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Old 27-05-2008, 02:34 PM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

3 years back with my ex, I actually met her at a playground. clementi..... we had sex!!! but it was wee hours, 3+am....

til now, I wonder if anyone saw us. It was a big thrill!!! but fully clothes.. just unzip the important parts and hump away.. PhEWW!!! I hope to perform agian
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Old 27-05-2008, 07:34 PM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

My most daring place is probably done in the same room AND on the same bed with my gf's twin sister sleeping beside

It's a king size bed, both of them stay in a rented studio apartment. Whenever I visit her, I'll stay with them for days...

During the first few times, it was done with extreme caution not to wake her; but having this pervert thought to bed them together (Every guy's dream, a twin syt!) - I later told my gf about this pervert thought when our relationship stablized...

As time passes, the "acts" become so apparent her sis would just sleep with those eye shade (airline type) and pretend not to be bothered what we do beside. I always tease my gf whether as a "twin" will her sis feel anything when she reach climax...

Perhaps the MOST daring one is not done on the bed (which we still cover up with the blanket during action) but done in front of their dressing table w/ mirror, which is right in front of the bed; she and I will be staring into the mirror with her sis sleeping on the bed, I was dogging her, both of us standing totally naked. STEAM.

Ya, her sis ever caught us half-way into such acts but we just sheepishly cover ourselves and proceed to the attached toilet to finish what we started.
Old 27-05-2008, 07:46 PM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

bro goodpartner well done ..... salute you for your courage......
Old 27-05-2008, 08:26 PM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

I'm really mechanical with words..

this place is really memorable for mi... mi n my minah fling.. at a multi storey carpark in the east, behind tampines Safra..

had a van load full so couldnt do much in the front seats.. she bbbj mi till i cant taKe it.. came out from my side with my pants still down, went over to her side, pull her out n bang her doggie style while overlooking the PIE..

Still get hard thinking abt it..
Old 27-05-2008, 11:07 PM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

Originally Posted by superchevy View Post
bro goodpartner well done ..... salute you for your courage......
Thanks for the cyber gesture and the pts

Actually, it's no big deal doing it in the "privacy" of a room, compare that to all bros here who did it in places that can literally get caught by strangers or worst.

The "dare" part of my experience above comes from the inner thought I have had about upping her twin sis; it's like here I am trying to leave a good impression with a new gf (in the early stage of the r/s) and yet harbouring that pervert thought which will jeapordize the r/s.

At some occasions where we got comfortable doing it with her sis half or fake-sleeping beside, I did purposely touch her sis "accidentally" trying to "invite" her to join in... what a "dare" I thought now
Old 28-05-2008, 01:09 PM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

have done at the following places with gf, irc dates and fuck buddies:

toilet in a hospital

pasir ris park playground and beach area

car of course..a few places including east coast

chalet hall when all were sleeping

community club roof and staircase

university rooftop

hall and bedroom of partner when hubby not around

room of expat gal when her parents were out

macritchie park seat

cinema seat

double decker back seat

sentosa nature trail

mt ophir waterfalls

got more, but heres just a few can think of now....
Old 28-05-2008, 11:52 PM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

Originally Posted by nakamara View Post
can i exchange it with a baby hippo? had to literally run from a irc baby hippo last time...really damn trilling...hahahaha...was gonna give her the slip liao but kena spotted den cb chase me for plaza singapura 7th floor till 5th floor den can shake her off
Me also got a hippo ER to share, but mine was a BIG hippo

It was the days when MS Netmeeting was the way to "meet" ppl online, ICQ was new. I got to know this young 23yo lady who has a really sexy voice, super intellecture and confident type. We exchanged phone# and chatted for days and progress till the stage where we had phone sex - wah lau that time si beh song she'll even position her phone at her cunt to let me hear the shiss-shess-jiat-siss sound while she masterbate herself with juice flowing out.

Ya, we did exchange pics before but she only gave me those "passport" photo which looks quite good, imho. We call each other almost daily and frankly a r/s was sort of forming... we decided to meet up one day, even though we had a rule in the begining that we'll never meet up (coz we had phone sex, pai say)

She worked in one of those CDC (Community Centre) small office and asked me to meet her after work - my heart was pumping like crazy when I reach outside her office. Called her from outside the door, she ask me to come in as there's nobody else in that small office (house about 3 tables and a store room).

Once I step inside, she was behind a cubicle partition.... then I wanted to give her a little surprise by popping in front of her literally.... once I jumped in front of her, I fREEZED with my eyes staring at her face; that was becoz during that split sec when I jump in front of her I got the "BIG PICTURE" of her oredi... KNN... reall stunt dunno how to react but just freeze there for a whole minute.

She interrupted and ask something I can't remember; later I gain back my consciousness and decided to play "normal". We had arranged a "date" to have dinner outside and then proceed to mount faber...

Being a "gentlemen" (ahem) I fulfilled that date but it was quite an experience for me. Not only a BIG hippo 2 or 3 times my size, but she like to wear mini skirts with high-heel! No joke. Can you guys imagine the looks from others during the date?

After dinner, at mount faber, we when up to that bar atop where are that time we can climb up to the wooden platform to view the scenery. She tried to be touchy and come "close" to me, which I siam politely.

After I sent her home to her doorstep (wah lan, I knn so gentlemen for fuck!) she even invited me to cum inside to her house (HDB) which I rejected politely again; becoz once inside I know I'll be CRUSHED literally! Close the metal gate, she still had the cheek to signal a kiss (lip to lip) with me!

Siam again with politeness, she close the door. I was a few steps away from the door, stopped to take a breathe overlooking the night sky leaning on the railings...trying to recover from the shock... she suddenly open the door again, tell me she's been peeping through the door-hole to watch me.

That was the last time I relate to her

Thinking about it, if not because of the "feeling" I've invested earlier, I would have run for my life at first sight of the BIG hippo with mini-skirt and high-heels I mean, how disgusing it is now to think that I have had great phone sex with one!

My verdict is that she's out to cheat me (or any other bros) with that passport photo and the rule about not meeting.
Old 29-05-2008, 05:43 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

[QUOTE=goodpartner;2795999]Me also got a hippo ER to share, but mine was a BIG hippo

It was the days when MS Netmeeting was the way to "meet" ppl online, ICQ was new. I got to know this young 23yo lady who has a really sexy voice, super intellecture and confident type. We exchanged phone# and chatted for days and progress till the stage where we had phone sex - wah lau that time si beh song she'll even position her phone at her cunt to let me hear the shiss-shess-jiat-siss sound while she masterbate herself with juice flowing out.



Bro goodpartner, I like the way you describe. I just upped you for your stuff.
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Bro who upped me please indicate your nick and PM me your latest post if possible.
Old 29-05-2008, 05:59 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

MRT. hahahaha.
Old 29-05-2008, 10:48 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?


last train last cabin is it?
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Old 29-05-2008, 11:15 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

let me try to recall...

staircase - both at mine and fb house
some tall trees area near to lao pa sa
ex gfs parents bed
meeting room of company
my office tables
double deck bed with gf below while sis is sleep on top
community centre staircase
ex fb room( tiring part is she's very loud. and her parents room is just next door)
fullerton hotel balcony -during new year.. so alot of ppl walk below. don't know if they see.
stamford hotel -same as above but christmas
another hotel but forgot name. got 3 beds and 9 ppl staying over. did my ex fb on our bed while they sleep and non of them knew abt our relationship as fb.
changi aiport toilets
all above are full sex and those that only have bj or hj. i shall not mention
Old 29-05-2008, 11:18 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

Originally Posted by =LatexDolly= View Post
MRT. hahahaha.
How? even last train got people ard?
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Old 29-05-2008, 11:22 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

but sometimes like those boring weekdays last train could be vacant for last few stops. Could be it, i supposed so...

but cctv on train, anyone can verify?
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Old 29-05-2008, 11:30 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

Originally Posted by TheGreatOne View Post
but sometimes like those boring weekdays last train could be vacant for last few stops. Could be it, i supposed so...

but cctv on train, anyone can verify?
unless the samster can tell us how. nowadays security damn tight. tighter than virgin.
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Old 29-05-2008, 11:55 AM
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Re: What the most daring place u ever make love?

mrt is just too dangerous for me, i won't wanna appear on newspaper with pants down

my thrilling encounter was at the balcony of a prc mm's place with ppl still walking downstairs but we pretending to stand facing looking out..the style was doggy :P
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