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Old 12-07-2019, 10:42 PM
Falem Falem is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by wymore View Post
Bro WB

Above nice forum.

I fully agree that guy must be gentleman and don't touch friends gal.

Great advice too and never touch married woman.

Many things to learn from a great Senior Grandmaster here.

Hope I shall pickup interesting prodigy here and there.

Very nice forum indeed.

Many skills to pick up from bro WB here.

Have a good day.
Old 13-07-2019, 01:10 AM
Vermont Vermont is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by wymore View Post
Bro WB

Let me share my personal experience.

Saw this gal intro by a friend's gf. So she sat beside me during dinner, drinks and in the car.

All along I just answered short yes no or few words.

Then the gal obviously keen to know more about me and kept asking my friends and gf more about me.

Then she face me and mouth very close by and I just kissed her.

As they said the rest history.

The above pointes, I strongly agreed. Just don't give a damn and gal more keen to find out more.

I had similar experience too.

After dinner I sent this gal home and she kept chatting non-stop, but I spoke only a little.

Then she asked me why I so quiet, I told her "Fuck off"

So she said "You fuck me and I'm off" and I fucked her in the car.

The rest is history too.

Old 13-07-2019, 01:22 PM
pinkthunder pinkthunder is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Incredible thread by bro WB, hope to learn more from you bro.

Have a good weekend
Old 13-07-2019, 03:52 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

What an auspicious day!!

I wrote the following some time ago and I quoted it in my last post:

"Adopting the body language, voice tonality and behavior of a man w/ strong masculine traits (such as dominance, trustworthiness, decisiveness, courage, kindness, humility, confidence, optimism, ambition, unflappability, perseverance, sexual mojo and emotional mastery) is the key to female lust."

I forgot many vital character n behavior traits of a MAN.

Reliability, responsibility, compassion, integrity, and frugality.

Originally Posted by premierleague View Post
Bro WB

Love all your cardinal rules below.

Yup agreed that women love men base on touch and feel of masculinity. The women love surprises and fun. If any guy can make any woman cum and cum then she will love you no matter age, looks etc.

This are fundamentals of women love.

Basic necessities must provide but not provide without any body contact.

Hope bro can comment more.

Bro, tks.

"When a woman meets a man, she determines if she’s attracted to that man based on the emotions he makes her feel. "

Women crave strong emotions. Mostly positive but sometimes negative.

Don't be afraid to make your women cry sometimes...

Originally Posted by premierleague View Post
Yes bro WB agreed totally.

Easiest to use money to buy sex and no love.

That may be good just for lust and plenty of other considerations too. Anyway is a challenge to hook gals and hv fun.


Yes, you can get many chio pussies w/ just money. It's great if that is all you want.

I like something a lot more dangerous and challenging. Like getting a chio SYT emotionally n sexually addicted.

Originally Posted by premierleague View Post
Very well written forum and re-post for all.
Yes, very good forum.

Originally Posted by tagota View Post
Thanks for re-post.

Originally Posted by chabonco View Post
Fully agreed with bro WB too.

Thanks for a great thread.

Have a nice day.
Originally Posted by MouParkVan View Post
Haha this is very true.

Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread. Hope to learn more here.

Bros, thanks.

Originally Posted by wymore View Post
Bro WB

Above nice forum.

I fully agree that guy must be gentleman and don't touch friends gal.

Great advice too and never touch married woman.

Many things to learn from a great Senior Grandmaster here.

Hope I shall pickup interesting prodigy here and there.

Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by wymore View Post
Bro WB

Let me share my personal experience.

Saw this gal intro by a friend's gf. So she sat beside me during dinner, drinks and in the car.

All along I just answered short yes no or few words.

Then the gal obviously keen to know more about me and kept asking my friends and gf more about me.

Then she face me and mouth very close by and I just kissed her.

As they said the rest history.

The above pointes, I strongly agreed. Just don't give a damn and gal more keen to find out more.


Well done! Did she become your long term GF?

More case studies would be greatly appreciated.

Getting girls addicted to you is easy.

1) Don't behave like a child
2) Give her space
3) Pay attention to her needs

I like to add three more:

4) Make her cry
5) Fuck her hard
6) Refuse sex w/ her sometimes

And never forget you're the prize.

Originally Posted by Falem View Post
Very nice forum indeed.

Many skills to pick up from bro WB here.

Have a good day.
Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by Vermont View Post
I had similar experience too.

After dinner I sent this gal home and she kept chatting non-stop, but I spoke only a little.

Then she asked me why I so quiet, I told her "Fuck off"

So she said "You fuck me and I'm off" and I fucked her in the car.

The rest is history too.

Bro, well done!

More case studies would be greatly appreciated.

Originally Posted by pinkthunder View Post
Incredible thread by bro WB, hope to learn more from you bro.

Have a good weekend
Bro, tks.

Cheers to all samsters!

Bro WB
Old 14-07-2019, 09:15 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning to all samsters!

I've been overwhelmed by the number of positive posts recently. I greatly appreciate those bros who quoted my previous statements and 'manifestos,' even though over half of them were written by various gurus. I also need to read those statements daily. You make my day!!

I hv a confession to make. I'm still far from being the MAN I wanted to become. I'm working very hard to becoming such a MAN. I'll do whatever it takes...

Of course I hv achieved a modicum of success in getting girls/women. And success breeds success. My biggest problem now is meeting a very attractive girl of my type. I can't get her unless I know she exists. But once I meet her, my chances of getting her are extremely high, regardless of who she is. In the unlikely even that I don't get her pussy, it's her big loss. She is too dumb to recognize my high value and high status. This may sound too cocky n too arrogant. But it is the only correct mindset and meta frame of every badass gentleman.

When you wake up in the morning, look yourself in the mirror, smile, and repeat the following 10 times:

I know 100 very beautiful girls/women of my type are calling me and wanting to be fucked by me, today and every day for the rest of my life

Yup, that is the mindset. Say it out loud. And laugh! Watch a video of Jeff Bezos, soon to be the richest person in the world. Learn to laugh like Bezos.. It brings luck and great fortune!

Talking about all those girls who WANT to be fucked by you reminds me of the two magic words.


Never ask a girl: May I, can I, could I...

Do I have your permission to kiss you? It's repulsive to girls.

Say, I want to kiss you. I want to make love to you. I want you, but I don't need you...


Bro WB
Bro WB, first of all let me congratulate you for the very successful thread here. I am sure you have a big group of supporters for this wonderful thread.

I want to finish like you do but not greedy to hv 100 gals calling me. I just hope 50 gals will do.

Money is definitely important key to this activity you are doing.

Hope you enjoyed yourself and wish you best health.

Please share more so that more guys benefit.

Have a great day.
Old 14-07-2019, 04:46 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by serieA View Post
Bro WB, first of all let me congratulate you for the very successful thread here. I am sure you have a big group of supporters for this wonderful thread.

I want to finish like you do but not greedy to hv 100 gals calling me. I just hope 50 gals will do.

Money is definitely important key to this activity you are doing.

Hope you enjoyed yourself and wish you best health.

Please share more so that more guys benefit.

Have a great day.
Congratulate bro WB for a great thread here too, big thanks!!

Cheers and have a good weekend.
Old 14-07-2019, 07:09 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Yes - especially #1 and #3 really key to securing her addiction to you lol

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Tks for your posts.

I wish more bros will share their theories, insights and experiences w/ all of us. If you hv a question re relationship, sex or break up, post it here too.

Here is a brief newsletter I just received from a badass gentleman:

These Secrets Will Help You Keep Your Girl Addicted to You!

Before I show you how to keep your girl addicted to you I want to tell you what qualifies me to give advice about women.

On May 11th 2007 I was near a big industrial alcohol container while it exploded. Half of my body was severely injured, and I thought I was going to die.

This near encounter with death made me change my perspective of life, and the way in which I related with people, especially with women.

My new view of the world had a huge impact on how women perceived me. Suddenly, they were chasing me and not the other way around, as it used to be.

Physically I am almost the same man I was before my accident. Yes, I’ve lost some weight, but other than that, the only difference in my appearance is now half of my body is filled with scars. Fortunately, this doesn’t seem to be a problem to females. This made me realize that looks are not as important to women as they are to guys.

So, now that you know me, I want to share some of the things I’ve learned that will help you make your girl addicted to you.

#1. – Don’t behave like a child

As a general rule, females like boys but love men. Women feel an addictive attraction to mature men, while the boys live trapped in the friend-zone. As long as you behave like a confident, powerful and adventurous man, women will be helplessly attracted to you.

Show them that you live on your own terms. You know what you want and you are going to take action to achieve your dreams. Men are creatures of action, while boys are passive individuals. Females want a guy who takes care of them, not a child they need to take care of.

#2. – Give them space

To make a girl addicted to you, make her enjoy the time she spends with you as much as possible, and in the climax leave. Give them time, and space, so she can miss you. Let her come to you, this will force her to work for your attention, and as a result she will want you more.

Only confident males are able to give space to their women, especially when they are drop-death gorgeous. Giving space to females will show them you have rock-solid confidence, and this will raise your social value.

#3. – Pay attention to her needs

Know her needs and you will make her addicted to you. The secret here is that you need to use your powers of observation. In other words, listen to her actions, not to her words. Watch her physical reactions. What makes her aroused? What makes her nervous? What makes her sad, happy, etc.?
Knowing how to affect her feelings in an effective way will give you the upper hand. Become a keen observer and you will become her drug of choice.

My accident made me realize that females are attracted to guys who live with passion and in their own terms. I will die some day, that’s a fact. So, I live every day as if it’s the last day of my life. Internalize this attitude and you will become the fearless man girls get addicted to.


Have a great day!

Bro WB
Old 15-07-2019, 12:21 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by saabking View Post
Yes - especially #1 and #3 really key to securing her addiction to you lol
Very true bro

Hope to learn more from the master bro WB here!
Old 18-07-2019, 11:39 AM
Rabbit2023 Rabbit2023 is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good Sunday to every samster!

The number of posts hv been overwhelming and I'm unable to reply to every one of them. My deepest apologies.

I started this thread 8 years ago. I hv learned so much here and I hv had a great time in SG, beyond my wildest imaginations.

A big thank you to all who hv posted on this thread. Even very negative and sarcastic ones hv been very helpful. They hv forced me to take a hard look at myself and my "theories." They hv made me a much better person!! You make my day!!

Merely reading the posts will not change anything. You must become THE MAN, at your subconcious mind.

Repetition and practice are required.

Here is a brief article by a guru to remind every man what he must do. From a slightly different perspective.

"Let me tell you the most important thing you must know about women:

YOU MUST BE DOMINANT WITH A WOMAN. FROM THE FIRST SECOND YOU MEET HER, TILL THE LAST SECOND SHE IS IN YOUR LIFE. (And if you’re a “nice guy”, you need to be more dominant with everyone.)

Being dominant is not the same as being CONTROLLING. Controlling guys are usually INSECURE guys.

Dominance means that women (and everybody else) have NO INFLUENCE AND NO POWER over you especially psychological or emotional power.

It means that YOU have the power, YOU have the influence. And it means that you are not NEEDY for any woman, because you KNOW you can get plenty of beautiful women.

Dominance means you NEVER give a woman what she asks for, and means you have the confidence to never fail this test. You must never, ever, give a woman exactly what she asks.

Sometimes, this requires a little humor to prevent an argument. (WB's note: Be non-reactive and very playful. You maintain your stronger frame.)

I repeat, NEVER give a woman what she asks for, unless she is on the verge of a mind-blowing orgasm after endless teasing by you, and she says “God, please, please, please, give it to me!” And then, maybe then, you can give her what she wants, or maybe tease her some more...

The irony of all this is that by NOT giving a woman what she asks or wants, she will actually DESIRE YOU for being strong and not giving in to her demands.

On the other hand, giving in to a woman’s demands actually DISGUSTS her, it makes her feel you are a sissy, and she will LOSE her desire for you.

Women love STRENGTH. Confidence and dominance are evidence of strength. (That’s what she feels, anyway.)

So, no matter what, NEVER give a woman what she says she wants. Pulling this off right requires both confidence and dominance, which always go hand in hand.

Only when you reach this emotional/psychological level, which women can intuitively sense, will you be THE MAN.

I’m not saying to turn off your emotions forever, I’m not saying to laugh at her mom’s brain tumor, or to never cry for something horrific, but all that sensitive, crying stuff is really a load of B.S.

No woman on earth is sexually attracted to an overly emotional guy, to a guy who hangs on her every word, or to a guy whose mission in life is to tend to her requests."

You can't afford to forget that you're THE PRIZE, not even for a split second. Sometimes I still forget when I meet a very cute SYT of my type. I need to do better, much better.

Don't forget to be direct, sexual and playful.


Bro WB
Bro WB

10 years ago now you posted above forum.

Ok I learned we need to be dominant and also never to give what the woman requested.

Also we must be direct, cheerful and playful.

Really nice lesson above and hope to learn more.

Have a great week please.
Old 18-07-2019, 11:43 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Nee mu mu to all samsters! What an auspicious day!

Thank you to all who hv posted here.

I like to share an interesting and politically incorrect article on love from a woman.



Netanderthal Man saw the light of day somewhere in Eastern Europe. He enjoys life as creative director and owner of a design studio. He is a big fan of Occam’s razor, Pink Floyd, Roald Dahl and wet tight pussy, is politically incorrect and his favourite dish is roasted unicorn with rainbow gravy.

There’s a feminist myth called “unconditional love” floating around our culture. You are EXPECTED to love your girl no matter what. To love her more than you love yourself. We all know on some level that this is bollocks poured on top of our heads by mind-washing feminist propaganda, but many of us continue to propagate it anyway. “The one” myth is a gangrene that will eat your soul if you buy into it.

I believe that a person can come close to unconditional love in three cases: your love for your parents, for your children, and perhaps for the first dog you raised from pup. They all are literally willing to walk into fire for you.

Loyalty and friendship are concepts no woman can ever fully understand. It’s not deliberate, it’s in their nature—it’s evolution. A woman will unconditionally love her offspring only—if she is a good mother. Aside from this, women love conditionally and opportunistically. You can’t change that. But once you know it, you can act accordingly.

Consider the stone age if you will: Men hunting during the dawn of humanity needed other men of the tribe to watch their backs during the hunt. That’s why men are naturally inclined to build strong friendships where loyalty is a real value. One weakness that stems from it is that men take things at face value. Especially with women. Only through their own experiences (both successes and failures) men learn to take what women say and do with a pinch of salt.

Evolutionarily speaking, friendship and loyalty makes sense for men. For women, not so much. And this is why: a tribe’s women, safely shielded by the cave walls, did not need that kind of protection. Their only real fear was each other’s competition, roughly known as SMV. They fine-tuned themselves in the art of manipulating both men and women for obvious reasons.

I am convinced this is why female reasoning is based on emotions. By employing a flatulent burst of emotions, a woman most likely gets what she wants. This obvious manipulation is not necessarily a conscious decision, more likely it’s embedded in her nature. It follows that women are incapable of loyalty and friendship towards men, just as men are incapable of giving birth.

The reason people accept the existence of unconditional love script is childhood. Your parents loved you with all their hearts and the template for what love is supposed to be was set during those early years. You loved them back in the same unconditional manner. And it was great. But your woman is not your mom. She is a fickle-minded person who’s most likely looking out for a prettier branch to grab right now.

Make no mistake, even when a woman is deeply “in love” with you, her love is not unconditional.

Most likely she’s madly in love with you because you are the man who rocks her world.

Keep being that man if she makes your life better, or discard her if she doesn’t. So, she loves you because you’re the best high-quality man she can get, but this sooner or later be subject to change. If at some point she feels she can get a man perceived as higher quality than you, her love for you will decrease exponentially. This is what we call conditional love—a woman’s love. Don’t worry about it, be aware that in a 5-mile radius there are at least 100 hotter girls more than willing to give it up for the smooth seducer that you are.

This is what feminists, betas, and manginas will never understand: in the vast majority of cases, it’s just “the one” you’re banging now, “the one” you’ll be banging tomorrow, and “the one” you banged yesterday. If you’re the most alpha a girl can get, you are “the one” for her (hypergamy at play here) even or should I say especially if you dump her.

Just like you have your own template for what love should be, her father is the childhood template for what a real man should be like. One method I found to be effective in seducing a girl is to emulate some of her father’s traits—the good traits. Ask her about her father. The more she talks about him, the more ammo she’s giving you on how to seduce her. This works mainly if she has a good relationship with her father.

Unconditional love is seamlessly entwined with “the one” chimera in our media and culture. Most men walk aimlessly through life searching for “the one.” They can’t find her and perceive themselves as failures. It’s quite sad. But you will not be one of those men.

I couldn't agree w/ him more!

The ONLY woman who can give you unconditional love is YOUR MOTHER!!

Accept it, live with it and be thankful.

Of course you can get girls/women to become emotionally and sexually addicted to you. But that is not true love, it's an obsession and addiction, a toxic kind of love. Just dump her and see what will happen.

Any comments and criticisms?


Bro WB
Bro WB,

Another great forum written above.

Agreed even our own wife there is no unconditional love. Each time she goes shopping come back here you owe me so much because bought so much for the kids and household. Bear in mind even wife working same story.

Her money is her money and your money still her money.

The ONLY woman who can give you unconditional love is YOUR MOTHER!!

Mom's love is never conditional and most sure things. Often us sons took for granted.

Old 18-07-2019, 11:46 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Rabbit2023 View Post
Bro WB

10 years ago now you posted above forum.

Ok I learned we need to be dominant and also never to give what the woman requested.

Also we must be direct, cheerful and playful.

Really nice lesson above and hope to learn more.

Have a great week please.
Fully agreed, must be direct and playful.

Thanks bro WB for a great forum.

Old 18-07-2019, 12:55 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Support excellent thread by bro WB and hope to learn more.
Old 18-07-2019, 05:16 PM
PomeloLukaku PomeloLukaku is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by Rabbit2023 View Post
Bro WB,

Another great forum written above.

Agreed even our own wife there is no unconditional love. Each time she goes shopping come back here you owe me so much because bought so much for the kids and household. Bear in mind even wife working same story.

Her money is her money and your money still her money.

The ONLY woman who can give you unconditional love is YOUR MOTHER!!

Mom's love is never conditional and most sure things. Often us sons took for granted.

Very well said, every day is Mother's Day!

Thank you bro WB for a very nice thread, have a good day.
Old 19-07-2019, 12:06 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

What an auspicious day!

After some introspection, I'm happy to report that I hv improved significantly in getting and keeping girls/women who are closest to my type since I started this thread in June 2009.

Many friends and kaki can't understand how a lao chee ko pek like me could get very chio SYTs. They are convinced that I must be paying big buck, perhaps 2-20 times what a young, tall and handsome man is paying. Nothing could be further from the truth.

They don't really know what women want in a man. Despite my numerous SBF posts citing various gurus. Do you know THE one most attractive physical attribute in a MAN? Your deep, pleasing, soothing masculine voice!

I'm paying LESS for full BY than I did 9-10 yrs ago, for the same quality of gals, even though the number of my type of girls available in SG has dropped 98% since. The 'damage' is now in the lower range of the going rates. LESS is MORE w/ women. Less money, gifts, etc. There are many psychopathic gold diggers who want more n more. They are worse than lepers. Runaway from them asap.

My subconscious mind n my superconscious mind believes that I'm THE PRIZE. I hv higher social and sexual value than any 'super chio' SYTs/young women around. It may sound arrogant but it's the right mindset n frame.

I hv mentioned my preferred type of girl/woman before. I hv lowered my height requirement as long as it's at least 160 w/o shoes. I don't think I hv ever met a tall and very cute girl in SG. A girl's character is as important as her looks and body n limb proportions. Of course, one man's meat is another man's poison. My 10 may be a 1 to you and your 10 may be a 1 to me.

Some bros also think that I get pretty SYTs because of the law of averages. I make an offer to 10-50 girls to get one positive reply. Total nonsense. I make less than two real offers a yr.

My ONLY limitation is the extremely small number of very cute SYTs I like in SG. How tiny is this number?

In the last 6-7 yrs, I hv caught sight of a total of three 18 yo SYTs I really like in SG. Yes, only three. They are far from perfect but they are THE closest to my type. I sighted them myself n no one introduced them to me. And no help from anyone. I connected w/ them within seconds of seeing them. I hv written abt all 3 before. They all said 'I do' after 2 weeks to two months. Two of them are still w/ me. They are PRC students who don't work in the nite scene.

In other words, I approached 3 cutest SYTs of my type I sighted in SG n they all became my LPs. That is a 100% success rate.

I did meet several other 18 yo SYTs who initially appeared quite attractive, but they were not up to my standards on further inspection. One cute 网红 had short legs. I had also met several chio SYTs who were 16 -17, two of them overseas. But I would never touch a girl who is under 18.

Of course, I have had other LPs during this period who are older than 18 yo.

Many agents, mummies, and friends, both in SG n China, hv tried to intro girls to me. But none are good enough. Yes, not even one. Most of them are plastic n some are hideous looking or have the wrong body n limb proportions.

That is why my offer for bro Don Juan's alleged super chio SYTs has no expiration date.

If any bro here knows a super chio SYT, bring her to meet me. If you like her please keep her. I could be your wingman if you're not too proud to accept my help.
I'm COCKSURE that I'll get her to be YOUR loyal LT lover. Unless she is a gold digger, in that case you should run away from her. Of course, I'll pay for dinner for both of you and for my companion and all other expenses, if any.

I'm just trying to find out what I've been missing in life. Then I hv to work and search harder, much harder. I leave no stone unturned.

One more thing. The 'super chio' SYT must be 18 yo n must look like 18. Zero plastic surgery. As little makeup as possible. Pls show her wrists and legs.

My offer has NO expiration date.

PM me!!

Cheers !!

Bro WB

Originally Posted by Aridine View Post
Congratulate bro WB for a great thread here too, big thanks!!

Cheers and have a good weekend.
Tks, bro.

Originally Posted by serieA View Post
Bro WB, first of all let me congratulate you for the very successful thread here. I am sure you have a big group of supporters for this wonderful thread.

I want to finish like you do but not greedy to hv 100 gals calling me. I just hope 50 gals will do.

Money is definitely important key to this activity you are doing.

Hope you enjoyed yourself and wish you best health.

Please share more so that more guys benefit.

Have a great day.
Bro, tks.

Make it 500 girls. No, you're not greedy. It's a mindset or frame that will improve your chances and attractiveness immensely. Live it, breathe it.

Originally Posted by saabking View Post
Yes - especially #1 and #3 really key to securing her addiction to you lol
Bro, tks.

If a girl has never genuinely cried because of you, she doesn't hv a lot of feelings for you.

Originally Posted by kasaya View Post
Very true bro

Hope to learn more from the master bro WB here!
Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by Rabbit2023 View Post
Bro WB

10 years ago now you posted above forum.

Ok I learned we need to be dominant and also never to give what the woman requested.

Also we must be direct, cheerful and playful.

Really nice lesson above and hope to learn more.

Have a great week please.
Bro, tks.

I posted the above about 2 years ago.

It's ok to hv KC for a girl, but make sure she is SUBMISSIVE n has more KC for you. Otherwise, the relationship will surely fail. Don't blame the girl, she is hard-wired to behave that way.

Originally Posted by Rabbit2023 View Post
Bro WB,

Another great forum written above.

Agreed even our own wife there is no unconditional love. Each time she goes shopping come back here you owe me so much because bought so much for the kids and household. Bear in mind even wife working same story.

Her money is her money and your money still her money.

The ONLY woman who can give you unconditional love is YOUR MOTHER!!

Mom's love is never conditional and most sure things. Often us sons took for granted.

Bro, tks.

"So, she loves you because you’re the best high-quality man she can get, but this sooner or later be subject to change. If at some point she feels she can get a man perceived as higher quality than you, her love for you will decrease exponentially. This is what we call conditional love—a woman’s love. "

A woman who has had 5 or more casual sexual partners can't even give you conditional love, according to Roosh V.

Understanding the true nature of women is vital. Don't waste money on any woman. Especially a gold digger. NO amount of money n gifts will buy her love or loyalty.

Instead, learn how to get your dream girl emotionally, mentally, sexually and spiritually addicted to you!! No money needed.

Originally Posted by Cruze4Sex View Post
Fully agreed, must be direct and playful.

Thanks bro WB for a great forum.

Originally Posted by batho View Post
Support excellent thread by bro WB and hope to learn more.
Originally Posted by PomeloLukaku View Post
Very well said, every day is Mother's Day!

Thank you bro WB for a very nice thread, have a good day.
Bros, tks.

Cheers to all samsters!

Bro WB

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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Awesome replies by bro WB and thanks for a fantastic thread.
Enjoy your weekend!
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