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Old 25-04-2006, 05:45 PM
Samster (M)
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

That who took a point off me claim that he disapprove....may i know what is that you disapprove ?
Leave your name behind.
Old 01-05-2006, 02:06 PM
BJmydong BJmydong is offline
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GL $150 List - May 2006

GL $150 LIST- MAY 2006

NEW GIRLS 2006: 7
Mermaid – Jan/06 (L18H57A), Sasa - Feb/06 (L22H24A), Dada – Mar/06 (L16H12), Ivy – Mar/06 (L22H20), Michelle – Mar/06 (L22H24A), Kico – Mar/06 (L20H33), Judy – Apr/06 (L16H54A)

GL $150 GIRLS: 131

L14 H25: Ada, Bonnie, Carol, Casino, MJ, Sandra, Theresa - [ 7 ]

L14 H27: Mimi, Yu Mei, Zhu Er - [ 3 ]

L14 H29: Blue Diamond, Blue Ocean, Queen - [ 3 ]

L16 H06: Carol, Cola, Janet - [ 3 ]

L16 H06A: Joey - [ 1 ]

L16 H07: Coco, JC, Ruyi, Sammi - [ 4 ]

L16 H08: Cartier, LV, Yuki - [ 3 ]

L16 H08A: [ - ]

L16 H10: Yoko - [ 1 ]

L16 H10A: [ - ]

L16 H12: BoBo, Dada - [ 2 ]

L16 H37: [ - ]

L16 H39: Irene, Jolin, Miyaki, More, Sin Zhi, Wei Wei - [ 6 ]

L16 H49: Ping Ping - [ 1 ]

L16 H54A: Judy, Queenie - [ 2 ]

L16 H56A: Chivas, Kelly, Nokia, Xi Xi, Wine - [ 5 ]

L16 H58: Sui Xian - [ 1 ]

L16 H58B: Lillian, Sharon - [ 2 ]

L16 H58A: M1 (aka Cheng Cheng) - [ 1 ]

L16 H67: Ah Girl, Big S, Singtel - [ 3 ]

W16 H04: Chris, T1 - [ 2 ]

W16 H06: Ai Lee, Bai He, CK, Evon, OG, Susan (Malay), Xiao Ching, YY - [ 8 ]

L18 H05: Bai Xue, Iris, Jia Jia, Qian Hong, Star, Winnes - [ 6 ]

L18 H09: [ - ]

L18 H57A: Yoki - [ 1 ]

L20 H01A: Chew Lian - [ 1 ]

L20 H03A: [ - ]

L20 H05: Winnie - [ 1 ]

L20 H07: AC, Ah Girl, East, Inter, Juventus, Sally, Super – [ 7 ]

L20 H09: [ - ]

L20 H11A: Lisa, Sammi1 - [ 2 ]

L20 H17: Emelda - [ 1 ]

L20 H33: Hai Xin, Kico, Mun Mun, Nico, Tammy - [ 5 ]

L20 H34A: Violet, Xiu Wen - [ 2 ]

L20 H41: Ginger - [ 1 ]

L20 H43: Kimmie, Miki 1 - [ 2 ]

L20 H43A: Tian Tian - [ 1 ]

L20 H47: AB, BB1, Peggy, Sony - [ 4 ]

L20 H47A: [ - ]

L20 H58: Joey, KK, Yong Yong - [ 3 ]

L20 H60: SK - [ 1 ]

L20 H62A: “Little” Ivy - [ 1 ]

L22 H14: [ - ]

L22 H20: Bess, Candy, Ivy, Lena (Malay), LS, Mei Zhi - [ 6 ]

L22 H24: [ - ]

L22 H24A: Elaine (Indian), Lily (Malay), Michelle, San San, Sasa - [ 5 ]

L24 M09: Chanel, Li Wen - [ 2 ]

L24 M13: Accord, Cefiro, Corrolla, F1, Jaguar, MG, Seiko - [ 7 ]

L24 M51: [ - ]

L28 H31: Fern Fern, Gigi - [ 2 ]

L28 H31A: Irene, Jean, Lily - [ 3 ]

L28 H31B: Xue Er (aka Orange), Xue Ling - [ 2 ]

L28 H33: Singapore Ice - [ 1 ]

L28 H37: Celine, Monica, Vivian, Yan Zhi - [ 4 ]

L28 H41: [ - ]

L28 H41A: Anna - [ 1 ]

L28 H45: [ - ]

L28 H47: Zhen Zhen - [ 1 ]

L30 H21A: [ - ]

L30 H28A: [ - ]

L30 H33: [ - ]

NEW GIRLS 2006: 7
Mermaid – Jan/06 (L18H57A), Sasa – Feb/06 (L22H24A), Dada – Mar/06 (L16H12), Ivy – Mar/06 (L22H20), Michelle – Mar/06 (L22H24A), Kico – Mar/06 (L20H33), Judy –Apr/06 (L16H54A)

NEW GIRLS 2005: 16
Mimi (L14H27), Carol (L16H06), Anna (L28H41A), Miyaki - 04/05 (L16H39), Monica - 09/05 (L28H37), Cartier - 09/05 (L16H08), LV - 09/05 (L16H08), AC - 09/05 (L20H07), Juventus - 09/05 (L20H07), Mun Mun - 10/05 (L20H33), Nico - 10/05 (L20H33), Jia Jia - 10/05 (L18H05), F1 - 10/05 (L24M13), Chanel – 12/05 (L24M09), Tammy - 12/05 (L20H33), Joey - 12/05 (L16H06A)

NEW GIRLS 2004: 8
Sakura - 01/04 (W16H08), Elaine - 03/04 (L28H37), Miko – 03/04 (L14H27), Christy – 03/04 (L16H08), Winnes – 04/04 (L18H05), SK – 04/04 (L20H60), Ginger – 08/04 (L20H41), Super – 12/04 (L20H07)

NEW GIRLS 2003: 17
Kikko - 03/03 (L16H06), Angel - 03/03 (L20H58), Candy - 03/03 (L22H20), Eva - 03/03 (L28H37), Maggie - 03/03 (L22H24A), Joey2 - 04/03 (L28H31B), Bonnie (L16H37) - 06/03, Inter - 07/03 (L22H26), Jenny - 07/03 (L30H21A), Hai Xin – 08/03 (L20H33), Ah Girl - 08/03 (L16H67), Yong Yong – 09/03 (L20H58), Baby – 10/03 (L18H15), BoBo – 10/03 (L12H16), Blue Sky – 12/03 (L14H29), Yu Mei – 12/03 (L14H27), Xiao Ai – 12/03 (L16H37)

Civic (L16H10), Hai O (L16H67), Joyce (L20H11A), Miko (L14H27), Moon (L20H60), Rose (L14H25), Tong Tong (L20H60), Twin (L16H54A), Xiao Tian (L14H29)

RETIRED 2006: 9
Xin Yi (W16H06), Maggie (L20H34A), Zhi Yi (L20H34A), Kinki (L28H31A), Blue Sky (L14H29), Agnes (L16H08), Christy (L16H08), Money-Money (L16H56A), Mermaid (L18H57A)

RETIRED 2005: 33
Amy (L30H21A), Summer (L14H25), Mei Hui (L16H54A), Niki (L18H05), Orchid (L20H03A), Diamond (L20H58); Jojo (L20H62A); Annie (L22H22), Christ2 (L22H22), Arsenal@Armani (L20H07), Derby (L20H07), Dong Dong (L28H31A), Eva (L28H37); Zhen Zhen (L28H41A), Jenny (L30H31A), Amanda (L22H22), Dolphin (L14H25); Crystal (L14H27), Blue Ice (L14H29); Pinky (L16H10A), Mei Bo (L16H10); Happy1 (L20H17); Kah Yen (L20H62A); Angel (L20H58); Fei Xue (L20H58); Joanne (L28H31); Michelle (L28H31B); Ka Leng (L28H37); Linda (L30H21A); Evonne (W16H08), Fanny (L22H22), Alice (L20H07), Maggie (L22H24A), Elle (L28H31A)

RETIRED 2004: 45
Jasmine (L14H25), Zhen Zhen (L18H15), Xin Xin (L28H33), Yuki (L16H39), Jia Jia (L20H01A), Mong Er (L20H01A), Ruby (L28H47), Cherry (L30H21A), Joyce (L18H19); Vanessa (L14H25), Janet (L14H27), Mei Zhi@Miko (L28H45), Alice (L30H21A), Kitty (L20H17), Elaine (L16H54A), BB2 (L20H58), Altis (L22H22), Baby (L18H15), Sakura (W16H08), Sharon (L28H31A), Apple (L28H41A), Vivian (L28H41A), Mun Mun (L20H58A), Miki (L16H39), Irene (L20H47A), Rena (L30H28A), Jasmine (L18H57A), Yi Yi (L20H60), Blue K (L16H06A), Sugar (L16H07), Ah Cat (L16H07), Fang Ling (L16H07), Lisa Mimi (L20H58), Connie (L28H31B), Fong Ling (L28H31B), August (L20H58), Kelly 1 (L22H24), Moon (L22H24), Shirley (L16H58B), Mei Ting (L20H43A), Prada (L20H47), Joey 2 (L28H31), Leeds (L22H26), Kikko (L16H06A), Happy (L22H20)

RETIRED 2003: 43
Xiao Mei (L22H20), Wendy (L22H20), Yoko (L28H47), Xiao Yu (L16H06), Depola (L14H29), Fong Fong (L28H29B), AA (L28H33), LV (L20H47), Diana (L20H33), Hai Yan (L20H33), Eileen -d24 (L16H39), Sakura (L22H24), Christina (L28H45), Rose (L24M52), Apple (L16H10A), BM (L24M11), Pei Yi (L16H08), Hong Hong (L18H05), Lily (L20H11A), Nokia (L20H47A), Pauline (L22H14), LB (L24M13), Jacky (L28H45), Karen (L28H45), AC Milan ( L22H26), Castle (L22H26), Fei Fei (L20H28), Kiss Me@Wen wo (L8H19), Baby (L16H08A), Maggie (L22H24), Jaime (L22H24), Jolin (L20H60), Reds (L18H15), Ada (L14H25), Hai Chew (L20H33), Cola (L22H22), Gucci (L20H47), Li Zhen (L16H08A), Miao Miao (L20H58), Hai San (L20H33), Yan Er (L28H29B), Chelsea (L22H26), Hello Kitty (L18H05)
Old 01-05-2006, 03:51 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by Smeagol
..... So off go Tommy making phone calls after phone calls. Well I guess he manage to get some girl on her way to his joint. Guess what... suddenly Tommy came over and asked me to reject the girl when she show up. Reason being that he has got another better good quality girl on the way. Alright.... I wouldn't say no to better quality right!!! When the first girl showed up.... I thought she looked not too bad. But since I've agreed to reject her... so off she go after wishing Tommy Ho Seng Yi!!! When the so call better quality girl showed up.... from far I thought she was OK lah. Not exactly tall and slim though. I was just hoping that her service will be shiok. Into the room... asked for her name and her reply.... "Dada" Wait a minute.. isn't Dada his own house girl??? wah lau eh........ how can like that. Not fair to the first girl right!!!! To think that she even wished him Ho Seng Yi..... abit unethical lah ......
Yes, thats very unethical of this Tommy. Actually most OKTs will resort to all sort of unscrupulous methods you can't even imagine to beat competition. That is why certain OKTs ban their gals from going to certain houses.
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 01-05-2006, 06:31 PM
escobar43535 escobar43535 is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by max_priest
Yes, thats very unethical of this Tommy. Actually most OKTs will resort to all sort of unscrupulous methods you can't even imagine to beat competition. That is why certain OKTs ban their gals from going to certain houses.
Looks like Tommy has not changed his devious greedy spots since the old days when he was 'managing' the old L16 place. Even recall a time when Tommy discouraged punters fm calling the great Singtel because she refused to go to his hse. Wonder whether he still pulls this trick on unsuspecting punters?
Old 01-05-2006, 06:35 PM
escobar43535 escobar43535 is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by Smeagol
Overall.... rather disapointed with both Tommy and Dada.

First and last patronage to both of them.
Suggest u give Ah Yap of L1606 a try the next time u r in L16, more trustworthy okt. You could also try Ah Gwee of 2034A, also quite trustworthy, knowledgeable and speaks good english for an okt.
Old 06-05-2006, 12:18 AM
sky chan
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by escobar43535
Suggest u give Ah Yap of L1606 a try the next time u r in L16, more trustworthy okt. You could also try Ah Gwee of 2034A, also quite trustworthy, knowledgeable and speaks good english for an okt.

That's an interesting point. As an overseas newbie I'm curious as to what language is usually spoken by the OKT's. I'm going to be in your fine city in a few months and am planning to visit GL for some sightseeing and wanted to make sure I'll be able to communicate with them. FYI, I speak english and cantonese.

Thanks in advance
Old 06-05-2006, 10:46 AM
kent32 kent32 is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by sky chan
That's an interesting point. As an overseas newbie I'm curious as to what language is usually spoken by the OKT's. I'm going to be in your fine city in a few months and am planning to visit GL for some sightseeing and wanted to make sure I'll be able to communicate with them. FYI, I speak english and cantonese.

Thanks in advance
You may try lorong 16 house 8.

the okt speak good english.
Old 06-05-2006, 10:48 AM
kent32 kent32 is offline
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Thumbs up Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by sky chan
That's an interesting point. As an overseas newbie I'm curious as to what language is usually spoken by the OKT's. I'm going to be in your fine city in a few months and am planning to visit GL for some sightseeing and wanted to make sure I'll be able to communicate with them. FYI, I speak english and cantonese.

Thanks in advance
You may try lorong 16 house 8.

the okt speak good english.
Old 06-05-2006, 05:47 PM
escobar43535 escobar43535 is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by sky chan
That's an interesting point. As an overseas newbie I'm curious as to what language is usually spoken by the OKT's. I'm going to be in your fine city in a few months and am planning to visit GL for some sightseeing and wanted to make sure I'll be able to communicate with them. FYI, I speak english and cantonese.

Thanks in advance
since u speak canto u sld hv little problem in geylang both wif the okts and the gals, who appear to like to converse in this dialect, especially the gals. i guess this is because canto is popular in m'sia where the gals come fm.
Old 06-05-2006, 10:47 PM
sky chan
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

THanks for the info brother E and Kent
Old 24-05-2006, 10:35 PM
lahchi lahchi is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Dear Masters,

Any idea if CK is working? I had Susan a few weeks back and i am thinking of doing CK or maybe much appreciated..

Old 24-05-2006, 11:05 PM
will1677 will1677 is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Was told CK went to work on Monday but left yesterday for 1 month.
Old 01-06-2006, 10:26 AM
BJmydong BJmydong is offline
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GL CAT $150 List - June 2006

GL CAT $150 LIST – JUNE 2006

NEW GIRLS 2006: 10
Mermaid – Jan/06 (L18H57A), Sasa - Feb/06 (L22H24A), Dada – Mar/06 (L16H12), Ivy – Mar/06 (L22H20), Michelle – Mar/06 (L22H24A), Kico – Mar/06 (L20H33), Judy – Apr/06 (L16H54A), Siow Chwee – May/06 (L28H33), Jolin – May/06 (L20H33), Prada – May/06 (L16H08)

GL $150 GIRLS: 134

L14 H25: Ada, Bonnie, Carol, Casino, MJ, Sandra, Theresa - [ 7 ]

L14 H27: Mimi, Yu Mei, Zhu Er - [ 3 ]

L14 H29: Blue Diamond, Blue Ocean, Queen - [ 3 ]

L16 H06: Carol, Cola, Janet - [ 3 ]

L16 H06A: Joey - [ 1 ]

L16 H07: Coco, JC, Ruyi, Sammi - [ 4 ]

L16 H08: Cartier, LV, Prada, Yuki - [ 4 ]

L16 H08A: [ - ]

L16 H10: Yoko - [ 1 ]

L16 H10A: [ - ]

L16 H12: BoBo, Dada - [ 2 ]

L16 H37: [ - ]

L16 H39: Irene, Jolin, Miyaki, More, Sin Zhi, Wei Wei - [ 6 ]

L16 H49: Ping Ping - [ 1 ]

L16 H54A: Judy, Queenie - [ 2 ]

L16 H56A: Chivas, Kelly, Nokia, Xi Xi, Wine - [ 5 ]

L16 H58: Sui Xian - [ 1 ]

L16 H58B: Lillian, Sharon - [ 2 ]

L16 H58A: M1 (aka Cheng Cheng) - [ 1 ]

L16 H67: Ah Girl, Big S, Singtel - [ 3 ]

W16 H04: Chris, T1 - [ 2 ]

W16 H06: Ai Lee, Bai He, CK, Evon, OG, Susan (Malay), Xiao Ching, YY - [ 8 ]

L18 H05: Bai Xue, Iris, Jia Jia, Qian Hong, Star, Winnes - [ 6 ]

L18 H09: [ - ]

L18 H57A: Mermaid, Yoki - [ 2 ]

L20 H01A: Chew Lian - [ 1 ]

L20 H03A: [ - ]

L20 H05: Winnie - [ 1 ]

L20 H07: AC, Ah Girl, East, Inter, Juventus, Sally, Super – [ 7 ]

L20 H09: [ - ]

L20 H11A: Lisa, Sammi1 - [ 2 ]

L20 H17: Emelda - [ 1 ]

L20 H33: Hai Xin, Jolin, Kico, Mun Mun, Nico, Tammy - [ 6 ]

L20 H34A: Violet, Xiu Wen - [ 2 ]

L20 H41: Ginger - [ 1 ]

L20 H43: Kimmie, Miki 1 - [ 2 ]

L20 H43A: Tian Tian - [ 1 ]

L20 H47: BB1, Peggy, Sony - [ 3 ]

L20 H47A: [ - ]

L20 H58: Joey, KK, Yong Yong - [ 3 ]

L20 H60: SK - [ 1 ]

L20 H62A: “Little” Ivy - [ 1 ]

L22 H14: [ - ]

L22 H20: Bess, Candy, Ivy, Lena (Malay), LS, Mei Zhi - [ 6 ]

L22 H24: [ - ]

L22 H24A: Elaine (Indian), Lily (Malay), Michelle, San San, Sasa - [ 5 ]

L24 M09: Chanel, Li Wen - [ 2 ]

L24 M13: Accord, Cefiro, Corrolla, F1, Jaguar, MG, Seiko - [ 7 ]

L24 M51: [ - ]

L28 H31: Fern Fern, Gigi - [ 2 ]

L28 H31A: Irene, Jean, Lily - [ 3 ]

L28 H31B: Xue Er (aka Orange), Xue Ling - [ 2 ]

L28 H33: Singapore Ice, Siow Chwee - [ 2 ]

L28 H37: Celine, Monica, Vivian, Yan Zhi - [ 4 ]

L28 H41: [ - ]

L28 H41A: Anna - [ 1 ]

L28 H45: [ - ]

L28 H47: Zhen Zhen - [ 1 ]

L30 H21A: [ - ]

L30 H28A: [ - ]

L30 H33: [ - ]

NEW GIRLS 2006: 10
Mermaid – Jan/06 (L18H57A), Sasa – Feb/06 (L22H24A), Dada – Mar/06 (L16H12), Ivy – Mar/06 (L22H20), Michelle – Mar/06 (L22H24A), Kico – Mar/06 (L20H33), Judy – Apr/06 (L16H54A), Siow Chwee – May/06 (L28H33), Jolin2 – May/06 (L20H33), Prada – May/06 (L16H08)

NEW GIRLS 2005: 16
Mimi (L14H27), Carol (L16H06), Anna (L28H41A), Miyaki - 04/05 (L16H39), Monica - 09/05 (L28H37), Cartier - 09/05 (L16H08), LV - 09/05 (L16H08), AC - 09/05 (L20H07), Juventus - 09/05 (L20H07), Mun Mun - 10/05 (L20H33), Nico - 10/05 (L20H33), Jia Jia - 10/05 (L18H05), F1 - 10/05 (L24M13), Chanel – 12/05 (L24M09), Tammy - 12/05 (L20H33), Joey - 12/05 (L16H06A)

NEW GIRLS 2004: 8
Sakura - 01/04 (W16H08), Elaine - 03/04 (L28H37), Miko – 03/04 (L14H27), Christy – 03/04 (L16H08), Winnes – 04/04 (L18H05), SK – 04/04 (L20H60), Ginger – 08/04 (L20H41), Super – 12/04 (L20H07)

NEW GIRLS 2003: 17
Kikko - 03/03 (L16H06), Angel - 03/03 (L20H58), Candy - 03/03 (L22H20), Eva - 03/03 (L28H37), Maggie - 03/03 (L22H24A), Joey2 - 04/03 (L28H31B), Bonnie (L16H37) - 06/03, Inter - 07/03 (L22H26), Jenny - 07/03 (L30H21A), Hai Xin – 08/03 (L20H33), Ah Girl - 08/03 (L16H67), Yong Yong – 09/03 (L20H58), Baby – 10/03 (L18H15), BoBo – 10/03 (L12H16), Blue Sky – 12/03 (L14H29), Yu Mei – 12/03 (L14H27), Xiao Ai – 12/03 (L16H37)

Civic (L16H10), Hai O (L16H67), Joyce (L20H11A), Miko (L14H27), Moon (L20H60), Rose (L14H25), Tong Tong (L20H60), Twin (L16H54A), Xiao Tian (L14H29)

RETIRED 2006: 9
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Old 02-06-2006, 01:42 PM
harlequin harlequin is offline
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Cool Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Heard from OKT of L20H33 that Mermaid has handed in her card (wanted to try her, but too late !)
Old 07-06-2006, 03:19 AM
raulsoon raulsoon is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

iam confused ... San San is from where de ? seriously .. malaysian ?
A Fan Of Westerhout Road
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