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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 14-04-2005, 04:52 PM
Forgiven Forgiven is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Finally someone has the guts to say what's need to be said. Bravo, bro. Beng. I fully concur with his views. Like him, I used to be a regular patron of Legend since its inception in ANA and reminsience about the "good old days."
I can understand his feelings.
One of the main purpose of this forum is the sharing of infos. so that fellow samsters can be better inform or make better decisions for themselves to suite their personal needs or preferences. This brings in the point of writting fr.which there will be repercussions (adversely or favourably )that can resulted from having the infos. in public forum. So keep the infos. simple and avoid unnecessary raising of unrealistic expectation. This is the policy I hope all samsters will hold.
What bro. Beng said is true. WLs are human too and you cannot expect them to treat all customers alike. If you can click well with the WLs and have some "mind-blowing" sessions just consider it as your good fortune. Some customers "demands" the same "mind-blowing" treatments from WLs but WLs dun't want to give resulting in unhappiness. Personally I believed that's why the sordid details should be best kept P & C. I urged bros. to exercise more discreetion and responsibilty in writting fr. before more gems MIA. This is a damn powerful forum.
Bro Zack, I understand where you coming from and know that your intention is good. I have seen similar abuses in other threads before and there are also other bros who stand out and voice similar views.

Nevertheless, people always stand on the ground that this is an open forum and they are free to write or tell abt the experiences which they have a certain degree it stems from our inherent self-centreness which is something hard to get rid of.........despite the frequent exhortations.........
Old 14-04-2005, 06:35 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Forgiven
Nevertheless, people always stand on the ground that this is an open forum and they are free to write or tell abt the experiences which they have a certain degree it stems from our inherent self-centreness which is something hard to get rid of.........despite the frequent exhortations.........

just want to add that being open does not mean a free license to write irresponsibly and bring disrepute to the forum.

we can be open yet responsible, tt's wht i think. cheerios!
Old 14-04-2005, 07:03 PM
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Re: Legends 3 - Mind-blowing insights...

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
...WLs are human too and you cannot expect them to treat all customers alike...If you can click well with the WLs and have some "mind-blowing" sessions just consider it as your good fortune. Some customers "demands" the same "mind-blowing" treatments from WLs but WLs dun't want to give resulting in unhappiness......sordid details should be best kept P & C...urged bros. to exercise more discreetion and responsibilty in writting fr. before more gems MIA...
Wah, Bengzz kia n Zack Tan, u're my idols man! The Sly n the Tauhuay of the HC world.... hee! Bros here who had the chance to tcss with the WLs will realise they also have their dreams, hopes n frustrations... these actually make our time n sessions with them more intimate n fulfilling...

Agree bros?
Old 14-04-2005, 08:29 PM
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Re: Legends 3 - Mind-blowing insights...

Originally Posted by groo
Wah, Bengzz kia n Zack Tan, u're my idols man! The Sly n the Tauhuay of the HC world.... hee! Bros here who had the chance to tcss with the WLs will realise they also have their dreams, hopes n frustrations... these actually make our time n sessions with them more intimate n fulfilling...

Agree bros?
Thanks for the compliment Bro Groo....thought I would have been zapped to smithereens by ke ke.....

As a matter of fact, I happen to have TCSS previously with the original bunch of Legend girls (including Joyce) and they are definitely one of the best bunch of girls you can possibly find in the HC scene then and, friendly and service tip top....

Jus me, still reminiscing the old times....

Hopefully the current unfortunate events at L3 will settle down soon.....and AV does not get into action soon enough....

Lets, for once, try to be more responsible with our postings, clean up the mess once and for all.....

Yours truly,

Old 14-04-2005, 09:00 PM
Zack Tan Zack Tan is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Forgiven
Bro Zack, I understand where you coming from and know that your intention is good. I have seen similar abuses in other threads before and there are also other bros who stand out and voice similar views.

Nevertheless, people always stand on the ground that this is an open forum and they are free to write or tell abt the experiences which they have a certain degree it stems from our inherent self-centreness which is something hard to get rid of.........despite the frequent exhortations.........
Bro. Forgiven,
Thank you. I agreed that this is a free and open forum where people are at liberty to say what they want. I can only presume that we are all matured adult and therefore due considerations are taken before postings as these will have indirect consequences.
Old 14-04-2005, 09:13 PM
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Re: Legends 3 - Mind-blowing insights...


Hopefully the current unfortunate events at L3 will settle down soon.....and AV does not get into action soon enough....

Lets, for once, try to be more responsible with our postings, clean up the mess once and for all.....

Bro. Beng,
I think your warning is a little too late....... rumour has it that AV pay a "little" visit to the place recently....and the boss is a bit jittery liao.
Old 14-04-2005, 09:47 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Just divert a bit.

I think Bro Ethanas has done us a great job by highlighting some good points in writing FR n the basic courtesy in it. Refer to "Welcome to FL Dome\Newbie Guide to Getting Contacts in FL Dome"

So hope all bros, especially newbies like me, do spent some time reading thru it.

Let's hope all bros post better FR, with due responsibility, later n "Win Win" case for all involved (Points upped instead of being zapped, parties being written wouldnt suffer much as mentioned by bros here).

Wish all bros in SBF a "Happy Water Festival" or "Sa Wat Dee Pee Mai"
Once a SBF member, forever a SBF member
Old 15-04-2005, 12:25 AM
ayako ayako is offline
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Re: Legends 3 - Mind-blowing insights...

Originally Posted by bengzz_kia
... still reminiscing the old times....
Hopefully the current unfortunate events at L3 will settle down soon.....and AV does not get into action soon enough....
Lets, for once, try to be more responsible with our postings, clean up the mess once and for all.....
.... same here reminiscing old times...

But I think damage is done, and can never go back to same glory days of the past. **sigh

Biggest mistake was maybe the owner chose to move to Far East too quickly. Too assessible by people especially younger chongsters. Once the place serve younger crowd die liao. All sorts of people and all sorts of problem come liao... L3 also very asessible. ***sigh
Old 15-04-2005, 08:24 AM
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Re: Legends 3 - Mind-blowing insights...

Originally Posted by ayako
.... same here reminiscing old times...

But I think damage is done, and can never go back to same glory days of the past. **sigh

Biggest mistake was maybe the owner chose to move to Far East too quickly. Too assessible by people especially younger chongsters. Once the place serve younger crowd die liao. All sorts of people and all sorts of problem come liao... L3 also very asessible. ***sigh
ya i also miss L1 at ana hotel. the place is so discrete, place is exclusive, dont see so many bengs hanging ard. now L3 so crowded. really sianzzz
Old 15-04-2005, 12:30 PM
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Re: Legends 3

bravo bro beng!
totally support u!!! seems like i've been missing out on lotsa interesting discussions de last couple of days.

de "mind-blowing" services some bro gets, is quite frankly exclusive 2 dat bro, it is wad we call chemistry between de 2 parties... de $$$ we pay comes wif certain services, de extras one gets, is between de bro & de gal, no one can demand dat he be provided de same extras, as it is really a case of "u reap wad u sow"... if u r nice 2 de gals, im sure dey will return de favor... am sure most bros agrees wif me dat must of these WLs are actually beri nice ladies, n we shd respect dat.

sharing openly pose threat 2 de gals, as well as ourselves, and may unwittingly attract unwanted attentions from u noe who.

i'm not saying we shd curb our "freedom of speech", but ultimately we r responsible 4 wad we write.

juz sharing my thots...

Originally Posted by bengzz_kia
For those individual bros who have had the opportunity to sample extra "mind-blowing" services from WLs, please keep these to yourself, savour them as little gratifications that the WL has chosen to shower upon you as you have consistently appreciated and chosen their service. For some WLs, it is their way of reciprocating your concern and patronage of their services. This "mind-blowing" service may not be repeated to all her customers alike, hence please do respect their privacy and not cause an explosion of brothers descending upon the HC, demanding for her "mind-blowing" services cos, she will definitely not be comfortable.....
where is the satisfaction when you are missing the pleasure of conquest
Old 15-04-2005, 12:33 PM
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Re: Legends 3 - Mind-blowing insights...

bro zack,
is yr sources reliable? den we better stay low 4 time being... can be rather embarrassing if caught in action!

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Bro. Beng,
I think your warning is a little too late....... rumour has it that AV pay a "little" visit to the place recently....and the boss is a bit jittery liao.
where is the satisfaction when you are missing the pleasure of conquest
Old 15-04-2005, 08:11 PM
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Re: Legends 3 - Mind-blowing insights...

Originally Posted by gunners
bro zack,
is yr sources reliable? den we better stay low 4 time being... can be rather embarrassing if caught in action!

Hey bro. Gunners,
Wah long time no sound from you. Thought you MIA or too busy preparing your team for the FA cup clash this weekend? Any tips or not? Need some extra $$ for ECA,ke.
Ok back to your query, just said that it's a normal routine check which they need to conduct from time to time at various public entertainment establishments just to "keep in touch." Nothing serious as yet.
Old 15-04-2005, 08:40 PM
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Re: Legends 3 - Mind-blowing insights...

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
...just said that it's a normal routine check which they need to conduct from time to time at various public entertainment establishments just to "keep in touch." Nothing serious as yet....
Hi bro ZT, after reading the various insights especially by you n bro Bengzz_kia + some other bros' comments, coupled with some of the WL's frustrations with some of the unreasonable n loutish behaviours of some customers, I've come to realise and maybe even guarded about posting too much details in my future FRs....

It'll be more of a 'qing-ting-dian-shui' (dragonfly touching the water) type of FRs... not too much juicy bits but just enough to entice our bros here to try out the WLs

Just a thought...
Old 15-04-2005, 08:48 PM
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Unhappy Re: Legends 3 - Action Man...!

[QUOTE=Zack Tan...warning is a little too late....... rumour has it that AV pay a "little" visit to the place recently....and the boss is a bit jittery liao....[/QUOTE]

At least it's only a 'parents' visiting day hee! ... so our L3 boss still have time to react or think of something....

But i'll be very wary of visiting anytime soon, 'cos it seems the place is busy the whole time, not just during the prime time slot between 5-10pm...

I may try to visit 1st thing they opened in the morning but even then there's a Q, i'll really keep a distance...
Old 15-04-2005, 10:31 PM
Zack Tan Zack Tan is offline
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Re: Legends 3 - Action Man...!

Originally Posted by groo

At least it's only a 'parents' visiting day hee! ... so our L3 boss still have time to react or think of something....
Yeh, some kinda of " wake-up" call to the boss to "rein" his gals before they are "force" to act if you like.
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