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Old 02-06-2009, 04:13 AM
Girl_18 Girl_18 is offline
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

haha. no la just kind of in between where we lived...
Old 02-06-2009, 11:54 AM
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

First things first, you got to realise you might be the 'rebound girl' you know?
Risk breaking your heart next time after he recovers.

You sound like a sensible girl, with your homework and stuff. If you want the best for him, the priority now is to get him back to school.

I got a friend also same thing happen. Girl left him, he quit JC.
Later still manage to catch up through poly and later Uni.
Old 02-06-2009, 01:41 PM
wtfuad wtfuad is offline
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

foah, I thot teenagers nowadays very steady in relationship one...... gena dumped then at most one mth later bounce back again!

okie, mabe I am wrong. Generation gap. But girl, hope that you can find your happiness. If u think u can reallie be with him in the long run, den try all means. I knew of frens who are together for freaking more than 10 years since secondary school and dey are getting married soon.

Work hard. But dun neglect your studies too. Singapore very expensive.
Old 04-06-2009, 04:00 AM
Girl_18 Girl_18 is offline
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

hehe. thx d advice =)
Old 11-06-2009, 07:49 PM
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

u caught a good guy..

got looks.. still very traditional also..

lucky gal.. all the best to u both
Old 13-06-2009, 01:13 AM
zzdiaozz zzdiaozz is offline
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

yeah like all the bros said. You've gotten urself a good guy, but one piece of advice, try to control the "temptations" .. At one point he will be thankful that you are around to console him, to lend him a helping hand at the lowest point of his life.. But on the other hand he might think that at the same time, you are actually treating him as a sex toy, throwing your body to let him like you... Traditional guys tends to think alot deeper... So yeah, hope you 2 can have a fruitful ending =)).
Old 14-06-2009, 05:22 AM
Girl_18 Girl_18 is offline
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

haha. thanks all for the advice =)...Havent met up with him lately but think he should be fine =)
Old 21-06-2009, 03:33 AM
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

Continuing my story...

Havent met up with him since then as he told me that he has alot of things that have yet to be done...Moreover, hes working as a part time salesman to pay for his rent...THe bad thing about it is, He has 2 Super flirty ah lians as colleagues! And they always like to tease him...I was really worried if whether they might try to do anything to him so i kept asking him to change his workplace. BUt he still insisted there wasnt anything going on between them. Okay i admit, I'm Jealous XD...Maybe i just want him to myself...

BUt following advices given by nice samsters, I havent had that intention to have sex with him lately. Maybe should give him sometime to settle down first and calm his mind. I invited him to a chalet within my sec sch friends...haha. just like reliving my first encounter with him 3 yrs back. He told me that he would only be coming for the bbq. But sian was that it was like only 3 hrs to accompany him. Kept telling me that he had to work the next day...

I shared the chalet amongst 4 other friends of mine and one brought her bf...which means there would only be 6 of us overnight there...cos majority of my classmates went to poly and our hoildays were kinda different...But thats better haha. lesser nosey ppl to worry about. At 8pm, He came as promised. Dressed like a gentlemen. Offered him a few sticks of chicken wings...He never socialised with the other guys which were my classmates bfs...So i just sticked with him Thorughout so that he wouldnt be bored. We had a long chat too...with a few friends joining in...talking about his plans about his future etc...Then it was late already like 12am...WHen everyone else started to leave, the time came when we could finally have some private time alone, Asked him whether he missed me..

To my surprise he said yes! woohoo! i really felt so happy at that time...Maybe he has started to forget about that girl or maybe hes just treating me as a substitue like the other samsters have been warning me...I wasnt very sure...But i couldnt tell from his eyes this time. Cos there were only panda rings! haha XD...He told me he was very tired and wanna go home maybe earlier...By then i was already like acting like a supercomputer trying to analyze any stupid excuses to make him stay...Then suddenly...**bling bling** got idea liao! I decided to use old trick XD

ME: Eh stay awhile la haha. we watch hot fuzz on ****'s laptop la ok? Comedy de! make sure you will wake up one!
J: BUt how long the show?
ME: ai ya. sure worth the watch de la!

Before he had another chance to ask me another question i just dragged him upstairs and lent my friends laptop to play the movie. We werent seated so close this time..QUite a distance between us around one arm's length...Quite sian cant cuddle him while watching...

Starting of the show still ok. Then mid part kinda sian. THen my mind went into computer mode again...finding excuses for him to stay. When i turned my head against him, he already dozzed off! So fast! Guess he was really tired...So just gave a peck on his face then went to shut down my friends then, that horny feeling come back again sia! 3 yrs ago it was also on this chalet that his ex kept touching his cock...All those dirty thoughts about him came flooding into my mind...I also din know or not if he was in the mood for it...

But just decided to take a gamble...I locked the doors and started to french him...He woke up immediatly...kinda stunned but he seemed to like i just continued lor...wa this time he different liao! not like last time scared and tried to resist. he auto hug me and kissed me too...I wanna make it fast to avoid getting caught so just went for his weak point which was kissing at the back of his ears. That part was a killer for him. he was very sensitive there...My hand just automatically touched his cock and it was hardened! haha! success!

Started to move his shaft up and down fast...can see he was enjoying it alot. but also at the same time he like wanna get away. So i hugged him even tighter haha XD. By then after awhile he was already like a dead fih lying down there...waiting for its prey to strike!!! haha XD. I was already damn wet down there...How i really wished he could make me feel good by at least touching me. SO i just took matters into my own hands...I just took off my shorts and panties and went cowgirl on him. wow the feeling is really shiok! so long he never pleasure me liao now finally can feel it...did it for like 5 mins and i was already feeling the tingling sensation of cumming...luckily i dindt moan that loud like in my house else my classmates sure kpo me later on one...

I went to finish the job for him by blowjob...Man see his cum really wanna make me go second round with him. But maybe take it slowly ba haha. When he gets more mature about sex. lol even his friends say that he may be mature on the head, but hes just childish on sex lol... haha. Din realise i made him so tired that he really fell asleep after a short chat. Or something like a dirty talk la haha. THink his job is really tiring...So i slept with him on that bed throughout the whole nightunder a blanket haha. the other couple joined us at night...The other 3 girls din sleep and i think they just gossip, camwhore throughout the entire night haha.Can hear 'sounds' from them at night de haha. i just hugged him damn close to me...I think my boobs kept on rubbing him he also act

The next morning i said i'll accompany him to his place to get changed so as to make up for what happened last night for making him stay over...And if ya wanna know what happened when i was at his place must make sure to stay tuned wor haha! XD
Old 21-06-2009, 03:41 AM
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

wa u sure post ur story late....i mean early. lolx
Old 22-06-2009, 01:34 PM
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

haah.. good job gal..
i doubt i be as brave as u... hah~~

waiting for more~~
Old 22-06-2009, 02:18 PM
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

camping for more
Old 23-06-2009, 08:56 AM
Girl_18 Girl_18 is offline
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

Haha. tyty. will write more when im free =)
Old 23-06-2009, 08:59 AM
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

Interesting. More please.
Old 23-06-2009, 10:28 AM
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

Originally Posted by Girl_18 View Post
Haha. tyty. will write more when im free =)

waiting for more babe~~
any pics of the 2 of u..?? haha~~
Old 23-06-2009, 11:10 AM
gyrfalcon gyrfalcon is offline
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Re: My most memorable sex with my crush

Please post your update soon. Thanks.
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