang, AB, Emelda, Sony, etc.

The chinese says, 英雄难过美人关。Very very true.

For many centuries in ancient China, many heros and invincible generals crumble in the hands of beauties.

My good old buddy, you are always teasing me.

The best white tiger I ever met in my lifetime in GL is the M1 or Cheng Cheng from 3033.

Wow, she has a pretty face and the near perfect 10 body with the hairless cunt like that of a young virgin.

Bro joker88, You are truly a helpful cheongster. Salute your frank sharing of your life experience.

Will keep in mind the importance of playing it safe and not crossing the line.

I am grateful to Yingzhi (1820-2024 for being the wife I never had) Molly (2022 frenching & squirting) XN (1669-2019 So Much) Yuan Yuan (1649-2018 My turnaround) Ke Ke (2062-2017 Heart-Touching Frenching) Mina (1805-2016 Our Relationship) Ke Ke (1651-2014 Your Golden Pedicure) and every1 else
Old 04-08-2019, 02:30 PM
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Niama2296 is stuck in moderation for some time to come
Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Bei Bei @ 1654A - Natural C

Ella @ 1654A - well done full B

Mei Li @ W06 - Natural C
Can share location?
Old 04-08-2019, 11:14 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

Originally Posted by Dignified69 View Post
Bro joker88, You are truly a helpful cheongster. Salute your frank sharing of your life experience.

Will keep in mind the importance of playing it safe and not crossing the line.

Bro D69

TQ for your compliments.

My life experience is not interesting though.
Good to share with people in the same playground.

I am not sure whether you are single or married.
If you are single be cautious if you go out with XN if she ever agree to go out with you.
But she is a very smart gal IMHO and you must be very careful and dun get KCed by her.

She is very witty and objective driven.
Always have the end in mind before she even get started.
She will assess the benefits before she agree to go ahead.
That is why she rejected you for the first time, I guessed.

If you are married then I guessed it is not worth the trouble considering the risk-reward ratio.
Big risk for small rewards.

You take a big risk but not even sure how much fun and enjoyment you can derive out of the whole saga.
It will be lucky for you if you stop before you get caught or it will be big disaster if you are caught.

Just my opinion.
Up Queue: ??

Please PM me if I had missed you out.
Old 05-08-2019, 06:56 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

Originally Posted by Niama2296 View Post
Can share location?
What location? The locations of the shops in GL were already listed in my earlier post ... 🙄
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 06-08-2019, 02:51 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

Originally Posted by apache View Post
Big Boobs List as of 29 July 2019

Look forward to more updates, of any new additions or any who left our shores

1. Confirmed enhanced
- 2040 Xiao Mei Cs
- 1649 Meng Meng full Bs
- 1820 Lambo full Bs

2. Nicely done enhancements
- 1669 Hui Zi full Bs
- WH15 Coco full Bs
- WH15 Chocolate full Bs
- 2062a Yue Liang full Cs

3. Real deals
- 1606a Xiao Qi Cs
- 1606 Xiang Xiang full B
- 1649 Bai Bing C-D
- 1654A Lu Lu C
- 1654a Mina Cs
- 1654a Bobo Ds
- 1669 Qiqi Cs
- 1669 Yanzi Ds
- 1820 Coco Cs
- 1820 Xiao Yan Zi Cs
- WH02 Li Li Cs
- WH04 Mei Mei Ds
- WH06 Xiao Yun Ds
- WH12 Honey Cs
- WH12 Shuang Shuang full B
- WH17 Meng Ting C
- 2036 Xiao Yu C
- 2036 Ah Jiao / Jiao Jiao full B
- 2040 Xiao Kai full Bs
- 2062 Yuan Yuan Cs
- 2062 Lu Lu D-E
- 2062a Yue Qi Ds
- 2062a Yue Hao full B
Bros, may i know what is 2062?? Where to find? Then WH means westernout? Which house? Thanks as i lost track of houses, been chionging massage spa.
Old 07-08-2019, 09:53 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

FR for 1669 燕子

looks – 5 (well to be honest she isn't a looker for me but she shines everywhere else)
Boobs – 7.5 (very soft original D boobs with dark nipples. She likes you to caress them cowgirl)
Body – 7 (not fair or dark skin but just in the middle. Slim for me)
BBBJ - 8 (one of the better ones I tried so far combining different momentum)
AR - special metion as she is probably one of the very few gal who did not ask me to go on my fours to perform AR. Some wl makes me go on some other position and none was comfortable to me. She always put some spray on her mouth before performing and service in your body... I felt like my A hole got raped by her and it left a burning sensation after due to the spray
FJ - 8.5 (natural love making that does not feel fake at all. Having sex with her was sensual and comfortable)
GFE - 7 (maybe due to our experience we could communicate well. Nonetheless she is a chatty gal)
Service - 8 (she gave me similar services like XiaoYun so nothing to complain about)
RTF - pushing on to some other targets first
Old 07-08-2019, 10:20 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

Originally Posted by GN007SG View Post
FR for 1669 燕子

looks – 5 (well to be honest she isn't a looker for me but she shines everywhere else)
Boobs – 7.5 (very soft original D boobs with dark nipples. She likes you to caress them cowgirl)
Body – 7 (not fair or dark skin but just in the middle. Slim for me)
BBBJ - 8 (one of the better ones I tried so far combining different momentum)
AR - special metion as she is probably one of the very few gal who did not ask me to go on my fours to perform AR. Some wl makes me go on some other position and none was comfortable to me. She always put some spray on her mouth before performing and service in your body... I felt like my A hole got raped by her and it left a burning sensation after due to the spray
FJ - 8.5 (natural love making that does not feel fake at all. Having sex with her was sensual and comfortable)
GFE - 7 (maybe due to our experience we could communicate well. Nonetheless she is a chatty gal)
Service - 8 (she gave me similar services like XiaoYun so nothing to complain about)
RTF - pushing on to some other targets first
Wanted to try YZ after seeing the rave reviews
But when I went last month, eventually did not choose her cos looks don’t gum me.
In comparison, WH06 XY looks much better than her.

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Old 07-08-2019, 10:31 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

Originally Posted by MrBigBadBird View Post
Wanted to try YZ after seeing the rave reviews
But when I went last month, eventually did not choose her cos looks don’t gum me.
In comparison, WH06 XY looks much better than her.

Well for me pretty straightforward as boob > face

If they both don't have the boob I would not have pick either of them
Old 07-08-2019, 10:34 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

Originally Posted by GN007SG View Post
Well for me pretty straightforward as boob > face

If they both don't have the boob I would not have pick either of them
If you don’t mind downgrading your standards to soft natural
c cups, can be worthwhile to try WH12 Honey.
She’s a screamer and v wet when u press the right buttons ...
Recent:T-Violet,Bobo,Scarlet,Jijee,Jam,Clara,Jane,Maxi, Jinny,Sailor,Larissa,Chloe,Mars,Cupcake,Chilli,Dre am, Orange,Cartier,Mango,Porsche,Notti,Wasabi,Pui,Ju-Ne,Ida,Kitty,Benz;V-Versace,Isabel,Rose,NaRa, Queenie,Natasha,Vanessa;PRC WLs-Grace,莎莎,Mandy,菲菲,小小,婷婷,美美,洋洋,露露,小苹果,佳佳,法拉利,七七,雪儿, 小雪
Old 07-08-2019, 10:39 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

Originally Posted by MrBigBadBird View Post
If you don’t mind downgrading your standards to soft natural
c cups, can be worthwhile to try WH12 Honey.
She’s a screamer and v wet when u press the right buttons ...
XY and YZ already my bare minimum standards on boob size lol

Wanted to try bobo but seems her FR on and off with selective frenching so I KIV first and went for YZ instead and I wasn't disappointed with her services
Old 07-08-2019, 12:10 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

Originally Posted by GN007SG View Post
XY and YZ already my bare minimum standards on boob size lol

Wanted to try bobo but seems her FR on and off with selective frenching so I KIV first and went for YZ instead and I wasn't disappointed with her services
Ur standard on boobs v high woh
Recent:T-Violet,Bobo,Scarlet,Jijee,Jam,Clara,Jane,Maxi, Jinny,Sailor,Larissa,Chloe,Mars,Cupcake,Chilli,Dre am, Orange,Cartier,Mango,Porsche,Notti,Wasabi,Pui,Ju-Ne,Ida,Kitty,Benz;V-Versace,Isabel,Rose,NaRa, Queenie,Natasha,Vanessa;PRC WLs-Grace,莎莎,Mandy,菲菲,小小,婷婷,美美,洋洋,露露,小苹果,佳佳,法拉利,七七,雪儿, 小雪
Old 07-08-2019, 12:24 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

Originally Posted by MrBigBadBird View Post
Ur standard on boobs v high woh
Actually I already lower my standard when I go chiong gl lol
Otherwise really can't find a single gum one

If only lu lu has better service and gfe she would be my go to gal

That why I used to find FL more... Apparently easier to find the correct milk for me
Old 09-08-2019, 06:15 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs - C cup and above

Any bros here knows the timing for 150 cats? what time they close?
Thank You for those Bros who have up me.
Long live GREAT BOOBS..!!!!

Bros Who has upped me. Thanks a lot.! Will return once recover.!!
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