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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 03-06-2004, 05:28 PM
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Re: Update!

Originally Posted by shoot
Bro sadfa,

The sign is there, ask yr friend to wake up! I've a KTV prc friend now. Just to share my experience a bit.

I know her 3 yrs ago and she treat me as a friend now. I don't drive, not rich and so, so looking only. I told her all this and she knows. But I make it a point that whenever I do business with her, I'll pay her a token fee without her asking for it. I told her I'm not treating u as a prostitute but just as an appreciation or for u to buy something. In this case, u don't really owe her anything n she will not use this to exchange any favour so on and so for. She also quite good to me, until now didn't ask anything big from me and never go high class place to makan only if I decided to. I even met her in Hong Kong for a few days this year Jan, suppose to proceed to her home in Shengzheng but quarrel with her n I came back early. For the 3 yrs, I only bought her 1 branded handbag. She just message me today n I know she is in S'pore liao. Going to be busy liao!

Just to advice yr friend, be alert, clear minded and in control and not being controlled. Don't get soft easily and give in. Just my 2 cents worth.
thanks for your reply, shoot. u also have a good deal work out.
frankly, not too pleased with my brudda 4 being such a fool and not going to talk to him on this issue unless he tells me first.
Old 04-06-2004, 12:31 AM
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Re: Update!

Originally Posted by sadfa
thanks for your input, fun4evergood.
anyway i am tired of this thing. he so old already. he should know what to do and bear the consequenes if he dont.

not going to bother to talk to him about this unless he ask me. scarly people here say i am the same brudda. haha!
Age has nothing to do with being a sucker.
Suckers are willing, idiots don't have a choice.

I know of even bigger assholes who gave up alot of things in this world for women, women not worthy of their emotions and feelings.
I know its everyone's right to fall in love with anyone else but at the end of the day their wives left them.
Their lives became miserable because all money is poured into the bottomless pit and they lie to friends.
So when the bitches left, what is he left with?
Old 04-06-2004, 01:27 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by sadfa
good 4 him. lets hope he have a happy ending out of this.
how well he tip. $100?
A happy ending? Maybe for him and his PRC girl.....but what about his wife? Or alternatively, a happy ending for him and his wife, but not the PRC girl.
Someone has got to lose......
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Last edited by Darkstorm; 04-06-2004 at 01:45 AM.
Old 04-06-2004, 10:46 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by Darkstorm
A happy ending? Maybe for him and his PRC girl.....but what about his wife? Or alternatively, a happy ending for him and his wife, but not the PRC girl.
Someone has got to lose......
true. the guy is old enough 2 bear the consequences of his own actions.
Old 04-06-2004, 11:29 PM
ah huathuat ah huathuat is offline
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

jus to caution all bros NOT to get too serious in realationship originates from this type of environment. imagine relationship nurtured from a normal environment is already so fragile that will still lead to breakage and broken heart, let alone in love with a gal from ktv!

i am not trying to discourage anyone from getting into this type of relationship as love is blind. but normally it ends up with nothing! however, there is still instance where success is possible, jus like winning first prize in the sillypore big sweep.

anyway life still have to go on...
Old 05-06-2004, 02:57 PM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Red Light Warning

Try yr UTMOST BEST (and if u fail, try again and again to pull the handbrake) not to get involved with these angels of the night. Don't go looking for love in all the wrong places.

Why do u think it's called a RED light district?? It's supposed to forwarn u of the dangers. If it's meant to entice u or romance you or lull you, it'll be called the pink light districk or the blue light district.

RED - DANGER, BEWARE, Be Forwarned!!!

No Fairy Tale Ending

It will help if the stats tell you that out of 10 cases of customers crossing the line with prostitutes, 8 were successful and they lived happily ever after. Wouldn't that be nice and encouraging? As it is, it is already so damn fucking tough on the heart and wallet.

But alas no, it is NOT TO BE. And when even the OKTs, some of the more kind hearted prostitutes themselves advise AGAINST the idea of customer and prostitutes marrying, then it has to reach a stage where we ought to WISE UP and LISTEN and not 'long biak' (whack forehead against the wall).

Dreams... fantasies... fairy tales... sigh... those lovely endings...
Oh woe the webs of deceit that we, or is it the gals, weave...

Everybody wishes for a beautiful ending, including me. Who doesn't? However, some things are not meant to be and we just have to leave them at that.


The Perversion Of Paid Love

If one is unable to find real love in the "normal" realm, what makes one assume the "feeling" one paid for is genuine, choosing to believe in "bought" love is not a healthy solution.

It is not really love... becoz u don't start off loving someone by paying them money to have explosive sex and then get to know them later... the whole process in its proper, natural sequence has been perverted and reversed... so it cannot be love... more like FRIENDSHIP WITH SEX. Think about it.

Huan Chang Wo Zhen Qin (Money Don't Lie)

Hookers hook, that's what they do, and they don't fall in love with clients. If the guys pay the girl for sex the first time, the relationship can never be anything other than on a hooker-client basis.

When customers tell them they like them, they just shrugged it off. Cos why? Customers can say this to them, they can also say it to other pros. In their mind, they don't trust men. They only trust money because money don't lie.

1 girl once told me this which I still remember in my mind. "You all pay money, I service you. I make you feel good, you make my pocket feel good. We help each other".

Their job is to service the customers. The motive is to get money. Not because they love sex. Your job as the customer is not to abuse the power when you pay.

Don't fool yourself into thinking it's something that it's not. Enjoy it for what it is. People just like to bluff themselves the care and concern they paid for is genuine.

Pay For Play

Sure, they're out for money but who isn't? We all would desire material comfort. Punters pay them to treat us like lovers but when they do provide the service level punters pay for, we turn around and accuse them of cheating our emotions. It's our own fault mah, for being victims of ourselves. Illogical n unreasonable, right? At the end of the day, falling in love with a GL gal is the same as falling in love with a non-GL gal. Both are looking for security, financial and emotionally wise. Diff is, the non-GL gal gets it, she's thought of as lucky. The GL gal gets it, she's assumed to have cheated her way into it.

Of course they must be Oscar actresses, if not how to make us fools feel like a big hero and 'strong man'... they are not a victim of men but rather our conquerer. An outlaw who controls the sexual channel between nature and culture.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't. We pay them for Oscar performances. If they provide it, we curse them for playing with our emotions. If they don't provide it, we curse them for poor customer service.

In the end, we all pay for gf service. We should not blame them if we do get it. And if and when we do get it (gf service), we should not be deluded into thinking that's the REAL thing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The above was extracted from the 'post your tiraks here!' thread in the GL section posted by bonker911.... Just to replicate here as I feel that the advice is also relevant to KTV, HC gals... especially the last paragraph!!
Old 05-06-2004, 06:29 PM
manfon manfon is offline
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

[QUOTE=Sniper2]Red Light Warning

In the end, we all pay for gf service. We should not blame them if we do get it. And if and when we do get it (gf service), we should not be deluded into thinking that's the REAL thing.

Good point..
Old 06-06-2004, 11:42 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by mr_missile
Agree totally bro. I used to have a regular ktv gal who also didn't want my tips at the end of our sessions. But of cos, got to let her butterfly lor. However, she will always come back to me whenever she's in between 'calls'. So if one nite she sits 4 tables (exclude mine), she'll spend the most 10 mins in each room. The remaining time will be with me. Hehehe.
Btw, she's non-prc but a local chick. I wouldn't consider her a gf cos besides being her regular customer, we dun really meet up outside her 'office' hours.
Hi mr_missile, you great man!
Got non-prc local chick working in KTV ha?
How is your feeling when your chick comes to my table and sayang me?
Ofcourse, I will give her tips, and more tips if she serves me well!
Then she will prefers to serve me more than to sit with you liao!
It is a fact.
So why want to have a GF working in KTV or HC?
Better be her customer than her BF!
Old 11-07-2004, 10:00 PM
sadfa sadfa is offline
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?


For all bruddas out there interested in the story.
story thus far: my brudda hook up with prc ktv chick. he gave her money and other benefits but she complain and bitch about it and say not enough.

Just as expected, the prc charbor sucked plenty of money from him and dump him and left him hanging up to dry. he told me she left him for another (richer) man. dunno how much she sucked but must be alot cos he also borrow some money from me, supposedly for euro 2004. he told me big hole in his bank account, havent tell his gf yet.

he did get some free fucks from her but alamak, unless he fucks her like 50 times, damn expensive leh.

want to 'kan' him there and then but feel sorry lah, so use this forum to say, I TOLD U SO!

Anyway lesson learnt: be very wary of these prc ktv chicks man. worst than a shark and never think with your small head.

btw dont ask me for her contact hor! i dunno and also dont want to do things like sabo her by releasing the contact. although she jiak my brudda, i dont want to publicise her unless my brudda say so.

Last edited by sadfa; 11-07-2004 at 10:06 PM.
Old 11-07-2004, 10:16 PM
manfon manfon is offline
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by sadfa

For all bruddas out there interested in the story.
story thus far: my brudda hook up with prc ktv chick. he gave her money and other benefits but she complain and bitch about it and say not enough.

Just as expected, the prc charbor sucked plenty of money from him and dump him and left him hanging up to dry. he told me she left him for another (richer) man. dunno how much she sucked but must be alot cos he also borrow some money from me, supposedly for euro 2004. he told me big hole in his bank account, havent tell his gf yet.

he did get some free fucks from her but alamak, unless he fucks her like 50 times, damn expensive leh.

want to 'kan' him there and then but feel sorry lah, so use this forum to say, I TOLD U SO!

Anyway lesson learnt: be very wary of these prc ktv chicks man. worst than a shark and never think with your small head.

btw dont ask me for her contact hor! i dunno and also dont want to do things like sabo her by releasing the contact. although she jiak my brudda, i dont want to publicise her unless my brudda say so.
Another one bite the dust.. stories after stories.. yet so many heroes fell under their spells.. not only did they get hell, their lampa also swell..
Old 12-07-2004, 02:05 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by ah huathuat
jus to caution all bros NOT to get too serious in realationship originates from this type of environment. .
I have a friend who is quite unhappy nowadays.
He met a local gal during cheong exchanged number but not really keep in touch. He told me abt this only after few months he contacted her agian, this time he really hooked with her, that he went to meet him in her work place, then finally bonked her in hotel.
Later they still keep in contact and as my friend told me one day all calls and sms stopped
He tried called and sms her but no response. As he remembered she was the one initiated it, like trying to have off days together, etc
Anyway this sudden disappearance had upsetted him a lot, when he talked to me asking anything he did wrong but I couldnt think of any. They were together after their 2nd meeting, went out with him, called and received sms frm her always, as seems like both planning for long term relationship.
He told me the gal told him that she is doing it for a couple of years and would get out do some business.
Anyway my friend had been calling her and sms her for about a week since her not responding and he is really down.
We are in same team and I saw him like this trying to take over some of his load also. Just wonder how long I can tahan myself.
I told him forget it but he wants to know why.
Any bros have any answers?
Old 12-07-2004, 10:29 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by BlurWolfe
I have a friend who is quite unhappy nowadays.
He met a local gal during cheong exchanged number but not really keep in touch. He told me abt this only after few months he contacted her agian, this time he really hooked with her, that he went to meet him in her work place, then finally bonked her in hotel.
Later they still keep in contact and as my friend told me one day all calls and sms stopped
He tried called and sms her but no response. As he remembered she was the one initiated it, like trying to have off days together, etc
Anyway this sudden disappearance had upsetted him a lot, when he talked to me asking anything he did wrong but I couldnt think of any. They were together after their 2nd meeting, went out with him, called and received sms frm her always, as seems like both planning for long term relationship.
He told me the gal told him that she is doing it for a couple of years and would get out do some business.
Anyway my friend had been calling her and sms her for about a week since her not responding and he is really down.
We are in same team and I saw him like this trying to take over some of his load also. Just wonder how long I can tahan myself.
I told him forget it but he wants to know why.
Any bros have any answers?
aiyah blurwolfe, if he really wants to know, go to her workplace and find her loh.
million and 1 reasons. maybe she wants someone richer, someone dont know about her past, someone she see a future with, maybe she over sensitive and he say something wrong?

anyway deep down these charbor wont want to be with a customer and want someone who dont know anything about their past. of course, these things seldom work.

Last edited by sadfa; 12-07-2004 at 10:39 AM.
Old 12-07-2004, 11:02 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by BlurWolfe
I have a friend who is quite unhappy nowadays.
He met a local gal during cheong exchanged number but not really keep in touch. He told me abt this only after few months he contacted her agian, this time he really hooked with her, that he went to meet him in her work place, then finally bonked her in hotel.
Later they still keep in contact and as my friend told me one day all calls and sms stopped
He tried called and sms her but no response. As he remembered she was the one initiated it, like trying to have off days together, etc
Anyway this sudden disappearance had upsetted him a lot, when he talked to me asking anything he did wrong but I couldnt think of any. They were together after their 2nd meeting, went out with him, called and received sms frm her always, as seems like both planning for long term relationship.
He told me the gal told him that she is doing it for a couple of years and would get out do some business.
Anyway my friend had been calling her and sms her for about a week since her not responding and he is really down.
We are in same team and I saw him like this trying to take over some of his load also. Just wonder how long I can tahan myself.
I told him forget it but he wants to know why.
Any bros have any answers?
Hello Bro BlurWolfe,

Always remember, be prepared for the worse with girls working in such a complicated environment. They will meet different kind of ppl day in day out. 2 years is not a short time, anything can happen. If can be 2gether, good if not then move on. Even if he got the answer what can he do? Whether she is saying the true or not is also a ? mark. Maybe somebody can fulfil her dream quicker or she has fallen 4 another guy etc..... it will never end, there r just 2many possibilities.

Move on bro, I'm not young n I've experience all kinds of events. I've also been depressed b4 n at the end of the day I asked myself why should I b unhappy just bcause of her. There r still so many good friends n beautiful ladies who can bring u cheers. Be happy brother, u don't live twice. Cherish the love u have now n Cheong with yr friends if u like it n enjoy, life is short!

Just my 2 cents worth.
Enjoy and be happy
Old 12-07-2004, 11:11 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by shoot
Hello Bro BlurWolfe,

Always remember, be prepared for the worse with girls working in such a complicated environment. They will meet different kind of ppl day in day out. 2 years is not a short time, anything can happen. If can be 2gether, good if not then move on. Even if he got the answer what can he do? Whether she is saying the true or not is also a ? mark. Maybe somebody can fulfil her dream quicker or she has fallen 4 another guy etc..... it will never end, there r just 2many possibilities.

Move on bro, I'm not young n I've experience all kinds of events. I've also been depressed b4 n at the end of the day I asked myself why should I b unhappy just bcause of her. There r still so many good friends n beautiful ladies who can bring u cheers. Be happy brother, u don't live twice. Cherish the love u have now n Cheong with yr friends if u like it n enjoy, life is short!

Just my 2 cents worth.
too chim for me bro...
Old 12-07-2004, 11:19 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Just my 2 cents worth ..
I always believed that a person behaviour is caused by the treatment he/she being subjected into ... meaning to say it is a 2 sided affair.. like a coin...
U think that they cheated on u .. they might always think that u cheated on them..
The point for me is to believe in the events that it routed u to.. during the end u meant feel hurt ..rejected but also u might feel happy and good ending...Human is fragile and not robot matter how they acted , they still have feelings and it up to u to uncover it...we all are fragile and we cheated people or they cheated us because they try to defend or protect themselves and that nothing wrong with just life ..
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