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Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies. Men will only be troubled by 2 issues. 1 is Money, 2 is Women. When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men... |
Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
I am not or want to side anyone but after the past week of flame wars think you are asking for it to start again. cool man. |
Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
Just met up with Bro J.lo Last night. Had a really great time together.
Maybe meeting him later again... BTW my next trip to LOS will be in July...Any bros wana tag along can PM me.. Seriously Lookin for Kaki to cheong together... Talking about cheong...Nearly screw a TG from Soi Cowboy. A fair & cute babe...JUst told her "Kun Sway Mak" & can see from her reaction she quite happy...Her mamasan ask me to pao her but too bad tat same night I had to meet my TG...Sway sway the next day When had supper with my TG..She called me..But 4d also not so chun..Will probably look for her during my next trip... |
Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
Lying to man is their job. Getting money from them is their survivial. How can they continue if they keep feeling guilty about cheating. Especially if they have done this for a long time. To ask them to stop all cheating and lying right away is almost impossible. It is like a drug addict or a gambler. So if you want to LOVE them, one really must make sure it is true love that will stand the test of time and pain. You will need to help them. It is really different from a normal relationship. For those who want to step in expecting them to change overnight and turn into a fairytale good girl, you will surely be disappointed. And if they didn't change as you expected and you are going to leave and condemn them at the first sign of trouble than I guess it is really better not to start at all. |
Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
like this again.As My heart is hurt several times already...Enough is enough..Time to pack up soon |
Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
the last I remembered, u were involved in a fierce debate with siamcutey. You were trying to balance out the negative views of siamcutey. Your tone and posting seems different now.....Have your views changed since then?
Those who have added or deducted my points, please leave a name? Up list queue: PS3SG,MelbSJ, etc Note to those who increased my points: I'll increase your points in return if you have any latest posts but you need to msg me your latest post, but that would take time as I may not log on everyday. |
Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
Hopefully those who walk the path can give advice to the rests so that to remind them of the pitfalls, though not every working girl is one pitfall itself. Just a reminder to be more careful when threading on such path. Good nite to everyone. SC
Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies. Men will only be troubled by 2 issues. 1 is Money, 2 is Women. When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men... |
Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
In this sanuk arena, we the customers including myself are just as responsible as the girls in encouraging this lying and cheating. They provide the service because there is a demand. The very exact thing we look for in cheonging in thailand (as compare to commerical sex elsewhere) is fake love (GF treatment) but it is also the very exact thing we want to avoid when we get serious. So when we do get serious, we blame them for being not. In my above post, I just want to state that if one wants to LOVE a working girl, just make sure it is true giving selfless kind of love because anything less will surely make it harder. Would it be easy to love a hardcore gambler? Yet does it mean all relationships with a gambler fail? Does it mean all gamblers never changed? I find stereotyping and classification degrading. I have already stated my views on those previously so I do not wish to get involved in it again. In addition, though I find SC views very negative, there are many pointers I agree with him even during the past fierce debate. Also, one only debates with those worth debating with. |
Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
aiyo...got time must give more offerings to 'yue lao' ,cupid and aphrodite. *hiaks* Not to forget god of wealth, bo lui bo cha bor.
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Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
The reason love turns into hatred is when the love is so deep that one simply indulges himself wholeheatedly into it. The love must have been of extreme depth for a person to turn around and hate his partner whom he values even greater than his own life.
Once again, this is commercial sex. If people pay u of course u will give good services. Similarly when u pay u expect good services. All these have been reflected in private dancer. U r not hurting anyone in the end but yourself. Choose to believe. ![]() |
Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
Uncle romance, life is still a long way. Nobody is infallible. Even the mighty god makes mistakes at times. Sometimes I do wonder if there is a god and if he is there y am I hurt? Guess I will only find out when i die. U r hurt because u r not a cold-blooded person. Take care.
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Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
At the end of the day its just a game.Like wat Bro J.lo just told me today while havin kopi with him...We shall be the one controlling the game..Not them....& since we are like a living ATM Machine to them...Its usually we the one who will decide when the game will be over...I may make one or two more moves & stop...Who knoes I meet up with a better TG in my next trip..heehee BTW I realised some of the threads are missing...Can someone tell me the reason why...Did Sammyboy swallow it? ![]() |
Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
U quiting this forum? Why? I know this is may be irrelevant to this thread, but I would like to comment: maybe there is no god. or if there is, shouldn't u fear him? Are u sure u want an all-powerful god watching over your shoulder all the time? Are u sure u like an all-powerful dictator to control your life??????? Why u r hurt? If there is a god, consider the possibility that it is not a benevolent entity. Perhaps god is sadistic and takes pleasure in inflicting pain upon his playthings. (Yes, I can hear religious devotees cringe at this point) When u die, u may never find out. U won't find out if death is really the end and there is no consciousness beyond death. Do ponder upon what I have said. I shan't say more because it is not really relevant to this thread.
Those who have added or deducted my points, please leave a name? Up list queue: PS3SG,MelbSJ, etc Note to those who increased my points: I'll increase your points in return if you have any latest posts but you need to msg me your latest post, but that would take time as I may not log on everyday. Last edited by Darkstorm; 02-05-2004 at 02:26 AM. |
Okay okay...I know this is off topic...
Hi everyone.
First of all, I wish to apologize for this post as it is irrelevant to the thread. But I feel that this thread is widely read and can generate the publicity for me. I have been thinking very hard for some time, and I have made some critical decisions as to the direction I am going to take in life, and the risks I am going to face. So please bear with me and hear me out. Below is a reproduction of the post I posted in Sawadee forum. (Quoted from Sawadee forum): "Hi everyone. This is just a brief summary of my proposal. It is still rather tentative at this stage (because unforseen circumstances do happen in life). However, this is my plan: exactly one year from now, I intend to go to Thailand to do business with or without the ideal capital (of course, with more money, I can start a bigger business; with less money, I will have to do something on a smaller scale), with or without any business partner. Nevertheless, right now I am exploring the possibility and opportunity of working with a potential business partner (who says he is able to get more investors into the picture) to start a business in Thailand. He wants to go in big. My proposal to him is to start a disco/pub business in Thailand. Currently, I am considering the following locations: Bangkok or Phuket. Although I am reluctant to pull in more partners (because it would mean a dilution of my share of the business and hence my profits), I do agree with the advice of my business partner to try and bring in more partners with captial so as to share the business risks. As I am sure u all would know, in business, there are risks and no guarantees, and this is especially so for a foreign business. (I am currently residing in Singapore) Personally, I would rather work with my friends on this, but few of my friends (maybe none of them in fact) have the capital to join me in this joint venture. Neither do they have the interest (some are tied down in Singapore as they are married and I would think their wives don't wish to relocate) to do business in Thailand (or in any other place for that matter). In short, I am looking for potential business partners who have the following: 1) Capital 2) Expertise (business knowledge of running a disco/pub in Thailand for eg) (Specifically I am also looking for a business partner who can suggest a precise location for our pub/disco and who knows the territory/location well) In addition/alternatively, I need a business partner who has some other expertise to offer. I will be the judge of whether u have something valuable to offer me. 3) (this would be a bonus): connections in the proposed locality of business (for eg, maybe u have connections in a certain province in Thailand or something) Of course, I don't get to make all the decisions, so even if I think u can partner with my consortium of interested parties, it would also depend on the others whether to admit u into this or not. I won't be providing more details at the moment. If u wish to know more, please post your contact here or email me. Thanks for reading this." (End of quote) Dear SammyBoy, please don't delete this post. Regardless of your decision to delete this post or not, thanks. I am truly sorry if I have offended anyone here with this post of mine. Flame me if you wish, I will not take offense. My primary concern now is to succeed in my future business and to carry out my plan successfully. (Note: actually.....my post is relevant to this thread.....those who know me personally may know the relevance, but I am not going to state it here for all to see)
Those who have added or deducted my points, please leave a name? Up list queue: PS3SG,MelbSJ, etc Note to those who increased my points: I'll increase your points in return if you have any latest posts but you need to msg me your latest post, but that would take time as I may not log on everyday. |
Re: Stephen Leather's Private Dancer
else you can always consider KIV-ing her. dun have to call her all the time when u are in bkk... only when you feel like it. then u can still hunt around.
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