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Old 07-12-2012, 06:47 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by wonderguy View Post
Wa bro, you are back there again so fast?!

ok lah,
Old 07-12-2012, 07:41 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
If u guys wanted some natural hotspring action.

Try 清远. It's very famous in GD area. Ask the gals, most should know.

Another area famous for hotspring is huizhou, longmen area. There's a few not bad one. BT beware that if u stay in HZ city, and goes to hotspring, the journey will take at least 1-2 hrs.

Also dun be con, some ppl will bring u to nanshan hotspring instead of longmen. Nanshan is further away from longmen but less crowd. So some agent will try to bring u there so they can earn more. But the journey will take about 3hrs plus..

Just make a search on the area, and many hotels names will pop up.
thanxs buddy, will look into area in huizhou you recommend.

far nevermind, you pay for petrol , I drive lor. :-)
Useful contacts
Old 08-12-2012, 12:11 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by tianhao69 View Post
Pervert ? what do you call someone whose claim to fame is hectoring and lecturing others on his alleged omnisexual prowess, nevermind others knowing him none other than an uncouth sycophant, whose existence is only to cross pollinate his diseased gene pool albeit surreptitiously.

Don't kid yourself, you can dish but you can't take.
You may have a case of nihilism, wait til i run into you in CP or elsewhere in PRD.

Hectoring? Lecturing? Yeah? When? Where - like I said, please stick to verifiable facts and not continue just making up supposed facts.
And talk about hectoring!! Just what precisely are you doing now?

Nihilism? And what does Nihilism have ANYTHING to do with discussions on a sex board? Or are you just trying to impress us here using big English words? Unfortunately.....your use of this word here is totally out of context. LMAO!

And that last part - is that a threat to me?
If so, SPIT IT OUT instead of just pussy footing.

Old 08-12-2012, 04:38 AM
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Smile Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Hectoring? Lecturing? Yeah? When? Where - like I said, please stick to verifiable facts and not continue just making up supposed facts.
And talk about hectoring!! Just what precisely are you doing now?

Nihilism? And what does Nihilism have ANYTHING to do with discussions on a sex board? Or are you just trying to impress us here using big English words? Unfortunately.....your use of this word here is totally out of context. LMAO!

And that last part - is that a threat to me?
If so, SPIT IT OUT instead of just pussy footing.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt, mr. trailer park trash. You may be out of the trailer park but the trailer park is still very much in you.
What do you call someone who travels half way across the world to practice his deviancy ? Catching young talents right off the bus and paying them off with fake red maos nevergmind shortchanging them and gloating about it? Think the honkies will protect you once you are outed ?
Did STD kill off all remaining grey matter between your ears ? How's that anti-viral HIV drugs working for you ?

Ask any mamasan in CP if word is getting around about a HK based laowai knowingly spreading his diseased genes among the BBS/KTV gals.

Should you not be on a sex predator list somewhere ? Like the white trash busted in shenzhen/Guomao for drugging and raping a 16 year old ?
Perhaps, your mama is also your aunt.
Old 08-12-2012, 02:20 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by tianhao69 View Post
Denial is not just a river in Egypt, mr. trailer park trash. You may be out of the trailer park but the trailer park is still very much in you.
What do you call someone who travels half way across the world to practice his deviancy ? Catching young talents right off the bus and paying them off with fake red maos nevergmind shortchanging them and gloating about it? Think the honkies will protect you once you are outed ?
Did STD kill off all remaining grey matter between your ears ? How's that anti-viral HIV drugs working for you ?

Ask any mamasan in CP if word is getting around about a HK based laowai knowingly spreading his diseased genes among the BBS/KTV gals.

Should you not be on a sex predator list somewhere ? Like the white trash busted in shenzhen/Guomao for drugging and raping a 16 year old ?
Perhaps, your mama is also your aunt.
LMAO!!! Truly LMAO!!

Proof positive that you really don't know what you're talking about and are just continuing your trolls here.

You are truly an idiot and I should just ignore you like I ignore that other troll JamesChong (or perhaps you're one and the same person? Who knows, who cares!!)

Old 08-12-2012, 04:52 PM
tchad88 tchad88 is offline
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
From most of his post, it seems like he dun buy hours but instead wait for them to knock off from work.. It's a waiting game.. Tire man..

For sure I'm not keen..

Maybe that's why no footie gal wants to play with me.. Maybe I dun look clean.. Haiz...
Aiyo Jabba, we have been through this before. You live your miserable existence in perpetual denial of your physical deformities.

No footie girl wants to play with you because with your tuko pig-snout face and frog skin you just look disgustingly nauseatingly ugly. And you are grossly obese, 125 kg. You look so comical dragging your lump of lard around. Being obese, you can't clean well between your folds of flesh, so your body odour stinks to high heaven. Like a putrid rotting carcass.

And you dare say MAYBE Footie girls don't want play with you coz you don't look clean? Hahahahaha, you are a joke Jabba. You really are
Well at least now u admit u can't up Footie girls when in the past u were boasting u up this n that. So kudos to you.

Last edited by tchad88; 08-12-2012 at 05:03 PM.
Old 08-12-2012, 05:00 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post

Btw, what's so great about PZL gals.. U really think most of them are so pure and innocent.. Dun forget, this is CP u are talking about...
Hahahahahaha! Classic case of Sour Grapes here.

Originally Posted by tikopei View Post
mr ugly prcsytlover...
u r the one talk cock here..
knn.,,,,u bloody bird brain...prcsytlover
Originally Posted by tikopei View Post
just becos, u failed to bonk a pzl gal, doesn mean they are not pure...u ugly toad

Jabba, eh what happened? No response to Tikopei. You running scared of him? You go around the forum boasting you are one big fighter and now you get insulted, you quiet like a mouse.

Disappointed in you Jabba!
Old 08-12-2012, 05:17 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by tchad88 View Post
Hahahahahaha! Classic case of Sour Grapes here.

Jabba, eh what happened? No response to Tikopei. You running scared of him? You go around the forum boasting you are one big fighter and now you get insulted, you quiet like a mouse.

Disappointed in you Jabba!
So u are mr property agent or engineer?

Boring boring sat... Nothing but all those stupid clonies throwing stupid remarks..
Old 08-12-2012, 06:45 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
So u are mr property agent or engineer?

Boring boring sat... Nothing but all those stupid clonies throwing stupid remarks..
So you are not a clone Jabba? Tell us your real name and address then.

As for remarks, please tell us which one is stupid.
That you are horribly ugly with your tuko pockmarked face and frog skin?
That you are 125kg and grossly obese?
That you get rejected even by paid prostitutes?
That you can't get a decent woman to marry you?
That you will die childless
That you are jobless and have achieve nothing in your life?
That you spend your father's money?
That you are just a sad pitiful creature that everyone laughs at?
That you get derided behind your back by ktv mms you pay to sit with you?
That you are so frustrated with your life you hit out at forumers willy nilly?
That you have not seen your willy other than thru a mirror for decades now?
That you are basically an object of scorn and derision amongst the wider cp cheonging community?

I can go on and on about your miserable life Jabba but never mind.

So Jabba, tell us which one is untrue and I will promise not to repeat it.
Old 08-12-2012, 07:24 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by tchad88 View Post
So you are not a clone Jabba? Tell us your real name and address then.

As for remarks, please tell us which one is stupid.
That you are horribly ugly with your tuko pockmarked face and frog skin?
That you are 125kg and grossly obese?
That you get rejected even by paid prostitutes?
That you can't get a decent woman to marry you?
That you will die childless
That you are jobless and have achieve nothing in your life?
That you spend your father's money?
That you are just a sad pitiful creature that everyone laughs at?
That you get derided behind your back by ktv mms you pay to sit with you?
That you are so frustrated with your life you hit out at forumers willy nilly?
That you have not seen your willy other than thru a mirror for decades now?
That you are basically an object of scorn and derision amongst the wider cp cheonging community?

I can go on and on about your miserable life Jabba but never mind.

So Jabba, tell us which one is untrue and I will promise not to repeat it.
Why dun u tell us ur real name 1st and ur address before I put mine..

All the above which is true... How u going to prove???
Somemore one of them is I will die childless... What a joke... I'm not even dead yet...

Oh.. So u admit u are the stupid clone... Haha..
Old 08-12-2012, 07:26 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by tchad88 View Post
So you are not a clone Jabba? Tell us your real name and address then.

As for remarks, please tell us which one is stupid.
That you are horribly ugly with your tuko pockmarked face and frog skin?
That you are 125kg and grossly obese?
That you get rejected even by paid prostitutes?
That you can't get a decent woman to marry you?
That you will die childless
That you are jobless and have achieve nothing in your life?
That you spend your father's money?
That you are just a sad pitiful creature that everyone laughs at?
That you get derided behind your back by ktv mms you pay to sit with you?
That you are so frustrated with your life you hit out at forumers willy nilly?
That you have not seen your willy other than thru a mirror for decades now?
That you are basically an object of scorn and derision amongst the wider cp cheonging community?

I can go on and on about your miserable life Jabba but never mind.

So Jabba, tell us which one is untrue and I will promise not to repeat it.
Oh.., so tell me... U are a property agent or engineer?

Waiting for ur reply...

Opps... Or just a good for nothing ball less ah gua..
Old 08-12-2012, 11:02 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Oh.., so tell me... U are a property agent or engineer?
Opps... Or just a good for nothing ball less ah gua..
why u must drag property agent into this ha?
some rookie property agents easily earn $20k in their first month.
how abiut engineer or u?

anyway the footie girls in co, sz, zh,ca & even shantou calling me over. they miss me & our yusoft ishark notes
Old 09-12-2012, 12:56 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Why dun u tell us ur real name 1st and ur address before I put mine..

All the above which is true... How u going to prove???
Somemore one of them is I will die childless... What a joke... I'm not even dead yet...

Oh.. So u admit u are the stupid clone... Haha..
Jabba you are an idiot and a nincompoop. I don't even know why I waste my time on you. Sigh.

You are the one that talks of clones not me. So you go ahead and write your real name n address in Singapore to prove you are not a clone. Got it, buffoon?

You want proof you are not obese n not ugly. Look in the mirror Jabba. And tell forumers what you see. A handsome fit - looking hunk? Or a Jabba lookalike?

And you still harbour thoughts of fathering children? Which woman will be so suay as to marry a hideous 125kg Quasimodo creature like you huh Jabba? I know it hurts Jabba but that's the truth. Sorry
Old 09-12-2012, 01:02 AM
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Hey guys

Just came back from ouya. Looks like they got new uniforms. Damn sexy man. Really hot. The slits go v high up.

Old 09-12-2012, 01:29 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by prcsytlover View Post
Oh.., so tell me... U are a property agent or engineer?

Waiting for ur reply...

Opps... Or just a good for nothing ball less ah gua..
Jabba, you are a 40+ unemployed buffoon depending on your dad n the family furniture business for your existence. And you want to check on others' credentials? You are a joke Jabba!

And JC called you siat suay Singapore and all sorts of names and named the hotel he was staying. And you silent like a tikus. And you call others ball-less? You are a clown Jabba.

When you drag your 125kg lump of lard through CP main street huffing and puffing, the hawkers, gawkers, mms, pedestrians, etc; all put their hands to cover their mouths to hide their laughter at your pitiful sight. And you don't even know. Or pretend not to see. Proof? Next time snap your head around as you walk past people n u will catch them sniggering at your obesity.

I think you already know Jabba. That you are laughed at and rejected by most people you come in contact with. Even ktv mms hide from you as u walk down flower street. And you pretend you don't care and that it doesn't hurt. But secretly it does. So you take out your pain n frustrations and anger by victimizing forum strangers here who appear to be weak or newbie. No other brother on this forum do this but you. No other brother has your problem of frequent rejection.

The other way you try to ameliorate the pain of constant rejection is by ingratiating yourself with some who you perceived as strong or rich or leaders. So you go taikor here and taikor there to them, grovelling up like a dog. Por lam pa and sucking their balls. You make a lot of smart and genuine people here sick with your taikor antics.

And lastly, to ingratiate yourself into the cp cheonging community, you put on your false modesty, self deprecating with lehs and lohs etc. Many of the smarter bros here can see thru your hypocrisy. Being the bumpkin that you are, you ofcourse do not know the difference between genuine humility and false modesty.

It is said obesity brings small dicks. In your case it brings small brains too Jabba
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