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Old 11-02-2024, 03:29 AM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Thank you so much WB and happy CNY.
SirLance is back and rides through sbf!

Point exchange with Min 5 pts.

Old 22-02-2024, 09:25 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by SirLance View Post
Thank you so much WB and happy CNY.
Bro, welcome!

Happy CNY!


Good evening,

Here is a tip on getting women. It's very basic yet many men do exactly the opposite.

Why Ignoring Her Makes Her Want You

by CCdeville

When I was 19 my mother used to baby-sit this cute little 5 year old girl we nicknamed Muffin.

Now of course everyone loves little girls and everyone is always telling them how cute they are, pinching their cheeks, and showering all kinds of attention on them. It was no different for little Muffin.

Myself, not being so impressed with young children, I used to come home, interact with my family, eat dinner, and eventually go to my room hardly acknowledging Muffin's presence.

And when I did speak to Muffin, I spoke to her as if she were an adult...

Not making little baby sounds and pinching her cheeks like everyone else did.

My New Shadow

Amazingly, she would follow me all over the house just to see what I was doing.

She would ask me all kinds of questions in her own childish way and wanted to spend time with me, even though everyone else was paying her the attention.

One day, after being annoyed at Muffin constantly trying to be my shadow, I asked my mother why this little girl wouldn't leave me alone.

And mom answered...

"It's because everyone else showers her with attention and you ignore her."

Women Don't Change Much

The point is that women don't change much.

By the time a girl grows up, she's already accustomed to being the center of attention. She expects it, especially from men.

And as with anything, when you expect it, you usually take it for granted.

As a Don Juan you have to break the pattern that she expects.

When you talk to her, talk as if you would to anyone else, almost as if to say, "I get along with everyone." Don't call her every day and shower attention upon her right away.

Force her to come to you by not doing what every other poor sap has already done.

You will stand out. You will be different.

And she will be intrigued.

Bro WB
Old 05-03-2024, 09:36 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Good evening,

Here is a research article on the importance of penile-vaginal intercourse on life's satisfaction. All other forms of sexual behavior are less satisfactory.

Satisfaction (Sexual, Life, Relationship, and Mental Health) Is Associated Directly with Penile–Vaginal Intercourse, but Inversely with Other Sexual Behavior Frequencies

For both sexes, multivariate analyses revealed that PVI frequency was directly associated with all satisfaction measures (part correlation = 0.50 with sexual satisfaction), masturbation frequency was independently inversely associated with almost all satisfaction measures, and noncoital sex frequencies independently inversely associated with some satisfaction measures (and uncorrelated with the rest). Age did not confound the results.

The results are consistent with evidence that specifically PVI frequency, rather than other sexual activities, is associated with sexual satisfaction, health, and well-being. Inverse associations between satisfaction and masturbation are not due simply to insufficient PVI. Brody S, and Costa RM. Satisfaction (sexual, life, relationship, and mental health) is associated directly with penile-vaginal intercourse, but inversely with other sexual behavior frequencies. J Sex Med 2009;6:1947–1954.

Your comments and insights will be appreciated.

I'm not apologetic for getting and keeping the most attractive girls of my type. My well-being and happiness are dependent on it.

Bro WB
Old 12-04-2024, 05:13 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Good afternoon,

Two months ago, I received a newsletter from sex guru Jim Wolfe on how to improve relationships with wome. I didn't share it then because it's a bit long-winded.

ONLY Choose a Woman Who Does THIS...

I'm going to share one simple tip that can greatly improve your relationship with a woman and everyone else in your life:

Imagine for a second that you just got a promotion at work...

And then you come home to your girlfriend or wife excited to tell her about it:

"Honey, I just got the promotion I've been wanting for so long!! I'm so happy!"

Her response:

"That's great...but I mean...don't you hate working there anyway? Sorry if I don't get too excited for you..."


That's how you might feel.

And this short little story illustrates the opposite of the concept I'm going to cover today...

A simple way to improve ALL of your relationships...

It's called "capitalization" and it's one of the keys to having a healthy, satisfying relationship with a woman and good relationships with everyone else.

Here's how you apply capitalization:

1. Any time the woman you're dating (or anyone else) tells you something positive about their life, you AMPLIFY it instead of minimizing it.

2. You want to choose a woman who does the same for you.

It's that simple (yet not necessarily easy).

So, to flip this around, when your girlfriend comes home and says, "Hey, guess what?! I finally got that promotion I've been wanting today!!!"

You say, "Wow, that's awesome, honey! I'm so proud of you! Let's celebrate..."

Even if you know she doesn't like the company she works for.

What you want to do in that case is capitalize on the good feelings she's sharing, amplify them by the way you respond (this adds lots of good feelings into your relationship)...

...AND THEN, a day or two later, you can bring up the fact that while it's great that she got a promotion maybe she should consider still looking for other opportunities because she doesn't like the company.

And make sure you choose to be with a woman who handles your good news the same way.

Because over the course of months and years, if a woman deflates you every time you share something you're happy about with her, you'll end up feeling resentful toward her and you won't want to share your happiness with her.

And if you minimize her good feelings when she shares them with you, she'll feel bad around you and will start only sharing neutral and negative things with you.

So, when she shares something positive with you, don't put her or the situation down, don't minimize what she's saying, and don't resist those good emotions.

Expand them instead.

And, if you have feedback to offer that might deflate those good feelings, wait and share it with her later.

If both of you do this, you will be MUCH happier to be together.

And if you do this with people in general, they will want to be around you a lot more.

This might seem like a small thing but it's extremely important...

Especially because there will be so many instances where this comes up for both people in a relationship.

Remember: Her happiness is your happiness and your happiness is her happiness. Same with success.

Now, a woman can't make you happy...

However, she can EXPAND your happiness and you can do the same for her.

And now you know a simple way you can.

On the other hand, if neither of you practice capitalization, you can definitely make each other miserable.

So, from now on, expand on any incoming positives and you'll have a much happier girlfriend or wife. And make sure you're with someone who does this too.

Now, when you're on your first or second date with a woman and she tells you she got a promotion, you don't have to go crazy and throw her a party or anything like that...

However, you should still capitalize on the good news:

"Wow, congratulations! Let me grab you a drink to celebrate..."


It's okay to get her one drink if it's to celebrate her good news. Just don't go overboard if she's not your girlfriend yet.

Once she's your girlfriend or your wife, you can expand her good feelings as much as you want:

"Wow! I'm so proud of you...let's get a bottle of champagne..."

You can even throw her a party and invite all of your friends so they can share those good feelings too depending on what the situation happens to be.


The important thing here is just that you don't minimize her good feelings and expand them instead, even just with your words and body language.

You don't have to do anything more than that; I'm just saying that you can if you want.

And, from now on, I highly encourage you to celebrate the success of others in general...

Because when someone gets or achieves something that you want and you celebrate it, your mind starts associating that thing with positive feelings and that makes it much more likely that YOU will get it as well.

And, of course, it also improves all of your relationships and makes you much more fun to be around.

And, on the other hand, the opposite is true if you minimize the good feelings of others.

So when you see a guy with a beautiful, kind, smart, amazing wife or girlfriend, CELEBRATE his happiness and success...

Because that makes you open to experiencing that success as well.

And when a woman tells you something positive from her life, encourage, support, expand, and amplify vs. minimizing, resisting, or destroying.

Because if you do, you'll be handsomely rewarded.

Remember: We have to actively CREATE good feelings in our relationships together...

And capitalization is a simple way to do it.

Ok, last thing for the day:

When you're talking to a woman (and as a general rule), do your best not to create negatives as well.

That means don't whine and complain or put people down in your conversations...

And don't make negatives worse either:

If she shares something negative with you, support her and show her you're on her team but don't amplify the negative feelings. Just accept them.

So, to re-cap, we want to actively create good feelings by sharing positive things with a woman, AMPLIFY her good feelings when she shares them with us, and refrain from creating negatives as much as we can.

Find a woman who does this too and you just might beat the odds and find yourself still happy after several decades with her.

And if you do this as a general rule, ALL of your relationships will improve.

Try it and watch what happens.

I'll be back with you soon.



Your comments?

I have found a girl who has amplified my happiness and contentment. She respects, encourages, supports, and admires me. She has complete trust in me and is submissive. That is why she is my soul mate.

Bro WB
Old 12-04-2024, 05:31 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

bravo Bro Warbird! love this post!
Thanks for sharing!
Old 12-04-2024, 05:36 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by celavie View Post
This is such an amazing thread. How I wish I had chanced upon this earlier. The mindset and ethos would have been really helpful.

Abit of history, I had BY'ed a singer for a couple of months. We have since broken up as I could not stand the incesstant request for money and finally saw that this was all a transaction. Unfortunately I was KC big time and still cannot suppress this feeling towards her. It has been 4 months already and still cannot get over her. There is not much resentment since I appreciate that I did gain Her over the course of the relationship. Move on but it seems it is easier said than done. Onwards to my next BY is the only way to forget her.

Anyhow I will be a student of bro Warbird and Austin and other esteemed bros and the years of wisdom here. I still can't believe this wisdom had been here all this time since 2009 and I have only just discovered it.

I spent between 10-15k pm for a small joint PRC singer, met and fucked twice a week on average. .
10-15K per mth?? This amount can allow me to fark countless syt FLs & GL angpais. You can even try Jap, Korean, Russia fls every week

No offence, but can never understand why do people waste this kind of money on BY a ktv hostess

This kind of transaction her ROI is like 500% and your ROI is like 3% nia

Anyway I will never have this kind of problem cos I can't afford to BY any one with my meagre salary. The most I can afford is weekly visit to GL or book a FL for 1 hr per week.

Sometimes I really wonder how some ppl so rich yet so silly... life so unfair
Old 12-04-2024, 07:07 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by SadLoser View Post
10-15K per mth?? This amount can allow me to fark countless syt FLs & GL angpais. You can even try Jap, Korean, Russia fls every week

No offence, but can never understand why do people waste this kind of money on BY a ktv hostess

This kind of transaction her ROI is like 500% and your ROI is like 3% nia

Anyway I will never have this kind of problem cos I can't afford to BY any one with my meagre salary. The most I can afford is weekly visit to GL or book a FL for 1 hr per week.

Sometimes I really wonder how some ppl so rich yet so silly... life so unfair
Most of the time it’s because the money is not hard earned.
Either inheritance or from running some crony company…
Old 13-04-2024, 12:22 AM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by I Love Boobs View Post
Most of the time it’s because the money is not hard earned.
Either inheritance or from running some crony company…
You are most likely right bro... office workers where can afford or bear to splurge this kind of money
Old 13-04-2024, 09:57 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by MillerV View Post
bravo Bro Warbird! love this post!
Thanks for sharing!

Tks for your encouragement. I'm not entirely altruistic as I have learned a lot by sharing.

I know you have a happy family now. If you ever want to visit KTVs again, let me know.

Bro WB

Originally Posted by SadLoser View Post
10-15K per mth?? This amount can allow me to fark countless syt FLs & GL angpais. You can even try Jap, Korean, Russia fls every week

No offence, but can never understand why do people waste this kind of money on BY a ktv hostess

This kind of transaction her ROI is like 500% and your ROI is like 3% nia

Anyway I will never have this kind of problem cos I can't afford to BY any one with my meagre salary. The most I can afford is weekly visit to GL or book a FL for 1 hr per week.

Sometimes I really wonder how some ppl so rich yet so silly... life so unfair

Yes, life has always been unfair. Some men are tall and some are short. Some die at birth and some live to 100 plus.

If life deals me a terrible hand, I'll accept and do my best to improve it. As they say, it's not where you start but where you finish that counts. I encourage every samster to do the best. Improve yourself every day, in every way. Be positive, optimistic and persistent.

I joined SBF in June 2007 when I started spending more time in SG. My earliest posts from 2007- early 2009 were all on GL streetwalkers and local FLs. Some GL girls then were pretty, sexy, natural, and affordable, from $80-120 per shot. The local girls from $250-450. Read my FRs.

Sadly, the prettier girls in GL were largely gone by mid-2009. Only ugly girls and aunties remained. Since I never settled, I began visiting KTVs to look for my type of girl. In late 2008, I was introduced to KTVs by a fellow lao chee ko pek. As a newbie, I was not very successful in the beginning. To save money, I tried picking up girls outside KTVs, schools, near taxi stands, and in shopping malls. Read the early posts in this thread.

I have chronicled my evolution and rationale in detail. There are pros and cons in BY-ing. I used to keep a different girl every month, sometimes 2 girls simultaneously. Then my relationship with these girls became longer and longer, partly because my type of girl was becoming scarce.

Another advantage of keeping LT lao pos is that I can make love to them raw. I make sure they get regular medical tests. Last but not least, their companionship is most enjoyable and greatly beneficial to my healthy longevity.

Yes, some rich men are carrot heads, especially those who hang flowers at HFJs. I have several posts on their folly.

Bro WB

Originally Posted by I Love Boobs View Post
Most of the time it’s because the money is not hard earned.
Either inheritance or from running some crony company…
Yes, many patrons of KTVs and HFJs in SG engage in shady businesses, and some in illegal all-cash rackets. Why aren't they all get arrested? My soul mate and I can tell by observing their body language, behavior, and 气质.

Bro WB
Old 13-04-2024, 10:04 PM
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Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Bro, welcome!

Happy CNY!


Good evening,

Here is a tip on getting women. It's very basic yet many men do exactly the opposite.

Why Ignoring Her Makes Her Want You

by CCdeville

When I was 19 my mother used to baby-sit this cute little 5 year old girl we nicknamed Muffin.

Now of course everyone loves little girls and everyone is always telling them how cute they are, pinching their cheeks, and showering all kinds of attention on them. It was no different for little Muffin.

Myself, not being so impressed with young children, I used to come home, interact with my family, eat dinner, and eventually go to my room hardly acknowledging Muffin's presence.

And when I did speak to Muffin, I spoke to her as if she were an adult...

Not making little baby sounds and pinching her cheeks like everyone else did.

My New Shadow

Amazingly, she would follow me all over the house just to see what I was doing.

She would ask me all kinds of questions in her own childish way and wanted to spend time with me, even though everyone else was paying her the attention.

One day, after being annoyed at Muffin constantly trying to be my shadow, I asked my mother why this little girl wouldn't leave me alone.

And mom answered...

"It's because everyone else showers her with attention and you ignore her."

Women Don't Change Much

The point is that women don't change much.

By the time a girl grows up, she's already accustomed to being the center of attention. She expects it, especially from men.

And as with anything, when you expect it, you usually take it for granted.

As a Don Juan you have to break the pattern that she expects.

When you talk to her, talk as if you would to anyone else, almost as if to say, "I get along with everyone." Don't call her every day and shower attention upon her right away.

Force her to come to you by not doing what every other poor sap has already done.

You will stand out. You will be different.

And she will be intrigued.

Bro WB
Fuck you lah. Talk nonsense only. Lala land
Old 14-04-2024, 01:48 AM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

hahah..bro,diff ppl diff point of views la
Old 14-04-2024, 08:48 AM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Originally Posted by I Love Boobs View Post
Most of the time it’s because the money is not hard earned.
Either inheritance or from running some crony company…
Ups u again.. shun bian spread reps..

Old 14-04-2024, 10:11 PM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Great share bro warbird, got a lot to learn from you!
Old 15-04-2024, 01:44 AM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

Wow too much tips. I have to take my time to read it
Old 15-04-2024, 06:35 AM
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Re: How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type

For bros who have gf before, is it kiss/hold hands/have sex first then become a couple or become a couple first then kiss/hold hands/have sex? Thank you. Cause our society more conservative so I think it is the latter but without sexual attraction how to become a couple in the first place lol?
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