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Old 05-05-2006, 11:51 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Deleted ..... Sorry double posting.
Old 05-05-2006, 11:57 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by mahalosux
Hi Bro PTR,

Totally agreed with this statement..i dun noe about others..but whenever i m wif a PRC gal..i can feel her objective behind all the 'kindness' she is giving me...but is the 'soft-herted ness' within oneself giving way to them...


Dear Bro MHS,

Have not heard from you for a while even after remaining in home land for almost a month already. How have you been?

As I have said "Unless you have the look of Tom Cruise, they are here to earn as much as they could, but not to seek romance in a foreign land. Many PRC people have already laughed at us for being stupid, and easily conned. But I feel that the real reason is really we are too kind hearted, and that we are not united enough. What do you expect the foreigners to respect us when we even laugh at each other?

Many brothers here like to throw comments at their own country men, lamenting them of being stupid, and making fun out of their postings (even though they were willing to share their own experience) which were meant to warn others. They have forgotten that in future, when they happen to fall into the same situation, they will defend themselves by coming up with a lot of reason, without mentioning that they had once laughed at others for their mistakes.

"If you do not have your own kid yet, please do not complain that others' kids are naughty."

I choose to remain humble and will keep quiet from now on.

My 2 cent worth.

Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 06-05-2006, 01:10 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
What do you expect the foreigners to respect us when we even laugh at each other?

Many brothers here like to throw comments at their own country men, lamenting them of being stupid, and making fun out of their postings (even though they were willing to share their own experience) which were meant to warn others. They have forgotten that in future, when they happen to fall into the same situation, they will defend themselves by coming up with a lot of reason, without mentioning that they had once laughed at others for their mistakes.
Bro PTR,

I agreed with the comment you've made above.
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Old 06-05-2006, 01:19 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Bro PTR,

I also agreed with what you wrote.
Old 06-05-2006, 02:31 AM
newasianhand newasianhand is offline
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Re: China student as mistress

Hi to PTR and all the other bros;

I would like to add my two cents on that.

I am in my midtwenties, My girlfriend is a Shanghainese (but with American passport), and we met when we were in university. Both of us are working professionals currently working in the US, and I have had the fortune of meeting a wide range of Chinese from my travels in cities like LA, Vancouver (all the rich ones), Queens (the illegal ones), Columbia University, (the smart ones), and even in mainland china (when on business).

I have friends whose parents are in the central goverment in BJ, and who fly back to China every month, who rub shoulders with top officials/whos who, etc.

I'm fortunate because a lot of the top leaders/businessmen are in their early fifties, and therefore their children are all my age; it is their habit to send their children out of the country too; so i have had the luck of meeting a whole range of people that i might not have had the chance to do in Singapore (eg: very different from the NTU scholars out there!)

Therefore my experiences are bound to be a little bit different from those who are working in PRC/Singapore, but perhaps worth sharing to everyone.

All of these are Chinese that were born in China, but had the luck of either having rich parents who sent them abroad or were smart enough to get a scholarship out.

With 1.3 billion people, there are obviously going to be afew bad apples. Especially with China being poor just a few decades ago, the mentality of the Chinese are definitely different.
Even amongst my circle of friends (consisting of a fair bit of multi-millionaires in China), the girls have a very different mindset from other cultures. For one, most of their Dad's have mistresses/second families (rich lah, what to do), therefore, they themselves do not expect their husbands to be faithful. Compare it with the more Christian/Westernized mentality in Singapore and the West that says 'thou should be faithful..'; doesn't exist in China.

Hence, I have met best friends of my girlfriend who have no qualms trying to seduce me (with no strings attached!) everytime she is not around, or who are mistresses of other Chinese men who are here, even though they are well aware that the guy has a girlfriend back home. (one of my friend even pays for her 'boyfriend'; latest gift was a vertu phone!)

Mind you, they are not after money because they are rich themselves. Just after fun.

Therefore, my point is that in China, (though I love the Chinese people), bear in mind that the rule is: there are no rules!! So beware.
And also, not everyone is a golddigger.. I think there are something like 400 000 USD dollar millionaires in the mainland now. As Napolen said, 'when China awakes, it will shake the world', and I think we are seeing that in all the areas of society besides just economic.

My two cents from a Singaporean abroad.

Old 06-05-2006, 08:01 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by newasianhand

With 1.3 billion people, there are obviously going to be afew bad apples. Especially with China being poor just a few decades ago, the mentality of the Chinese are definitely different.

Christian/Westernized mentality in Singapore and the West that says 'thou should be faithful..'; doesn't exist in China.

Mind you, they are not after money because they are rich themselves. Just after fun.

Therefore, my point is that in China, (though I love the Chinese people), bear in mind that the rule is: there are no rules!! So beware.
And also, not everyone is a golddigger..
Dear Bro,

You have made some very fair comments indeed. However, I think we are talking about an entire different statistical population. The population at hand in the many discussions in this forum is the Chinese girls who are here or in China working in the entertainment circle. What you have met are those who are from the "upper" society. I can understand your point as many years ago when I was working in Beijing, I had a girl friend, whoise Grand Father in amongst the top 15 most high ranking official in one of the ministries. She was not going after money, and I was driven around by his Grand Father's driver and accompanied by her. She did demonstrate her behaviour of a girl from a noble family. There were other encounters with girls from the very rich family, or themselves being rich. I was even with a lady who owned a big restaurant (Sorry, cannot mention the name of the restaurant), and I believed that she was married at that time. There are a whole spectrum of girls amongst half of the 1.3 Billions Chinese.

Enough of showing off myself! Sorry! We are dealing here with an entirely different statistical population - the working ladies. They are here or in China itself, to make as much money as they can while they are still young, and Romance is definitely not their priority.They possess execellent survival skills, many of which makes the men suffer. Over the more than 10 years in China, I dare claim that I have seen enough to make the above humble comments. Not a sweeping statement across the whole Chinese population in PRC, but those who are in the entertainment circle.

You are very young and have many golden years to go. Do exercise caution as the many scenerio described in this forum, do appear int he "up" circle in which you are very fortunate to be in at the moment. Horn your survival skill, my young compatriot, so that you too can sail in this ever rough going ocean.

My 2 cent worth with best regards

An old Singaporean
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 06-05-2006, 09:51 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by pusslover66
Just happened last year, there was a case of a uni prof being sued for giving false info. I remember there was this china gal juggles with 3 lovers.
Old 06-05-2006, 10:11 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by tanterry
Just happened last year, there was a case of a uni prof being sued for giving false info. I remember there was this china gal juggles with 3 lovers.
Yes Bro,

I know the case and that Professor is my personal acquaintance. I am so sorry for him for not being prudent enough in that situation. I did not laugh at him, like some brothers would do, but I choose to learn from the lesson.

Enough said.

Thank you for reminding brothers in this forum.


Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 06-05-2006, 11:34 AM
newasianhand newasianhand is offline
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Re: China student as mistress

Hi Bro PTR;

Yes, I definitely agree with you.
I have been following this forum (especially the Shanghai thread) for a while now; and you always make wise remarks. You must be a China oldhand!

Would really love to meet up with you one day if the chance arises.

Have fun and thanks for the advice!
Old 06-05-2006, 01:07 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by newasianhand
Hi Bro PTR;

Yes, I definitely agree with you.
I have been following this forum (especially the Shanghai thread) for a while now; and you always make wise remarks. You must be a China oldhand!

Would really love to meet up with you one day if the chance arises.

Have fun and thanks for the advice!
Dear Bro newasiahand,

Thank you for the complements that I am not sure I merit them. I am not an old hand, as there are much more Singaporeans who are even more experienced from whom I long to learn. I just merely giving out my humble 2 cent worth for brothers to share.

It would be my pleasure, indeed, to meet you in person over a cup of good Chinese Tea (I quit alcohol completely about 10 years ago) one day.

With warmest regards.

Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
Old 06-05-2006, 01:32 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by PuTonRen
We are dealing here with an entirely different statistical population - the working ladies. They are here or in China itself, to make as much money as they can while they are still young, and Romance is definitely not their priority.They possess execellent survival skills, many of which makes the men suffer.
Totally agree. If a woman is out to sell herself, there's no point talking about romance. It's clear that money is their primary motive. It's also true that quite a number of PRC women (the 'statistical population' as described by Bro PuTonRen) we are dealing with belongs to this category. Hence, most of the time they give PRCs a bad name.

There was one day that I had a casual chat with a middle-aged auntie. She commented that all PRC women are all-out money cheaters, relationship destroyers or prostitutes. Personally, I felt that she has stereo-typed PRC women, this is not unlike some of us categorised Thai women are prostitutes and Banglas are road sweepers etc.

In fact, I have known some very intelligent PRC women, they are professional engineers and fellow researchers. I would say they are equally good, if not better than us, in terms of technical knowledge. Conversely, I have known some northern-east PRC women with little education and knowledge, working as WLs. It's different strokes, different life. Everyone has her own story. It their upbringing or choice of path that led to what they are today. Likewise, it is any man's choice or ability to get a PRC woman as a mistress.
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Old 06-05-2006, 02:10 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Any Singapore men who wan to get into a serious relationship with your PRC girlfriend who is currently working in ktv or as hookers pls give up the idea b4 they suck u dry of your savings and might even cost u your life. If u think love can convert them then u are veri wrong, they r here only for money.
I hav known of many such horror stories, as a follow up I shall highlight another case.
1 Singapore man wan to marry a PRC ktv working here thinking tat she is still single, behind his back she has got a toyboy and a child from her previous marriage back in China. Tis man even try to commit suicide when the girl wan to go back china. The man end up in hospital and the girl did not even bother to visit him saying that she dont even hav feeling for him.
Last year when I was in china, I had dinner with tis girl and her toyboy. Even visited their new house. All made possible due to contributions from various silly Singapore men.
Of course not all PRC women are bad but pls stay away from those working in ktv or hookers, dont wan to see another Singapore man getting hurt.
Old 06-05-2006, 05:01 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

I really dont understand what's the fuss to discuss an issue that has been debating for months, if not years, in our first class world. A person doesnt need to be Einstein to figure out if the china woman is a gold digger, and it aint rocket science to study their sincerity and faithfulness. Didnt we all know they are here for nothing else but money? If so, what's left to debate?

If you are loaded, why bother to smell the same piece of pussy while plenty of fresh abalone queueing up for your prick, eg money? Let me get a quote from my CO,"if money can solve a problem, it aint a problem at all." well said, dear

Old 06-05-2006, 07:43 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Let me highlight another case,
Two Singapore men both fighting for the affection of a PRC ktv gal. Each trying to out do one another by buying her expensive gifts and offering more monthly allowances. So she now beside the average $8000 per month she get from working at ktv, total from the 2 Singapore men she get a monthly allowance of $15000. To sum up she pocket about $23000 monthly plus expensive brand gifts. Of course she got a toyboy back in china.
Pls stay away from these gals if u dont want to end up looking like an idiot.
Old 06-05-2006, 07:47 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by betta
So she now beside the average $8000 per month she get from working at ktv, total from the 2 Singapore men she get a monthly allowance of $15000. To sum up she pocket about $23000 monthly plus expensive brand gifts. Of course she got a toyboy back in china.
wow... S$23000/month? holy cow...!!! that's astronomous numbers compare to mine With this kinda money back in China, she can buy land, build houses and may be feed few 'boytoys'

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