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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 13-03-2007, 10:32 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by wonderz View Post
heard she got caught when R&R was raided.
were they caught ?? tot they were juz taking a break at least tats wat Lily told me ...

anyway, been recceing btsc recently ... seems like only R&R n BW r worth visiting ... the rest nothing special n dun even bother ...

y I say so ?

1) cleanliness, R&R n BW thumbs up for clean towels n other stuff, no strong 'massage' smell on the towels unlike some of the PRC TN shops

2) better than average massage skills

3) attitude n service, R&R tops here, at least in my opinions

4) looks n body n specials, R&R => hav MILF Viet n local ...

btw bros ... hope u guys can up my points ... so near to getting my first repu power altho I hav been a member for years ... sigh ...
Lost in the wilderness ...
Old 13-03-2007, 03:54 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

hey Bros,

Went to BTP this afternoon. First time. Seemed to be lots of reflexology shops and a couple of massage spas. Tried Amaran (i think dat what called). Indian lady offered me 45 mins $35 or 60 mins $45. I took longer time. Cubicles are just crutains so was a little worried that would be seen or heard lah, and is just a matress on the floor...was worried.

youngish lady comes in but is plump. has big trye round her waste. she procees with oil massage. she is rather chatty and her massage style is only ok yeah. after a while she is rubbing her hands along my inner thigh just brushing my balls. My didi start to stretch out so she touches it getnly and ask what special I want.

I scared that she will cruch me and my Didi so I only go for HJ. She uses talc and gently using just her fingers touches my legs and back and then slowly start to rub her fingers up my crack and down to my balls. She has not bad technique. I roll over and she does that same on front of legs up and round my didi. then she pours oil over my didi and balls and start HJ. it is pretty good, up and down, round and round, but I am not so keen on her face or her weight so ask if can touch. she says yes, she understands how man needs to touch a woman so that he can get hard and cum proper.

She lets her titties swing out. they and quite saggy but are good size, like DD.

I play with her titties and my didi start to play along better. So i try and touch between her legs, but too much fat in the way so go back to titties. I closed my eyes, playing with her tities and imgaine other girl is their playing with my balls. after ten minutes I am fully relaxed. She cleans me up and then says next time must try FJ cause she is very tight.

Not sure if will go back.

Looks 4/10
size: far too heavy for me but some bros may prefer a cuddly woman
36 DD
HJ $50, bbbj $80 fj$100
OVERALL dont rush there.
Old 13-03-2007, 08:45 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Never try Indian lady before. Want to go down for a test. thank you!
Old 15-03-2007, 01:28 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Sorry bro, I did not spell that out very well. I wanted to enjoy a little Indian spice too, but it was a plump local I was even more disappointed. I dunno if Indian lady alos gives massage but she seems quite fierce to me.
Old 16-03-2007, 11:03 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Yesterday went to BodyWork to have my session, like the place and hv a good and strong massage session. Went leaving, saw two new young girl came out, forgot to ask their name, will try them on my next visit.
Old 22-03-2007, 09:27 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Went Bodywork yesterday and did not see any young lady.
There are 2 mature ladies age around 40.

One of the lady Ah mei was previously from one of the TN along Tanjong Pagar inline with Ya Koon shop. Just came to work this place for a week.

Heard the management here changes and most of the old timers are all gone.

Massage : slightly above average (5.5 - I have high standard for this)
Looks: No comment
Environment: Not bad
Damage: $40 an hour

Overall OK.

She learned massage for a year and in local so got a fair bit to pick up.
Old 23-03-2007, 01:22 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

On 22.03.07, paid a visit to Beauty World Shopping Centre. Walk around and nothing tickle my fancy. The one beside Mc Donalds no longer there. Think shifted to the basement beside the music school. There have 2 lady. Both look piety and I would personally rate them about 6/10 on look and figure aspect. But don't really turn me on. Walked up to the 3rd floor and saw one very oriental lady wearing black spaghetti strip and loose mini-skirt walking to the toilet direct. Nice figure and sweet looking. Waited for her to come out and followed her to one of the massage parlor. The one beside the one with dark color glasses. Ask her how much per hour and answer me politely. Not slutty type. I like.

Was directed to one of the cubical, and told me to take off my shirt. She return in less than a minute and told me to strip to my birthday suit. I opt for powder massage. Massage was acceptable. Adequate strength. Those pretty one seldom give good massage. Was surprise. Ask her wat service avalible and she told me cheekily that only massage no special. I then started teasing her asking if generally customer are touch. Again cheekily say don't have. While denying that any special was provided, she tried to arose me. Keep touching my butt crack. But too cold liao little bro remain small. Can sense she feel offended. Think I find her no attractive. Then she ask "yao ta chu lai ma". I just say don't need, no urge. Seem a bit disappointed. Then she offer me FJ for 100 buck. Which I again cheekily told her I no urge. Then price was lower to 80. I then cheekily say "ke yi yan huo ma". She reply "zhe me yan". I then sat up and hug her. Buried my face into her longkang and kiss it. I then used both my hand to grap her ass. At the same time feel her clit and it was wet. Moved my hand inside her shirt and unhooked her bra revealing a A+ boobs with nice size nipple. Suck on it several time and she was giggling like a little girl. She then left the room and came back with rubber. Asker her to lay down to let me paint her and she gladly oblige. Enjoy myself painting her as no smell. Bushy thou. Then asked for 69 and she gladly agree. After several minute she capped me and I enter her. Thou not tight, she make up with genuine moaning. The act continue for slightly more than 10 minutes. Again felt too cold and my bro fail me. Then I ask her to hj for me and ask cheekily if need pay for both service. She giggle and say yes. We then continue to tease each other. After that she started to stroke my little brother and within mins, I came. She then left the room to wash her. Returned in a few minutes and ask if I need to wash up too. I decline. She then pour me a cup of warm water. Before I left, she mention she never been to Sentosa. Maybe want me bring her. See she so cute maybe I will one day. Left a happy man.

Below is my rating base on my standard
Name: Yanzi
Look: 7/10 (Very oriental and sweet looking)
Age: Say she is 26 (Look younger actually)
Boobs: A+ or B- (enough to fill my hand)
Figure: Some baby fats at the tummy.
Attitude: Good/ friendly
Damage: Massage 40/hr, hj: 50, fj: 100
RTF: Yes of course. Hit it off with her mah. Haha..
Old 23-03-2007, 04:15 PM
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Unhappy Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

seem like BW is to c c look look other joints ard....
Old 23-03-2007, 08:29 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by dethknight View Post
Damage: Massage 40/hr, hj: 50, fj: 100
RTF: Yes of course. Hit it off with her mah. Haha..

You mean you paid a total of $190 because of the hj given at the end.. walao if you did that is big time chaitao
Old 23-03-2007, 10:41 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

when down to the place last week. Was attended by a SYT, did not bother to ask name. FR as follows:

Face 8/10
Body 7/10 meaty, D cup...Shiok!!!!
massage 7/10 not bad
fj NA
hj 5/10 actually not bad. but half way through she spit on my dick..YUCKS!!! quickly wape off with tissue..sainz half

Total experience not too bad except for the saliva part.... clap clap clap

When I came out saw a few SYT, they were discussing how to get many out from S'porean.... SAD
Old 24-03-2007, 08:37 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Thank you for the explaination!
Old 25-03-2007, 12:15 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Brothers here if want good massage and good HJ, can go to BTSC 3rd floor, two girls there provide solid massage plus JG kind of HJ, slow and shiok.
The ladies Boss got another joint on the 2nd floor, more for facial, two quite young girl, good massage but soso HJ.
Old 25-03-2007, 01:13 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

No lah bro Shooter. She pulling my leg only. Just pay 40 for massage, 80 for fj and gave 20 tip cause she is so sweet.
Old 03-04-2007, 05:18 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

There are a total of 5 shops on the 3rd floor. Please advise which joint, appreciate with thanks.

Originally Posted by k_focus View Post
Brothers here if want good massage and good HJ, can go to BTSC 3rd floor, two girls there provide solid massage plus JG kind of HJ, slow and shiok.
The ladies Boss got another joint on the 2nd floor, more for facial, two quite young girl, good massage but soso HJ.
Old 03-04-2007, 07:34 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

There is no need now. Today thinking want go find her again. However when approaching BWSC saw several man walking in group of 2 and 3 in the same direction. Saw a guy standing at the exit from the 3rd floor. Confirm is raid. Try to go up tip them off however too late. All the massage place that provide special was raided. Saw Yanzi go into the Police van too. Sad. To be precise, 3 at the 3rd floor and one at the basement raided. Total I see 2 girl from the basement and 6 girl from 3rd floor.
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