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Old 19-04-2016, 10:51 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by jc_wtc View Post
Just up 13 points, jc_wtc
Lucky 8 Up!
Hey! I might be a Crook, but I am Honest!
Old 19-04-2016, 10:56 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by dcrusader View Post
upz for exchange. cheers!
up u 9 brother
Old 19-04-2016, 11:28 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Exchange points anyone
I had more than enough points. Pls DO NOT up me for Exchange
Old 19-04-2016, 11:57 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Point for trade
Old 19-04-2016, 11:59 AM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Anyone keen to exchange
Old 19-04-2016, 12:26 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

13 points up. Joined your up list.

Originally Posted by lobowolf View Post
In queue to be upped by me in exchange (in order):

smartke (No post in the last 2 days)

Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.

NatalieDi, tinalam, derrickboy, magix01m, Wende11a, TomMaffo1ter, anotherlife, wittyman, 胡's your daddy, surbana, Mr Romeo, lonebonker, Lemon2, dysfunk, El Bistro, cyberkoh88, Bluezben, redsky0022, wohaha96, gasscut, BBHumper, skyleon, Exbros, bk81665, BCMan, badboys, Super00, beautyhunter, hairy_abalone, Milobing, NorthEast, crackpod, vietloner, Belt, BigBird123, love2paint, mattjb, francined69, sexykido, Abbie Mayo, pocketrocket, plsfloodme, SimplyUnperfect, Dom1976, bbbjkim, TonySeng, watsunder, look4fats, marlboroken, MeePokDry, compgen, topcook1, Javabeans, wasilang, chatlovers, Evetan86, Love 6969, deathryuk, simple2kee, smoky7, hamsapkwai, Mito, waikeekee, Lawrence1713, DarthRevan, Informer, mplover, Nzkiwi, grey82, justl00king, jay.lay, owl888, vampangel, baigonggong, raw1, clinton, ShaolinHamster, pilter, Tho66, justanewbie, bk4ever, WOOHOO, REYA, madpig88, Swagelock, wally888, Kingsle, kopigaogao, kristoa7, bulleye, curiousSG, szczesny, S.B.Y.1, ah rat, JJmagic, cash8877, DevilChan78, ebonkie, Andrew101, bababoo, ctchua, vrossi1980, Sexy_lion, voltaredonda, nastythaiboy, Rasta Marley, Spicy98, truthful, manu_no7, PeaceKris, NaughtynSensual, SureScore, Goalie, Koiz, Hurricane88, Clownteaser, powerki, Sailsingapor
Beckham07, cassano10, bonkning: Trolls cum L6H66 promoters
Old 19-04-2016, 12:47 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

xchange pts welcomed.

Power Tan's 正宗传人. Wu Seh 派护法

Defeated Johnbass on 10/12/2016
Old 19-04-2016, 12:55 PM
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Wink Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Exchange of points welcome. Min power 6.

For those bros who upped me, kindly leave your nick behind so that I am able to returned the points to return. Thank you.
But with the long list, it will take quite a long time.

Following the list to be upped : bulleye, Denniswhite, marlboroken, anotherlife, fullofrubbish, Best123, Smoky7, ah rat, ngengheng, hungten, Ash_christiano, lglg666, norigo77, Andrew101, Mito, Jackbl, kristoa7, topcook1, owen10, Harvest, Supervert, chochochang2, Exbros, deathryuk, xxxdreamer, PocketRocket, reading, Aceyfox, loneyheart, smartke, jay.lay, conquer, silverstrike, dyelook. Exbro

Upped : Siam66, SureScore, Kingsle, Goalie, Hurricane88, Tarma69, voltaredonda, justl00king, DevilChan78, CoCK ShoCk, TwinTowers, gasscut, BMW69, SimplyUnperfect, Sex crusader, ctchua, wittyman, qizai, HonestCrook, Tho66, ShaolinHamster, clinton, 胡's your daddy!, kopigaogao, Cumexplorer, Sailsingapore, bbbjkim, hamsapkwai, esssinine, waikeekee, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, shctaw, meatvegelove, Apollo, powerkid, Sexy_lion, tinalam, Kalv, bigbirdbird, cash8877, manu_no7, Josh_Ray, Lamborghini, jc_wtc, Botakhead, S.B.Y.1, p00t, Froster, crackpod, masterwanker, cyberkoh88, The Old Nite, hairy_abalone, DarthRevan, badboys, wohaha96, bunty, NorthEast, bababoo, compgen

The following list of bros, please start a new posting so that I am able to up and returned your points : bulleye, Denniswhite, marlboroken, anotherlife, fullofrubbish

Old 19-04-2016, 01:32 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Anyone want to exchange with my humble 3 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )
To be up list :

Already Upped: otamay ; Koizumi ; diputs1269

Upped b4 :

2nd round to up : SureScore ; Prince7 ; TwinTowers ; lonebonker ; Cafu ; sailsingapore Greenfrog ; SimplyUnperfect ; Lemon2 ; lipe ; xpeipanx


Age is just a number.


Old 19-04-2016, 01:59 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Upz for pts xchange
Old 19-04-2016, 03:11 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Posting for exchange!
Old 19-04-2016, 04:09 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by Scandiacus View Post
Posting for exchange!
Up 8 exchange
Old 19-04-2016, 04:23 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Thank you so much Bros Dreammaster195, Ghost78, Sunhuan-con & Ranger_Edd for your points.
Greatly Appreciated

Upzlist Empty
Humble 9 Ready for Xchange
Minimum 5 Pointers at the moment

Please PM Latest Post: Sky_liner2, Msuzu, Oldwulf
Old 19-04-2016, 04:23 PM
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Wink Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Thanks to all bros.
It is good response from many bros.... The list is getting longer and STILL EXPANDING.

Thanks to all the bros who had already given me their points.

In sequence to return points are :
Abastor, DarthRevan, ReelSchnick, masterwanker, ah rat, simifly, kristoa7, cash8877, wohaha96, Exbro, Milobing, ChinaAngel, skyleon, Bunty, Clownteaser, marlboroken, Koiz, ComplainKing, TwinTowers, menshealth, sg50, mePoke, silverstrike, Botakhead2, Tho66, baigonggong. S.B.Y.1, guess67, RenaCross, reading, Jackbl, Smoky7, igor123, 1deg, Xxon, oldslywolf, ZacCommand, bulleye, topcook1, tho123goh, ReddySpeed, esssinine, kuan aik hong, starbuck, ho-lee, bareback, BlueCondor, bigtube99, Harvest, MarlboroKen, Best123, lone_dog69, Swagelock, owen10, Chaku, deathryuk, evetan86, plsfloodme, Spicy98, jay.lay, PocketRocket, Prince7 Submarinez, badboys, RapidoBoy, Javabeans, Nzkiwi, Jerr143, Redapple26, Wu Song Jr, sbftiankon, xxxdreamer

Listing Of Bros whom I had returned points are :
loneyheart (returned on 21/11/15), meatvegelove (returned on 22/11/15), sc slayer (returned on 24/11/15), Hurricane88 (returned on 25/11/15), SureScore (returned on 26/11/15), Goalie (returned 27/11/15), sponge05 (returned on 29/11/15), Laoba (returned on 30/11/15), basfreak (returned on 1/12/15), i^Xi0n (returned on 3/12/15), shctaw (returned on 4/12/15), Crackpod (returned 5/12/15), bbbjkim (returned 7/12/15), HonestCrook (returned 8/12/15), NorthEast (returned 14/12/15), qizai (returned 15/12/15), manu_07 (returned 17/12/15), 胡's your daddy (returned 20/12/15), Sexy_lion (returned 21/12/15), ShaolinHamster (returned 23/12/15), waikeekee (returned 24/12/15), Cafu (returned 28/12/15), Doubledare (returned 31/12/15), Devil Reds (returned 02/01/16), apollo (returned 03/01/16), Josh_Ray (returned 04/01/16), clinton (returned 06/01/16), CumExplorer (returned 08/01/16), wittyman (returned on 10/01/16), cyberkoh88 (returned on 12/01/16), voltaredonda (returned on 14/01/16), szczesny (returned on 15/01/16), owl888 (returned on 17/01/16), Kalv (returned 18/01/16), Pervy Sage (returned 20/01/16), Kingsle (returned 22/01/16), hamsapkwai (returned 23/01/16), tarma69 (returned 24/01/16), p00t (returned 26/01/16), PeaceKris (returned 28/01/16), DevilChan78 (returned 29/01/16), CoCk shoCk (returned 01/02/16), dysfunk (returned 03/02/16), Lamborghini (returned 06/02/16), curiousSG (returned 07/02/16), truthful (returned 09/02/16), nastythaiboy (returned 11/02/16), madpig88 (returned 12/02/16), Sailsingapore (returned 15/02/16), jc_wtc (returned 16/02/16), denniswhite (returned 18/02/16), compgen (returned 24/02/16), chochochang2 (returned 28/02/16), mplover (returned 04/03/16), jjmagic (returned 07/03/16), tinalam (returned 16/03/16), fullofrubbish (returned 18/03/16), hairy_abalone (returned 23/03/16), Informer (returned 24/03/16), anotherlife (returned 27/03/16), norigo77 (returned 19/04/16)

Old 19-04-2016, 05:49 PM
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Re: Exchange points in ZAP FREE zone!

Originally Posted by hamsapkwai View Post
up u 9 brother
Just return ur Upz bro!
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