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Old 01-08-2005, 04:17 AM
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

ha ha ha... lucky don't have,... if not would be writing this from singapore's largest "hotel" liao... with sore ass....:P

Originally Posted by schwing
any interesting experience with the gals?
Old 01-08-2005, 02:18 PM
tltl tltl is offline
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

sorry to keep u guys waiting.. went oversease over the weekend.. haha.. anyway, its true that there are always male teachers in girls' school.. they keep it low too.. but always will have one.. and once again.. i did not teach English...!!!!! so i don't need to speak like an aristocrat!!!!! Lolx

Anyway .. here is a continuation..

well, after all the frenching, i hinted for her to continue her bbbj by slowly guiding her head towards my dick.. but she is one smart girl.. she knows what i want, and directly told me, "but Mr Lim, i don't want."

i was bewildered.. why not? i mean, u started the whole thing, so why not?

"You will make a mess of my mouth...." Jesus, she looked so pure when she said those words, taht my heart just ached like some invisible hand squeezing it tightly...

"Come on, what do u think i m? i won't come inside your mouth la.. pls..." Shit, actually, that was exactly what i wanted - to come in her mouth, then pinch her mouth and force her to gulp it down... shit, gana discover.... haha

after some persuasion, i started to feel quite turn off already... she even told me, "Mr Lim, you are behaving in a childish manner."

I am pissed. thats's it. Cock teaser.. KO!! I drove her home immediately (that's my attitude! if you wanna teaase me, u better drink my products.. ) On the way home, Angel still kept talking to me sweetly, behaving like someone newly in love and so angelic and fresh.. deep in my heart i was disappointed and hurt.. shit.. tonight must pcc myself... (btw, i had a principal back then. to never pcc myself.. for i always had some luck back then to always have some gals to satisfy my desire.. which reminds me of the encounter i had with a JCM model.. then fucking happening.. nvm, next time)

at her door gate, we frenched a lil while more.. then she exclaimed," Shit, my grandpa is walking towards us.. mr lim, you better leave!!"

i even more anxious to leave than her.. wah piang, if caught by her grandpa and reported to school, damn pai seh... hahaha

Next day, in school she didn't turn up. I purposely chatted with the other gals in her class and tried to find out about her. What i found out and how we developed to the next stage, i will share with you guys the next time. anyway, she is a tough nut to crack and hell of a cock teaser... but i never let myself be defeated by a cock teaser.. hahaha... right now, i wanna share about this other gal who was obviously having a crush on me....

Hey, i m not trying to be ego. but as long as u r not bad looking, and u go teach in a gals school (i was only 25 at that time). half of teh gals will have a crush on u.. the other half will hate u coz they r lesbians.. its true...

Anyway, this gal (let's call her Fanny).. she always looked at me with big and bright shiny eyes. she had shoulder length hair... quite pretty.. if not for Angel, i confirm wan to eat this girl....

Anyway.. i will cut the whole story short about Fanny... . wil go stratight to the actions... that time.. Friendster just started.. all the girls were crazy over friendster.. one day, i received an invitation to join as well.. i did not know what it was.. but after going through the steps, i noticed Fanny was the one who invited me.. of coz i felt happy la.. she is also 1 hell of a chio babe..

that was at a time when i left the school already... about a few weeks later, Fanny sent me a mesasge, saying she missed me very much, and asked how i was, and whether i was willing to go out with her...

I replied i am too old for her and that i was her teacher... in the next few replies.. she kept assuring me that age should not be an obstacle for friendship..

"is it becuase you only have eyes for Angel that you don't even wanna be nothered with plain girls like me? That bitch Angel, she is always flirting with new young male teachers.. cannot be trusted."

i of course gave a neutral reply.. image is important... i just told her, "Fanny, you are just a young girl, i mean, u have not even grown up yet, i really see u as a little mei mei la..."

what she did after that really shocked me!!!! my friends!!! THAT REALLY SHOCKED ME!!!! Jesus!!! its something i used to read about in Hustler or penthouse or Legally Blonde!! but in real life???? Oh my jehovah!!!

to be continued.. work time...

pls up my points leh.. still true till now and whats coming up.. got proof one.. next time then see how to share the proofs... lol
Old 01-08-2005, 02:25 PM
hunter89 hunter89 is offline
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

Wow liao... always hang us half way...

But it is a very good story...keep "cuming"...I mean keep coming....
Old 01-08-2005, 02:51 PM
Faint Faint is offline
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

Originally Posted by hunter89
Wow liao... always hang us half way...
You watch drama also same mah, very interesting part means ending part mah....
Old 01-08-2005, 05:40 PM
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

Commercial break.. time to replenish my chips n coke..
Old 01-08-2005, 06:29 PM
toyo toyo is offline
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

Nice story Mr Lim.. remind me so much during my school days (when i am one of the school yan dao gor) hehe pls carry on ~~ thks
Old 02-08-2005, 02:01 AM
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

Nice encounter bro,

Waiting for the next part
Old 02-08-2005, 03:25 AM
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

Very Nice one bro, love your composition.

Looking forward for your continuation!!
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Old 02-08-2005, 03:29 AM
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

Originally Posted by tltl
as long as u r not bad looking, and u go teach in a gals school (i was only 25 at that time). half of teh gals will have a crush on u..
omg.. sent my application to NIE liao..
4/7/12: Cleared my inbox. Can send me message again.

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Old 02-08-2005, 08:12 AM
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl
omg.. sent my application to NIE liao..
I thought u are in this line all along ??
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Old 02-08-2005, 12:00 PM
thaiholebanger thaiholebanger is offline
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

Mr.Lim .... continue your story leh...
All the bros here waiting.....
Old 02-08-2005, 12:03 PM
pterchew pterchew is offline
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

Originally Posted by fun4evergood
I thought u are in this line all along ??

i think he is but in wrong division.
PAP nersery school, K1 and K2 teacher...haha kidding lah
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Old 02-08-2005, 12:19 PM
tltl tltl is offline
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

okie guys, i m back.. thanks for the compliments and support.. i feel abit guilty writing my experience.. but ten, a i m typing, i really feel the gush of blood and adrenalin, pumping my heart, making me excited all over again...anyway, here it goes.......


when i opened my email one day, Fanny sent me a mail with attachment.. she wrote: "Mr Lim, i sent you a gift. i hope you will like it. i hope this present will also prove i am no longer a lil girl. I've grown up"

i opened the attachment. Holy christ! she actually sent me a nude picture of herself!!! I mean, she sent me a whole series of her pictuers, from dressed to undress!!!! and the best part is!!!! She was wearing leopard thongs in one of the pictures!!!! I mean!!! she lokos just like those japanese AV girls u see online or on porn. She looks exactly the same! only difference is, those AV gals are paid to take those pictures. You don't even know who they are! But this girl in front of me--- she is my student!!! and all the poses are so seductive!1 yet the face is so pure and innocent!! and i could pcc to these pictures for the next 20 years!!!!! Holy god!!!! Am i a blessed man!!!!???

as i ferosciously swallowed my saliva and admiring her contours, i started to contemplate how to response.

"I am surprised to receive your mail. I think your attachments are really artistic. and well done. And, you are right, i guess you are no longer a young girl."

After sending the mail, a few hours later, Fanny called me on my mobile and asked me out for some drinks. I was reluctant as i dont wanna be seen by others with my student. She pleaded, "Mr Lim, please, i m belwo 18, no one will sell drinks to me.. pls help me ok?"

No normal man can say no to such sweet helpless pleas, plus the fact that i just received such wonderful gifts from her....

We met at RAV, one pub along Boat Quay (Circular Road).... What happened that night will stay deeply imprinted in my mind forever....

To be continued ---------------------------------------------------------

Oh, by the way, i still pcc to Fanny's nude pictures now and then.. the kick of whatever happened is so strong... sometimes i do miss her when i m intimate with other girls...

and please leh, up my points if you wan me to continue la.... ok? thank you for your support!
Old 02-08-2005, 12:20 PM
tltl tltl is offline
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Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

btw, pls advice what i can do with rep power? hee hee.. thanks
Old 02-08-2005, 03:50 PM
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Talking Re: My school encounter with students (70% real)

rep power means u have de power to up other ppl pts nor... else where we got our rep pts from? :
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