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View Poll Results: What will you do if your gal confesses to you she was a ex FL
Accept her 211 56.42%
Dump her 99 26.47%
Take her as FB only 156 41.71%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 374. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 28-07-2012, 05:43 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by eugene_wong View Post
Actually, a girl became a FL due to character flaw. Her flaw is not being a FL but it is the flaw that causes her to become a FL.

Being a FL is just a symptom. Within her lies big flaw. Not only she does not fit to be wife, she can be unfit for other things as well. I think bro sammyboyfor didn't elaborate but I wish he will.

It can be argued that she wants to earn some money to start a business back home. Once she earned enough, she won't become a FL again. Please remember a FL can be cocky too and won't simply have affair/sleep with people other than her bf/husband once she stopped being a fl even for money. But I still believe the flaw that caused her to become a FL in the first place won't make her a good wife or person.

Why in the first place you want to be friends with them and now shooting your head off against them? KC big time and played out? Love turn to hate?
Old 28-07-2012, 06:23 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by Inun View Post
They don't care as long as you're a free fuck
It should be initially dont care til they sick of the free fuck.......
Old 28-07-2012, 10:59 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by eugene_wong View Post
Not only she does not fit to be wife, she can be unfit for other things as well.

But I still believe the flaw that caused her to become a FL in the first place won't make her a good wife or person.
Originally Posted by JadedAngel View Post

Why in the first place you want to be friends with them and now shooting your head off against them? KC big time and played out? Love turn to hate?
Guy is very sour, likely over past experiences. Wana share your story?
Old 29-07-2012, 10:56 AM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by Inun View Post
They don't care as long as you're a free fuck
yo, can i fuck u for free ?

when where

put time put place

Old 29-07-2012, 04:10 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by Inun View Post
IKnwWhoUaRe and what you had done!

Lets play hang man

_ _ _ _ i _ _ _ _

fill in the blanks you notti gal.
Old 29-07-2012, 09:32 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by JadedAngel View Post

Why in the first place you want to be friends with them and now shooting your head off against them? KC big time and played out? Love turn to hate?
I couldn't recall that I have said that FL can be made good wife or gf.
Yes, I still didn't change my mind to wish for friendship with them. However, we must be on guard not to be emotionally involved. It is always safer not to befriend them as it may be road to emotional attachment. I never had any relationship with any FL.

Can a FL be your temporary gf? Well, if you are rich but I'm not.
How can we judge a person from good or bad? According to experts, look at three things
a) What is their attitude towards money?
b) How many friends they have?
c) What they do when they are angry?

A FL who is willing to sell her body to stranger failed badly in a)....usually bad in C too.......

>Why in the first place you want to be friends with them and now shooting >your head off against them? KC big time and played out? Love turn to hate?
Why do you want to cling to the past? Why not move on?
Old 29-07-2012, 11:29 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by eugene_wong View Post

How can we judge a person from good or bad? According to experts, look at three things

Please enlighten me who are these experts?

a) What is their attitude towards money?
b) How many friends they have?
c) What they do when they are angry?

A FL who is willing to sell her body to stranger failed badly in a)....usually bad in C too.......

Based on your assumptions???

>Why in the first place you want to be friends with them and now shooting >your head off against them? KC big time and played out? Love turn to hate?
Why do you want to cling to the past? Why not move on?

I not clinging to the past but you are not forgiving of people's past. So you fail terribly if you apply to the job as a counselor or a prison warden.

How can we determine who is a bad person and who is a good person?

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

... so it isn't actually a problem to judge, as long as you're willing to hold the same yardstick up to yourself first. Tends to make you a lot nicer to other people.

The upshot is, why do you care who's bad & who's good? That's way too subjective to be a telling assessment. Treat everyone as if they're good (like you'd want to be treated, another biblical principle). You'd be surprised how many people will live up to whatever expectation you hold of them - expect them to be good, and they will be. Some won't...also not your problem.
Old 30-07-2012, 11:46 AM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by Inun View Post
They don't care as long as you're a free fuck
Pardon me for being INQUISITIVE. Are you a FREE FUCK?
Old 30-07-2012, 03:47 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

I would say no, Everytime when theres quarrel, i afraid i might rack up the times when she worked as FL. Furthermore, Would she want to work a proper job when she was earning big previously Juz by lying down?? Or Can i feed her if she is not working??
Old 01-08-2012, 11:27 AM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by mambojambo View Post
I would say no, Everytime when theres quarrel, i afraid i might rack up the times when she worked as FL. Furthermore, Would she want to work a proper job when she was earning big previously Juz by lying down?? Or Can i feed her if she is not working??
True but cannot agree fully. She might be even more hardworking than you to prove her worth.
Old 06-08-2012, 01:58 AM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by WhoUthInkUaRe View Post
True but cannot agree fully. She might be even more hardworking than you to prove her worth.
She gotta be hardworking or else she will suffer during old age.
Old 06-08-2012, 03:41 AM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Originally Posted by mambojambo View Post
I would say no, Everytime when theres quarrel, i afraid i might rack up the times when she worked as FL. Furthermore, Would she want to work a proper job when she was earning big previously Juz by lying down?? Or Can i feed her if she is not working??
from experience I can tell you there is no way to avoid this type of quarrel

some fools will talk about fair or not fair.

its never fair. if she work as a FL/WL finding a man to want her, as a actual

gf is already fair to her. She didnt even respect her own body, you have to respect her, thats bloody hard on any man.

Thats the price they have to pay for taking the easy way to earn money
The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment
Old 08-08-2012, 05:21 PM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

if she wants a man to accept her for her past, she should be able to accept the man matching her score for the number of sex partners/whores poked.
Old 09-08-2012, 09:41 AM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

Telling the truth then to discover the truth is more painful. I would rather my partner to know most of my ugly truth before committing themselves in a r/s. Although the truth hurts but life is never perfect. =)
Old 09-08-2012, 10:57 AM
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Re: Would you take an Ex FL as your GF?

I voted "accept her"

I had an ex gf who confessed that she was a fl after a few months into our relationship. I didn't mind. But the relationship didn't last because eventually she felt guilty about her past and wanted a break-up.
Thank you bros who up my points, please leave your nick, and I will definitely return the favour without fail.
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