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Btw pls use yr brains hor. Such sounds can b created in many ways n there's no lion in tekong Or haunted house ok. Some movies put such sounds in their movies to make it better. Do u know Even certain food, drugs n smell can cause you discomfort? You don't know right? What's your knowledge of human physiology? Very little right? So when u feel discomfort n you think its ghost, how do u know its not caused by other things? Uncle aaron claims humans got extra sense. That's BS. He don't even know how the human body works but he can cook up rubbish about extra senses. You don't know much about these things but you won't hesitate to tell people tekong dempsey etc is haunted. Do u think when other normal ppl hear you talk about haunted houses etc, they think its really ghost or they look down at you? I recall years ago I was talking to this white guy lecturer. Not at school hor. This spore guy was trying to get into the conversation n INCREDIBLY, he started talking about UFOs!!! The white guy was fcuking aghast. He thought the spore guy was making fun of him. This was really A cringe worthy moment but the spore guy thinks he was being interesting. YOU are the spore guy. When u talk about ghosts etc, its not freedom of religion. It's ignorance. It's your intellectual laziness. It's YOU being an embarassment. You don't think carefully thru wad happened, you have no knowledge of how the human body works, but u can immediately jump to the conclusion its because of ghosts, haunted, supernatural etc etc. That's damn embarassing n reflects poorly on you ESPECIALLY if you're educated. Because all these ghosts pontianaks etc are yarns created by uneducated folks years ago. Think it over. Thanks. ____________ Exchanging points is embarassing ma? Last edited by sadfa; 14-07-2016 at 12:52 AM. |
Re: Boh-moh, Black Magic & Spells Etc
Sadfa, you are really confused. I never talked about sound and must it be sound??
You example seems to be plucked from thin air, no reference and suddenly you talked about UFOs....?? Mister, no need to talk alot lah, go have a try and experience one night at that block. I was at that camp for 2 years, so I seen enough during nite duties. Aiyah no need to hear whatever low or high frequency sound, it doesnt matter, kena already you will know. |
Re: Boh-moh, Black Magic & Spells Etc
Sadfa spewing garbage again as usual. Smh
____________________________ sadfa spew garbage, he is rubbish bin ma? |
Re: Boh-moh, Black Magic & Spells Etc
Very interesting story bro siam. During my childhood days nearby my house at Eunos theres a very popular temple. Every week got people seeking for divine aid from dieties Monkey god and Beggar God. I love to watch when they are in trance. Btw just curious. Why must the medium vomit before they regained conscious?
Re: Boh-moh, Black Magic & Spells Etc
![]() I even posted here the address of the Thai temple. Asked him to apporach the Master. He also no balls. Keyboard warrior only. Talked like a psychic from jamban land. |
Re: Boh-moh, Black Magic & Spells Etc
![]() When u want to comment on others on no balls and keyboard warrior, it will be good if u able to pee on the floor and look at yourself. If u dare to take up the challenge of 10k then u can openly comment on others. Keyboard warrior argues without fact and cowardly ignore those truth which are against him.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan |
Re: Boh-moh, Black Magic & Spells Etc
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Re: Boh-moh, Black Magic & Spells Etc
Sharing time ... kekeke ![]() This incident happened many years ago during the era when the night-club "Golden Million" was very popular. This story was about my friend friend and let just called him W. W was a odd-job painter. Due to the nature of his job, money was always very tight and not enough for him. One day he was very broke and desperate and asked our bros to lend him some money to make a trip to Hatyai to pray. We were all reluctant as we know he is the type who will never pay you back. So W went to borrow from loanshark $500 in order to make the trip there. Understand that he went to a temple called " hatyai nai " to pray. A few days after he came back, during our regular drinking sessions at this AMK coffee shop, W suddenly told us he had a dream that previous night. He told us that he dream of an old man who show him a chinese newspaper 4D results column. All the numbers were missing except the 2nd prize. When we heard that we all laughed at him and said that maybe it is the "bay peo kwee " that come and disturb him. Come that following Saturday, we were all at the same coffee shop again. There was this little boy passing by the coffee shop shouting " ma piew poh ". W then called out to him: " Eh, ah tee, lai lai lai, chiok kaur jik a ". The little boy then said :" Waa...ma lar a sai. Ai kuar tio ai buay mah ". W then said:" mien kia lar. Wa nasi tio, wa long chong kar le buay lo lai." The little boy probably sensing that it was a good deal then passed a copy of the newspaper to W. All of a sudden, W jumped up from his seat and shouted:" Waaaa......ho say leow !!!, ho say leow !!!, tio leow !!! tio leow !!! " It turned out that W had struck lottery and true enough it was exactly the same 2nd prize number the old man in his dream shown him. W had won $68,000 from a few private ones and that night as promised he also bought all the newspapers from the little boy and placed it outside the coffee shop and gave it away free to passerby. That night we had a celebration at the coffee shop immediately but we actually paid first as W did not have much money with him .....yet ![]() After that night celebration dinner, I did not see W again as he was only a friend friend. Heard from my friend that after W collected his winnings, he too also seldom contact my friend. But later we heard he had become a horse bookie. W also started cheonging nightclubs and always like to ON those Taiwanese & Hongkong singers. His favorite nightclub is " Golden Million " and he was very well-known there as he was a big tipper. In 2 months time, heresay his money has swelled to 200k and he continue to live a very lavish lifestyle. But then into the 3rd month, his luck suddenly changed. He started losing. Even a very outsider horse also could come in. W losses began to increase every weekends and by the beginning of the 4th month, he lost everything , his thick jewelry on his body and also his expensive Rolex watch. W by now was back to square one ... broke and desperate again !!! ![]() In the end, I heard from my friend that W actually had make a vow when he went to pray in hatyai and did not fulfill it. What kind of vow, my friend was not so sure. So is it actually this unfulfill vow that W promised the God that landed him in such situation or is it just a coincidence???......your guess is as good as mine......end of story.......thanks for reading ![]() |
Re: Boh-moh, Black Magic & Spells Etc
Heard of many such stories too. Yes, they give you, you got to fulfill your promises. Most famous is the 4 face buddha, lord brahma at IRAWAN Hotel in bangkok. A lot of stories of people getting their wishes fulfilled. Regardless of any deity, you ask for help, they give you, you return your promises to them.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day ![]() For INCOMPLETE LIST OF MASSAGE CENTRES IN BATAM See link below http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthr...6580&page=1281 |
Re: Boh-moh, Black Magic & Spells Etc
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Re: Boh-moh, Black Magic & Spells Etc
Sharing time again ... kekeke Like all fortune-tellers that I have consulted, I not only take it with a pinch of salt but also pepper too. ... But this one was just too " zhun " until whenever I think of it, it still puzzled me. Why only 90% when I said it was so " zhun "? Well as you read along, I am sure you all will understand why I only give 90% ...... This incident happened in the eighties at AMK central. There was a emporium ( yes, dun know why last time like to call emporium) called Oriental or Plaza (sorry, I couldn't remember the exact name). I remembered it was just beside a cinema (sorry I also couldn't remember the cinema name) and just behind it, there was also another cinema ( haiz, also cannot remember the name too). Just outside the emporium along the passage way, there was a fortune-teller. He use a small table to conduct his business and there was a small idol called " jiao chai ". I was actually jalan jalan with my this blood brother ( still remember medium H ??? ) there when he told me that this FT was quite " zhun ". He said he strike a few times ( small ones ) after consulting him. So out of curiosity, I too decided to try too. This FT is a skinny bespectacled man in his late fifties and I noticed that he was wearing a lot gold rings on his fingers. As usual, the FT will start off with lighting joss-sticks, pray at the idol and start asking some questions about me. I asked him about the prices and decided to go for "luck" = $5, "marriage" = $5. After reading my palm, asked my year of birth and some other questions, he started to put some old coins into a empty tortoise shell and shake it. He then do some calculations and suddenly his eyes brighten up. He looked at me and said : " Did you buy any electronic thing this week ?" Actually that week I had just bought a pager on Monday. During that time, pager was a very in-thing but it was very expensive. I have saved very hard to get one and it cost me $299 that time. Before I could answer him, the FT said again " Of all the customers I had seen today, yours is the most "ong ", about 9/10 !!! If you have bought one already, remember to buy the last 4 digits this weekend. If you do not strike the top 3, you can come and dismantle my stall !!!" ![]() After a while, he said that I will never married a Sillipore girl but in my whole life there will be 3 marriages but all are with foreigners. I was very shocked as how could it be. I am not well educated, not born with a silver spoon in my mouth, so how to meet foreigners? I always think 1 day I would marry a local girl, someone about my same status, have a few babies and that's it. So I just thank the fortune-teller and carry on jalan jalan with H. That day H asked me whether I have bought my pager number for the weekend. I said yes, I have actually bought $6 big, $2 small already on Tuesday. Saturday then came. I was at home watching Italian soccer. I was lying on the sofa and it was a cool afternoon as it was raining heavily earlier. Dun know why suddenly I start perspiring and words of the FT started coming into my mind. I then went to my drawer, took out the 4D betting slip and start writing down my last 4 pager number. I wrote the number and wrote $50 & $50 small. During that time, the 4D betting slip is not like nowadays. It is actually a very thin slip of paper whereby you have to write the number on it and beside it there is a BIG & SMALL box for you to fill the amount in. I then quickly went to the betting centre as it was almost closing time. As it was a Saturday, as usual the queues were terribly long. Even though I didnt know I could make it to the counter in time, I still joined in the queue. Luckily, I make it in time, 5 minutes before closing. I then reached into my trousers for my wallet and realized that I have forgotten to bring it along !!! ![]() That evening came, time for the results. I quickly on the radio and waited eagerly for the results. When my number was really announced, I started jumping up and down around the house. My sister and parents all were shocked but I think they knew I have strike 4D. It was third prize and I won $5000. My pager then started beeping continuously. It was all my friends looking for me.....hehee After I have collected my winnings, I went back immediately to the FT. When he saw me, he smiled. He did not asked me which top 3 prize I struck and I also did not told him. I just told him I am back to " tiam u " and he smiled again. He took 3 joss-sticks, lighted it and passed it to me. I prayed to the idol and passed him a angpow. Inside got $300 but he asked me to put it behind the idol myself. After it was done, I thank him and off I went to enjoyed my new found wealth ... kekeke. After about a month of enjoying my $$$$, I decided to consult the FT again. But when I reached the place, the stall was not there. Despite many subsequent trips later (even years), he is simply just not there anymore ![]() I have asked for 2 types for telling. The first one had already happened and it was very " zhun". As for the second telling, this is now my second marriage and both are all with foreigners and by saying this , I think you will know by now why I said it is only 90% "zhun". But then again, deep inside my heart, I really pray and hope everyday that for once please dun let it become 100% "zhun " !!!!!.....guess you know what I mean by this......end of story .... thanks for reading..... ![]() |
He fcuking irresponsible. Say you used clones but when he got challenged, cannot give proof or say sorry. Fcuked up! Like those cb kia go internet spread lies about halal pork, fake kidnapping, n make fake claims bomohs got magical powers. Really fcuked up n pian ginna. ______________ Exchange points responsible ma? |
Re: Boh-moh, Black Magic & Spells Etc
Ok. U are Naemlo and the other guy is a lunatic. Not clone.
![]() Hope all settle. Tks. |
Re: Boh-moh, Black Magic & Spells Etc
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Re: Boh-moh, Black Magic & Spells Etc
![]() Like Bro Newyork said once a vow is made, better perform it. Dont play play. I mean u already won the prize. Just keep your promise and hope all turns up well. Quote:
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