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Old 31-12-2004, 03:53 PM
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My 2 day 1 night in balai

hi bro i went to balai over the 24th and 25th.due to some friend cock up only took like the 425 ferry i a driver from the ferry terminal at balai.wearing uniform ery.check into padiamas hotel.kinda high class and $36.went to villas to look for gals but due to the timing and occasion christmas eve only the mid range were was ard 230000 rupiah guess coz of driver.gals not that happening.even my 2 frds said that coz the gals dun drink so tak shoik.went for massage day after for 40000 rupiah.had makan came back.tipped driver around 20 sing.thats about damage around 200 sing.any tips to reduce buget.
Old 31-12-2004, 04:53 PM
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Re: Ktv 7

Originally Posted by Mr.Ng
Brudders, if a gal is bad and sent back, I normally pay shorttime fee and the balance is for the new booking. All of the okt's were accepting that before (although it happens very seldom that I have to send back).
But not this f*~@ Ahui! = avoid!
Long time no go down liaoz.. heheheh but the situation shouldn't have changed too much...

Firstly, when booking cewek ( no matter where are you, BT, BL also same ), must have eye contact and best is if can speak Bahasa Indonesia, check if they wanna follow not.. if they don't want the situation will be as what you said loh....

Secondly, tell the OKT beforehand dia kerja baik tak... if no service how ? Always say first mah, then they will tell you, then you just say if no service you wanna change, FOC if the cewek at fault. Say earlier so later if you really go find him, got reasons to argue.. if they refuse, then easy, come here blacklist the place like you did loh... Then inform your friends no need to go in cuz cewek attitude sure won't be good one if OKT like that..

Hope these help...
Old 31-12-2004, 05:00 PM
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Re: My 2 day 1 night in balai

Originally Posted by NO1PUNJABI
got a driver from the ferry terminal at balai.wearing uniform ery.check into padiamas hotel.kinda high class and $36.went to villas to look for gals but due to the timing and occasion christmas eve only the mid range were was ard 230000 rupiah guess coz of driver.gals not that happening.even my 2 frds said that coz the gals dun drink so tak shoik.went for massage day after for 40000 rupiah.had makan came back.tipped driver around 20 sing.thats about damage around 200 sing.any tips to reduce buget.
Padimas, the one nearest the "so called" shopping centre ?

Actually if you wanna reduce budget, look at your account and see where the $$ go loh..


cewek : 250kRp - 300kRp (Inclusive tips)
driver : Est. 100kRp (Max, jetty to hotel to villa to hotel to disco to hotel)
ferry : SGD30++ ( Forget liaoz, long time no good )

Makan + Drinks + Misc ( + Disco if have ) are the rest...

Let's say makan around 150kRp, Drinks + Misc around 100kRp, 650kRp max excluding ferry...

Convert to SGD now is around, $116 + $40(ferry) so it will be $156 + $36(hotel) so it will be around $192. But these are almost maximum expenditure liaoz.. heheh
Old 01-01-2005, 08:37 AM
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Re: Balai?

anyone going balai again can bring me along .... had a very bad trip to pinang alone = = ( scared to death )
Old 01-01-2005, 08:44 AM
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Re: Balai?

how come my post didnt come out ??
Old 01-01-2005, 03:54 PM
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Re: Balai?

Originally Posted by neb_neb
anyone going balai again can bring me along .... had a very bad trip to pinang alone = = ( scared to death )
Still dare go? ^^
Retired chiongster Genuinely selling this account for SGD600. Do leave pm.
Old 01-01-2005, 04:40 PM
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Talking Re: Balai?

Originally Posted by neb_neb
how come my post didnt come out ??
I m interested but when?
Old 01-01-2005, 05:01 PM
ahpoh ahpoh is offline
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Lightbulb Re: Balai?

We are cheonging Balai/Batu this coming 15th, kekeke. Interested can PM me. Keng people are not welcome
Old 01-01-2005, 05:02 PM
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Re: Balai?

Originally Posted by neb_neb
how come my post didnt come out ??
So fast come out where got shoik? hahaha
Old 01-01-2005, 05:05 PM
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Re: My 2 day 1 night in balai

Originally Posted by Montbank
Padimas, the one nearest the "so called" shopping centre ?

Actually if you wanna reduce budget, look at your account and see where the $$ go loh..


cewek : 250kRp - 300kRp (Inclusive tips)
driver : Est. 100kRp (Max, jetty to hotel to villa to hotel to disco to hotel)
ferry : SGD30++ ( Forget liaoz, long time no good )

Makan + Drinks + Misc ( + Disco if have ) are the rest...

Let's say makan around 150kRp, Drinks + Misc around 100kRp, 650kRp max excluding ferry...

Convert to SGD now is around, $116 + $40(ferry) so it will be $156 + $36(hotel) so it will be around $192. But these are almost maximum expenditure liaoz.. heheh
Ferry 38SGD
Old 01-01-2005, 07:25 PM
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Re: Balai?

Originally Posted by neb_neb
anyone going balai again can bring me along .... had a very bad trip to pinang alone = = ( scared to death )
Let me share my experience with brudders here. Many years back me and my friend (just the two of us) intend to venture into TP (our first expedition to indonesian island). Upon reaching the jetty and after clearance of passports, we headed out to the gate. We were surprised there were so many touts and supir (drivers) at the gate. Though we ignored them, a group of 5 holligans (claimed to be drivers) confronted us to accept their services. We still ignored them and walk all the way to the market and the same group actually followed us persistently. They were pulling our bags though we told them we are not interested in their services cos we intended to explore "free and easy" i.e on our own. On hearing this, they became agitated and even threatened us and even told us they will stop harrassing us only if we took one of them as our driver. At this juncture our balls choice loh...accept one of them as our driver cos we were afraid we may be robbed or worst still our life may be at stake! Later, we realised from booking of ceweks, hotel, eating at restaurants and going discos and all the tips ( all coordinated by the supir) we realised we were badly short-changed by him. Its really a bad and expensive experience but of course nowadays we are better informed and prepared for such 'crisis'.

Brudder, care to share your bad experience?
Old 01-01-2005, 07:39 PM
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Re: Balai?

A word of caution! Brudders here better not cheong overseas now. Just reported an undersea earthquake occurred off Sumatra at 0625 GMT today, measured at 6.5 on the Richter Scale! You wouldnt want to cross tsunami path do you? STAY AWAY FROM THE WATER!
Old 02-01-2005, 01:42 AM
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Re: Balai?

Originally Posted by ahpoh
We are cheonging Balai/Batu this coming 15th, kekeke. Interested can PM me. Keng people are not welcome
bro .... count me in .... balai might be a new paradise for me too scared to go to indonesia alone ... the local there are scary beside i cant speak malayu
Old 02-01-2005, 01:50 AM
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Re: Balai?

Originally Posted by unicornboy
A word of caution! Brudders here better not cheong overseas now. Just reported an undersea earthquake occurred off Sumatra at 0625 GMT today, measured at 6.5 on the Richter Scale! You wouldnt want to cross tsunami path do you? STAY AWAY FROM THE WATER!
thanks for your advice let's hope on the 15th things will be fine .... then i'll be able to set foot on Balai :P really very interested ... heard alot of stories abt that place ... any bro can tell me is there any difference between balai and pinang ??
Old 02-01-2005, 08:37 AM
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Re: Balai?

Originally Posted by unicornboy
Though we ignored them, a group of 5 holligans (claimed to be drivers) confronted us to accept their services. We still ignored them and walk all the way to the market and the same group actually followed us persistently. They were pulling our bags though we told them we are not interested in their services cos we intended to explore "free and easy" i.e on our own. On hearing this, they became agitated and even threatened us and even told us they will stop harrassing us only if we took one of them as our driver. At this juncture our balls choice loh...accept one of them as our driver cos we were afraid we may be robbed or worst still our life may be at stake! Later, we realised from booking of ceweks, hotel, eating at restaurants and going discos and all the tips ( all coordinated by the supir) we realised we were badly short-changed by him.
Heard a lot of these stories happening in TP loh... looked like a place only suitable for those who know the place there. I went there alone once, but once I said I waiting for friends to fetch me, the touts left me alone. Think they afraid of who my friends might be and I speak little bit of Bahasa Indonesia.. heheh
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