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Old 19-06-2017, 12:45 AM
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

steven: wow you are good.... ok ok. enough...

he got her to sit up, then stroked her hair... 'you are so beautiful, sorry i threaten you ok, but i really want this with you. '

they started to embrace and kiss passionately. i used to have doubts when steven told me that they made out, but can see a bit of history with them. she let steven strip her naked quickly and easily, while she helped him take off his shirts and shorts. he wasn't even wearing briefs. they had no idea i was watching them, too engrossed in their excitement to make love to each other for the very first time. 'let me pleasure you'

audrey started to moan... she was loud!!!... steven's head was in between her legs. it was his usual tactic to prolong sex. he prides himself in licking and he was clearly doing a good job, considering how loud audrey was, she was getting embarrassed and took a photo to cover her face and muffled her own moans. i realised they were both very engrossed in their 'lovemaking'. i moved very quietly to the connecting door and opened it. i waited with the door mostly closed, very partially opened. they didn't even realise i had just moved across the room right behind them!

audrey's moaning finally stopped.. steven took something out from the pocket of his shorts.

steven: help me put it on..

i supposed it was a condom...

audrey: no need its ok..

steven got in between her legs.. audrey moaned out..

he has finally penetrated her. i entered the room and saw him pinning her down and shaking his hips moving to make love to her slowly..

that was it. that was my moment..

me: wow! no condoms? and didn't invite me to join in??
Old 19-06-2017, 08:30 AM
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

Camping for more updates to the story.
Old 19-06-2017, 11:03 AM
Fyounme Fyounme is offline
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

Camping for more
Old 19-06-2017, 03:56 PM
Xiamm Xiamm is offline
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

Nice story, camping here
Old 19-06-2017, 04:25 PM
Pastori Pastori is offline
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

Nice update, support
Old 19-06-2017, 04:36 PM
Pandarosa Pandarosa is offline
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

Must have given them a fright
Old 19-06-2017, 06:53 PM
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

Audrey screamed... Steven cursed... my camera flash flashed multiple times...

'get out! get out!' 'wah lao what are you doing here? get out ! '

they both screamed so loudly. steven backed off, his penis SHRUNK IMMEDIATELY. the condom was about to fall off. he used his hands to cover his face. audrey grabbed the pillow and covered her boobs and face

steven: eh how dare you break into other people's room!

Audrey: this is my room! get out!

i just watched the both of them panic and scream and go frantic. both had so much to lose.. steven especially.

me: scream enough already? now i want the two of you to calm down!

audrey: please get out!

me: get out? you sure? cos the first thing i'm gonna do is to get these photos developed and go show your spouses what i saw .. you sure you both want me to get out now?

they both got real quiet..

me: didn't think so..

i walked back to my room..

steven: wait! where are you going?

me: just wait here and you will see..

i went back to my room, hid my camera somewhere, then went back in and closed the door.

they both looked at me and wondered what i brought.. i brought nothing, and started to take off my shirt and shorts. i sat on the chair where their left over food and drinks were.

me: what's wrong? continue!

they both looked at me, stunned...

audrey: what is it you really want?

me: i already said, continue! i want to watch..

i took off my briefs and sat down and stroked myself gently. audrey looked at my penis, it was erected.

steven was dumbfounded... audrey: can you please dont do this?

me: i think i've made myself clear. the two of you, continue to make love and let me watch. i'm not giving you two a choice to make. i dont need to explain, you should know the consequences. WAKE UP! WAKE UP TO THE REALITY, DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO DO! OR ELSE...

i smiled..

the reality finally sunk in to the both of them. they looked at each other.. steven whispered something to her, ' no choice. just do..' steven was probably still wondering if i'm on his side. his excitement looked confused and mixed. audrey very slowly laid on her back and spread her legs, steven got in between..

me: wait... not like that... come sit here and make out first.. closer.. i want up close and personal.. make out passionately and make real sweet love.. steven you better not cum too quickly..

they both moved to the edge of the bed.

me: audrey put your clothes back on again. i wanna see steven strip you ..

she did as told, looking down avoiding looking at us completely. she got dressed and sat beside steven. i watched them make out awkwardly at first.. i stroked myself and watch steven begin to take off. he really made out as if i wasn't there. he stripped her, she stripped him. both of them got real natural at it, audrey leaned back and steven kissed her downwards, her licked her nipples until she moaned. her legs spread open and steven got into position. he penetrated her and audrey moaned. he started to fuck her. audrey was moaning louder than before, as loud as when steven was licking her. not that steven's love making skills was good, was she getting more turned on knowing that someone else is watching? audrey moaned.. steven moaned too.. steven moaned louder.. and louder..

'oh shit shit..'

steven quickly backed off and semen shot out on to the floor.

me: audrey.. hurry.. get up...
Old 19-06-2017, 08:18 PM
locrust locrust is offline
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

More please!!
Old 20-06-2017, 09:32 AM
Jamctc Jamctc is offline
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

getting more n more interesting.... TS, please continue more...
Old 20-06-2017, 09:34 AM
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

really enjoyed the story, do continue.
Old 20-06-2017, 04:01 PM
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

Funny story. Voyeur without participating in the deed, for now.
If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges.
If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that.
Old 20-06-2017, 10:24 PM
FoodConnect FoodConnect is offline
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Funny story. Voyeur without participating in the deed, for now.
Should be participating soon
Old 21-06-2017, 05:06 PM
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

me: audrey, suck his semen dry..

she took a look at me, then proceeded to do it. steven was already lying on the bed, trying to catch his breath, half his legs off the bed, his feet dangling above the carpet. audrey sat by the bed too, then bent down to suck his penis. she lowered her head constantly as she sucked his penis, steven was just lying down, watching her, and watching me. i stood up, stopped stroking my cock and lifted audreys legs on to the bed, she turned to look at me, she looked shocked..

me: continue sucking for him..

she looked at me, hesitated but proceeded as told, she sucked his cock but wasn't moving her head, anticipating me to penetrate her..


she felt my cock go in, my cock was bigger than steven's.. and considering that she did not fuck the two ang mohs... her pussy was a little stretched by mine again.. i pushed my cock all the way in, then i realised my mistake.. some of steven's cum was inside... fuck! i forgot to wear a condom. i got so excited that i lost my plot... but since i've already pushed in.. and fucked her the other day... fuck it... i spread her legs wider, missionary got on top of her and started to fuck... wow.. this feeling was even better than the other day...

'mmmm!! MMMM!! MMMMM!!!'

her muffled moans were loud as steven's cock was still in her mouth...

'ahhhh! ahhh!'

she screamed as she let out his penis from her mouth and turned her head to face me... she gave me a look.... she was wondering.. she looked confused.. then the look on her face.. a look of realisation! she looked at me, like she finally knew who it was, who fucked her the other night?

me: steven! get up!...... stand beside her mouth... feed her your cock...

audrey just turned her head and started to suck for him like a horny whore. steven's cock was so small now, there was barely any length for her to suck.. steven had the excited look on his face.. he can't believe this was happening too.

after which..

me: steven, lay here..

i got audrey to kneel on her fours, perpendicular to steven's body, her breasts hanging and dangling over steven's face. i took her ass up and penetrated her, steven supported her body and sucked on her breasts as i instructed. i fucked her like a beast on steriods, i dont know what it was, maybe seeing steven's naked body helped as well, making this situation a whole lot crazier and wilder.. audrey was moaning so loud as well as i was fucking her really hard... i noticed steven's cock was hard already. i was getting a little tired..

me: let's try something new.
Old 21-06-2017, 05:47 PM
Fisheater Fisheater is offline
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

Camping for more!!
Old 23-06-2017, 06:38 AM
SmoothCock SmoothCock is offline
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Re: 1995, Work Conference, Shangri-La, My Colleague, The Innocent Wife gets blackmail

Dude, no doubt your story is good and steamy but its very draggy Try to update more frequently, thats more better
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