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Old 03-07-2018, 12:02 PM
AudemarsPiquet AudemarsPiquet is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bros, please bear with me for quoting an old post below.

Originally Posted by ansonsohna View Post

I have met Bro Justime at the lowest point in my life two plus years ago.

Then I was:

1) Hoong ki addict (2 packs a day).
2) Near alcoholic (kopi tiam beer king). St. James three times weekly one bottle drinkin alone.
3) Job and career prospects zero (and nearly sacked).
4) Devasted at my gf breaking up and thinking that I destined to forever condemn to living alone.
5) Owe so much money that consider borrow from loan shark to clear debts(heng casino not opened yet!)
6) Even in sammyboy got zapped to 11 points (and I badly want to hit 100 pts so that ple will share FL contact with me). My esteem is really that low that i have to seek approval here ...

Through Bro Justime's thread, Mistress and my contact with him, I arranged to meet up. My one single afternoon meeting with him and one month of follow up sessions (via emails) literally turned my life around.

Bro Justime have the strategies to transform one's life. If you are sincere and diligent and really apply his methodologies, it will benefit you.

1) I quit hoong ki. now even if my gf got ciggy smoke on her hair I buay tahan.
2) Recreational drinking only now.
3) I got promotion recently. My income is doubled since the day I met him(okay its a low base to start with but even then, its now slightly better than national average.)
4) I got a wondergal friend and actually "upped" a most beautiful gal (see my fantasy gal thread - it chronicles the full story and its still ongoing....)
5) Bro Justime gave me $400 to tide me over. Till now I want to pay him back (with interest) but he refused. Heck, I can now even pay for down payment should I want to buy a HDB under the single's scheme. All this without sacrificing "cheonging". Stretch the value cheonging strategies ....
6) Not so important now but even in sammyboy my rep improved.

What I saying is that, please have some decorum and humility to learn from people with substance. Bro Warbird is another one whom you should learn from.

You will benefit only yourself if you drop the smart alecky attitude and sincerely learn. The onus is up to you brother! Good Luck in your choice.

From a former never do well with all sincerity ...

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Hi bro ansonsohna,

Bro justime is really a gentleman n a good Samaritan. But it was ur own efforts n determination which has transformed ur life. Kodus n keep it up!!

I'm just a lao chi ko pek trying hard to learn from all the bros here n to share what little BY-ing experience I hv.

BTW, I hv invited bro justime to be a co-TS n hope that he could contribute on a regular basis.


Bro WB
Bro WB,

Let me thank you for a successful thread too.

All of us goes through ups and downs in life. I learned this in the past, life is never a bed of roses. Also, the other side grass is greener. True and alos half true. But if we don't change our mindset and leave our comfort zone, we will never make it.

Bro ansonsohna life went thru upheavals. Lucky he met a savior bro justime who gave him a fine-tuning and bro anson listen and recovered.

I shared this because I have a friend who went through tumultuous times and he too couldn't bear to leave the woman that caused his downfall. He was a wreck and bootleg. A few of us, friends had to beat him sober and left him alone to recuperate. Luckily he recovered his senses and move on to have a healthy family life.

I believe karma and what you sow you reap. A person life will never be always good and also always bad.

Just have to tide the bad times and ride the good times.

Plenty of materials in a simple thread and I think I benefited by reading every forums.

I agreed with other bros that some posts were excellent.

If I will to give a rating for this thread will say is A+.

Hope to gain more from this thread.

Take care and live well.
Old 03-07-2018, 07:35 PM
uniglo uniglo is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by AudemarsPiquet View Post
Bro WB,

Let me thank you for a successful thread too.

All of us goes through ups and downs in life. I learned this in the past, life is never a bed of roses. Also, the other side grass is greener. True and alos half true. But if we don't change our mindset and leave our comfort zone, we will never make it.

Bro ansonsohna life went thru upheavals. Lucky he met a savior bro justime who gave him a fine-tuning and bro anson listen and recovered.

I shared this because I have a friend who went through tumultuous times and he too couldn't bear to leave the woman that caused his downfall. He was a wreck and bootleg. A few of us, friends had to beat him sober and left him alone to recuperate. Luckily he recovered his senses and move on to have a healthy family life.

I believe karma and what you sow you reap. A person life will never be always good and also always bad.

Just have to tide the bad times and ride the good times.

Plenty of materials in a simple thread and I think I benefited by reading every forums.

I agreed with other bros that some posts were excellent.

If I will to give a rating for this thread will say is A+.

Hope to gain more from this thread.

Take care and live well.
Fully agreed, I give A+ too.

Thanks Bro WB for this wonderful thread.

Old 04-07-2018, 03:01 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by newbieboy View Post
equities in US or local markets? things holding paper value scares me, and the more you go into company accounts, the more shit you dig up, and the scarier equities become for my weak heart

on your worries, this is my young and ignorant view:

QE2 can only stabilise sentiment and not spur market recovery due to the staggered pace of purchase, and how markets are usually priced in before announcements since consensus is strong and accurate i.e. fed does not surprise markets. this creates a hot money flow into asian markets as institutions and investors continue to stay away from US economy (which defeats the purpose of injecting liquidity as the money is used to fund EM investments...) inflation is a big worry in asian economies as such, so i think we can see asian govts raising rates across the board next year.

default risk in europe is largely about fear. the big economies are doing well, especially germany. even spain's economy has its redeeming factors. only the peripheral states are in danger, and the economic ramifications are not even that substantial. i think fear is triggering the irrational behaviour towards EU debt. so if ballsy enough one can capitalise on that.

bubble will not burst in china, PBOC keeps a very tight rein and always intervenes when necessary. interesting thing to watch out for will be how the big chinese banks cope with lending in december as the cap for the year has nearly maxed out in november. pboc's reaction will be critical in assessing how the govt feels about inflationary pressures in china.
Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Hi bros ME, besafe, smartke n newbieboy,

Ths all of u for ur expertise in investing n trading.

IMHO, it's an exercise in futility to try to forecast the market. Buffett has never met a man who could do it consistently.

In long-term investing in equities, the only way to make money consistently is to buy undervalued stocks of high quality companies, n hold on until they become very overvalued. It may take 10 yrs. But one must know the co n its value very well.

Market crash? It's great news! I'm waiting to buy on deep discounts n I'll back up the truck (or shall I say lorry?). Wouldn't I take a big hit on my current holdings? Sure, but they r already undervalued n they will come roaring back, in time.

If the same IPhone4 is selling at 50% discount, would a lot of people buy? Would I buy? You bet. It's inexplicable n most baffling to me that when the same good co that was selling for $10 a share a month ago n now is down to $5, instead of buying, most "investors" would flee n avoid it as if the stock was a leper! Panic selling. Conversely, if the same Iphone4 is now double in price, would u buy? I wont! Equally puzzling is that a lot of "fools" would then clamor to buy it. It's called panic buying, hahaha. I do the exact opposite...

Investing in high tech n biotech start ups is a different ballgame. Here I make sure my reward: risk ratio is heavily in my favor n I enjoy much better odds than a dealer in a casino, hehehe.

Just my 2 cents.


Bro WB
Bro, didn't know this thread is big time investor thread too.

QE is already 10 years old and QT just started last year. What is the future lies for stock markets? It looks like Bear market all the way from now onward. High tech and biotech start up already happening. Also not sure what the future lies?

EU looks like going into trouble with Spain and Italy next to face crisis after Greek. Brexit effect not sure yet but they cannot find enough bankers in Europe to fill positions if EU shifts from London to Luxembourg or elsewhere.

PetroYuan already intro and USD is still moving upwards after last rate hike. China is dumping US treasury and thus making yuan cheaper.

What about GOLD? Is gold money? Gold prices had been falling and today at USD 1250 per onz.

Many countries started to sell their US treasury and also move gold back to their own countries. Will this have any effect to USD or Gold prices?

Hope bro can give us a bit insight what magic mirror can tell us.

Thanks for the kind attention.
Old 04-07-2018, 10:11 PM
fuckwannacry fuckwannacry is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by uniglo View Post
Fully agreed, I give A+ too.

Thanks Bro WB for this wonderful thread.

Yes, I also give A+.

Great thread by bro WB.

Have a nice day.
Old 05-07-2018, 12:22 PM
BlackMaria BlackMaria is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Phew bro WB, how time had fly!!

iPhone4 was very long ago. Now iPhoneX already almost one year old. So are we getting old?

Is definitely interesting to note that as men gets older also getting wiser. Our choice may have widen or narrowed depends on taste and varieties

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
More musings on the mundane subject of pretty pussies.

I'm hving better luck these days. I hv found a bevy of gals of my type in China n several here in SG. They all want me to buy them a IPhone4 n to BY them! Several gals in China r non-WLs. Two hv agreed to come over.

At this time, it's inconvenient for me to live in PRC n so hv to disappoint many of them.

I hv 2 tall Fujian gals, aged 21 n 22 respectively, in SG. There is a 3rd gal HD, a non-Fujian gal whom I also like very much. She is very short, only 158 n 42 kg, but she is very cute n pretty, fair n innocent. Perhaps one of the prettiest China gals I hv seen. A student here, only 20 yo, she is a true SYT. I'm going very, very slowly w/ her. One of my gals is leaving in mid Jan n it would be perfect timing if I start BY-ing HD then. I just hope that her pussy is as cute n as small as her mouth/lips!

There is another tall n fair 21 yo SYT but she is quite expensive (overvalued IMHO), so I'll wait n see. If her butt were a tad bigger, I would say she is fairly valued, hehehe.

BTW, I know many bros prefer shaved pussies. I dun as it looks artificial. One Fujian gal had cleanly shaved one n so I asked her to stop shaving less than 2 wks ago n now there r abt 3-4 mm long bristles, like tiny needles, very irritating when I eat her pussy. She loves my tongue n wants me to eat her for at least 25-30 min! She would hold my head n thrust her pussy wildly into my tongue n mouth! Her COS is very violent n very vocal.


Bro WB
Bro WB

Tks for recommending Carl icahn. Just did a serach and found that he is billionaire investing in tech stocks.

Agreed with you that pussy market is difficult to value. Many times, our big head is NOT the one making decisions. Our small heads do over-ride the deal.

Plenty of interesting facts and figures here. What a priceless thread this is.

Hope to learn more from all these investors here.

One more thing about FX, a friend of mine who was a FX trader told me never bet on forex and he witnessed so many loss money in FX trading. The easiest to bet against those who had history of losses.


Originally Posted by warbird View Post
The stock market n the pussy market r both inefficient n unpredictable n self mastery is the key to success in both markets, hehe.

Carl Icahn is another great investor! Buy what he buys n u will seldom be disappointed.

IMHO, the key to success in long-term investing is estimating the value of a company correctly. Of course one needs the self control/self mastery to execute whenever a stock is either very undervalued or overvalued.

Unfortunately, it's much harder to value a pussy. There r too many variables. One man's meat is...

But there r certain guidelines. Moreover, the return from BY-ing a pretty gal of ur type is hard to quantify. If u feel very good keeping the gal, enjoy the sex, companionship n GFE...the benefits to ur physical n mental well being could be priceless.

The downside? If u can't master ur heart n fall in love w/ ur mistress, u could get hurt badly, both financially n emotionally.

BTW, I'll always be true to the spirit of this thread. It's all abt picking up...

Less than 3 wks ago, I was at DC n saw a chio SYT YX walking briskly in the hallway, I stopped her n got her name n HP. She was already booked. She is a pretty 19 yo student w/ very shapely figure n legs, abt 165 n 50kg. We share the same family name! A few days later, while I was in an Indonesian island, she sent me a text to say hello. I never met her again as I was very busy w/ my new gals. A wk later she texted me saying she was leaving for PRC n would be back after CNY. A few days ago, she texted me again from PRC to say hello. I jokingly said she should be my 干女儿。She replied, 好啊!n would meet me online. She is the one taking all the initiative n I know she wants to be fxked. I never booked her n dun really know her at all! Predestined infinity?

When YX returns, I may not hv the time nor the energy to BY her. She is actually better than all the gals I BY-ed during my last visit here. She is very young n very hot!!


Bro WB
Old 05-07-2018, 07:42 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by BlackMaria View Post
Phew bro WB, how time had fly!!

iPhone4 was very long ago. Now iPhoneX already almost one year old. So are we getting old?

Is definitely interesting to note that as men gets older also getting wiser. Our choice may have widen or narrowed depends on taste and varieties
iPhoneX almost one year already? So fast
Old 07-07-2018, 11:40 AM
jurassicpark jurassicpark is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Hi Bro WB

No wonder many gals love T-Rex so much. The more mean and baddy the more the gals love.

What your guru send you below does makes great sense. When did gals ever love a wussy. Answer - NO and never.

Gals often love the badass men. I am sure you see the nice gals often go out with men with loads of tattoos and henchmen. These mean the guy is the "taikor" and he has many henchmen working for him.

Never worried about disagreeing with woman. Stand on your points and dun ever agree with her if you think she is incorrect.

Flirt with other women when you with her will be the key moves. Let her know many woman loves you and if she dun move then her loss.

Always be direct ask for sex and never be shy to hug and kiss. If any gal allow hugs and kisses then her body belongs to you.

I hope to learn more from gurus and seniors here.

Hope to pickup more tips.

Cheers and have a nice weekend.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning to all samsters!

Women crave emotional experiences. They r not attracted to boring n wussy nice guys who always agree w/ them or worse, suck up to them. Tease them, confront them, disagree w/ them...but dun be abusive n mean. Use push-pull n connect-disconnect tactics.

I had a serious argument w/ one of my mistresses MY the other day. She was pissed off n when I left, she would not even hug me.

But the next day, she called me many times in the PM, asked me what I was doing, etc. She had called several of my agents to try to extend her stay...n she wanted to see me, hehehe.

I just received an email from another Ang mo guru:

3 Things That Make Women Chase You

Today I am going to share information with you that will change the way you interact with women.

Using this new set of information you will be able to generate MASSIVE attraction in women you meet.

This piece of information is the ACCESS code to make a woman chase you.

For the longest time I could not understand why most women ended up saying you are a very nice guy and I am glad we are friends.

I very often hear women say to me "I never saw you like that let's just be friends".

There were times when I would ask a woman to join me for an activity or study session. The first thing I would hear from her was that she had plans with her boyfriend or that she needs to ask him if she could.

I was having hard time understanding why these women were mentioning their boyfriend when I'd ask them to do something with me.

Why did they never mention their boyfriend until that moment?

What was it that I needed to do to make these women want me so bad that they will IGNORE their relationship status and go out with me?

It wasn't until I was hanging out with a woman friend of mine who was single at the time that I had an AHA moment to clear this for me.

I was hanging out with this friend of mine when some guy she knew from before ran into us by accident.

He ended up joining us for coffee.

What happened over the next few minutes completely blew my mind.

I saw this guy make moves in every possible way but kept getting shot down. This woman used almost every excuse from the book. She finally had to lie that she had a boyfriend.

It was obvious that whatever this guy was doing was clearly not working but he DIDN'T GET IT!

When he was gone I asked her why she lied about having a boyfriend.

She replied she had to because he was not giving up. She mentioned that she did not feel attraction for him.

She mentioned that initially she was attracted to this guy and that is why she liked hanging out with him and talk to him but as she got to know him better the attraction died.

I realized this is exactly what happens to me. I start talking to women. They show interest in me and soon it turns into let's just be friends.

So I ended up asking her what was it that he did that turned her off. She explained me the whole interaction with him and that changed my dating life forever.

I will avoid writing the details of my conversation here. What I will share with you is the list of 6 secrets that will help you stand out from other men.

If injected right these 3 factors will make a woman feel STRONG EMOTIONS for you.

This is what you need to do when you talk to a woman next time:

1. Disagree with Women: Most men assume that they have to please women to win them. This comes across as supplicating to women.

When you disagree with women you demonstrate your willingness to walk away from them. Women find this quality very attractive in men.

Women cannot handle rejection and this makes them want to chase you and win your approval.

Next time you are talking to a woman you are attracted to disagree with her on some topic. She will love you for doing that.

2. Flirting with other women: Most men assume they have to demonstrate total dedication to the woman they are attracted to. This is why they don't even look at other women.

This behavior shows neediness. Women do not like that you are willing to give up everything when you barely know them.

Do the opposite!

Flirt with other women around her. This demonstrates that you are man who loves women and that you are capable of seducing other women.

Every woman wants a man who is loved by other women.

Next time you go to a coffee shop flirt a little with the barista. Give her a genuine compliment or ask couple personal questions. But don't do it too much.

Once she notices you flirting with other women she will do everything to hold on to you because she wants to win over other women.

3. Get Sexual Early On: Most men assume that they will make a woman feel uncomfortable by getting sexual early on.

You cannot be more wrong than this.

Most women have multiple guy friends in their life. When they go out with you they are hoping for something romantic to develop.

Let them know your intentions by touching, holding their hands, playing with their hair and establishing a sexual dialogue.

This will turn most women on and they will start to see you as a possible sexual partner opposed to another guy friend.

Women are emotional creatures. They respond to emotions not logic. There is a certain conversation pattern and interaction style that appeals to women on the emotional level.

When you inject these attraction generating patterns into your interaction with women the result is MASSIVE UNCONTROLLABLE ATTRACTION in women for you............................................... .....................................

Until next time,

Mr. Guru

Old 07-07-2018, 12:23 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by jurassicpark View Post
Hi Bro WB

No wonder many gals love T-Rex so much. The more mean and baddy the more the gals love.

What your guru send you below does makes great sense. When did gals ever love a wussy. Answer - NO and never.

Gals often love the badass men. I am sure you see the nice gals often go out with men with loads of tattoos and henchmen. These mean the guy is the "taikor" and he has many henchmen working for him.

Never worried about disagreeing with woman. Stand on your points and dun ever agree with her if you think she is incorrect.

Flirt with other women when you with her will be the key moves. Let her know many woman loves you and if she dun move then her loss.

Always be direct ask for sex and never be shy to hug and kiss. If any gal allow hugs and kisses then her body belongs to you.

I hope to learn more from gurus and seniors here.

Hope to pickup more tips.

Cheers and have a nice weekend.
Great thread here.

Hope to learn more from Bro WB and other gurus too.

Enjoy your weekend folks.
Old 08-07-2018, 12:42 PM
WohHup WohHup is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Last but not least, I like to share the following email from another Ang Mo guru:

Here Are 3 Essential Alpha Man Traits - Do You Have Them?

What's it take to be a man these days?

I find myself asking that question a lot. If you watch young boys and how a lot of them are being brought up these days, you'll find yourself shaking your head as you ask it.

What are the important parts of being a MAN?

Just because you have the equipment doesn't mean that women perceive you as being "MANLY." In fact, "manliness" has gotten a bad rap.

And that has led a great many of us (including ME for many years) to believe that we should be ashamed of being men.

Well, first and most importantly, you have to learn how to be comfortable with just BEING a man.

With all the stupid messages you get from the media on things to "enhance" your masculinity, you'd think that there was something basically wrong with us right from the start, wouldn't you?

You're not long enough, hard enough, rich enough, or good looking enough to get the woman you want - that's what They tell you.

But the reality is that women are attracted to a man from emotions - NOT appearance.

(Yes, we know that a hot guy will get more initial interest, but he can't KEEP it if he isn't showing her the right Alpha traits.)

So here are my top 3 traits for you to work on your masculinity and demonstrating your Alpha Manhood.

GOOD! I knew you had the stones.

Here we go...

*** ALPHA MAN TRAIT 1) Initiative - Leadership drive

Women LOVE leaders.

They love it when a guy takes the lead and just makes the decision and goes with it.

Even if he's wrong.

I make it a point when I'm out to ask women what they find most un-attractive about men, and one thing comes up more than anything else...

Indecisiveness and wishy-washy behavior.

Guys are trying to be "easy going" and cool, but they're actually being perceived as weak-kneed little girls.

The great thing about taking initiative is that by doing this, you actually demonstrate two other POWERFUL traits that draw women in like moths to a flame: Ambition and Power.

Just by demonstrating the initiative with a woman, you are sub-communicating all the right things about your masculinity and drive.

In order to take this initiative, most men need to feel...

*** ALPHA MAN TRAIT 2) Assertiveness/Confidence

It's probably no secret to you that I don't cater to "political correctness."

This story should help you understand how I feel:

There was a priest addressing his congregation, and he said to them during his sermon: "There are millions of people out there starving in the world today... and the problem is YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN about it!"

Then he said, "And the BIGGER problem is that MORE of you are shocked by me saying 'damn' in church than you are about the fact that there are millions of people starving out there!"


And the thing about confidence is that it really translates into another word that allows us to understand it better.




***ALPHA MAN TRAIT 3) Emotional Control/Emotional Strength

Look, women are NOT attracted to men that cry on their shoulder. They're NOT attracted to men who are always talking about their "feelings."

Women want a man that is in control of his own emotional world.

You may hear women complain about the guy who's "not in touch with his emotions," but the reality is that most of the guys who seem to think they are in touch with their emotions are just PUPPETS of their emotions.

There are really relatively few cases of guys who are strong and emotionally controlled who just wake up one day and freak out because their emotions had been bottled up inside them and went thermo-nuclear.

I think a lot of 'sensitive' guys are afraid of this.

SHOCK someone... Be different.

Ask yourself: How alive are you willing to be?

Dare to live your life on your own terms, and you'll feel a sense of liberation and Alpha Masculinity that will open up a new world to you.

It's the world where you get what you want - and what you deserve........................................... .................................................

Wishing you confidence and success with women - With HONOR and integrity.


Notice how he keeps mentioning emotional control...

Do you get upset, even angry, easily? Sometimes anxious n fearful? Often worried n unhappy? Occasionally lonely n frustrated?

Bro, you hv zero self mastery. Even if u suddenly receive USD 10 billion tax free today, u will still be unhappy. Sorry for being so blunt. The good news is that you hv incredible room for improvement. There is no where to go but UP, hahaha, just like me a very short time ago.

IMHO, in life, a man's happiness n success r directly proportionate to the degree of his emotional control/self mastery. If he is a very rare man w/ absolute self mastery, he is unconditionally happy. He doesn't need money or pussies or anything else, but they still flock to him...hahaha.

Just my 2 cents. Comments n criticisms will be appreciated.


Bro WB
Bro WB

Thanks for posting angmo guru post about alpha male.

Although I dislike alpha male but I like the 3 traits -

1) Initiative - Leadership drive

2) Assertiveness/Confidence

3) Emotional Control/Emotional Strength

Very similar to other guru discussion about wussy guys, woman will like men who had the 3 traits above. Think men must have at least the trait 3 above.

At least be the MAN and hv to be be confident and initiative.

Agreed with you that if man possessed the self mastery then women may flock to him.

Hope you don't mind me quoting a long time forum here.

Just hope to learn from the experts here.

Have a great Sunday.
Old 08-07-2018, 12:43 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by WohHup View Post
Bro WB

Thanks for posting angmo guru post about alpha male.

Although I dislike alpha male but I like the 3 traits -

1) Initiative - Leadership drive

2) Assertiveness/Confidence

3) Emotional Control/Emotional Strength

Very similar to other guru discussion about wussy guys, woman will like men who had the 3 traits above. Think men must have at least the trait 3 above.

At least be the MAN and hv to be be confident and initiative.

Agreed with you that if man possessed the self mastery then women may flock to him.

Hope you don't mind me quoting a long time forum here.

Just hope to learn from the experts here.

Have a great Sunday.
Bro, thanks for sharing this post.

Support great thread.
Old 08-07-2018, 07:45 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by WohHup View Post
Bro WB

Thanks for posting angmo guru post about alpha male.

Although I dislike alpha male but I like the 3 traits -

1) Initiative - Leadership drive

2) Assertiveness/Confidence

3) Emotional Control/Emotional Strength

Very similar to other guru discussion about wussy guys, woman will like men who had the 3 traits above. Think men must have at least the trait 3 above.

At least be the MAN and hv to be be confident and initiative.

Agreed with you that if man possessed the self mastery then women may flock to him.

Hope you don't mind me quoting a long time forum here.

Just hope to learn from the experts here.

Have a great Sunday.
I like the 3 traits too.

Thanks Bro WB for this great thread.

Have a nice day.
Old 09-07-2018, 12:50 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by trainfault View Post
I like the 3 traits too.

Thanks Bro WB for this great thread.

Have a nice day.
Bro, thanks for liking this thread.

I also support bro WB, hoping to learn more.

Old 10-07-2018, 12:18 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Another intersting forum below.

My principle is will not touch any married woman who just wanted to have fun. A little bit different if WL married who still seek to come out to work. Anyway no way to find out if WL is married unless know her personally.

Life is short estimate maybe 10 years x 7. Just relax and chill whenever one can. Sure we need to have moolah so do anything. You hit the nail and right to say gals will run away if no money. Even wife too will abandon you when you poor.

Seems that your taste changes regularly due to supply or time. Boobs size can satisfy man's fantasy. To me, a handful of boobs will do.

Fully agreed with you that no point to fight and angry in forum.

Fully respect the way you enjoy and keep writing about your hunting expeditions.

Hope to learn more from you.

Bye now.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I knew that. BTW, I also love PRC SYTs n I will never ever KNOWINGLY fxk a married woman.

However, I'm very open-minded n I'll not disparage those who hv affairs w/ married women. It's none of my business.


.................................................. .................................................. .......

Good afternoon!!

Bro fetishboy brings up the subject of young KTV gals n money. Of course if u run out of money they will abandon u. But sadly, they r not the only ones who will leave u if u hv no money. The only people who may NEVER abandon u r ur parents n ur children. We all should become better citizens n hv more children.

I like to pose the following questions.

Supposing a very beautiful newly-wed woman of 21 is in love w/ her young husband, say aged 26, who has a high paying job from a family-owned business. Lets further suppose that, a few months later, the business has filed for bankruptcy n her husband is now penniless. He n his family r in debts n hv been sued by creditors n banks. His financial situation is hopeless. By law, she is also liable for his debts. How long do you think she will stay married to him?

We men r the same.

Supposing u r engaged to a very beautiful 20 yo SYT virgin from a respectable family. Sadly, she has an serious accident which left her face disfigured beyond recognition n her body paraplegic. Lets further suppose that u r a healthy 25 yo heterosexual man from a well to do family. Would u still marry her n stay faithful to her for the rest of ur life? Pls answer the question truthfully.

Now let's talk abt something more fun.

Life is constantly taste for boob size has changed as well. I used to accept A/B ones if they r pretty n shapely. Since I had KK who was blessed w/ natural D boobs earlier this yr, I hv BY-ed a no of gals w/ C boobs n now my preference is for those w/ at least a solid B. C would be better if also shapely n proportionate. Most PRC gals w/ natural Ds r stout n/or hv thick arms n legs which r repulsive to me. A gal w/ D must be at least 170, otherwise it wont be proportionate. I hv not met a gal w/ D boobs n still has slender arms, except for KK. But a gal w/ long slender arms must not hv slender body, flat ass n very slim legs as I like much more meat in those places. Now I guess my frens n bros can understand why I hv to search high n low for my type of gal.

I hv found such a gal. She is 22 (although I can't bring her to the casino as she was born in 1990 according to her passport), very fair, 169, abt 51-52 kg, natural C boobs w/ pink nips, small waist n round perky ass. Yes, slender arms, but more meat in her thighs n long, straight, relatively slim legs. And most importantly, she has as pretty pussy as KK, but tighter, wetter n more responsive. Her pussy tastes better too.

I met her just over 4 wks ago. I made an offer shortly after that. No ST, never done ST, ok, how abt BY? She was hesitant initially. She told me how much she earned a month w/o going out. I offered her that plus a little incentive n master bedroom rental. She said OK. Took me a few days to find a secure place. The other problem was that she insisted on monthly payment upfront. I said no, she said forget it. But her body was too sexy n too attempting n so I took a chance. It was like buying a speculative biotech start up, hehe. What if I didnt like her pussy? Managed to get her to agree to a majority payment upfront n the rest in mid month. She has been w/ me for 3 wks now n I intend keep her until she leaves SG. She doesn't work.

The other day, she accompanied me to a KTV n I also booked another gal to sit w/ me. This other gal showed me her expensive gold watch, a gift from her ex BF in Shanghai. My mistress said she would love to hv such a watch, but no need gold one leh. It's still not cheap w/o gold. She later asked me what should she buy me for X'mas? Would a LV belt be OK? I told her I dun wear expensive belts, hehe. No, I'm not KC-ed by her. I merely like her pussy n her whimsical n playful nature. I may buy her the watch if I can find it.


Bro WB
Old 10-07-2018, 12:50 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Agree, better don't touch married woman.

Hope to learn more from bro WB too.


Originally Posted by WohHup View Post
Bro WB

Another intersting forum below.

My principle is will not touch any married woman who just wanted to have fun. A little bit different if WL married who still seek to come out to work. Anyway no way to find out if WL is married unless know her personally.

Life is short estimate maybe 10 years x 7. Just relax and chill whenever one can. Sure we need to have moolah so do anything. You hit the nail and right to say gals will run away if no money. Even wife too will abandon you when you poor.

Seems that your taste changes regularly due to supply or time. Boobs size can satisfy man's fantasy. To me, a handful of boobs will do.

Fully agreed with you that no point to fight and angry in forum.

Fully respect the way you enjoy and keep writing about your hunting expeditions.

Hope to learn more from you.

Bye now.
Old 10-07-2018, 04:45 PM
JediFallenOrder JediFallenOrder is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Thank you for your Asian guru post which I quoted below.

Words of wisdom from the GURU indeed.

There were certainly many pointers here to take note.

Love the donkey story.

Also really our mindset changes important if we don't change and nothing will happen.

Also love your other posts too.

Don't scold me for quoting old post below.


Originally Posted by warbird;5510631

Life is constantly changing n nothing stays the same...n nothing lasts forever in this Universe.

A gal who is my "ideal" type at any particular moment in time may not remain so for long. If she loses or gains 2-3 kg she may look totally different to me. Moreover, many gals who work at the nite scene live a most unhealthy lifestyle n could look much older, haggard n sickly in a few months.

What to do? I'm very exacting n fastidious re a gal's body/limb proportions n youthful n healthy looks. I can't help it.

I like to share some encouraging words n a parable "the donkey that fell in to an old empty well," written by an Asian guru:

Hey Bro WB,

Lets talk about inner game today; the mindset shift you must
have INGRAINED at the back of your brain as you embark on
your journey to becoming great with women, dating & LIFE
in general.

To begin with, I want to share with you a little story about
the donkey that fell down the hole...

"Once there was a donkey that fell in to an old empty well.
The farmer, who owns the donkey, looked at the beast and
tried to figure how to get it out of there. Having thought
of nothing to get the donkey out of the well, he decided to
simply bury his donkey alive!

So the farmer called his neighbors to shovel dirt into the
well. At first the donkey got frightened and panicked. After
some time the beast realized that if he shakes the dirt off
his back, the ground under him gets higher. He continued to
shake the dirt off and step up until the well was full. I
will leave to your imagination what the donkey did to the
farmer and his neighbours when he got out of the well.

Many times we feel life is throwing dirt at us. Problems
seem to hit us at all directions. Even when you feel
everything is OK, suddenly dirt smacks you in the face.
Sometimes you can even feel the bitterness of the dirt!

There are others who not only feel that dirt is being thrown
at them, but feel that they are being buried alive. Their
problems seem to pile to up from one to the next, until their
problems are bigger than they are. They feel like all the
world's trash is being poured out on to them."

But we can use this dirt. We can use life's problems and
troubles to produce strength, wisdom, perseverance, patience
and other virtues in us that will help us succeed in life.
The dirt thrown at you can be used to increase your stature,
your being.

We should imitate the donkey. Instead of giving up and
letting himself be buried, he shook the dirt off him. We
too should learn to shake our problems and STEP ON IT. And
like the donkey, we will get out of the hole we are in.

The quality of our "successes" with women is the quality of

1 - Self
2 - Others

Experiences (good or bad) is about personal communication.
It determines how you feel, act, behave on a daily basis.

To change your social life, your dating life, your success
with women, you don't need many ideas, complicated ideas,
concepts, all it takes is an idea that you're willing to take
and USE.

No matter what happens as you're out there in the field, it's
not what happens to you but what you DO with what happens.

For things to get better, I would have to get better. For things
to change, I would have to change. You can change everything
around you; the people you hang out with, your work environment,
etc, nothing will be permanent unless you change... YOU.

Difference between the different results people have in their
lives (those who are getting more women than you) is not talent,
luck, skill, etc, its the difference in the ACTIONS they took.
What sets them apart is the ability to take action, the ability
to USE what they knew.

Nothing really happens until you take action.


Get yourself to take action UNTIL you succeed.


How long does a baby get to learn how to walk until you ask
him/her to stop trying?

What's the time frame?

You get a baby to keep trying UNTIL he/she walks. That's how
everybody walks. That's WHY everybody walks.

In order to be great with women, 2 things:

1 - Energy (what you give out to the world, is what you get back)

2 - Skill (specifically know what you want, ability to know
exactly what SHE wants, you do this by playfully & teasingly
probing, you adapt to their styles - every woman has a different
"style", you then feed on their want; give it to them, you'll
eventually get what YOU want, it's just the way it is, don't
oppose it, EMBRACE it)


Fear of "failure" (rejection in any shape or form) - prevents
guys from taking action.

There are no failures, only results, only outcomes, only

You don't feel great about failing, but how do you feel about

There are no failures, you can only learn from every experience,
you learn from HUMAN experience. Whats the advantage you have
today over yesterday? Its the new experience you've taken on.
Thats how we as humans grow. Whether you got what you want from it,
it makes very little difference, as long as you learn from it,
and change your approach to eventually produce the results that
you want.

Reality check:

YOU are responsible for your world, YOU take charge of your life.
No matter what happens to you in your life, YOU created it on some
level, YOU are responsible for it. If it isn't there because of
your physical actions, it's there because it's a result of your
mental actions, that thoughts are things, that as your think, so
you become, so you attract, so you manifest.

No one is to blame, except you YOURSELF.

Want to know what's the one 'key' for becoming great with women?


Always be stretching.

If you can't, you MUST.

Actively develop a consistent habit to stretch yourself. Willingness
to stretch yourself on a consistent basis. Do this, you'll grow

When you put yourself on the line, more often than not, you'll be
surprised by what you're able to truly achieve. Do it. Now.

1) Make a COMMITMENT to yourself to do something that seems beyond
and above your present ability. Get out of your comfort
zone. Stay out, push, and keep pushing, don't look back.

2) Model someone who's already producing your results.

3) Take action - You must do it, even if you don't know, act like
you know and DO it. (Even if you don't feel like it, force it).

Everyone has different expectations, like it or not, it's the
reality of life. Deal with it it, adapt to it, manage it, to get
what you want.

You cannot expect people to comply, to be on the same "page" or to
view things the way you do without you first communicating it and
getting a confirmation, a RESPONSE for it.

Your "world" is what things MEAN to you and only you. Your make up
a tiny part of the equation. What's outside is MUCH bigger, far
bigger than you can imagine.

The "severity" of your "problems" are what you make of them. If
you think their big, their big, if you think their small, their

Talk to you again soon.

Your Friend,

Mr. Asian Guru

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