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Old 01-09-2018, 02:01 PM
PaulMersan PaulMersan is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Agreed the relentlessness in David X too.

Superb thread here by Bro WB, please share more.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Originally Posted by makansutra View Post
Bro WB

Agreed with David X's be relentless. We have to be in control most of the time. Best to be in all hell breaks lose and still in control.

I love the part where mommy never teach you to be rascal and dun need to be polite. Just be badass.

Surprising the nastier men behaved and the more gals love you.

How difference set sof life began.

Have a nice weekend.

Old 01-09-2018, 06:03 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by ctscan View Post
Mr Chairman is really experience and all his answers were golden rules.

Let me share a bit back many years ago think before Bro WB started this thread. If I remember clearly was 2005/6.

There was this gal who arrived from PRC coaxed by a friend to come to our tiny red dot to find money. She was getting tired of doing nothing and just broke off with bf in BJ. She was standing at GL to look for client.

So my friend called her for ST and her rate was 60 bucks. I took her number and told her will meet her soon.

After 2 weeks msg her and fixed a time. Meet at one of the hotels in GL. I was surprised she was skillful and her skin was silky white. She was actually stunning gal.

So I offered to help her to get client. Started sharing on SBF and soon she became ang pai. She flew home after two months and we kept in touch.

After a year she came in again. She was reluctant to get back to work like before and during lunch I told her she can work in ktv and later bao by rich man.

After two years she was back again but working in ktv and her rates become $150 ST and later she was bao. She stay in an apartment and was given 10k allowance. Still allowed to work.

See how different the rates become.
You must be making it big now, congrats!
Old 02-09-2018, 02:33 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by cheongster18 View Post
My first ever post on sbf, why ? Because I truely like some of the later post in this thread.

And it was by accident I clicked on the last page of this thread and love what I read ... and agrees with alot with what many of the bros wrote last few pages about wife, women ...

And with this post, I lurk no more lol
Bro, tks for your post.

Originally Posted by surgeon View Post
Have more to learn from master here.

Good morning to Bro WB

Self-mastery is a gross word. Not easy to be and can be.

"BY-ing is tricky n a tough game to master n takes lots of time n money. If a man can't control his ego n his heart, he doesn't belong in the game. He will get burnt n scarred, both financially n emotionally, hehehe."

Our master has spoken. Better understand what you will be going thru if you want to start this game.

To me I will just learn the techniques and hunt cheaper options.

Thanks for the fine thread.

Bro, tks.

I'm a permanent trainee, not a master.

I'm enjoying every minute, as there is hope of getting better and better, in every way. If you tell me I can't improve anymore, then life will be boring n meanless for me.

Originally Posted by FKSeetoh View Post
bro WB

Excellent thread her and thank you for been a TS.

I love it when we can do whole day foreplay. This makes me recall in my past, when I have a steady gf. She loves to be naked under the sheets. Also a clean hygiene freak. Will always shower before heading to bed.

Used to make love once in the morning after waking up. Then again after breakfast and coffee. We usually skip lunch and we will cuddle till around late noon before going out to shop followed by dinner. Before we go usually have one or two rounds. Followed by one more before bedtime.

Need to read more of your thread to get more ideas how to date.

Will post more comments soon.
Bro, tks,

We should all practice all day foreplay.

Originally Posted by cheongster18 View Post
I'm open for any group outing with any senior KTV goer.

Has to be senior in terms of behavior, pose and charisma.

Just PM me.

Originally Posted by ward View Post
Good morning Sir warbird.

Nice and really excellent post below.

Guy with excellent self-mastery dictates the r/s and conversations. He controlled everything.

The girl just missing his farking and nothing else. He can sqwaked forever but hell she loves the sex.

As for Sir warbird doing the same thing as the book says.

What an excellent effort Sir warbird doing.

Well keep been young and get your rewards coming.

Bro, tks.

Aiyo, don't call me sir. I'm just another hardworking lao chee ko pek.

You must read David X's two books a few times. He is a fat Ang Moh ah pek.

Originally Posted by vulnerability View Post
Bro WB

Very interesting thread here.

After more than 2 yrs, som eof your kakis falling into tough time. I wonder how they are flushed with cash all the time if they are not ah long or bookies.

Well this shows that to go long term because this thread still alive till 2018 meaning TS bro have the financial power to sustain long term.

Well done I must say.

Will read on more.

Bro, tks.

Yeah, many kakis are not doing well. Some are married to women they don't love.

I always think long-term and value w/ my investments and SYTs. I do short-term trading and ST and short-term BY sometimes for fun.

I won't touch anything unless the value is greater than the price. Price is what you pay, value is what you get.

Originally Posted by vulnerability View Post

I decided to separate the reply into 2 posts and hope you dun mind.

I wished all guys are relentless and this GURU did make sense.

I agreed if the gal is not keen then get the hell loss.

SIZE="6"]Who cares what she thinks, and you are the most important person in the relationship.[/SIZE]

Very strong harsh words but I like. Be a man and PRIZE.

This is great forum and hope you can post more GURU

Hope to complete reading soon.

Cheers to all bros.
Bro, tks.

Sadly, most men forget these two cardinal rules, especially when they meet their 'dream girl.'

Originally Posted by staffnurse View Post
And here this was yoru reply then to to post above.

From what I read bro WB dislike HFJ and prefer ktv to pickup.

From what I was reading so far, your first Bao-ee XW matches one gal that I know in the past. Of course using acronyms will be harder to determine who?

Anyway long time ago and brought back plenty of pleasant memories.

Bro, tks.

It's not that I dislike HFJs or singers. It's very difficult to gauge a singer's height, body n limb proportions and her real looks in an HFJ. Moreover, she is much more likely to be a psychopathic gold digger. Almost 100% if she has been a successful singer.

I hv upped many singers who moonlight as FLs.

I hv only one long-term success w/ a former singer, KT.

I met KT, who just turned 19 in July 2016. She was misled by a friend to become a singer at a small HFJ in SG. She wanted to leave asap but the owner kept her passport n demanded money. She left in 5 wks. Couldn't return on a student visa. I put her in an American school in JB last July. She got 5.5 on ILETS recently and will start her uni course at a Chinese govt approved uni in JB tomorrow. I told her to take ILETS again in 6 months. She is likely to score 6.5.

BTW, TY wants to score 8 on ILETS next yr, but I told her 6.5 would be good enough. She is a full-time student in SG. She has been w/ me 4 months and sex is getting better. I pumped her for 25 minutes yesterday and she moaned n screamed...

Yes, I only want to help real students who study day and night and try to improve themselves.

Do you know my first lao po XW? I'll reveal her details. She was born in late 1987, height 168, natural B, w/ very sharply, broad and perky ass. She started working at a KTV in Jalan Besar in August 2008. I met her in early Sep that yr. I kept her briefly in 2009 while she continued to work. She was later kept by a man in his early 30s in 2010. She dumped him in Dec that yr. She initiated ctc w/ me n became my full-time LP in May 2011. I kept her until early 2015. She has returned briefly to be w/ me a few times since then. She is very orgasmic. Violent orgasms n she would moan n scream loudly. Same woman?

Originally Posted by makansutra View Post
Bro WB

Agreed with David X's be relentless. We have to be in control most of the time. Best to be in all hell breaks lose and still in control.

I love the part where mommy never teach you to be rascal and dun need to be polite. Just be badass.

Surprising the nastier men behaved and the more gals love you.

How difference set sof life began.

Have a nice weekend.

Bro, tks.

A man is in full control, but he is not controlling. Be a badass gentleman, not just any badass.

Originally Posted by xmfxmf View Post
10 years ago , fewer girls have done plastic surgery and social media is not so popular . Nowadays girls to come to work in ktv in singapore mostly done plastic surgery and the pretty syt and pretty one will stay in china and do video streaming to earn money

You're right! See my recent post.

Originally Posted by ctscan View Post
Mr Chairman is really experience and all his answers were golden rules.

Let me share a bit back many years ago think before Bro WB started this thread. If I remember clearly was 2005/6.

There was this gal who arrived from PRC coaxed by a friend to come to our tiny red dot to find money. She was getting tired of doing nothing and just broke off with bf in BJ. She was standing at GL to look for client.

So my friend called her for ST and her rate was 60 bucks. I took her number and told her will meet her soon.

After 2 weeks msg her and fixed a time. Meet at one of the hotels in GL. I was surprised she was skillful and her skin was silky white. She was actually stunning gal.

So I offered to help her to get client. Started sharing on SBF and soon she became ang pai. She flew home after two months and we kept in touch.

After a year she came in again. She was reluctant to get back to work like before and during lunch I told her she can work in ktv and later bao by rich man.

After two years she was back again but working in ktv and her rates become $150 ST and later she was bao. She stay in an apartment and was given 10k allowance. Still allowed to work.

See how different the rates become.
Bro, tks.

I hv not heard from Mr Chairman for several yrs.

Some girls want to be FLs or are willing to work in GL. But most girls only want to be kept by the right man.

We should choose our girls wisely.

Cheers to all samsters!

Bro WB
Old 03-09-2018, 10:52 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals outside KTVs

Sorry to side track, wb. You seem like an experienced trader to me. Open to a disciple?
Old 03-09-2018, 11:12 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Bro, tks.

It's not that I dislike HFJs or singers. It's very difficult to gauge a singer's height, body n limb proportions and her real looks in an HFJ. Moreover, she is much more likely to be a psychopathic gold digger. Almost 100% if she has been a successful singer.

I hv upped many singers who moonlight as FLs.

I hv only one long-term success w/ a former singer, KT.

I met KT, who just turned 19 in July 2016. She was misled by a friend to become a singer at a small HFJ in SG. She wanted to leave asap but the owner kept her passport n demanded money. She left in 5 wks. Couldn't return on a student visa. I put her in an American school in JB last July. She got 5.5 on ILETS recently and will start her uni course at a Chinese govt approved uni in JB tomorrow. I told her to take ILETS again in 6 months. She is likely to score 6.5.

BTW, TY wants to score 8 on ILETS next yr, but I told her 6.5 would be good enough. She is a full-time student in SG. She has been w/ me 4 months and sex is getting better. I pumped her for 25 minutes yesterday and she moaned n screamed...

Yes, I only want to help real students who study day and night and try to improve themselves.

Do you know my first lao po XW? I'll reveal her details. She was born in late 1987, height 168, natural B, w/ very sharply, broad and perky ass. She started working at a KTV in Jalan Besar in August 2008. I met her in early Sep that yr. I kept her briefly in 2009 while she continued to work. She was later kept by a man in his early 30s in 2010. She dumped him in Dec that yr. She initiated ctc w/ me n became my full-time LP in May 2011. I kept her until early 2015. She has returned briefly to be w/ me a few times since then. She is very orgasmic. Violent orgasms n she would moan n scream loudly. Same woman?

Bro WB
Bro, tks for the above forum.

Unfortunately not the same XW I knew.

Anyway best of luck.

Tks _ Reagards
Old 03-09-2018, 11:35 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I wrote the following post under "TAM".

<<<I was zapped by a bro n I like to thank him cuz he woke me up in many ways...

I learn a lot more from my failures than from my successes. And, ironically, I also learn a lot from zappers who leave detailed comments n criticisms. This happens to be an exceptionally beneficial one.

Tian An Men KTV 30-09-2011 09:21 AM You never learn and still want to ask people to waste unnecessary money on such high end KTV with no value at all you will end up getting nothing and to leave this world poor

My reply to Mr. zapper:

Believe it or not, I hv learned a lot in the last 2 -3 yrs, abt gals of the nite scene, both in SG n PRC, abt ST-ing n BY-ing them, abt how to minimize the friction cost, abt RS n female psychology, abt COS, etc.

Yes, I still want to ask my frens n bros to share the expenses cuz that would reduce my friction cost of finding new pussies of my type. See my thread "picking up KTV gals outside KTVs" in which there r many discussions on how to reduce friction cost n the game of ST-ing n BY-ing gals, etc.

Waste money n no value at all? It often happens, that is life; get over it. Although there r always many noteworthy exceptions, I hv found more chio n tall gals of my type at high end joints than low end joints.

End up getting nothing? Well, I hv ST-ed n BY-ed many, many SYTs of my type at TAM complex n PC complex in the last 2 1/2 yrs. However, It's getting harder n harder to find my type of gals as they get BY-ed in China. Time to import them to SG or move to PRC.

The zapper is spot on in saying "you (meaning I) will end up getting NOTHING" in that in the end,

We come to this world with nothing,

we leave this world with nothing!

It applies to all of us, to every human being...Hahaha.

Me leaving this world poor? Actually, that would be wonderful, thank u! It would be a nightmare for me if I leave this world rich.


I'm reminded of the 6 principles of life:

1. No point using limited life to chase unlimited money.

2. No point earning so much money you cannot live to spend it.

3. Money is not yours until you spend it.

4. When you are young, you use your health to chase your wealth; when you are old, you use your wealth to buy back your health. Difference is that, it is too late.

5. How happy a man is, is not how much he has but how little he needs.

6. No point working so hard to provide for the people you have no time to spend with.

Most importantly, money is not mine until I spend it. I want to leave this world poor, meaning that I'll hv spent all my money n hv no regrets, hahaha.

In the last 2 1/2 yrs I hv only spent a small fraction of my passive income in BY-ing SYTs of my type. Thank u, Mr. Zapper, I must n will spend a lot more so that I'll leave this world poor, hehehe.

It was my dumb luck that I made some key investments several decades ago. Passive income from those initial small investments now give me enuff money to live quite well n to BY these young pussies.

TAM or LV HH is not expensive if we only open one btle of Martell n there r 5-6 bros. I dun drink n the others can hv my share. It's only abt $60-80 per pax not including tip for gals.

Why go to low end joints?


Bro WB>>>
Master warbird

Let me congratulate you for a thread well done.

I love all your pointers highlighted above.

Yup, NO point..............................

If you start to think we only love average 70 to 80 years old. So that is only 7 or 8 10 years.

First 20 years we are schooling.
Second 10 years we are either starting foot or enlistment.
Third 10 years where you are really building a career and started to date.
Fourth 10 years all about fatherhood.
Fifth 10 years struggling with kids in college or unpaid bills if retrenched.
Sixth 10 years aimless living.
Seventh 10 years lucky still healthy and alive.
Eight 10 years living day by day with a foot in the grave

I agreed to say money is not yours till you spend it. Also no point earn plenty and cannot spend it.

Two big pointers and for me to realised that we either retire early or dun bother.

Thanks for reading.
Old 03-09-2018, 03:41 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

What an awesome thread!

Hope to learn more from Bro WB and other gurus.

Have a nice day.
Old 03-09-2018, 06:17 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Leonika View Post
You must be making it big now, congrats!
Laughing all the way to the bank
Old 04-09-2018, 10:26 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

What a super duper thread here.

Any guy who cannot give his partner plenty of COS will be a failure. The gal will try to find satisfaction from others if guy failure to give pleasure.

I fully agreed with this ang moh guru that penetration must last at least 10 mins or longer. If can last 20 mins then she will already went to heaven.

As long as guy can satisfy his partner in sex than you will have a very healthy sexual r.s and may last long.

Anyone who said to be plationic r.s will never last long.

Hope to heasr more from experts here.

Have a great day ahead.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Some random musings on the subject of health...

Like they say, "If you have health you have hope, if you have hope you have everything."

I hv been obsessed w/ healthy living since I was a teenager.

In the last 5-6 months, I hv tried to emulate ONLY the positive aspects of the lifestyle of hunter-gatherers. I hv continued to take nutritional n herbal supplements, which r totally unavailable to our ancient forebears.

The results r astonishing. My libido n virility r now as strong as when I was 20. I can now fxxk everyday n, at least some days, 2-3 times a day. My 2 young lao po r more exhausted after a prolonged session than I'm.

Let me digress.

IMHO, to completely satisfy a woman sexually, u need to fxxk her for at least 10 min. Of course u need to engage in foreplay n prime her pump by giving her multiple orgasms w/ ur fingers n/or tongue 1st. Then u must insert ur didi into her meimei n rock her for at least 10 min, preferably 20 or longer. It feels different, more satisfying n more complete, my 2 lao po both told me that. They never seem to get enuff w/ vaginal intercourse. It is associated w/ stronger n more prolonged oxytocin surge n more pleasure n more bonding, hehehe.

The problem is that many men can't last 10 min n they r clueless.

Here is proof ( taken from Revolutionary Sex written by an Ang Moh).

"It would be easy to just learn some techniques for
keeping your erection harder for a longer time (in
the “You” section of the book), and stop there, or
read a technique for stimulating her clitoris that will
drive her wild (in the “Her” section of the book, and
stop there… but those are the least important
aspects of what makes a great lover.

That stuff is just the mechanics. And women
don’t go crazy for even the best mechanical lovers

They go crazy for passion, intimacy, and a man
that can listen to their body and understand what it
is saying to them.

And the key to becoming that kind of lover is
difficult for me to communicate to you, man to man.
I believe to understand it properly you will have to
read through to the end.

Let me begin by telling you a little story…

A few years ago I was in bed with a woman for
the first time, giving her what I thought was the time
of her life. Judging from the noises she was making,
I was driving her crazy with pleasure… which was my
intention because I really liked her and could see her
being part of my life for a while, and the first time
with a new girlfriend is always a bit special.

Then something strange happened. About ten
minutes into the actual intercourse part of the sex,
she put her hands on my chest and asked me to
stop, and then, almost tearfully, she asked me if she
was doing something wrong.

To say the least, I was confused!

Then she told me that she was having the best
sex of her life… but that she couldn’t understand why
I hadn’t come yet… she had never been with a man
who had lasted over ten minutes before
… and
because I was so PASSIONATELY into what I was
doing, she was sure that I was about to come… and
then didn’t.

So she was worried that I was trying hard to
come… but couldn’t get there because she was doing something wrong or because I wasn’t attracted to
her enough.

Here’s another little detail: This woman was no
virgin, and no inexperienced teenager. She was over
30 and had plenty of boyfriends in her past, both
long-term and short-lived relationships over the

It was then that I began to realize that the things
that I was doing in bed that I thought were
ordinary… were not.

But more than that, I realized that it was not hard
to be an amazing lover… because most other men,
truly, are completely clueless when it comes to
giving sexual pleasure to a woman.

When I realized why she had stopped me, I
stroked the hair from her face, gently, and reassured
her as honestly and sweetly as I could that she was
doing nothing wrong and that I found her very
attractive… because I could see that she really was
feeling insecure and worried.

Then I gave her an evil grin and told her to fasten
her seatbelt, because she was about to have a
seriously wild ride.

Although she had brought herself to orgasm
before with a vibrator, that night was the first time
that she had ever had an orgasm with a man.

After this experience, I began to seriously
consider writing a book… and so I began to more
actively try to figure out what I was doing differently from other men, and what MORE I could do to
improve my sexual relationships with women.

For what it’s worth, I was not born with any
special skills except for one: I am an exceptionally
good listener and communicator.

The women that I have dated over the years felt
extremely comfortable in talking to me about their
sexual needs.

And I listened.

And I learned.

And I have given many, many women their first
orgasm since then.............................................. ........"

Cheers n hv a great day!!

Bro WB
Old 04-09-2018, 11:10 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Indeed a super duper thread from Bro WB, support always.

Have a great day, cheers.

Originally Posted by lucypham View Post
Bro WB

What a super duper thread here.

Any guy who cannot give his partner plenty of COS will be a failure. The gal will try to find satisfaction from others if guy failure to give pleasure.

I fully agreed with this ang moh guru that penetration must last at least 10 mins or longer. If can last 20 mins then she will already went to heaven.

As long as guy can satisfy his partner in sex than you will have a very healthy sexual r.s and may last long.

Anyone who said to be plationic r.s will never last long.

Hope to heasr more from experts here.

Have a great day ahead.
Old 04-09-2018, 01:33 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good afternoon!

In the last 3 yrs, one gal I hv missed the most is XX. She was a 19 yo SYT who had agreed to BY by me while I was in Gotham City. Unfortunately, she returned to PRC before I could consummate the deal.

I miss XX so much cuz like all humans, I tend to want what I can’t have. That could also explain why I still like XW cuz it took me 8 1/2 months of chasing to bed her. Yes, she has become my best lao po n we r still together. She goes into COS only if I use a specific clitoral method, followed by certain positions, hehehe.

I like to quote Dr. MP on some behaviour rules for attraction:

Behavior Rule #1: People Want What They Can’t Have

Have you noticed how the less available someone is, the more we’ll want them? And the more needy someone is, the less we’ll like them? That’s why it’s ALWAYS important to remain a challenge when it comes to the dating game.

If we’re too easy, we’re going to die lonely.

So…we know that being a challenge can cause doubt, which is an important part of the equation for building passion. But what about the other variable, desire?
Desire comes from our subconscious mind. For example, we hope we will get a good job because we WANT a good job. Desire is therefore based on our emotions.

It’s like buying a new Porsche. When we buy a new Porsche, are we buying a new Porsche because of its powerful engine or nice gear? Ha. That’s what you tell your parents. But deep inside, you know you bought it because you wanted to buy it – and you’re now only justifying your feelings by coming up with logical reasons to “backup” your decision.

Behavior Rule #2: People Make Conscious Decisions Based on Subconscious Feelings

A good thing to remember is that love is based on feelings, not logic. We don’t “choose” to love at a conscious level. We only “feel” we’re “falling in love”.

In short, in doesn’t matter how logical it may seem that a woman “should” be in love with you. If a girl does not feel attracted to you, than no amount of convincing her that you’re the “right” one will do.

This is also why you can’t really ask girls to “explain” why they are in love with a certain man. The things they say…like “he’s funny” or “he’s a nice guy” are only EXCUSES they’ve come up with to explain the decisions they’ve made based on their feelings.

This is exactly why if you would like to be good with the ladies, you should attack their FEELINGS instead of their logic. We will learn to do this with the “tease to please” and “flirt for skirt” methods later in the course.


Bro WB

Bro WB

Money sometimes cannot buy happiness. I learned this long time ago.

The person who the guy didn't get will be the one he regret.

Sometimes our mind is playing games with us. We always ignore what we already have in hand and still wanted what escape. Think this is what we learned above -

Behavior Rule #1: People Want What They Can’t Have

Keep on sharing with us and shall help to comment whenever interesting topic up.

Old 04-09-2018, 02:35 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by ultrasound View Post
Bro WB

Money sometimes cannot buy happiness. I learned this long time ago.

The person who the guy didn't get will be the one he regret.

Sometimes our mind is playing games with us. We always ignore what we already have in hand and still wanted what escape. Think this is what we learned above -

Behavior Rule #1: People Want What They Can’t Have

Keep on sharing with us and shall help to comment whenever interesting topic up.

True, but no money also cannot confirm have happiness.

Thanks bro WB for this excellent thread.

Have a nice day.
Old 05-09-2018, 11:17 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Bro WB

Thank you for the post below which was years ago.

I think I only gotten 3 out of 10 questions below.

Will try out all your strategies in this thread and see how it goes.

I was gald to come across this thread otherwise I failed and no idea what went wrong. I was told by many friends that I did not do this and that. Now I knew why are they telling me after reading this.

Hope I can achieve at least 10 to 20% of your method after practising.

Wish you all the best.

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I know I hv some way to go before I can achieve true success w/ gals/women.


I didn't answer ALL of the following questions, which were posed by a RS/sex guru, "correctly."

I'll do whatever it takes to reach my goals asap.

Most men hv no clues what attraction means.

Let me quote Dr. MP:

But here is a quick quiz I've come up to test if u understand wat "ATTRACTION" really means:

1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?

2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?

3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?

4) Are u an openly sexual person?

5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?

6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?

7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?

8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?

9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?

10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?

Hi Dear Bros,

Pls answer the above questions truthfully. I'll give the "correct" answers in my next post.

Any comments? Some of u may not agree w/ Dr. MP's "correct answers," but I know that he is spot on.


Bro WB
Old 05-09-2018, 11:32 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

I got only 2 out of 10 questions

But learnt so much from this thread, thanks to Bro WB.


Originally Posted by inflection View Post
Bro WB

Thank you for the post below which was years ago.

I think I only gotten 3 out of 10 questions below.

Will try out all your strategies in this thread and see how it goes.

I was gald to come across this thread otherwise I failed and no idea what went wrong. I was told by many friends that I did not do this and that. Now I knew why are they telling me after reading this.

Hope I can achieve at least 10 to 20% of your method after practising.

Wish you all the best.
Old 05-09-2018, 11:36 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Let me try:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?

2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?

3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
No, I seldom say "No" to a gal I like. Sigh, my weakness.

4) Are u an openly sexual person?
Not really.

5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?

6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?

7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?

8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?

9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?

10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
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