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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 26-06-2022, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Pblock006 View Post
Hey New/Uneducated Bros,

I know this has been spoken about before. But stop spoiling the market. I've been trying out some new girls as always and all I can say is damn! I get it sometimes we think with the wrong head. But there has to be a point where its too much.

Where do I start off with pricing... on a personal note, the 88 P Massage is worthless. If a girl is trying to upsell you to that, I've noticed that she will also nego hard on the GQ. Or tell you no GQ unless you upgrade to 88 P Massage. Again as a personal note, the 88 gimmik is worthless. To some they may be great, but it's a tease for me, at best. Some additional oil in your booty crack and a few swipes around your family jewels. That's pretty much it. If you see a joint trying to sell you that. Walk away. You may not get the GQ if you refuse the 88 massage.

Going for a regular massage (either 1 hr or 30 min) will be fine without the 88 P Massage. After your entrence price for length of time, if the girl pops the GQ, there should be simple things to think about. Take into factor many things should go into reasoning here with the right head. Was she good with massage? If so then she may also work hard at add ons. Did she give you a piano massage? Her skills may not be up to par with good quality add ons. Another thing to consider is her age. Younger girls try to ask for premium... but I rarely budge there.

So your getting your massage, turn around and a GQ is asked. Let's say you settle on HJ. The most I'll pay is a blue note, with that should come top roaming along with being able to play/suck with the boobs. If not, then I don't bite. Sometimes you can get 5g roaming but rare. With an older ML, we settle on that price 95% of the time. I find once they are in their 30s that's the price I can nego to easily. Younger girls will go higher and budge down as long as you stick to your ground.

Some things you'll encounter with the HJ. The ML will say "can only if upgrade to 88 p massage"... not true. If it is, then you will be a loss for her and not extra income for her. Can't tell you how many MLs just do it without the upsell. Not to mention, It'll be in her best interest to work with you. You may get, "business is slow"... no its not. Business is booming. Maybe there is some down time now this second as your there, but they got moments that they are busy busy. They rake in. The ML may say I have very few custumers cause of Covid... no, not true, us bros still need to have our fun and there are plenty bros who visit. The ML may say she won't let you roam the top, then that's her loss (again, my opinion as I'll leave). They will say owner is walking around checking, I havnt seen any walk by, plus most MLs know how to be discrete and block the window, or they will tell you to be quiet. They may even say that their higher price is standard price, again, only cause some bros are willing to pay the price due to their lack of knowledge on price. Tell her that it's the price you paid last week in a shop right next door or 2 bus stops away. She will consider lowering her price if your willing to go elsewhere.

If you want a little more and settle on a BJ. The price should be around the 80 mark. Depending on how the ML is doing the BJ (the position) will depend on how much additional you get. If she is staring at you while your didi is in her mouth, obviously it'll be hard to play with her ney ney. If she is on side of bed, or 69ing you, then you should easily be able to roam and play with the top. Maybe even roam her bottom. Rare to have ones that'll let you 5g roam, but you can get them after multiple visits. I find after about 3 visits, if I can't 5g roam, I don't return.

Things to take note here, in addition to the things to take into account above. Will you have bbbj or capped? Some will charge extra for bbbj. I'll consider to top up 10 if the girl was giving a good massage. Capped, no more than 80.

If you want to go for the full monty and go for a FJ, you are looking at 2 blue notes. Also, please be aware of the massage you got, and that'll determine if the ML is fun, or just lies down and wants you to do all the work. I like it when the ML doesn't act like a moaning corpse, so if the girl gave me a bad massage, it's my red flag. Not all places provide FJ, so keep that in mind.

Things to note with a FJ. The girl will tell you that's her price if she gives a price above the 2 blue notes. Your only helping to ruin the prices if you accept. Don't budge and you'll notice, while the girls will give you a black face, they will usually go down to 2 blue notes. You may even need to start getting up and getting dressed. If they say 150, plus you paid an entrance fee, your already overpaying. Again, don't be afraid to walk out. There are plenty that will go to 150 to include entrance fee. Also, don't budge if she says "it's only an extra few bucks" ... you almost have her.

Now, with the above pricing, be aware my prices for the MLs did NOT include enterance price (unless stated). So you'll need to add that to your budget. The 30 min massages will be around 30. And the 60 min massages range from 45 to 70. I've had awesome massages with the GQ with the 45 entrance fee and horrible ones. Ive had horrible massages with the 70 fee, and awesome ones. So you'll have to find the girl(s) that work good for you. Remember, standards for each bro varies.

Sometimes I find MLs will get complacent, and see you are a regular and service will slip. Don't be afraid to say something. Remember your paying her your good hard earned money. How long did you work for those 2 blue notes? And how long is she working for them? Remember not to be afraid to speak up. Sometimes your regular girls may have had a long day. Or is having a bad day. Sometimes she may need a pass. But to many passes and she should be rotated out. If its a younger girl trying to upsell herself as premium, I may consider adding 10 max if she is under 30 and her massage was great. Rarely do I consider it, she had to do an amazing job. The ML will try to sell you that her abalone is made of gold... no its not. Its the same as any other.

Understand that those are my prices, and I stick to them. If the girl refuses to play, then let her give you the black face. 90% of the time they will settle with the above prices since you would be lost revenue for them if you leave. Sometimes you will fall in the 10%, go home, save your money and rub one out. Pay to see another day with an awesome ML who won't try to take all your money. There are plenty of videos to help you out online of you need to rub one out. Not to mention, they have plenty of customers, so your just being their patsy. If the ML tells you those are standard prices, go into a couple of the other chats or a dome and you'll see there are many MLs that are around 150 to start (including entrance fee). So those are not the standard prices if the ML is already higher with her price.

If you don't like to nego, then go with some of the girls in the domes, the price's are black and white. They give decent massages as well and you know the price going in. Just please be ready to walk out if the picture of the girl and the girl when you see her are not the same. The girl may not be to your liking. Many times they photoshop those photos or are pictures of the girl 10 years ago...

There are many places that start with the above prices. No nego needed. Please don't ask for any of the places I go to cause I change the girls/places I go to regularly. I've noticed it's been a little challenge lately with negotiations. If you want some spots, I can provide general locations and you can do your research in the area.

Happy Hunting bros and good luck.
Power bro.. Great advice and good read 👍
Old 24-10-2022, 12:40 AM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by Noisuf View Post
Power bro.. Great advice and good read 👍
Really good for all if stop paying for hj. Went rtf only to find out ml decided to only have hj. Reason is the money so good, why need full. Had to hold firm and remind that first meet as full.
Old 24-10-2022, 01:16 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

If all brother follow the rules, things will get cheaper. But the sad truth is many rich bro out there who got spending power and spoil the market.
Old 24-10-2022, 07:01 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Yes bro, well said. Be frank, I have met 2 who didn't negotiate how much to top up for getting the job done (I will tip them more than enough after the session). The others will turned into money negotiation before they are getting the job done, in which it really spoilt my mood at that moment, as it bring me into my working life (endless price negotiation meeting) and also my boss face.. 😭😭
Old 25-06-2023, 04:51 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by Paulpo2002 View Post
Yes bro, well said. Be frank, I have met 2 who didn't negotiate how much to top up for getting the job done (I will tip them more than enough after the session). The others will turned into money negotiation before they are getting the job done, in which it really spoilt my mood at that moment, as it bring me into my working life (endless price negotiation meeting) and also my boss face.. 😭😭
Hi bros, any update on this thread with so many things going up & our public flats SC+CC also being upped in July 2023 & we need to pay for our plastic bags now in abt a weeks' time.
Old 25-06-2023, 05:24 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

It feels like 50 hj + top up 50 to roam is the norm in many spas nowadays, which is plain ridiculous. The market has been spoiled by the rich men who accede to these ML's demands.

MLs can demand the sky, but if enough men reject and walk away, they will soon learn their absurdity and adjust accordingly. Prices should largely be determined by the demand, not the supply.

But i feel we are at an impasse in this entire situation. If we have regulars that we had engaged when the rates were reasonable, we should just stick to those, until they too start demanding more then they should be cut loose.

On the bright side, for guys sharing these sentiments, this should help us cut down on this vice and eventually quit the scene, I hope.
Old 25-06-2023, 06:15 PM
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Originally Posted by theDarkness View Post
It feels like 50 hj + top up 50 to roam is the norm in many spas nowadays, which is plain ridiculous. The market has been spoiled by the rich men who accede to these ML's demands.

MLs can demand the sky, but if enough men reject and walk away, they will soon learn their absurdity and adjust accordingly. Prices should largely be determined by the demand, not the supply.

But i feel we are at an impasse in this entire situation. If we have regulars that we had engaged when the rates were reasonable, we should just stick to those, until they too start demanding more then they should be cut loose.

On the bright side, for guys sharing these sentiments, this should help us cut down on this vice and eventually quit the scene, I hope.
Perhaps not say rich men. Just less assertive ones. They probably know if they ask at the right time, men will just accede to them. Downside is they probably won't return, but new customers are perhaps enough for them already, dont need to fight to returning ones.
Old 25-06-2023, 09:17 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by theDarkness View Post
It feels like 50 hj + top up 50 to roam is the norm in many spas nowadays, which is plain ridiculous. The market has been spoiled by the rich men who accede to these ML's demands.

MLs can demand the sky, but if enough men reject and walk away, they will soon learn their absurdity and adjust accordingly. Prices should largely be determined by the demand, not the supply.

But i feel we are at an impasse in this entire situation. If we have regulars that we had engaged when the rates were reasonable, we should just stick to those, until they too start demanding more then they should be cut loose.

On the bright side, for guys sharing these sentiments, this should help us cut down on this vice and eventually quit the scene, I hope.
To each his own, its their own money and time. If you don't want to pay above normal tips, feel free to walk away, but doesn't mean all other brothers have to follow suit.

For me, i would definitely pay extra for roaming if its a SYT or the teasing is good. Besides that, 88 spa is good if you just want teasing without releasing. There are several out there.

Other than that, there are brothers who willing to pay, so that they can expect better service when RTM or even ask the girls out on dates in hope of free fuck.

So different people have different agenda and definition of value, don't try to put others down simply because they are able to spend more.
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Old 25-06-2023, 09:27 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by theDarkness View Post

But i feel we are at an impasse in this entire situation. If we have regulars that we had engaged when the rates were reasonable, we should just stick to those, until they too start demanding more then they should be cut loose.
This is true. That's why i only explore new ML and location only occasionally and stick to my regulars with reasonable pricing.

If I am busy with work and can't spare much free time for chionging in a particular week, I prefer to spend money on visiting the regular. The regular does not make less by charging reasonable rate actually; they more than make up for it by volume - more return customers.

I have a regular at a tuina that is very busy on weekend, yet accepts less than 1B for extra. After her shop raised the entry charge per hour to more than 1B, I pay to the counter 2B and then the change I just hand over to the ML as tips. She no complain still Good attitude and forward looking. Why piss off regular customer over a couple of extra dollars?

I know how much more other people pay, based on feedback from regulars (one of them try to hint or tease me, "market rate" like this leh) Other people pay like this. But she is just joking and service is still the same.
Old 25-06-2023, 10:20 PM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by Footman View Post
Pricing as follows :
For HJ, the standard rate with top roaming is 1B or 1B + 1R.
BJ is 1B + 3R
FJ is 2B or 2B+2R
I've never been a fan of P- massage be it $86 or $88.

Where to find this group of grannies you have been visiting? Perhaps you should share their contact details with the older guys.
I don't exchange points. So no point adding me hoping I will up you back. No need to pm me about points too.
Old 26-06-2023, 12:44 AM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by Footman View Post
Pricing as follows :
For HJ, the standard rate with top roaming is 1B or 1B + 1R.
BJ is 1B + 3R
FJ is 2B or 2B+2R
I've never been a fan of P- massage be it $86 or $88.

Senior bro, even older established joints charges minimum for FJ to be 3B as a start & me does not hv the time & opportuntiy to venture widely unless fellow senior bro willing to share their hidden gems.

Even the legal GL the baseline FJ is 3B for quite sometime back ... now ranging from 4B & up.

Perhaps some kind senior able to PM me to share bcos of my need of at least having FJ when visitng which I'll share & explain during PM.

Thank you.
Old 26-06-2023, 08:18 AM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by zip4671 View Post
Senior bro, even older established joints charges minimum for FJ to be 3B as a start & me does not hv the time & opportuntiy to venture widely unless fellow senior bro willing to share their hidden gems.

Even the legal GL the baseline FJ is 3B for quite sometime back ... now ranging from 4B & up.

Perhaps some kind senior able to PM me to share bcos of my need of at least having FJ when visitng which I'll share & explain during PM.

Thank you.
Some of these so called senior bro used their 10 year ago price as benchmark, or either that, they go for so called milf in their late 30s or 40s.

Most of these ML knows the market quite well, they have a vast network.
GL price is the best indicator. Anything less, they will ask you to go GL instead.

So, do take these Senior Bro's comments with a pinch of salt. Pay whatever you can afford and willing. Its not like these bros will share their good lobang with you also.
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Old 26-06-2023, 11:45 AM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by Footman View Post
Try visiting those heavily advertised "Wellness" joints in this forum

Why will you want to go for grannies when milfs also accept this rates?
Senior bro, TQ for yr smart pointers. By heavily advertised "Wellness" joints, I presumed they're in LK & Sophia ones - but the staff are getting less & less - names are there but it's only as showcase - soemtime less than 5 MLs ... !!
Old 26-06-2023, 11:47 AM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by hannibald View Post
Some of these so called senior bro used their 10 year ago price as benchmark, or either that, they go for so called milf in their late 30s or 40s.

Most of these ML knows the market quite well, they have a vast network.
GL price is the best indicator. Anything less, they will ask you to go GL instead.

So, do take these Senior Bro's comments with a pinch of salt. Pay whatever you can afford and willing. Its not like these bros will share their good lobang with you also.
WUPZ 👍 👍 👍
Old 26-06-2023, 11:51 AM
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Re: Priceing of MLs. Please stop spoiling market

Originally Posted by hannibald View Post
Some of these so called senior bro used their 10 year ago price as benchmark, or either that, they go for so called milf in their late 30s or 40s.

Most of these ML knows the market quite well, they have a vast network.
GL price is the best indicator. Anything less, they will ask you to go GL instead.

So, do take these Senior Bro's comments with a pinch of salt. Pay whatever you can afford and willing. Its not like these bros will share their good lobang with you also.
Yes, senior bro, after going thru' many past threads & old posts, some evn dig out those posted 14+ yr ago & ask for contacts - the MLs may hv gone back to China, Vietnam or Thailand...

Yes, even Petain thread, the MILFs & GILFs also increased in prices.

With even more joints opening up, in fact the $88 package had not dropped.

GL reduced the time from 60min to 30min ... and at higher prices ... real confusing.
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