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Old 02-12-2004, 08:57 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Looks like there is someone out there dun like me n start to give rep deductions hahaha what small kids we have in this thread who has not reach puberty yet. Plus dun have the balls to make himself known, wat a pussy. Please grow up, its not the reps points that makes u go down BUT the integrity one has which people are more aware of and most likely to trust. In fact I was laughing wen I saw the deductions today. The bloke jus made my day hahahaha. Cheers!
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 02-12-2004, 09:02 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by proprimate
Looks like there is someone out there dun like me n start to give rep deductions hahaha what small kids we have in this thread who has not reach puberty yet. Plus dun have the balls to make himself known, wat a pussy. Please grow up, its not the reps points that makes u go down BUT the integrity one has which people are more aware of and most likely to trust. In fact I was laughing wen I saw the deductions today. The bloke jus made my day hahahaha. Cheers!
Bro, I up ur points. Cheers.
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Old 02-12-2004, 09:08 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by proprimate
Looks like there is someone out there dun like me n start to give rep deductions hahaha what small kids we have in this thread who has not reach puberty yet. Plus dun have the balls to make himself known, wat a pussy. Please grow up, its not the reps points that makes u go down BUT the integrity one has which people are more aware of and most likely to trust. In fact I was laughing wen I saw the deductions today. The bloke jus made my day hahahaha. Cheers!
bro prorimate

wanna up your points to repay u for giving me the contact for the maid last time but found out that i cannot. sorry bro, got heart but no strength.

Old 03-12-2004, 01:08 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by shadowlunar04
Bro, I up ur points. Cheers.
Thanks bro. I guess u made my day too. Nice. Cheers!

Bro Fleaz, no worries, work on ur posts then can start giving people points for their contributions. Cheers!
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 04-12-2004, 09:43 AM
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Re: Maid for Sex


Thanks for the nice gesture of upping my points. U know who u r and such favors will oni be in my good books when I have good contacts.

Those PMed me abt the maid, last news was she will b back in mid december 2004. Will inform if she's back or mebe others will get the news fis once she's here.

I even put some contacts to replace the void in the brown sugar minahs thread. Cheers!
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 04-12-2004, 06:54 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by proprimate
Attention Bros,

I jus had some free time and now currently updating an exclusive thread dedicated to the Malays or Brown Sugars if u like to call it in yahoo groups. Will try to collaborate with the other thread starters on the Malay FL scene or even the riau islands or malaysia. It will include pics, contacts, share and share alike. Those reputable ones will be invited or those deem fit will be PMed. So watch this spot and check ur PM. It's coming soon.....Cheers!

Bro Proprimate

Don't forget me yah.....

Many Thanks
Old 05-12-2004, 10:42 PM
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United brown sugar nations


Firstly, this exclusive thread might jus take off in 2005. Coz I din know the amt of work that is required to compile all the FRs, contacts and pics, comments, overseas adventures and etc etc.

Please inform thread starters of other brown sugar threads or malay FLs, indo FLs, even thai or vietnamese or philippines or malaysia to PM me if they r interested to have a collaboration of United Nations hehehehe. No compulsion to join but I guess it would be interesting to see if it really can take off. Cheers!
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 06-12-2004, 01:47 PM
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Re: United brown sugar nations

Originally Posted by proprimate
Please inform thread starters of other brown sugar threads or malay FLs, indo FLs, even thai or vietnamese or philippines or malaysia to PM me if they r interested to have a collaboration of United Nations hehehehe. No compulsion to join but I guess it would be interesting to see if it really can take off. Cheers!
sounds interesting. u have my full suport. i have philippino FRs.

what is the next step?
Old 06-12-2004, 04:11 PM
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Re: United brown sugar nations

Bro !
I'd love to join your group. I love Brown Sugar too !
Sometimes I post in the Petain and Desker threads, FR on Brown Sugar. This is my latest contribution in the Desker thread. Hopew you can include it in your yahoo group.
Thanks Proprimate, AKA King of Minahs !

Recommedations for Desker

Hi Bros !
I was at Desker a few days ago. I was there around 2 pm. There were not many cheongsters walking around. And most of the pros were already available in the houses. Tis is the type of setting I like because the pros are still fresh and if you get a BBJ, you know here mouth is still fresh. I strolled around Desker, passed house 98 (Zarina's house), her chair was empty. I thought maybe she was already with a customer. I walked around one more round, and came back to House 98. I asked a Malay lady for Zarina, she said, she will not come until 5pm. I don't know if she was bluffing me, because the latest Zarina will show up last time was 2:30 pm. I was in a hurry, and wanted some release, so I said so myself, "I might as well try this Malay lady, instead of waiting for Zarina".
The Malay lady is Siti, she is around mid 30s, like Zarina and also has tan skin and big boobs. I asked her for the fee and she said $ 25. Good bargain, I might as well try. Only the haggard aunties in Petain and Desker charge $ 20.
Siti led me to the room. Her room didn't have a very good smell, it smelt a bit like a labourers room (no offence to labourers). It seemed I was the first customer of the day. After I washed, she undressed and I started licking her big brown boobs. They were huge (slightly smaller than Zarina's), just how I like them. She was also a little slimmer than Zarina. She let me lick her boobs for a while, but the commanded me to lay on the bed. I thought she was going to give me a BBBJ or at least a BJ. But the she grabbed a condom from her night table and capped me. I thought "OK, she will give me a BJ with cap". But she placed herself on top of me, and was going to insert my didi into her. I wanted a BJ, so I requested. She said she doesn't do BJ. I kindly requested a BJ one more time, she politely rejected. So I asked her if I could lick her tits again. She agreed. I changed positions and laid on top of her licking her tits, and moving down towards her legs, and licking her thighs.
Because her tits were at leats 38 DD I asked her for a tit fuck, I wanted to cum on her tits. She agreed to a tit fuck, but when I was removing my condom, she told me to keep it on and to do the tit fuck with it "Sian !".
What to expect for $ 25 ! So I did as she said, I tit fucked her until I came inside my cap.
After I was done, we exchanged pleasantries, she told me she is from Penang like Zarina, and said good bye.
Conclusion :
Fee : $ 25
Looks : OK, mid 30s, pleasant mature MILF Malay face
Body : Voluptuous, but no as much as Zarina, but she is slimmer and has less tummy than Zarina
Boobs : At least 38 DD, perfect for a tit fuck, and for licking
Service : Disappointed, I thought she could be a good back up for Zarina.
She doesn't provide BJ, not even with cap. Tit fuck, must do with cap
FJ : Didn't try
RTF : Only if I am horny, and Zarina is not in house 98
Old 07-12-2004, 11:59 AM
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Re: United brown sugar nations

Originally Posted by chatoh
Bro !
I'd love to join your group. I love Brown Sugar too !
Sometimes I post in the Petain and Desker threads, FR on Brown Sugar. This is my latest contribution in the Desker thread. Hopew you can include it in your yahoo group.
Thanks Proprimate, AKA King of Minahs !
Bro, will work on it. As for the maid, got a message form her, she'll be back somewhere next week..........I see bros already planning hehehehe. Will update. Cheers!
Peopel have been asking what my nick means.....
PRO means prostitutes
PRI means prick
MATE means Prostitutes & Pricks mate

BTW, the avatar is the rear view of JULIA, the FL.
Link to her pics (with compliments to Bro Tallman):
Old 07-12-2004, 01:12 PM
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Talking Re: United brown sugar nations

Originally Posted by proprimate
Bro, will work on it. As for the maid, got a message form her, she'll be back somewhere next week..........I see bros already planning hehehehe. Will update. Cheers!

bro, if u are looking for minah FRs to include, i would be honoured if u used my FR with the maid..

solid ah.. back next week... planning time bros.. haha

Old 07-12-2004, 10:56 PM
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Re: United brown sugar nations

Originally Posted by proprimate
Bro, will work on it. As for the maid, got a message form her, she'll be back somewhere next week..........I see bros already planning hehehehe. Will update. Cheers!
I would like to join your group too......
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Old 07-12-2004, 11:34 PM
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Re: United brown sugar nations

Originally Posted by proprimate
Bro, will work on it. As for the maid, got a message form her, she'll be back somewhere next week..........I see bros already planning hehehehe. Will update. Cheers!
bro i would like to join ur group too
Old 08-12-2004, 04:41 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Me too!
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Old 08-12-2004, 04:49 PM
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Re: Maid for Sex

Originally Posted by lumcc
Bro proprimate,

Haha, I tried to up your points but I think I oso "got heart no power"!
All I can do is to give you my fullest supoort in this forum!

Happy to hear that the "maid" is coming back soon!
Cheers and hav a great weekend!

U from Air Force right ?
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