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Old 14-06-2009, 10:45 AM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
I tot 60mins?? I looked at my time.. not even 45mins passed.. only 39+... n she's already rushing me?

Then saw another cute PRC MM.. Yap say it was baobei
Bro,nice FR.
For cat150 PRC girls,they usually only offer a 60 mins session at their respective homebases. While serving outsite of homebase,it's 45mins,taking into account the times of travelling to & fro.

Baobei doesn't have Jelly's killer body,but to me her service level & attitude is much more better,can always check it out with Ah Yap
Old 14-06-2009, 05:51 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by Cummon View Post
Bro,nice FR.
For cat150 PRC girls,they usually only offer a 60 mins session at their respective homebases. While serving outsite of homebase,it's 45mins,taking into account the times of travelling to & fro.

Baobei doesn't have Jelly's killer body,but to me her service level & attitude is much more better,can always check it out with Ah Yap
Ohhh.. i c... ty ty.. long time no go legal joint la.. abit behind..

err.. u de one who up me ma bro??

err.. whoever up me pls leave nick.. else i cant return favour. n.. wow.. kena spotted... haha.. nvm la.. come out to cheong.. not scared to be recognised.. i not married.. n i not doing anything illegal.. heh heh heh.. (but still scared.. who ah? pls pm me leh)
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
Old 14-06-2009, 06:15 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by Tension68 View Post
err.. u de one who up me ma bro??

(but still scared.. who ah? pls pm me leh)
Dun worry,it's me
One of the guys who sat beside you was attracted by Jelly & asked Ah Yap for her immediately after you left
Old 14-06-2009, 09:20 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by Cummon View Post
Dun worry,it's me
One of the guys who sat beside you was attracted by Jelly & asked Ah Yap for her immediately after you left
ohh.. i must admit, her looks quite good.. but the rush.. left some disappointment la. Otherwise, cud haf been a great bonk.

Hope he din get the "pls hurry, not enuf time" n "cant do BBBJ, my tongue shang huo"
Be Cool! Relax and have a fun time! But remember to be safe too!

Nice Number, thanks bro A- 1288
Old 15-06-2009, 12:14 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Can anyone pm me Jeffrey's number?

Thanks a lot!
Old 24-06-2009, 04:41 PM
de5mond17 de5mond17 is offline
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Smile Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

hi all bros.

i had just register here, i new here
as many ppl here recommend lee wen, monica, ac, og, juan juan, can anyone here tell me are all the girl working on which hse. so that i straight go there find them, tell me is they are hot favourite at that hse, pls guide me.

recommend some more girl that are in good service, $150.
$80 also can..

Old 24-06-2009, 05:08 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

hi bros... pls update the latest cat 150 girl name list out here..

bcos some of them had returned and some of them drop to cat 80..

pls guide....
Old 24-06-2009, 10:18 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by de5mond17 View Post
hi bros... pls update the latest cat 150 girl name list out here..

bcos some of them had returned and some of them drop to cat 80..

pls guide....
Hi bro, sometime u must read about the posts,inorder to reach your $150 goal post. Check it out and enjoy. Cheers...
Old 11-07-2009, 05:04 PM
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1612 NaNa FR

hi all bros of SB and SAF (Sammy Action F**kers), touch down at changi airport last night and had to make a stop at SAFHQ 1612.... old drill master Tommy is still loo king good ... ha ha ha

There were a many bros there and few new faces, to ok a seat on one of the comfortable black leather  seat which is better than the seats on the plan .. .. a "new" guy was at the seat beside and we start ed chating, he shared with me that there are now 3  PRC NaNas in GL and he tried all of them and says  the NaNa at HQ is "one of the kind" ... wanted a  verbal FR from him but we just meet so not so nice to ask in details

Hq always makes me feel at home with all the good  bros still there, chatting, drinking and eating. T he plus point is the "free slow" of "eye candies"  with all the gals walking in and out .... now with  the wider choice of PRC gals ... they come in all  shapes and sizes, looks and style ... it is worth  much more to sit in HQ.

Ok "action time", Tommy had pointed out all his 6  new PRC gals as they sway around the party joint . .. Cat 80 BoBo (i tried before and she is a  lean & wild) and Jing Jing (is plain looking but Iheard that her service goes way beyond her looks) , Cat 150 WaWa (she looks prettier than when  Isee her online in QQ), KaKa (not my cup of tea but she is the darling of a few bros) , NaNa (see below) and YaYa (I heard a few guys had ask for her hand &she is the TOPparty gal last night... lol).... and last but n ot least malaysia GL150 Biggest Boobs DaDa

Since NaNa has most milk and wanting to find out what is the “one of a kind” that the bro said, I pick her. Being the youngest gal in HQ (21 year  and 3 months old), her playful attitude and sweet  sweet outside the room also overflows into the roo m with much more ....her service is above average  but it is her "one of the kind" urge that makes a  GREAT difference ... Ihave never met any gal in GL like her

NaNa of 1612 is a horny sex additic from hell and  she worship man. Most gals in this line try to hol d back their urge to cum when with clients. BUT Tommy'sNaNa cums like a water fall an d with the quantity of gals Ihad, you can truest me that it is NOT KY. If you make her high, she allows you anything and  everything, according to her, she even allows CIM  and COF ... woot!!!

Please do not post non FRs postings here. NO CHIT CHAT AND COMMENTS!
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 13-07-2009, 05:28 PM
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1612 NaNa FR by bro ezez11

A FR on Na Na

House: L16H12

Origin: Gangzhou
Age: 21 (looks very young, so it should be true)
Looks: 7.5/10 (big eyes, straight long hair)
Figure: 7.5/10 (Height 1.64m, Weight 50 Kg, she is not suitable for bros who like model slim figure, but she is quite attractive for me, smooth and white skin)
Boobs: 8.0/10, 36C (Firm, soft, natural, good feeling of touching and grabing, pink nipples)
Shower: 5.0/10 (sop, cleaning a short boob soapy message)
Frenching: No, she avoided kissing
Catbath: 7.0/10 (She use her nipples to rub my lips and tongue)
BBBJ: 8.0/10 (She spent quite some time on this department, very skilled and shiok)
AR: No
FJ: 8.0/10 (She is very horny and super wet, definitely no KY needed, bonk her hard in 3 positions, cowboy, normal and cum in doggy position)
Attitude: 7.0/10 (obliging, except kissing)
GFE: 6.0/10 (She is a straight talker, so GFE is not strong)
RTF: Maybe

thanks for reading!

Please do not post non FRs postings here. NO CHIT CHAT AND COMMENTS!
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 17-07-2009, 12:13 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

I was at HQ Lor 16 unit 12 late last night n CO Tommy was standing infront Guard Hse doing STAR Parade..... long time nvr cheong GL n surprise CO has so many recruit. 1 of them NANA caught my eye n CO Tommy order her to my favourite Cell room 2 japanese style concept.

NANA , this petite young 21 -22 yr old, not only has MILK but she has "feng" or phoenix eyes that make her look sultry and lianish CFM look.

Went in and she took off my clothes for me while i was still smsing my friend..
then went for a shower where she washed the little guy and used her skillful fingers to wash my arse.. it feels nice and clean

then she knelt down and gave a decent bbbj... mid suction but i was expecting more later..

dried up and laid down in bed.. some small talk and found out she is from sichuan. asked me to turn over and cat bath from top to bottom, using her perky nipples to create those sensation ripples around my butt, my back and my thighs..

then she asked me to lift my butt out and i thought ho sei liao here comes the real action.. but a bit strange cuz where is my favorite bbbj but nevermind she ask me do i do lor..

she started to spray the listerine in her mouth, and started to lick my balls and all the sensitive areas.. plus the mint, wa lao.. feels like wrigleys spearmint in the first 3 seconds of chewing...

then her tongue started circling my asshole and started slurping at it.. i thought wahh damn shiok..

tongue went deeper and started the thrusts and circling inside my arse and i thought..wahh good sia..

then..... she stiffened her tongue, and started tongue fucking my asshole!!

i was like woooo shivering in a minty but yet high manner.. i have not a single shred of gay tendency mind you but see a girl with her face in my arse through the mirror thrusting in and out is quite a turn on man.. she went so deep i was worried her tongue was gonna hit some gold.. sheesh..

then she took my prick and bent it to suck on it slurp slurp , suck suck suck till i in heaven very shiok sia......

roll me over and gave me another 10 min bbbj.. sucking much harder than in the shower now.. trying to put her whole mouth into my ti ti n tis woman just go sucking non-stop till i hv to stop her. phew.........

after 10 mins of bbbj, she started to mount me and boy was she tight. she did the squats on me and it was another visual delight through the mirror. i sat up and hugged her while she rocked more before asking me to get on top.

i went in missionary... i flipped her over and did her doggy, wondering how these girls can have tighter pussies than our gfs.. hmmm.. anyway... i pounded her real bad till i felt my volcano going to erupt and turned her over again. this time spreading her legs wide n pump her hard till i explode..........phew the China SG war ended n i was totally laying flat on the bed , like just completed SOC.

Age: 21-22
Looks: 7/10
Figure: 8/10 ( i like it )
Boobs: 8/10, 36C (Firm n good to press )
BBBJ: 8/10 ( sipei song )
FJ: 7.5/10 ( many pattern no complain )
Attitude: 7.0/10 (obliging, except kissing)
RTF: when pocket got $$$

thanks n up me if u like my FR. Lor 1612 is a nice place to go. And okt Tommy
treat all like Bros n sometime i just go look look see see, drink kopi also no problem , and he still smile. GOOD SERVICE okt just like my Papasan Daniel in the now close Godfather ktv( another good service provider n if u are into ktv can PM me gor Daniel ctc )
Hi thanks for upping me and pls leave ur nick so i can up u back ASAP> and all bros who up me thanks but be patience as can only up 1 per day.
Old 17-07-2009, 09:59 PM
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Re: CAT 150- Big Boobs FRs

Originally Posted by ken ken View Post
I was at HQ Lor 16 unit 12 late last night
then she knelt down and gave a decent bbbj... mid suction but i was expecting more later..

Bro Ken Ken, You got better treatment than me, must be handsome and charming guy!

happy bonk!
Old 20-07-2009, 04:48 PM
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Big Boob gals

Hi Bros,

Went to L20H60 yesterday and asked for Jelly. Saddened to know she was gone! Damn, i read so much review about her and wanted to try but never had chance. Anyways, the okt tried to intro me a few quite sui but boobs not so big ler. My definition of big is at least D cup. The last gal he intro to me do have big boobs but i tried her already, forgot her name but she's from L16 one of the back houses. This girl was pregnant before so didnt choose her. I left disappointed.

So far, I have tried 4 cat150 gals and the best one is fei fei from L16 one of the houses on the 2nd floor of the building directly adjadent to westerhoust rd. The others are just not worth to RTF.

Really need bros to recommend me. Take feifei as benchmark if need to. There must be gems I dont know of. Appreciate it bros.
I will share, share and share. Appreciate upz points from Bros...and any info on Slim SYT with Big Natural Boob...I'm a sucker for that
Old 20-07-2009, 08:39 PM
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Re: Big Boob gals

Originally Posted by bigboobman007 View Post
Hi Bros,

Went to L20H60 yesterday and asked for Jelly. Saddened to know she was gone! Damn, i read so much review about her and wanted to try but never had chance.
yar i feel your dissappoinment bro. i also asked for jelly last week but she had already gone. never got the chance to try, damn!!
Old 21-07-2009, 11:32 PM
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Re: Big Boob gals

Originally Posted by zenlon View Post
yar i feel your dissappoinment bro. i also asked for jelly last week but she had already gone. never got the chance to try, damn!!
any batin available?
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