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Old 08-05-2020, 10:09 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

I came to this forum for sexy stuff. Why am I looking forward to this..
Old 09-05-2020, 05:45 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by HiddenJ View Post
I came to this forum for sexy stuff. Why am I looking forward to this..
You can always skipped this and go to the more sexy one...
Old 09-05-2020, 09:49 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by ml1138 View Post
You can always skipped this and go to the more sexy one...
It's too late bro. Too late
Old 09-05-2020, 09:53 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by unlove View Post
Huat ah!! Thanks bro ILOCK!! Can’t wait to see our favourite couple Hibiki and Jane in action again!!
Thanks for upping, please make post so i can up u back.


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Old 09-05-2020, 11:51 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Great updates TS, please keep going!
Old 09-05-2020, 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by HiddenJ View Post
It's too late bro. Too late
Ikr how this is a sex forum but everyone is hooked to a story which literally has no sex yet, ILOCK is just that crazy a writer!
Old 09-05-2020, 03:05 PM
TheBlamingOne TheBlamingOne is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Support great story. Pls continue.
Old 09-05-2020, 04:15 PM
moneycombat moneycombat is offline
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Excellent story TS, looking forward to next update
Old 09-05-2020, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Naka_Timo View Post
Thanks for upping, please make post so i can up u back.
Cheers bro timo!!
Old 10-05-2020, 09:24 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Waiting patiently
Old 10-05-2020, 10:38 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Damn exciting! Can’t wait for the next instalment !
Old 10-05-2020, 02:02 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

Originally Posted by unlove View Post
Cheers bro timo!!
Returned +129


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Old 10-05-2020, 02:32 PM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

When when when!! Haha. So looking forward to it. Until I got stomachache sia.
Old 11-05-2020, 02:00 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

I just spent 2 days n 2 nights reading the other 2 side stories... I guess we can expect some avengers ending with interesting cross overs sfrom the looks of it.
Old 11-05-2020, 11:44 AM
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah

21th December 2017

My eyes opened when I heard the door open.

I saw Declan and Hong walking out of the pantry. I could hear Yiling voice as well.

I got up and stretched myself a little before walking over to the exit.

I could smell cigarette smoke and as I opened the door, Yiling told Declan that the bus is ready by the cookhouse. He will go get the men he chose personally for this and get them ready.
The men will load up after breakfast at 6.30am.
The bus will leave the castle at 6.40am

Declan nodded and say he will handle it.

The skies look red and angry and I could feel a strong breeze trying to force itself into the pantry.

Leaves rustled and I could see lightning in the horizon.

A storm is coming but not so soon.

It’s one of those days when you know it’s going to rain cats and dogs just when you least expect it to.

Yiling looked like she didn’t get much sleep the whole night. She’s still in her pyjamas I think, a pair of cotton grey shorts and a white tank top.

Yiling : Jackson … wake the rest… grab some food and get ready…

The rest of us are to gather at the garage in the castle by 6.15am

Seven heard the commotion by the door and I watched him turn to his side and falling flat to the floor in push up position. He started his morning workout to wake his body.

He effortlessly did 50 before switching over on his back for a round of crunches.

I shook Kamal who woke up after a groan before waking Aaron.

We washed up us and made our way to the cookhouse together.

I could smell croissants and fresh bread as I got nearer.
The sound of plates leaving the buffet line and the smell of fresh coffee filled the air. It’s getting crowded at the cookhouse with everyone coming to grab a bite but there’s still plenty of seats.

Guys don’t linger longer than necessary for their meals.

Eat and go. It’s in our blood.

Some guys just grabbed a coffee and head out for a smoke.

Aaron buttered up some freshly baked bread rolls, taking effort to arrange his plate nicely with scrambled eggs and sausages while I looked at the mess on my bowl.

I chugged bake beans and eggs together and used it as a dip as I drowned the bread in it before taking a bite.

Hong probably did not get the memo about the amount of butter there already is in the croissant, he split it apart, and stuff in 2 chunks of butter before taking a big bite.
Seven had 4 hard boil eggs in front of him and he slowly peeled each other.

Kamal dissected his bread and ham with surgical precision. His blonde hair and his hokkien greeting to the men looked out of place against the refined manner in which he eats.

All of us are so different. We come from different backgrounds, we have different up bringing, it makes me wonder how did we all end up together here in La Bella Vita.

Is this what they call fate ?

We finished up our food and made our way back to the castle.
I dropped by the farmhouse and pulled 1 of my axe out from under the bed.

I wrapped it with a spare long sleeve t-shirt and I tied the sleeves together to make a carrying handle before putting it around my body.

Hong : You look like those people about to go on a long journey in old Chinese movies Jackson….

Jackson : Haha… I hope it’s a short day today….

Kamal chipped in.

Kamal : It will be…. Our winning streak is not over yet….
Hong : very long never do steamboat already Jackson…. Tonight ai mai ( shall e do it tonight ? )

Jackson : ok … ! After we get Russell….

When we arrived at the castle we saw Yiling waiting for us by the black SUVs.

Dressed totally in black, both Yiling’s long sleeve and top hugged her body so tightly that it left nothing to imagination.
Not even the racer back sports bra she was wearing underneath.

She would have fit right in with a gym going crowd or perhaps a hot office lady on her way to Pilates class after work if not for the pair of high heels she wore.

If anyone can walk and run in heels, it would be her.

Yiling : All ready… ?

We nodded and Candy appeared from behind one of the vehicle.

She handed out walkie talkies and we did a quick comms check.

Declan : read you loud and clear…….

We’re taking 3 cars and Declan will follow shortly after in the bus.

The prevailing wind never stopped blowing the entire morning.
The red skies cleared slightly only to reveal a dull morning sky overcast of storm clouds.

You could practically smell the rain in the air as birds chirped noisily in the trees around us.

Dead and dried leaves kept falling around us and I thought I felt the temperature dropped a notch.
This is the kind of weather to cuddle up at home with a hot cup of tea with your love ones, and not out hunting for a terrorist.

I brushed off the weather, refusing to lend legitimacy to superstitions that this is a bad sign.


The 3 car convoy pulled slowly out of the castle and onto the main road as we made our way over to Jurong.


Declan’s voice sounded out over the walkie talkie.
Declan : bus moving out now….

The traffic is not heavy at that time but there are still plenty of vehicles on route to Jurong on the expressway.

The lightning seemed to flash more frequently as we made our way further west of the island.
Right before we exit the expressway, the low rumble of thunder finally reached my ears.


We pulled into the open air carpark by Jurong birdpark and switched off the engine.

About 15 minutes later, we saw the bus Declan drove pulled into the carpark as well.

Yiling rode in the same car as Aaron while I took mine with Kamal.

She fiddled with her phone and signalled to us to hold.

The lights in the carpark were still on but I knew they would be switched off soon.
The thick angry clouds rolled over us, blocking out the sun.

Still, there were no rain.

The wind gathered speed, sweeping up more leaves and I could hear the squawks and cries of the birds in the aviary just beside the carpark.
Another low rumble of distant thunder reached us and I looked at Kamal who shook his head at me.

Kamal : don’t say it Jackson …. Don’t say it… it’s bad luck….

I turned and I looked at Hong staring up at the skies.

I just can’t shake the foreboding feeling in my stomach.


The lights in the carpark and all the street lamps go out within seconds of each other. Nobody cut the power to anything, it’s just the way things are in the country.

Around 7am, the lights will go off before coming on again at 7pm.

It’s just that nobody expected it to be that dark that morning. Although not pitch dark and you could still pretty much see everything around you, the gloom that day is not one you will forget anytime soon.

Yiling : ok… go… now…

Yiling gestured for us to move and she told Declan to block off the road with the bus. The men are to spread out at the base of the hill in case Russell and his men tried to make a run for it.

Kamal and I were in the first car up, followed by Yiling & Aaron, then Hong and Seven.

Our headlights may be off but to the lookouts posted at the top, they would surely still see us coming.

The incline climb barely levelled off to the open air carpark when a car rammed head on into us.

Kamal : FUCK!

I held onto the handle as the grind of tyres against tar road screeched angrily. Kamal floor the accelerator and swerved the steering wheel, pushing back the smaller sedan and clearing the way for the rest to come up.

Kamal forced the sedan against another parked car and upon realising they had already lost the horsepower game, the Malus in the car got out of the car and started to run.

Kamal and I got out of the car and I could hear them shouting and warning their friends.

Hong and Aaron blocked the carpark exit with their vehicle, there’s no way Russell will be able to leave in his car.
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