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Re: My boring story...
It's actually quite tiring to write consistently. I don't know how everyone else does it.
Anyway, there's no issue between me and my husband so obviously not gonna leave him for Mark. No issues with Tom either. With Mark, somehow the roles are like reversed, instead of the ladies using him for sex, somehow, it sometimes feels he's using me instead. Lol. So dangerous waters aside, I'm not that worried. And I'm pretty sure Mark should go for someone younger, slimmer, and more importantly, single. |
Re: My boring story...
just take your time and update when you want.
just missing the updates. :P |
Re: My boring story...
Camping here for updates
Re: My boring story...
I also dont know how you do it.. you have been one of the most consistent contributor. For that thank you very much by sharing your story with us. appreciate it lots
Re: My boring story...
For all that excitement and anticipation that was supposedly building up, Mike and Tom headed straight to the room and turned on their computers, leaving Mark and me in the living room.
I was already kind of hot and bothered from his fingering in the car, yet the first thing he did upon reaching home was to go kill some monsters. Incredible. Or was it because their plan to hook me up with Mark and EoS at the same time failed? I grabbed two bottles of soju for Mark and myself before settling down next to him on the sofa. Me: I don't believe this game. How can it be so addictive? M: Well, guys like computer games. I know I do. Me: But you stopped playing? M: I still play now and then. Me: You got your priorities right then. M: Kind of hard to be having sex and playing a game. Me: Right. Except you weren't really having sex. Just being a toy for them all. M: Still need to focus right? Haha. Me: Argh. M: I swear this wasn't planned at all. Me: Really? M: Tom didn't even say EoS would be there. Me: I thought you're pretty close to EoS? M: He doesn't tell me his schedule. He just listens to me and offers his opinion. Me: I wonder what his opinion on this is then. M: Honestly? I did ask him before. Me: Ask him what? M: How he changed? From whatever he was before? Me: And he said? M: Ageing. Haha. Also his work keeps him really busy. Apparently even at his level, he has to cover staff who aren't around, even though he says he isn't appropriately trained. Me: Oh? M: Yeah. He was saying it's a matter of time before he's called in to assist the dentist during procedures. Me: Him? Hahaha. That's funny. I think the patients would just mistake him for a dentist or something. M: Probably. Me: Wah. But to have him stand over me, handing tools to the dentist… I think I'd be scared. M: Scared? Me: He's not exactly some tiny girl ya. Looks like he can be quite intimidating especially if I'm lying on the chair with my mouth open. M: Imagine if it's his tool that's about to go into your mouth. Me: You're quite warped. What's he gonna do with it? Brush my teeth? M: Hahaha. Maybe test your gag reflex. Me: Dentists do that? They have specific tools for that? M: I've no idea. Me: I almost believed you for a second there. M: I don't think you have a problem with your gag reflex. Considering Mike and Tom. Me: Hello? I don't deepthroat them all the time? If I did, confirm will gag. M: You can deepthroat me no problem. Me: Well yeah. M: Do you want to have sex? Me: Wow. M: Wow? Me: Actually, I was expecting to have sex with all 3 of you. Haha. M: Should I stop their game? Me: Don't think you can. Even if we started having sex right now, I don't think they'll stop. M: How sure are you? Me: Pretty sure… M: I'm also pretty sure I was invited to join them the last time when they were already in the middle of fucking you. Me: That's different. M: How so? We can just start, then ask them to join. Hahaha. Me: Err… M: I really enjoy sex with you. Me: That line is getting a little old… M: Shall we go to the bedroom? Me: Now? I'm still a little full from dinner. M: You can just lie back and I'll eat you. Me: Hmmm… ok then. I led him by the hand to the master bedroom. As we passed by the two gaming addicts, I called out to them. Me: We're gonna have sex now! They barely even looked our way. I shrugged and entered the master bedroom. Me: That didn't work. M: I'm sure they'll come over when they hear you moan. Me: Right. He pushed me onto the bed and immediately pulled off my shorts and panties, spread my legs and dove in with his mouth. I sort of pulled him up. Me: Errr… don't you wanna shower first? M: Let me eat you first. If we go shower now, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cum inside. Me: Eh. Good idea. Cum inside, then I'll get one of them to eat me. M: What… Me: Hahahaha. M: You're kidding right? Me: Only half kidding. M: Oh. He went back down on me and I let him work his magic on me. Soon enough my not so soft moans filled the room. Unexpectedly, the bedroom door opened and Mike and Tom entered, stripped, and got onto the bed on either side. T: Someone's horny… I took his semi-hard snake in my hand and pulled him towards my mouth, while stroking Mike with my other hand. Mark came up for air. Mark: She was so sure the two of you would still be playing Diablo. Mike: Hahaha. What? We were just letting the food digest. It didn't look like a lot but EoS actually ordered quite a bit. T: Yeah. I wanted to say something but Tom's hard cock was preventing me from doing so. Mark: So… how are we gonna do this? Mike: Condoms in the drawer, lube too. I released Tom's cock. Me: No. No condoms. T: You sure? Me: Yes. Mike: Mark you ok with that? Mark: Yeah. But I cum quite fast with her. Mike: As fast as Darren? Mark: Not that fast. T: Maybe we should all go take a shower first? Me: We all can't fit inside. Mark: We could try. Mike shrugged and got off the bed, pulling me up at the same time. I quickly took off my top as Mark stripped as well. In such close proximity, the size difference was really noticeable, but he knew how to use it to make me feel good, and that was what mattered. Somehow the three of us managed to squeeze into the shower stall, Mike in front of me with the other two by the side. I thought I was going to die when all three of them started soaping me at the same time, concentrating on my really sensitive spots. I couldn't wait for whatever came next. Maybe this would be the gangbang I wasn't going to regret. |
Re: My boring story...
You are sure porn queen in the making.
Not many Asians can do gang bang, enjoy and survive. Best, is MMMF when all 3 men can be all chill and not jealous about each other. You are the QUEEN, bee perhaps? Lol
己所不欲,勿施于人 If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges. If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that. |
Re: My boring story...
Lol no la. I'm happy with Mike and Tom. Just so happens Mark finally decided to join us. It's not going to happen every week. The gangbang previously was a mistake. Sorry Jason and Darren.
Re: My boring story...
Haha, while I ain't sure if any other TS in the forum has similar encounters like yours, yours is certainly very unique on its own.
Thanks for sharing them with us. Always happy to read one that's written by the lady.
己所不欲,勿施于人 If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges. If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that. |
Re: My boring story...
I'm pretty sure there are other ladies who behave like me. But they're probably not here to write about it.
Re: My boring story...
Tent set, chips and beer ready for your next update. Cheers. Soju for you too.
己所不欲,勿施于人 If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges. If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that. |
Re: My boring story...
I dropped to my knees and took Mike's cock into my mouth, while stroking/fondling the other two in each hand. It felt a little weird, having a larger one and a not so large one. It felt a little imbalanced. Maybe I should just blow Mark and wank Mike and Tom.
Honestly, fully hard, Mark wasn't that small. Smaller than Mike and Tom, and definitely Darren, but he was really a nice size for everything. I wondered if I should just get them to start in the shower. I was already aching for a cock inside me when Mike was fingering me in the car. Mark's tongue earlier on didn't help much other than make me even hornier. But the space was too small so we just finished showering and headed straight to the bed. I lay down and Mike went down on me. I took Mark in my mouth, recalling our conversation about deepthroating earlier, and practically swallowed his entire shaft. Maybe I didn't have a gag reflex, or maybe he was really not that long, but I felt his tip all the way at the back and yet I wasn't gagging. His hand wandered to my boob and I felt Tom's mouth on my other boob. After a couple of minutes, Mike slid in raw. Looks like they really intended to accede to my request. I switched my mouth over to Tom's cock and tried to deepthroat him. I couldn't get it all the way in, he was already at the back of my throat, yet I wasn't gagging. Now that was interesting. I guess if I was deliberately trying to deepthroat them, I wouldn't gag? Now I was really wondering how EoS made Nat puke. Perhaps it was just the technique. Mike withdrew pulled me up, getting Tom to lay down. I guess they were going to double penetrate me. Now that Mark was around, I could finally try triple penetration. But how in the world was that supposed to happen? I mean I've watched the videos of porn stars doing it, and it was possible if I was on top. But I didn't know how exactly it worked. Me: Triple? Mike: You want to try? Me: Yes please. T: You sure? Me: 100%. Mike: Mark you cool? Mark: Sure… but… not in the same hole right? I mean you guys are already used to that… not sure if I will be. T: You can just take her ass. Mark: I don't think I'm long enough. I have to go in then lean very far forward right? For this position I mean. Mike: Hang on. He took his phone and loaded a video. The three of them gathered around the tiny screen as if to analyze the procedure. I rolled my eyes. Me: Can we just get on with it? T: Hang on. It's not as easy as it looks. Mike: I think Mark has to be below for it to work the best. Mark: So… my dick is gonna be rubbing against someone else's? T: I guess we could double penetrate her ass? Me: No!!!! Mike: Hahaha… we'll let her decide. Mark: Let me try making myself longer. Haha… Me: Just try my ass first. Pretty sure you don't want to be rubbing against Mike or Tom. Mark: Yeah. Mike: I'm ok with it actually. T: Me too. At the risk of sounding a little gay, it actually feels pretty good. Mark: I'll try her ass. Me: Are you done with your research yet? Mike: Hang on. We're still trying to find the best way. Me: Whatever. I took the phone from Mike and tossed it somewhere onto the bed, then pushed him down and mounted him, sliding his hard cock into my slippery hole. I leaned forward and tried my best to arch my back to allow Mark easier entry. Mike helped a little by spreading my ass cheeks as wide as he could. I felt the cool lube on my asshole as Mark pushed in slowly. I was right. His size was really good for anal. I relaxed as much as I could and he managed to go in all the way before moving forward. It felt a little weird with his dick bending that way inside me. I was pretty sure he was also hitting Mike's cock as well. Tom got into position and rubbed his dickhead around. Me: You better don't stick that into my ass. T: By accident or on purpose? Me: Neither is fine. I tensed a little as he probed my pussy above Mike's shaft, spreading me wider. It was more difficult compared to previous times, probably because Mark's cock was already in my ass, but he finally managed to get it in and I heaved a sigh of relief. Mark: This feels really odd… Me: It feels really good! Mark: So now we start thrusting? Mike: Yes? T: Slowly… They all started moving, trying their best to synchronize their movements. I was sort of expecting some sort of pain, considering the number of cocks I had in me, but it was surprisingly extremely pleasurable. I gripped the bedsheets until my knuckles turned white as I lay on Mike's chest. I could feel his heartbeat and his breath on my face. Mike: Tom, slow down! T: I'm already going very slowly! If I wasn't busy trying not to moan too loudly, I might have just burst out laughing. I guess Mark being in me as well made me even tighter, and their dicks were rubbing against each other with more intensity? Mike: Shit! I felt him twitching violently inside me as the warmth enveloped my insides. Tom didn't stop thrusting, inadvertently not allowing Mike to pull out, or perhaps it was really too congested in there. The look on Mike's face was pretty hilarious as Tom unloaded as well inside. They pulled out together with a loud slurp and I felt their cum leaking out and running down my thighs. Mark was still thrusting away slowly though. He was lasting way longer in my ass than he did in my pussy. Was my ass that loose? Or was he just trying to prove a point again? Or maybe the angle was wrong. Mike slid out from under me to allow me to lie flat on the bed as Mark pounded my ass rather gently. Mike and Tom stood at the side and watched as Mark fucked my ass for the next 5 minutes. Me: You can cum, you know. Mark: Ah. Not used to the audience. Me: Really? Mark: I guess so? Never had your ass before either. Me: So… performance anxiety? Mark: Maybe? Me: You wanna finish in my pussy then? Mark: Nah. He continued pounding me for another few minutes. Mike and Tom went to wash up separately. Me: Hey… what's wrong? Mark: I don't know. Can't cum. Me: Did you take the Maca? Mark: I didn't overdose. He pulled out and I flipped over. Mark: I shouldn't put it in without washing up. Me: Yeah. Mark: I'm not so sure I wanna put it in without you washing up either. Me: Haha! So that's the problem! You're not comfortable with their cum. Mark: Err… Me: Oh trust me. It was damn weird for them at first. But now it's quite normal. Mike came out from the bathroom and I entered with Mark. He washed his dick and I tried to douche myself with the bidet. Me: You wanna try now? Mark: Not hard anymore. Me: That's not a problem. I took him in my mouth and brought him to full hardness before turning around and inviting him in. Needless to say, for some reason, he gave me my third creampie of the night within minutes. Maybe it was the Maca, or maybe he was saving it up for me, but the amount he deposited inside me seemed equivalent to the combined total of Mike and Tom. I douched myself again and we headed back out. Mike and Tom were already dressed. Me: That's it? Mike: Yup. Me: Oh. I thought we could go again with Mark and someone else inside my pussy. T: Hahahaha. I don't think Mark's ready for that. Mark: Yeah. I'm not. Mike: It's weird, but it feels really good for some reason. Mark: Not gonna try. Not yet. Maybe never. Mike: Take care of my wife then. We're going to play Diablo. Me: Err… I gotta wash the sheets. T: I'm sure you can wash them later. We can go for supper. They left the room laughing and shut the door. I was actually a little pissed but I really had no reason to be. I had an understanding husband who allowed me to explore my sexuality not just with him, but others as well. Maybe that's why he was playing so many computer games. But he had always been a gamer so I doubt that was the reason. I didn't have any opportunity to protest as Mark cupped my face and started kissing me again, sliding his hands down my side, cupping and caressing my breasts, while guiding me towards the bed. I avoided lying on the sticky patch from the previous round as he got on top of me. Still kissing me, he guided his already hard cock into me. I was a little surprised that I was still this wet, considering I had already douched myself twice. He thrusts were slow and purposeful, his mouth on mine, a hand on my breast and the other with his thumb gently circling my clit. He came within minutes but didn't pull out, somehow maintaining his hardness. Each thrust brought out his cum and I could feel the stickiness dripping down my asshole. I guess for him it was really the emotional aspect of sex that he was really enjoying now. I couldn't believe how he could not cum while in my tight ass, but came so quickly and multiple times in my obviously not as tight pussy. We probably had sex for around half an hour more where he unloaded a total of three times, each feeling as much as the previous ones. When he finally pulled out, the huge creampie under me kind of surprised him too. We took another shower together, one where he didn't try to creampie me again, and afterwards packed up the sheets for the laundromat. We had to wait for quite awhile until Mike and Tom were ready to go. We had supper near the laundromat while waiting for the sheets to dry and Mark headed home himself after that. As usual, Mike and Tom continued gaming while I went to bed. For some reason, EoS texted me late that night. E: I think he's looking a lot better. Me: Huh? E: Can't you tell? The way he smiles at you. Or with you. It seems genuine. Me: That's good right? E: I think so. Me: You should have joined us. E: Eh. You really gotta stop trying to convince me. Me: Why? E: I'm not who I was before. Me: Apparently. E: To be honest, if I wasn't married, I probably would be over very very often. Me: Haha. You sure? My appetite can be quite huge. E: Indeed. But you never had me. And you probably never will. Me: You know it's almost a year since the last gangbang… E: And so? Me: Thinking of having another? E: Go ahead. I'm sure Jason and Darren would jump at the chance. Me: Nah. I just had one with the three of them. Might have been better if you were here. E: Aiyah. Say so earlier. I don't mind watching. Haha. Me: Right. I'd rather you join in. E: And I'd rather not. Me: Fine then. I'm off to bed. Good night. E: Good night June. Well anyway Deepavali was approaching. I guess it would be appropriate to have another gangbang. With the right people this time. |
Re: My boring story...
MMMF is amazing to read, but to try is another level for most of us.
Even if it's one cock in pussy rubbing against another in the anus can be weird, worst, when two in pussies CIP concurrently, feeling each other's cum. The most hilarious would be the scene of 3 grown up men fidgeting how to have a triple penetration in pussy and anus concurrently. If not for the supplement Mark had, he probably can't sustain the erection.
己所不欲,勿施于人 If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges. If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that. |
Re: My boring story...
Porn really helps. And lube. Although they do it so much easier in porn. I don't know about the maca effect for Mark. But I can feel he's enjoying sex a lot more when he isn't doing it for the others benefit. |
Re: My boring story...
Don't believe those porn, the time taken to film a good one is way beyond the time we watch it.
己所不欲,勿施于人 If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges. If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that. |
Re: My boring story...
EOS’s self control is out of this world.
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