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Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
At the end of the day, when she leaves and you are forced to give back all the feelings, the emptiness is more than what a lot of us can take. All the deficit saved up for that day.
Money or not, they KC with us for a reason. I've came across more than a few WL who doesn't want money for sex. Some, you give them 10k also no use. Some of them purposely avoid you becos they like you. Some of them offer to give you money after going on relationship. I've met all of these cases personally. But I guess if you really want to have a painless relationship, at least know what she's after first. Like that you can decide to continue or not. End early, or dun start at all. You only need to use your big head once, but must use it early. I found that most of the pain inflicted from relationship comes from only 2 points. First, they leave sg. Second, they stop talking to you. First is of cos, for objective reasons la. Second is like as painful as betrayal, so I guess when you understand why she KC with you in the first place, you can accept that easier, and won't lose your head that much. I ended my relationship after she went back, and man, that's bloody painful. |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
What collins said about them, i feel it's pretty true also. I do believe that they are just treating this stint in Sg as a short period of their years whereby they would want to forget. There might be a few among many of them that will return year after year but for the ones that i know, they told me that they simply want to work for one year then go home buy a flat, start a small business that would enable them to live decently. Afterall, they would get married one day. To them its really a job and all the sweet talk is just part of the job description. They really know how to make people feel 'special' within that 1-2hrs and if they did, they know they will return. 2 parts to their job, completing the task at hand(having sex with you first), and then ensuring that they will continue to have customers(sweet-talk). |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
Btw whats KC? ![]() |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
No joke No Fun... No F**k No Son. 我不入地狱,谁入? ![]() |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
KC is kum cheng, means 感情 or relationship. Usually denotes how WL ensures repeated customer. But in simple terms, its the bond between humans. |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
Weird thing is lately she seems to be reminiscing about us while i have almost completely moved on. Such is the irony of life... Thx for explaining KC. I must say that this is one of the 'side-effects' of our hobby. KC to make us feel special, feel good, got the GFE everyone is crazy about. Especially after comparing FRs and seeing what everyone writes, sort of an ego trip if the lady does something extra for you that she does not do for others. Makes the person feel extra special. I think we cannot blame them for it, we are the ones who like the GFE, we are the ones writing the FRs. They may have started the sweet talk, but we carried that into a 'fictitious' relationship on our own. |
Thank you bro colins & bro longwinter ..both of your advice is priceless
KTV is the only place that we can found true love ... ![]() |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
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Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
You're too humble. Both you and bro longwinter raised very valid points. True blue cheongsters.
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
so many priceless comment...
so i got a pretty cuntfusion predicarment, hope some Bro can enlighten my gal veli direct say 1 wan 2 get PR so to marry me oso say giv birth , either party can divorced oso maary con't to work ktv... problem cannot afford coz me no bizman tin dis type of game is not for the ordinary guy in the street ery nite work say $200 at 20 days / mth = $4k /mth i dun even hav that nett income!!! i tot of counter propose that when she earn enugh den look 4 me?? she still got some years to go...
love is a many splendoured thing ![]() |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
thanks to all contributors in this thread... especially do u BJ, colins, longwinter, glooper83, heartbreak kid etc....
really words of wisdom & pointers from experienced cheongsters. sometimes u know u shouldn't cos it only make believe but really "wei qing shuo kun" bo bian Time heals all heartaches.... I am just a sentimental guy who always prone to fall into the KC trap. Must wake up. ![]() |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
If you're a very easily emotionally swayed individual, strongly suggest you stay away from this WL arena.....cos one day, sooner or later.....you will kenna one 高手that will make havoc for you. Or continue to be like that, sooner of later, you'll be like making a SWORD then you can be the KC superman & return them the KC favour....like wat i have been doing except for one unfortunate unforgettable incident that still flashes in my mind ever so often......take care bro
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
Bro porcupine, always welcome but my contribution is nothing exceptional. Maybe you would like to share your experience too. |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
Bro Colins, wat you said actually makes sense, but hey, it's a realistic dog eat dog world we live in.
We KC them, they KC others..... Men give them money, they splurge it on gucci & LV..us....hehe..damn, there's always a head and a tail...... To me, that's what makes the world go round...... Everybody has a take in this game.....but I respect them all, which ever field they decide to play on....kudos as usual bro Colins ![]()
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Is there true love between us and PRC WL
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