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Old 03-11-2011, 01:28 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

No more update?
Old 03-11-2011, 05:46 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

Awaiting more updates....
Old 04-11-2011, 12:28 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

pls continue bro...
Old 05-11-2011, 09:30 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

continue pls bro..
Old 05-11-2011, 11:39 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

i'm a little occupied with stuff now, but i'll continue asap if there's interest.
thanks for reading..
Old 06-11-2011, 12:01 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

Sure...don't leave us hanging before you finish your story!

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Old 07-11-2011, 10:53 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

I've been following your thread.

More updates before I'll award u with my points.
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Old 08-11-2011, 01:46 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

really tough to be your sister
Old 08-11-2011, 01:52 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

there's interest!!!
Old 08-11-2011, 11:27 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

solid stuff! i'm camping on the other side of the island. once u done with ur sis, i come and join in as well?
If you got a lot of money don't know where to spend, why not give me some?

Thank you!
Old 08-11-2011, 12:05 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

please dun get angry ar! this is just a fantasy story. but if you're Gwen Wan's younger brother, then i dun know liao
Old 08-11-2011, 04:53 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

pls continue bro!
Old 08-11-2011, 06:03 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

TS...the moment your cockhead has penetrated the vagina you would have broken her hymen. No way can you be half way in without tearing her hymen. Unless she is suffering from vaginismus, a condition of extremely tight vagina...

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Old 09-11-2011, 11:43 AM
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Re: Stranded on an island

Originally Posted by yang punk View Post
TS...the moment your cockhead has penetrated the vagina you would have broken her hymen. No way can you be half way in without tearing her hymen. Unless she is suffering from vaginismus, a condition of extremely tight vagina...
you're right LOL. i'll repost the last 2 parts of the story, but i can't delete my previous posts
Old 09-11-2011, 12:48 PM
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Re: Stranded on an island

Originally Posted by runroader View Post
I left her alone to consider my proposal for the rest of the day. That night, while we were barbequing the fish I caught, she chatted with me about the scenery on the island and her discoveries in the forest. She seemed to have gotten very comfortable around me in just her tank top and panties, and it seemed normal between 2 very close siblings. Except, she was braless underneath her top and her thin panties didn’t cover much. Then as we laughed and ate, she suddenly turned silent for a minute before telling me, “Jin, I have given it some thought about what you asked this morning. I can help you out but I need you to promise me 3 things. If you agree, we might be able to work something out…”

I sat up and listened intently. She continued, “Firstly, I will have to imagine that I’m doing it with Darren, you keep your mouth shut and give me your full cooperation. Secondly, I reserve the right to stop and there will be no protests from you. Lastly, we will never discuss this… ahem… act again for the rest of our lives once we leave this island. Agreed?”

At this point, I would have barked and rolled over like a dog if she told me to. I would agree to any conditions she laid out, as long as I could get what I want. Before this boating mishap, it was unimaginable that I could get into my big sister’s panties. But being stranded with the possibility of never being found, things are different now. So, I replied, “Don’t worry Zeh, I know how hard it is for you to go through with this. I don’t look at this experience with lust or any kind of lewd thoughts. You are the only person I trust and care enough about to make me want to do it with. We are still brother and sister after this. Nothing will ever change that. I won’t lose my respect for you over this because I know you only want to fulfill my wish.”

“Okay Jin, I’ll let you know when I’m ready. I’ll go to sleep first, see you in the morning.” She briefly flashed her familiar sisterly smile and left me by the fire to ponder in anticipation. I could not sleep well that night. I could not stop thinking of what I would do with her. I had to cool off under the waterfall. All the dirty things I did with my ex, I was going to do with my sister. My big sister’s face replaced Jenny’s as I masturbated to those fond memories. After 3 orgasms in the river, I retired to the tent to lie beside her. She was sleeping on her side, with her butt sticking out at me. I fell asleep as I thought to myself, I was going to get my hands on that hot ass very soon.

The next morning, she woke up much earlier than me and went about collecting fruits as usual. I went for a walk in the woods to do some exploration to clear my head a bit. After that I went back to my fishing spot to fish. When I returned around noon, she was resting in the tent. She was lying on her tummy and her tank top had ridden up her perky panty-covered ass. Looking down at her sexy ass and slim waist, I felt so tempted to take her right then. To pull her up by her waist, rip off her panties and plunge my already erect cock into her slit. I almost lost control. She was aware that I was in the tent as well, but she kept silent. Knowing that she might take a long time to get ready for me, I had to take some initiative. I slowly knelt down behind her and called out softly to her, "Zeh..."

To be continued?
She did not respond. So I called her again, a little louder this time and poked her back with my finger, “Zeh…” She stayed prone on the ground and replied without turning her head, “Hmmm?”

I said, “I have already caught quite a few fishes for the day and I was thinking if you’re ready to umm… try it now?”

She slowly turned to her side and looked me up and down, thinking about my proposal. Then after a few seconds, she said, “Jin, I hope we do this only once to get it off your mind once and for all. After this, don’t ever ask me for this kind of favour again. Remember the 3 conditions you promised me? Break your promise and Zeh will break your neck okay?

“Now listen to Zeh’s instructions… I’ll position myself on my knees and you’ll come from behind. I will back up into you and we will go at my pace. I have to imagine doing it with Darren to go thru with this, so don’t make any sound. I don’t want to hear you moaning or talking at all. It will be too gross for me. And keep your hands to yourself, I’m not your girlfriend. Are you listening or not, Jin?”

I was spacing out. My mind started to wander from the moment she agreed to do it now. I wondered how good it would feel inside her, but I snapped back to reality from her question. “Okay Zeh, anything you say.”

She got up on her knees and spread her legs to take a wide stance. Then she bent over her front and supported herself on her palms. She hesitated a while, revealing her inexperience. I wasn’t about to interrupt and ruin my only chance with her, so I waited for her to figure out where to go from here. She reached her right hand back to her butt cheeks and pulled the small strip of panty cloth to the side, exposing her anus and pussy lips to me.

It was my turn to move in. I pulled my surf shorts all the way off and flung them onto the grass outside the tent. My erect cock couldn’t wait anymore. Seeing her on her knees and pulling her panties aside for my entrance, I could hardly stop myself from ramming it into her right away. I stroked my cock and got down on my knees behind her. Precum was already leaking from my tip and I was beginning to sweat in anticipation. I pointed my erection directly at her dry entrance and waited for her to make the next move.

She looked down between her knees and slowly backed herself into me, until my tip was pressing between her nether lips. She arched her back and pushed her butt towards me but she couldn’t quite get the right position for entry. She pushed herself back onto me a couple more times but always missed the mark. Finally, she ran out of patience and reached her right hand down, leaving only her left hand to support her upper body, gripped my meat trunk between her legs and pointed it at her hole.

She slowly pushed back on me, with her right hand still guiding my cock into her. There was no hymen when I penetrated her, which was hardly surprising as she had always been an active girl in sports. I could feel that she was still very tight and dry. She let out a small gasp and she stopped at midpoint, unable to let my cock further into her. I was definitely in virgin territory. She really wasn’t lying when she said she had never gone beyond masturbating a guy.

She let go of my meat trunk and proceeded to spread her dry lips to finger her clit with the same hand. I was starting to get impatient. She was totally dry and I reckon it would take some time for her to get wet for me, and I was worried my erection would soften. That would be bad because I wanted to show my sister what a real cock could do. Just as I was thinking that, she was rubbing her clit in small circles. Fortunately, it wasn’t long before I could feel her starting to loosen up below and it allowed her to back into me another inch. Now I was about 4 inches in, but I still had about another 3 inches to offer.

I could see her left arm that was supporting her weight trembling and small beads of perspiration were starting form on her back. From my experience with my ex gf, I knew she was starting to get hot from playing with her clit and the feeling of my erect cock stretching her out from the inside. Her breath was getting labourous and her head was still bent downwards, looking between her knees at our point of connection. Still fingering her sensitive button, she finally got a little wet and managed to let me in another half inch before it got too tight once more.

To be continued?
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