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Old 01-10-2006, 11:17 AM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by logiteck
Agree with u bro. U may think before the trip to bkk how much u going to save and spend but when u r really there, the situation will be different. U will tend to spend more than what u plan due to many hidden cost. For 5 days with only 1k, I think u will not enjoy much.

i beg to differ..
i spent 9days with 1.2k last yr and my nuts almost stopped functioning.

boils down to how u manage and spend ur money, i guess ur version of decently chiong would be throwing money like the japs in rainbow bars. heh.

just came back from thailand (not just bangkok) and i spent 18days with 1k
and tat 1k included lodging and bonking.
this's a shoestring thread, so i guess "decent" spending isnt for here.
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Old 02-10-2006, 12:20 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Then u never ask him, "mai jeep gor dai, there waa kor ber dai mai krup?"
So u think he will smile at you or throw his bottle at you.
I think thats how the other guy got shot to death by Chalerm's son.
Next time u try, u let me know ok? hehe
Originally Posted by vmtech
i beg to differ..
i spent 9days with 1.2k last yr and my nuts almost stopped functioning.
Ya, $1k for 5 or 4 days more than enough lah... To threadstarter, no need to the extend mus eat roadside and buy cup noodles in supermarket... I've only heard of Thai eating cup noodles when touring in Singapore and not the other way round... Don't embarrass S'poreans....
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Old 02-10-2006, 01:00 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by singrakthai
To threadstarter, no need to the extend mus eat roadside and buy cup noodles in supermarket... I've only heard of Thai eating cup noodles when touring in Singapore and not the other way round... Don't embarrass S'poreans....

lol exactly, anyway cup noodles costs around the same as the senmee or any other street food stall (im not talking about those located in tourists area like suanlum)
and yes, although we're talking about shoestring budget trip, it's a holiday TRIP, not a self-suffering trip.
the difference betwn cup noodles and streetfood, is like wad.. a few baht? come on...
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Old 02-10-2006, 02:24 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by vmtech
the difference betwn cup noodles and streetfood, is like wad.. a few baht? come on...
U'll be surprise some imported cup noodles cost more than roadside stall! haha In fact, those instant "rice" (khao phat kar pao moo) in 7-11 are like 50THB whereas neighbourhood "food shop" only sell 30THB with egg somemore.

To threadstarter,

And don't listen to people who tell u "fast food" like Mc Donald or KFC is cheaper...

If I'm not wrong (well, been a while since I went), food court in MBK has very cheap food like 35THB for famous Khao Kah Moo (pork leg rice) or 30THB for some noodles. Nice environment after the renovations. Don't go to that foodcourt in Siam Paragon though... cos its more expensive. Most food courts in Bangkok sell their chicken rice at around 30THB only....

Also, some restaurants also sell very cheap noodles like Bangkok Noodles... 30THB or 40THB a bowl of pork noodles. No need go untill "roadside" when in fact "roadside" also selling almost same price maybe 10THB or 20THB cheaper only....

Stick to "fish tank" ladies or don't fuck those "models" everyday, $1,000 should be enough and still got some to sight seeing and dine nicely lah.

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Old 02-10-2006, 02:36 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Hi Cheapstake,

Finally my turn to speak up after all the brudders gave their views....

Stay in budget apartment like Watana Mansion which only cost $550 baht. Alternatively, u can stay in Bangkok city suite for double bed which cost 700 baht. To my surprise, the room there is nice, new and clean since the hotel is only 2 yrs old. There is also free WIFI and 30 mins internet access to connect wif brudders who are there. Taking a cab to MBK will cost ard 40 baht. What really caught my attention is the room service. Food cost ard 40-50 baht...
Old 02-10-2006, 03:03 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by singrakthai
I think thats how the other guy got shot to death by Chalerm's son.
Next time u try, u let me know ok? hehe
Knn, if Chalerm's son that nite went phuture don't have girls with him, so how can that guy go and ask him this question? BTW, if I not wrong, that night the one who died was a policeman.


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Old 02-10-2006, 04:56 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Knn, if Chalerm's son that nite went phuture don't have girls with him, so how can that guy go and ask him this question? BTW, if I not wrong, that night the one who died was a policeman.

I think your memory is failing you. During that period Phuture has already been renamed to Club 20. That's where the present Veronica Elite is.
Old 02-10-2006, 05:07 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by Sohni
I think your memory is failing you. During that period Phuture has already been renamed to Club 20. That's where the present Veronica Elite is.
If i am not wrong, Phuture was there when it happened and shortly after that than Club 20. hehehe


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Old 02-10-2006, 05:27 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by singrakthai
I think thats how the other guy got shot to death by Chalerm's son.
Next time u try, u let me know ok? hehe
is it? who dar to give u trouble, u tell me. i report to my lord suchina . he will bring his issan cowboy down let them eat bullet.
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 02-10-2006, 05:29 PM
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Club 20

Originally Posted by siamcutey
If i am not wrong, Phuture was there when it happened and shortly after that than Club 20. hehehe

Sorry pal my memory did not failed me. Jio you go Take 5. Never go arh? Got coyote dancers but no standard leh. JW Black $200. Expensive man.,00.html

The Untouchables
The young and privileged of Thailand seem to be above the law. Now one may have gone too far


It usually starts with a bumped shoulder or a stomped-on foot amid the thick smoke and boozy haze of a Bangkok disco. Then comes the chilling glare and the sudden appearance of men in black safari suits—often moonlighting cops or soldiers. But the sure sign there is about to be trouble—a merciless beating, a pistol-whipping or a shooting—is when the offended party with a chest full of gold chains asks: "Do you know who my father is?"

In Thailand, being from the right family too often counts for more than being right. The scions of privileged military and business families have sometimes literally gotten away with murder. There are scantrepercussions when a well-to-do ne'er-do-well has a few too many drinks and throws a few too many punches, even when some unlucky Thai ends up dead. But now the Thai public, long resigned to police corruption and military imperiousness, is scandalized by the latest case of a rich kid going too far.

On the morning of Oct. 29, at the Twenty Club discotheque, the three Yubamrung brothers, sons of powerful politician Chalerm Yubamrung, began trading blows with a group of plainclothes police. According to witnesses, Duangchalerm Yubamrung, the youngest of the brothers, had his party restrain Suvichai Rodwimud, a police officer awarded Crimebuster of the Year honors, as he executed him with a bullet to the head. Now Duangchalerm, a 20-year-old lieutenant attached to the army's Supreme Command until his ouster last week, is Thailand's most wanted man. But after three weeks, the suspect has yet to be found, and the skeptical Thai public is wondering if this is yet another case of selective law enforcement. "The public is watching this case to see if there is any justice in our society," says Senator Thongbai Thongpao. But about half of Thais polled have already abandoned that notion. They believe "political interference" is helping Duangchalerm evade capture, and that he will never be brought to trial.

Along the strip of hostess bars, cavernous discos and massage palaces of Bangkok's Ratchadapisek Road, the Yubamrung brothers are the most infamous of the brawling brats of the Thai Elite. During the past five years, Arthan, 30, Wanchalerm, 25, and Duangchalerm have been involved in at least a dozen bar fights and shootings. Yet, until Wanchalerm's arrest last week as an accessory to the murder, they had never spent a day in jail. "They're the most notorious, but they're by no means unique," says Andrew Hiransomboon, a nightlife columnist for the Bangkok Post. Other infamous scions include Suksant Kong-udom, son of a senator and casino tycoon, charged with shooting a diplomat's son outside a disco; Poonpol Asavahame, son of a former deputy interior minister, accused of pistol whipping a truck driver and running down a police officer who tried to give him a ticket; and Pattarapong Manasikarn, son of a former Science Minister, charged with shooting an architect to death outside a disco. None of them has ever been convicted, as a litany of witnesses later retracted stories and victims failed to press charges.

As the massive teakwood gates of his family's suburban Bangkok compound roll open so police commandos can search it for the third time, Chalerm Yubamrung is smoking a fat Cuban cigar and complaining about the assaults on his dignity. Chalerm, a former police captain and now a member of Defense Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh's New Aspiration Party, has done miraculously well on a public servant's salary. He and his three sons live in a 2.5-hectare, 14-building estate complete with its own football field. Back in 1991, the last military government charged Chalerm and several politicians with being "unusually rich." He was forced into exile, but returned a year later after the military was ousted and courts ruled the charges unconstitutional. His reputation remains unsavory and he has been passed over for a Cabinet post by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Today the search of the Yubamrungs' compound comes up empty. A retired police general says Duangchalerm shouldn't hide. "There's always a way to see that witnesses change their testimony," he says.

Meanwhile, the fugitive, who professes his innocence, continues to play the daddy card. In a letter his father claims was found under a pillow after the young man fled, Duangchalerm tells Chalerm he was being unjustly portrayed as a criminal "simply because [I'm] your son."
Old 02-10-2006, 05:50 PM
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Re: Club 20

Originally Posted by Sohni
Sorry pal my memory did not failed me. Jio you go Take 5. Never go arh? Got coyote dancers but no standard leh. JW Black $200. Expensive man.
No standard then i dun go liao. I guessed getting old....


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Old 03-10-2006, 11:18 AM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by High till Dry
Taking a cab to MBK will cost ard 40 baht.
From Ratchadar, Wattana Mansion to MBK only 40baht on Taxi? Which shortcut ur taxi take? Teach me leh.
Originally Posted by The_Unrepentant
is it? who dar to give u trouble, u tell me. i report to my lord suchina . he will bring his issan cowboy down let them eat bullet.
So nice of u.. hehe.. but ur lord suchida's mobile phone numbers not working one leh... last number somemore is a old lady who picked up.... hehehe
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Old 03-10-2006, 11:57 AM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by singrakthai
U'll be surprise some imported cup noodles cost more than roadside stall! haha In fact, those instant "rice" (khao phat kar pao moo) in 7-11 are like 50THB whereas neighbourhood "food shop" only sell 30THB with egg somemore.

To threadstarter,

And don't listen to people who tell u "fast food" like Mc Donald or KFC is cheaper...

If I'm not wrong (well, been a while since I went), food court in MBK has very cheap food like 35THB for famous Khao Kah Moo (pork leg rice) or 30THB for some noodles. Nice environment after the renovations. Don't go to that foodcourt in Siam Paragon though... cos its more expensive. Most food courts in Bangkok sell their chicken rice at around 30THB only....

Also, some restaurants also sell very cheap noodles like Bangkok Noodles... 30THB or 40THB a bowl of pork noodles. No need go untill "roadside" when in fact "roadside" also selling almost same price maybe 10THB or 20THB cheaper only....

Stick to "fish tank" ladies or don't fuck those "models" everyday, $1,000 should be enough and still got some to sight seeing and dine nicely lah.


yea you're spot on on that!
fastfood more cheap? yea cheaper den singapore yea, but the gist of thailand is the streetstalls! macdonalds 99baht, with 99baht, i can eat myself silly just walking down hwaykwang market lol
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Old 03-10-2006, 12:53 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by singrakthai
... some restaurants also sell very cheap noodles like Bangkok Noodles... 30THB or 40THB a bowl of pork noodles. No need go untill "roadside"..selling almost same price maybe 10THB or 20THB cheaper only.... Stick to "fish tank" ladies or don't fuck those "models" everyday, $1,000 should be enough and still got some to sight seeing and dine nicely lah.
Noodles + big glass cafe yen (iced cofee) at kopitiam smack in Sukhumv soi 15 only set me back bt45. Fast to cook, good to eat... Yo, MBK's food court has plenty variety from bt30-40.
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Old 03-10-2006, 06:02 PM
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Re: chiong Bangkok on shoestring budget

Originally Posted by singrakthai
From Ratchadar, Wattana Mansion to MBK only 40baht on Taxi? Which shortcut ur taxi take? Teach me leh.
Perhaps my post is alittle confusing.

I'm referring to Bangkok City Suite @ Phetburi Road
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