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Old 25-12-2016, 07:05 AM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Happened earlier today

Joined Gf and her friends for Christmas party at a new club and most of them drank till quite high. She was wearing a very sexy and revealing dress... showing lots of clevage and very short dress. Not wearing bra and can see her harden nipples before we went into the club. Inside club too dark to see. It was super crowded inside.... have to squeeze through the crowd whenever we moved. Brush against many girls boobs and ass but gf also kena brush by other guys. I was holding her hand when we squeeze and she was holding her girlfriend hand so no chance to protect her boobs. Couple of times her nipple was exposed due to the brushing and she had to quickly let go my hand to adjust. I was turned on by the sight and throughout the night will squeeze her boobs (when assist her to walk... she was very high) or slip my hand in her dress top to tune her nipple when no one see (I assume). She will quickly pull out my hand but at the same time let out a moan sound into my ears. We were both horny and she was wet.

When party ended, manage to took a cab after some time. Was fingering her pussy behind the taxi driver. She even exposed her 2 nipples and ask me to suck. I know the driver was watching on his rear mirror but we were too horny and my head is blocking the nipples view. When we alighted from the taxi, gf had to cross over to my seat to alight.... when she open her legs to move... can see the driver eyes glue to looking at her panty. Last free show for him.

Anyway... inside the lift, gf quickly unzip my jeans and give me a hj while kissing. My hands already squeezing her boobs and expose them. When we reach our floor, both of us are half naked. Gf told me she wants and I looked around... it was 4am and no one. Quickly pull down her dress and panty... she was completely naked at the lift lobby. Bonk her standing there. Lasted quite fast... cum onto the floor. Gf also didnt bother to wear her dress back and just use it to cover and go back into the house.
My avatar pix is my GF. Upz me if you like it. =)
Old 25-12-2016, 09:31 AM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by TwinX View Post
Happened earlier today

Joined Gf and her friends for Christmas party at a new club and most of them drank till quite high. She was wearing a very sexy and revealing dress... showing lots of clevage and very short dress. Not wearing bra and can see her harden nipples before we went into the club. Inside club too dark to see. It was super crowded inside.... have to squeeze through the crowd whenever we moved. Brush against many girls boobs and ass but gf also kena brush by other guys. I was holding her hand when we squeeze and she was holding her girlfriend hand so no chance to protect her boobs. Couple of times her nipple was exposed due to the brushing and she had to quickly let go my hand to adjust. I was turned on by the sight and throughout the night will squeeze her boobs (when assist her to walk... she was very high) or slip my hand in her dress top to tune her nipple when no one see (I assume). She will quickly pull out my hand but at the same time let out a moan sound into my ears. We were both horny and she was wet.

When party ended, manage to took a cab after some time. Was fingering her pussy behind the taxi driver. She even exposed her 2 nipples and ask me to suck. I know the driver was watching on his rear mirror but we were too horny and my head is blocking the nipples view. When we alighted from the taxi, gf had to cross over to my seat to alight.... when she open her legs to move... can see the driver eyes glue to looking at her panty. Last free show for him.

Anyway... inside the lift, gf quickly unzip my jeans and give me a hj while kissing. My hands already squeezing her boobs and expose them. When we reach our floor, both of us are half naked. Gf told me she wants and I looked around... it was 4am and no one. Quickly pull down her dress and panty... she was completely naked at the lift lobby. Bonk her standing there. Lasted quite fast... cum onto the floor. Gf also didnt bother to wear her dress back and just use it to cover and go back into the house.
Very nice adventure, merry xmas bro
Old 25-12-2016, 06:13 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

tks for sharing.. merry xmas bros.
Old 25-12-2016, 07:59 PM
owenfang owenfang is offline
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Anyone bring girl into SAF camp to fk ?

Some commanders have their own bunk right
Old 25-12-2016, 10:06 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by owenfang View Post
Anyone bring girl into SAF camp to fk ?

Some commanders have their own bunk right
How u go pass sentry guards???
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 26-12-2016, 01:34 AM
zl1983 zl1983 is offline
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Re: Fucking in the public area

heard of it b4.. commanders bring in gers wen their own men r on duty for e nite.. so no/min. chks.. lolx.. rest is history..
Old 26-12-2016, 01:45 AM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

this considered anot? although its only sucking

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Old 26-12-2016, 01:45 AM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

My major (s3) last time brought his gf to the officers' mess (he signed her in). There was a happy hour function. In that middle of the function, he brought the gf to his bunk (those days, senior officers get their own rooms). Apparently he boinked his gf in the bunk while the rest of us partied downstairs.
Old 26-12-2016, 07:45 AM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by owenfang View Post
Anyone bring girl into SAF camp to fk ?

Some commanders have their own bunk right
There is a female officer that is a butch and ride a big bike.

There was once i book in camp on sunday night, and saw her rode back to camp with a hot girl as pillion.

Few days later, heard from my friend who were on guard duty that night, that they saw her in her room making out with the girl. She probably didn't realized that the prowling route pass by her room too
Old 26-12-2016, 11:20 AM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by sony2002 View Post
There is a female officer that is a butch and ride a big bike.

There was once i book in camp on sunday night, and saw her rode back to camp with a hot girl as pillion.

Few days later, heard from my friend who were on guard duty that night, that they saw her in her room making out with the girl. She probably didn't realized that the prowling route pass by her room too
Your friend should have knocked on her door
Old 26-12-2016, 11:48 AM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by TwinX View Post
Happened earlier today

Joined Gf and her friends for Christmas party at a new club and most of them drank till quite high. She was wearing a very sexy and revealing dress... showing lots of clevage and very short dress. Not wearing bra and can see her harden nipples before we went into the club. Inside club too dark to see. It was super crowded inside.... have to squeeze through the crowd whenever we moved. Brush against many girls boobs and ass but gf also kena brush by other guys. I was holding her hand when we squeeze and she was holding her girlfriend hand so no chance to protect her boobs. Couple of times her nipple was exposed due to the brushing and she had to quickly let go my hand to adjust. I was turned on by the sight and throughout the night will squeeze her boobs (when assist her to walk... she was very high) or slip my hand in her dress top to tune her nipple when no one see (I assume). She will quickly pull out my hand but at the same time let out a moan sound into my ears. We were both horny and she was wet.

When party ended, manage to took a cab after some time. Was fingering her pussy behind the taxi driver. She even exposed her 2 nipples and ask me to suck. I know the driver was watching on his rear mirror but we were too horny and my head is blocking the nipples view. When we alighted from the taxi, gf had to cross over to my seat to alight.... when she open her legs to move... can see the driver eyes glue to looking at her panty. Last free show for him.

Anyway... inside the lift, gf quickly unzip my jeans and give me a hj while kissing. My hands already squeezing her boobs and expose them. When we reach our floor, both of us are half naked. Gf told me she wants and I looked around... it was 4am and no one. Quickly pull down her dress and panty... she was completely naked at the lift lobby. Bonk her standing there. Lasted quite fast... cum onto the floor. Gf also didnt bother to wear her dress back and just use it to cover and go back into the house.
Thanks for sharing, nice bonking bro
Old 27-12-2016, 08:28 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

been a long time since i had some outdoor action with my fb.... thinking to have some fun tonight either at tampines or hougang heavy vehicle park...
Old 27-12-2016, 11:09 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by 1101 View Post
been a long time since i had some outdoor action with my fb.... thinking to have some fun tonight either at tampines or hougang heavy vehicle park...
Do you need watcher?
Old 28-12-2016, 04:50 AM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by OxWeb View Post
Your friend should have knocked on her door
i should have volunteer to do weekend guard duties, i heard from my friends that weekend always got officers bring their gf to bunk. And since the officer bunk facing a grass field that is completely dark outside, the prowlers always see their officer doing live firing during their patrol
Old 28-12-2016, 03:02 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Went to a "tower" somewhere in the west. Very few people around, and if someone were to come up can hear from a distance. Feeling slightly adventurous and start teasing my partner. End up bonking while enjoying the view.
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