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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
Is sad to hear this.
I understand some of the bros think that these KTV PRC come here to work and do FL, they are not worth our sympathy, but I think a crime is a crime, no matter who is the target. Bro CP, you did the right thing to help her go through this. Hope she is ok now, and really hope that the police will get this basterd although the chances is not very high. |
Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
i dunno whats the pt of posting this other than letting the kaypohs in us know.
1. the girl report 2 police. the police will find the guy. dun need people here 2 trace the no. 2. the girl will warn her jie mei about this no n guy. 3. all it will result is guys going 2 bs n ask xiao mei n the girls who is this girl n guy. 4. there is no evidence this guy surf this forum. of course we can warn the girls in other ktv but sometimes their own info system is stronger than us.
dont pm about xchanging pts! Not keen now on exchanging pts. just want 2 post my views. |
Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
I agree that criminals deserve to be punished. However, KTV whores are the last people on earth I would trust to tell the truth.
They spend their whole lives bullshitting everyone who ever has the misfortune of meeting them. I guarantee you that this cock and bull story doesn't have an ounce of truth in it. Quote:
Tips for ALL samsters.
Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
Their own "info system" is spreading the word regarding what dumb fucks most Singaporeans are and how easily they can be fooled into wasting their time and parting with their money! ![]()
Tips for ALL samsters.
Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
Maybe I have a discrimination against Prostitutes but I seriously FEEL that Prostitutes are the number 1 LIARs in the world.
They can lie so well and cry so well that even the most hardened man can fall for it. I am speaking from experience.. personal experience. Quote:
I like Pulchritudinous and attenuated Ladies.... |
Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
How is she now? recovered from the episode already?
It takes a full circle to realise that the most precious was always the one next to you... Back to where the heart should always have been .... |
Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
Well, in order to lie , there needs to be a party willing ( or unwilling) to be lied to rite? we all fall for something bad or unpleasant in our lives, and this is not a I win You Lose game la... its just life.. just need to pick ourselves up and learn lor... this is the tuition fee we all need to pay to play the game ma... Next time maybe its you who lie to the gal leh... then how she feel when u dump her??? its a vicious circle... 'nuf said... Cheers..
It takes a full circle to realise that the most precious was always the one next to you... Back to where the heart should always have been .... |
Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
my latest FR 小柔 from bro arowana-sg 小兰 飘洋过海,不为谈情说爱 夜夜笙歌,只为黄金万两 坦诚相见,美景一览无遗 深入了解,才知别有洞天 共赴巫山,不枉相视一场 美梦醒来,惊觉床头金尽 |
Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
Tips for ALL samsters.
Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
The purpose of the thread was to let others knows that such a vicious person is exsist. I do agree with you that they do court danger on a daily basic. Its an occuaptional hazard. But whether a crime is commited on or me or any other person, a crime is still a crime. Justice is blind to race, language or religion. On the contradary, Police investigation has already started. Unlike some of us, you did not see the state she was in after the offence had been committed. Like you, we had our doubts but upon seeing her, she was really a victim in this case, if she is making this up, she would never dare to lodged a Police Report as making a false report carries repercussions to her. Orgasmic, Regardless of the amount, a robbery is still a robbery. A theft is still a theft. The only difference is probably the fine or the jail time and that again depends on the person's past criminal records. Pls do not judge an entire community base on some bad experiences with some of them. Not all of them are like what you descriped. Of course, their primary objective is to earn $ but they are as human as you & the rest of us. Sadfa, 1. Nobody is asking anyone to trace the number 2. The name of the victim was never disclosed only those who knows her personally like SJG, SB, PowerX, Axcel69, Adguy, etc knows her real identity. Lurpsexx, You have seen her last night, she is recovering ok! I will send you her regards. |
Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
Hope to catch up with u guys when i am back again.... ![]()
It takes a full circle to realise that the most precious was always the one next to you... Back to where the heart should always have been .... |
Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
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Well of all the stories heard and tales told this is definately a new one. How much truth as in it i do not know and comparing between chinese whores and vietnamese i think most viet will have more truth. For those Chinese whores, they are taught and trained to be good deceiver. For this story, i will only believe 50/50. Guys stealing girls money happen often.. go GL and sometimes you can see and hear such stuffs... Not paying for the bonks is also something that happens... if she mentioned that she is drugged, i think when she reported to the police there must have some health screening on the drugs... also if she is drugged...she still knows what is going on and call for help... i think she should call her sister rather than bros here... my conclusion is some idiot asked her out saying want to taobao her for the night and she agreed... and if tabao most prob she knows that there will be a f session... so her ignorance of her not knowing the CD is suspicious... the whole thing might just be that the guy f her without paying and then took her money..so this gal want to make a bigger fuss over this to get sympathy from us... many of us will fork up some cash for her out of pity..and well..she might get even more than what she earning...
my 2 cents worth of thoughts...
Strider's Clips to Sensation Geylang Wonders of bonks.. |
Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
She was unconscious from around 1600hrs, she only make that call to me at around 1850hrs when she regain her conscious. Even after that, she was drifting in and out of couscious. She also has the classical signs and sysptom of someone that had been drug or had taken drugs. Her speech was slurred, eyes diluted, could not pay much attention, etc. From my own experience with drugs be it Ice, Heroin, etc. She was definitely drugged or had consumed drug. |
Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!
me england no good. whore is it use to discribe woman that collect money n have sex with ppl willingly? and rape is to hv sex with woman without her willingly agreed? so a whore is onli a whore when she collected money right? when she is rape she is just someone's unwilling sex partner mah. is an unwilling sex partner in this case a whore? n a whore is a living thing right? a corpse is just a pcs of dead meat mah...... got same de meh....
my latest FR 小柔 from bro arowana-sg 小兰 飘洋过海,不为谈情说爱 夜夜笙歌,只为黄金万两 坦诚相见,美景一览无遗 深入了解,才知别有洞天 共赴巫山,不枉相视一场 美梦醒来,惊觉床头金尽 |
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