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Old 11-12-2005, 11:31 AM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

Bro FL_Noob,
Looking at you took the test at the 10th week, the probability of you testing negative in about 2 weeks time is quite high. Go ahead and have the test. I would say you would very likely collect a negative result.
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Old 15-12-2005, 12:05 AM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

Counting down 6 days to the 3rd month. Does it matter to take it just a few days earlier?
Old 15-12-2005, 08:48 PM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

I think i will look at it as a double comfirmation of killing the 5% chance of the 95% negative for the first month then will not feel so stress.
Old 20-12-2005, 09:26 AM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

Yesterday i took my test with GP, the doctor say people check around 4-6 months, I hear liao very sian, bros here all say 1-3 months enough liao, since encounter is protected. I guess the GP is outdated.
Old 21-12-2005, 09:51 PM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

Originally Posted by FL_Noob
Yesterday i took my test with GP, the doctor say people check around 4-6 months, I hear liao very sian, bros here all say 1-3 months enough liao, since encounter is protected. I guess the GP is outdated.
3 months is the maximum window period for 3rd generation and above ELISA tests. This is largely due to the increase of the sensitivity of the test to pick up small amounts of HIV Antibodies.

WHO and most health organizations around the world have been following the 3 month mark for quite sometime. Only in cases with high risks, would an additional test atthe six month mark be warranted. So there's nothing to worry about, especially since you had a low risk encounter.

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Old 21-12-2005, 10:37 PM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

What done is done. So try not to worry bout it bro FL Noob.
Everyone first time do this kind also worry one.
I think soon u'll get over it and wanna bonk again (accept do it more cautiously)

anyway i just have some other noob question also :P

1) normally if the girl have STD or other virus (not +++ing about aids here)
if they ignore it, will it go away on it's own after some time ? If yes, how long is needed before it cure on it's own.

2) we've +++ about the chances of getting aids by licking cunts. and we know
that that's higher chances of getting non-aids virus by doing it(am i right?).
But ... what is the percentage of getting virus like STD (again, not +++ing
aides here) BY LICKING CUNT or kissing. is it like 20% ? 10 ? or what ..

thanks !
Old 21-12-2005, 11:14 PM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

my results are out, negative yay!! Time to quit. Happy bonking bros thx for the advices.
Old 22-12-2005, 01:53 PM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

Originally Posted by FL_Noob
my results are out, negative yay!! Time to quit. Happy bonking bros thx for the advices.

Should be.. ".. thanks for all the ADVICE".

"Advice" is a non countable noun so you don't add an "s".
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Old 22-12-2005, 02:48 PM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

How common for some of us to react in such manner after the bonking. It would be crazy if you starts worrying after each bonking session. Look here, get the facts about what is protected sex all about. It's plain simple sense. Follow the below rules:

a.Wear a CONDOM for blow job and fuck job
b.don't lick does not taste good...lick you own palm and you know what i mean...
c.don't insert finger into cunt and taste pussy juice in your mouth...believe me, its not finger licking good
d. don't try anal sex...believe me its tough to insert and the condom breaks easily..the gal also don't enjoy it except maybe a urge to shit...and anal sex has the highest risk for STDs transmission, especially the deadly HIV.
e. Condom DON'T offer protection for genital areas not covered by it...what you can do is apply a antiseptic cream at your exposed genital area before sex...after sex, wash up thoroughly with soap and reapply antiseptic cream...but no gurantee...the cream will prevent possible bacterial infection and some STDs are viral infection, not bacterial.
f. Use a branded condom and one that fits Asian size...Durex. Okamoto are battle tested and reliable.
f. Best practice? Abstain from sex and PCC but how many can do it? So stick to the above!
g. Lastly, for any reason, if you have whitish, yellowish discharge, unusual growth on genital, penis, rashes, pain on urination, sudden fever that will not go away despite taking panadol...please, please see a doctor at DSC...don't waste time reading sammyboy or other website for clues on signs and symptoms...more you read, more crazy you will go...

I am saying this from experience because I used to be on the brink of mental collapse but I have seen light at the end of the sepnt a minute to read my post...yes, I still bonk but with caution...very much caution...not sure about gal's background? don't bonk...drunk and want to realsie your sex fantasy...don't! you will surely regret!surprisingly WLs whether GL or HC have minimal infection rate to clients as they are professional as well as knowledgable about safe sex...
Old 22-12-2005, 06:00 PM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

Originally Posted by FL_Noob
my results are out, negative yay!! Time to quit. Happy bonking bros thx for the advices.
haha u so scare finally can relax
Old 22-12-2005, 09:50 PM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

Congrats Bro! You've finally cleared the 18th gate of hell!
Nothing beats the feeling of being declared NEGATIVE!

Stay Safe; Stay Well!
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Old 22-12-2005, 10:57 PM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

good to hear that FL Noob
Old 23-12-2005, 01:37 AM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

DT3305 u gave very sensible advice. A brother in need is a brother indeed.
Old 24-12-2005, 02:47 PM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

yeah actually come to think of it now
the most economical way is to just wank off in front of my PC
after u pop, the urge is gone.
Old 25-12-2005, 12:14 AM
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Re: Guilt is eating me up

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