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Old 26-10-2016, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by ilikeoldchangke View Post
Yes. 3 more updates to wrap it up

Eagerly looking forward for updates.
Old 26-10-2016, 03:44 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Kate turned to take a selfie with Aliya and Omar finally directed his attention to me.

Omar : Oh James… here, meet my dad, Abbas.

James : Nice to meet you sir.

I shook hands with the unsmiling man. He is about the same height as Omar with a bushy grey beard that was neatly trimmed. His eyes are like a narrow slit, it’s as if he was squinting to look at you.

He has a head of thick black hair that was streak with grey. It was not hard to tell he had coloured them black as much as he could. He too looked at Kate, but his gaze was a bit different.

When Omar and Rasid looked at Kate, you could tell from their gaze that hint of lust, the mischievous lust to fuck her was evident. It was easy to tell but for Abbas, it’s a little different.

He looked at Kate alright, I saw him check out Kate from the bottom up.

His eyes squinted at her heels, loitering at her smooth white ankles before tracing her calves upwards. He stopped at Kate’s full buttocks, looking at how tightly stretched the fabric was trying to hold her full figure in.

Every move Kate made, her tight fitting clothes snuggled up to her, bringing out her tone and tight body. She radiates this aura of youthful energy, something Abbas surely once had many moons ago.

He continued to appraise her body, as if he wanted to put a price on her, like a piece of good to be traded.

I saw Abbas sniffed, he rubbed his nose and his eyes watered as he turned away and asked for water from one of his aide.

I turned my attention back to Kate who was happily talking to Aliya.

Aisha sundered up to me from out of nowhere and put her arms around my waist.

Aisha : Nice to see you again James…

I did not react as she slithered past me like a snake to join Rasid.

I had to grit my teeth as I watch Kate direct Omar and company towards another set of waiting vehicles at the arrival hall.

Rasid was beaming brightly at Kate and I could see Omar trying to talk to her as well.

Omar tried to slid his arm around Kate’s waist but she nimbly extracted herself from his attempted embrace and pretended to answer a phone call.

Omar sniggered and smile before making a look at Rasid.

Anyone could tell they were interested in Kate.

Rasid kept beckoning for Kate to join them in the same vehicle but Kate smiled and explained that she needed to get ready for the dinner later that evening.

Kate : There’s still a lot to do and prepare..! …

Rasid : hahaha… I’m sure there is…

Another 10 minutes past before Kate sent them off to their hotel after having a short chat with the driver.

As we watch the vehicle depart, my phone was buzzing non stop. I had quite a few miss calls from the transport company boss who was still waiting for the go ahead.

I called him and informed him of the change in plans and asked him to submit his invoice accordingly and closed the case.

Belinda and Andy walked out and joined Kate and me at the pick up spot of the arrival hall.

It was then I start to feel the full force of my swelling anger hit me. I have never been so angry before.

Kate : I’m sorry James… we wanted to tell you but…

Kate tried to walk towards me but I backed away, shrugging away her attempt to tap me on my arm.

Belinda read that body language and immediately tried to take on the blame.

Belinda : Sorry James… it was my fault… i..

She too tried to hold my arm but I shrugged her off.

We stared at each other without a word as I tried to calm myself down. I was so fucking pissed that I knew if I said anything, it would cut like a knife.

Andy : What the fuck is going on ??

Kate : I have to help them Andy….. that Omar is a bastard….

Andy : No!... don’t get yourself involved in this.

Kate : I have to !... I can’t stomach what he had done to sis ! … I don’t care…

Andy : Stop behaving like a spolit brat … and get in the car…

Kate : What about you ?? ! You think I don’t know you’re ganging up with James to stop me ??

She pointed to Ah Keong who was standing a distance away, I turned and I saw his eyes widened as he quickly turned away and scurried back to the car.

Andy : Ah Keong you chee bye !! …

Andy took 2 steps towards Keong but stopped.

Andy : I don’t care, get in the car… you’re not getting involved in this.

Kate : It’s my life… I don’t need your help… go back if you want to…

Andy was about to retort but I grabbed his arm as I glared at Kate.

James : You don’t know what’s good for you…. I guess you’re only going to learn the hard way…

Kate looked a little hurt at what I said and before Belinda could say anything, I turned and walked away back into the terminal.

Andy and his men left too while I saw Kate and Belinda went to queue up for a cab.

Before Andy left, he mentioned something about going straight to Kate’s brother and that she’ll be done with this job before long.

I need a thick cup of coffee to think.

I could not think.

What the fuck is Kate thinking ?

She can’t be that fucking naïve to think she can what ? Pretend to use herself as bait ?

Then ? Then what ?

Cry rape ? Call the police ?

Belinda too should have known better than to go tell Kate about Omar.

I must have had at least 3 thick cups of black coffee when I grab a cab back from the airport at 2.30pm

Fuck this.

Since she wants to be a hero, she can do it all she wants.

I’ll just wash my hands off this matter.

Maybe only at the very point in time when she’s forced to suck Omar’s cock or get penetrated by Rasid would she understand what I was trying to get her out off.


I buried myself with work the moment I got back into office. Kate was at her desk by then and I rejected the cup of coffee she made for me, choosing to push it aside. I was still pissed and partly because I just had 3 cups. I don’t want to get high on caffine.

Kate : James…. can we talk ?

James : I’m rushing for some work. … maybe later.

Kate : I know you’re angry but I don’t understand how you could just sit by and not do anything….

James : What would you have me do ? go around beating people up ?

I must have touched a raw nerve with my outburst and Kate was a little taken aback.

It might sound like I’m being petty but I was not. I was just upset and mad.

Kate : You know James…. I never thought you were some superman…. Or some hero who could fix anything and everything…..but…. but I just want you to know I like you for who you are…..and…

She paused before she took her purse and got out of her seat.

Kate : The James I know….. will not just sit by and do nothing…….

I was not in the mood for her lecture and I just dismissed her words before getting back to my work. I did try to help initially didn’t I ? It was her who rejected my help.

Belinda tried to call me several times and when I finally picked up, she apologised and explained that she did not expect Kate to so readily agree to help her.

Belinda : I know I shouldn’t have brought it up, but I did it without expectations, I was looking more for a listening ear.

James : It’s too late for me to say anything now anyway. Do what you all want. I don’t care…

I felt like a jerk after u hung up but well sometimes you just do things without reason when you are mad.


Mr Liew had granted the team a early knock off to head back home. Everyone was to freshen up and get ready for the dinner with Omar and his dad at 7.45pm


I was about to leave work when Mr Liew came over to my seat.

Mr Liew : You ok ?

James : Yah… why ?

Mr Liew : You don’t look ok to me..

James : I have a lot of things on my mind……. It’s been a tiring few months………….You siao ah ? … you’ve never said this kind of things to me before…

Mr Liew : That’s because I’m never seen you like this before….

I just kept quiet and looked at Mr Liew.
Old 26-10-2016, 03:47 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

James : Like what ?

Mr Liew : fuck la… anything to say… just say it… don’t beat about the bush….

James : You know…… what Omar and gang would do to Kate ?

Mr Liew leaned back on his chair and replied.

Mr Liew : Of course I do…

I stood up from my seat in a fit of anger but Mr Liew spoke before I could say anything.

Mr Liew : She can always say no… there’s no one stopping her…

James : Easy for you to say…

Mr Liew : Don’t fucking assume I don’t know anything just because I kept quiet all this while….. Everything I do is for the team. …

Mr Liew lowered his voice a notch and added ;

Mr Liew : You think I don’t know about Belinda ??? about who she is to you ??

I just kept quiet and look at Mr Liew, trying to get my thoughts sorted out.

Mr Liew : I wouldn’t have fucking cared because all along I thought she was Terry’s woman….it was only after Omar….

James : How did you find out ?

Mr Liew : Omar called me to brag….about bedding her….about how sad you were….. I did some digging… and I came across something interesting…

Mr Liew said he happened to be looking at Belinda’s resume when she first joined the company, it was a old hard copy print out that HR kept.

He noticed the address and he dug out my copy as well.

No not the one I used for this new work place, it was the very first copy he kept when I joined him at the previous firm more than 5 years ago.

Mr Liew : You have the same address in Toa payoh..….. I did a search in the ROM website…

I sat back down in my chair.

Mr Liew : You are husband and wife…… I kind of stopped making things difficult for her once I found out.

We both descended into an awkward silence as we sat quietly in the almost empty office.

The rest of the team had already left.

James : So now what ?

Mr Liew : I’m a practical man…you know that… always think of the big picture James… these are important clients…. This is what I have to say to you as your boss….

I took a deep breath and looked away.

Mr Liew leaned forward and continued.

Mr Liew : I’m saying this next….. as your friend…. As a husband….

Our eyes met and all ambiance noise were shut out.

I could not hear anything except Mr Liew’s voice.

Mr Liew : Omar’s father…. Is addicted to drugs… this was the main reason why he kept away from Singapore for the longest time… there isn’t a supplier he trust over here.

James : What are you saying ?

Mr Liew : don’t interrupt me… he’s here for a few days…. And he has a small stash of them in his hotel room…. They were brought in via diplomatic channels via their connections to embassies

James : You mean…

Mr Liew stood up and brushed some dust off his shirt.

Mr Liew : What you do with that information…. Is none of my business.

James : What about the big picture ? the projects ?

Mr Liew had already turned away from me and with his back facing me, his head turned a little and he added.

Mr Liew : Are you asking me that question as an employee?? Or as a friend ? …

He burst out laughing before shaking his head and walking out through the door.

Mr Liew : See you at dinner…


I went home to change and get ready for dinner. At 6.20pm sharp, my phone rang and it was a number I did not recognise.

I recognised the laughter the moment I answered it.

Rasid : whahahaha…. James… my brother….

James : Rasid…. What do you want ?

Rasid : Why are you so cold towards me ?? hahahah…. Well I shall not beat about the bush. I want your colleague…. Kate…

James : It’s none of my business…. You go ask her yourself…

Rasid : Hahaha… come on…. We’re brothers….. I can get Aliya and Aisha to accompany you for the night… whahahaha…

James : I’m not a pimp… Kate’s is an adult. She can decide on her own what she wants.

Rasid : Wahahaha…. Come on James…. I can make this worth your while..whaha…

I could hear some commotion in the background as Rasid asked me to hold the line. I could hear them speaking in Arabic. It rattled off fast, almost like it was a quarrel.

Some disagreement of sort.

Rasid : Hold on … Omar wants to talk to you..

Omar : James…. about Kate…

James : I don’t care… it’s none of my business….

Omar laughed.

Omar : Oh.. how about I send you some of Belinda’s private moments ? would that make you reconsider ? hahaha…

I clenched my fist and kept quiet.

Omar : Don’t worry… we’ll treat her well….

James : Fuck off… why don’t you and Rasid just call up some escorts… this can save everyone a lot of trouble….

Omar laughed and continued.

Omar : You misunderstood my intention James….well…. I don’t mind fucking Kate… but she’s a little…… too young…. Don’t you think ? hahahah…. I like my women a little more matured…. You know… someone like Belinda… hhaa…

James : Then what do you want….?

Omar : I still want Kate…. But it’s not for me….it’s for my Dad…

James : What ?!

Omar laughed and asked me to make the arrangements.

Omar : Money is not an issue… help me talk to her… ok…. Actually I already sent word to her…. I made her an offer…..but she turned me down….. I’m quite disappointed…… ahhaha… anyway…..see you during dinner James… and I hope you’re successful….if not Belinda is going to be famous… haha…

He hung up on me and I almost threw the phone against my wall.


I hopped onto a cab down to Royal plaza at Scotts. Mr Liew had booked a function room specially for this. Dinner will be served privately, almost like a mini banquet of sorts.


I saw Hakim on the phone with his mum at the hotel entrance. He gave me a wide smile and a wave before hanging up.

Hakim : Hey James… why you face so black…

I just smiled as Hakim waved to someone behind me. I turned and saw Uncle Tong walking briskly towards us.

Uncle Tong : starting to drizzle already…. Singapore weather, really ah….

We walked into the hotel together and saw Alex coming out of the bathroom.

Mr Liew was already at the room along with Aliya. None of the other guest were there yet.

The room was specially set up for the dinner, aside from the tables, a small stage complete with a piano sat at a corner of the room. A live band was hired to play while we dined. No effort was spared and you could say this was all of Kate’s planning.

A small table with various types of whiskey, those with names I could not even pronounce sat in the middle of a few comfortable couch. This was a request by Omar according to Mr Liew.

He likes to indulge himself whenever possible especially when he’s out of his country. Nothing like talking about business over a good single malt.

We all stood, loitering near the entrance with a drink in hand and chatted among ourselves.

I could see Hakim and Alex whispering naughtily among themselves while looking at Aliya.

Aliya wore this short black dress, exposing both her legs and her smooth shoulders. Her eyes sparkled the same time her diamond earrings caught the light of the function room. She looks elegant and classy with a slight smile.

Her eyes drilled right into each of the men’s soul as she smiled and mingled within the group.

Aisha entered the room together with Rasid , their arms linked together. She too dazzled even the waiters in the room. I saw this 2 young kids nudging each other at Aisha’s body hugging white dress.

Abbas and Omar entered next and shook hands with everyone in the team.

We were all about to take our seat when the door swung opened again.

All heads turned and the sound decibel in the room went down a notch. Even the server who was pouring wine stopped mid way as his attention was directed towards the door.

A small gasp of air escaped from my mouth as I looked at Kate.

She had someone do her hair, probably at a salon. It complimented her light makeup perfectly, giving her a hint of maturity despite her youth. Kate wore this black lace cheongsum set upon a smooth silk like fabric.
Old 26-10-2016, 03:48 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

The white contrasted with the intricate lace, giving her a sophisticated look of elegance.

The butterfly knots near her neck looked as if there were embroidery art works on their own.

Her figure was bared for all to see, the snug fit of the cheongsum contoured against her curves and that bold and daring slit that reached right up the side of her left leg, opening up every time she took a step to show her delicious smooth and white legs till the middle of her thigh.

The room literally went quiet as Kate smiled and adjusted her scarf which she draped over her shoulder.

The small clutch bag had a dragon on it, stitched out of probably a thousand small beads.

Rasid’s eyes almost popped out as he stared at Kate, a smile breaking out on his face.

Omar too was transfixed by Kate’s beauty and youth. Abbas eyes never left Kate as she walked gracefully on her heels towards the manager and exchanged a few words.

They then walked over to the small stage and had a short meeting with the live band who was about to set up.

My phone rang and it was Belinda.

I excused myself to take the call outside the room.

James : Yes ?

Belinda : James… something is wrong…

James : What do you mean ?

Belinda : Kate… she’s not answering my call…

James : What do you mean ?

Belinda told me that Kate’s original plan was a lot simpler. She just wanted to pretend she’s a bait and tempt Omar.

Belinda : She would reject him of course but she would continue to tempt him. She says she’s confident she can make him lose his control and make his move on her….. if he dared to touch her, she would have a case against him or something…. She says there’s cameras everywhere…. This is Singapore and…. And…

James : How can you all be so naïve ?? ! It’s not going to be this simple… !

Belinda : That’s what I told her…. I tried to talk her out of it…. That this would not work… it doesn’t make sense….

James : You should see the way she dressed up today…. She’s like asking to be raped…!

Belinda : That’s the problem James… Kate says she wants to bait Omar …. To get him out of the hotel, send her home or something…. Then she can ask her brother’s staff for help at her place…

James : Don’t be stupid… Omar would not leave his hotel….besides…

I was about to tell Belinda about Omar’s father but she cut me off.

Belinda : Listen ! James… I haven finished… !

I sighed as Belinda quickly rattled out something that made the hair at the back of my neck stand.

Belinda : I was worried about her…. I called her friend….. that Andy….

James : That’s her cousin…

Belinda : Whatever…. I asked if he was aware about what Kate was doing…. He said no.

James : What ?

Belinda: Whatever Kate is doing…. She’s on her own…

James : You got to be kidding me …. I’ll call you back…

I immediately hung up and dashed back into the room.

The live band had started playing.

Kate was standing beside Rasid and Rasid’s hands was around her waist. She looked uncomfortable but she was flanked by Aisha and Aliya.

Omar : James ….

I turned and saw Omar with a glass of whiskey in his hands. His dad walked up to me and for the first time, gave me a wide smile.

Abbas : James…. thank you for the kind assistance…. Expensive…. But…. I’m going to say it’s worth it.

My eyes widened as I looked back at Omar.

What the fuck is he talking about ?

Omar : Kate accepted my offer…. With conditions of her own though… and a huge increase in price tag… hahaha….. you are so good at persuasion James…. I’m considering hiring you already… hahha…. I didn’t know she and Belinda are good friends though… whahaha….

James : What ?

Omar : Come on James… it was a good bargain…Kate wanted the videos and photos I took of Belinda… haha but not possible… I won’t give that up… but as for the price tag, that was something I was willing to negotiate. I hope you get a cut out of this … hahaha…. 50k…. for a night… it’s expensive.. and we need to travel to her place too….

My heart was thumping and I was struggling to breathe.

Kate managed to wriggle herself away from Rasid and our eyes met.

She saw I was with Abbas and Omar and she gave all 3 of us a shy smile and a nod of her head before walking back to her seat.

As she sat down, she lifted her legs and crossed them, exposing almost if not all of her white thighs for a couple of seconds before she quickly used the scarf to cover them.

I could see Abbas literally licking his lips at Kate.


Dinner commenced and I was seated beside Kate. Everyone was chatting and I did not have a chance to talk to her privately as yet.


When the live band took a break, Kate excused herself to the bathroom and I got up a few seconds later.

I caught up with her outside the room and grabbed her arm, swinging her around roughly.


Kate : I have it under control !... relax…

James : You don’t know what you are doing ! Belinda told me you are alone in this… no one is helping you !...

Kate : I don’t need anyone’s help…. I have cameras all over my place at home…. This is Singapore mind you !.... what can happen ? I will sue him if he dares to touch me !

James : Will you stop being so stubborn !... you don’t know who you are dealing with.

Kate : And you ?? do you ? … what can you do James ? what have you done ??? At least I’m doing something !!!!! …. What about you ??

James : You are just sending yourself to be gang raped !!! .

Kate shrugged my arm off.

Kate : I dare them to try… if you had done something…. Sis would not have been raped by….

I lost it… I really did.

I don’t know why.

For the first time in my life, I hit a woman.

Smack !..

I slapped Kate.

Even I was shocked at my own actions.

I immediately froze and regretted what I did.

James : I…

I wanted to apologise… I wanted to beg for forgiveness but I was interrupted by Abbas.

I did not realise he had just emerged from the bathroom.

He saw me slap Kate and I could see him smiling and clapping.

Abbas : James… James… I’m impressed….. I like you already…. This is the way…. If they don’t behave…. You do what you have to do…… I like you….

Abbas : I like you… haha ….. you know what…. I want you with me tonight…. I want to see you keep her in line….discipline her if you must…

Kate’s eyes started to swell with tears as she massaged her cheek and look at me.

Abbas looked up and down the corridor, it was empty except for the 3 of us.

He circled us for a few seconds before he said something that made blood rush into my dick.

Abbas : squeeze her breast James… squeeze her breast…

James : What ? !

Abbas : you heard me… show me…. Show me you have what it takes to keep a bitch in line…come on…

Without thinking, my right hand reached for Kate’s left breast and I squeezed them.
Old 26-10-2016, 03:50 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Kate : ERgnhnh… no..

She pushed my hand away and tried to hit me but I held onto her wrist.

Kate : Let me go… it hurts..

Abbas : hahah… good.. good… she talked back to you James… what do you do to girls who talk back to you ??

Kate was starting to really get a little scared.

I wanted to shout at her ‘ see ? ‘ ‘ see what I meant ? “ but I held back.

That was not the time.

I had no choice. If I did it, I could be with Kate when she goes off with Abbas. If not she would be all alone.

I squeezed Kate’s cheeks together and she yelped.

I gave it a good shake before asking her to behave and hitting her head onto the back of the corridor wall as she glared at Abbas and me.

Abbas : Hahaha… I’m looking forward to this evening James…. looking forward…do you know…. There is so many ways to make a girl moan and cry ?? hahahha…..

Abbas walked right up to Kate and I guessed he could smell her fear.

Abbas : You’re a smart girl…. I can tell…. But don’t go around thinking you’re the only smart one around ….. hahaha…. I have fucked so many girls…. I taught Omar everything he knew…. I can smell you from a mile away Kate…. .. I hope you’re going to enjoy this evening….

Abbas laughed and raped Kate visually with his eyes. His finger rubbed onto the spot where Kate’s crotch is and she retreated and shivered in fear.

Abbas circled Kate again as he sniffed his runny nose.

Abbas : girls like you…. You are not a cheap slut…. I can tell…. Which meant you had an agenda when you accepted the offer….you’re not after the money….but whatever you have in mind…. I can tell you… it’s not going to work… hahah… I hope you like the feeling of having cum all over your body …. Hahahaha….

Abbas gestured to me again.

Abbas : put your hands under her dress.

James : What ?

Abbas : do it …. Go in !! touch her pussy…

Kate glared at me in disbelief but I did it anyway.

My hand went for her high slit and Kate desperately tried to block and cover herself.

Kate : No… no please… no…

I ignored her cries… if this is some sort of a test. I have to pass it.

I wriggled and push my way up Kate’s cheongsum slit as she sobbed for me to stop.

Kate : No please !!.. no..

Abbas : Faster… go in !!.. what is the texture of her panty ??!! Tell me… now…

Kate squirmed and I felt a wet tear hit my arm as I touched the lace of her panty before I pulled my hand out. She immediately smoothened her cheongsum as she tried to hold back her tears.

James : It’s lace…. A lace panty.

Abbas : hahaha… ahah… good.. good…

He turned to Kate and spoke.

Abbas : So…? Are you angry ?? this is Singapore little girl… go to the police…. Tell them… tell them this man just molested you !!.. haha..

James : What !!??

Kate sobbed and wiped away her tears as she looked at me.

Abbas : What are you waiting for ? do it…. Get him arrested… I can be your witness… haha…

Kate kept quiet, looking down at her heels.

Abbas : Are you sure?? You’re keeping quiet ?? do you know what’s waiting for you tonight ? hahhaah….. it’s going to be a long night little girl… haha..

He snapped his fingers at Kate and pointed to me again.

Abbas : I say report him…. He touched you didn’t he ?? why are you not reporting him ?? haha

Kate just kept quiet, trying to hold back her tears.

Abbas : Do it…. You can keep the money I transferred into your account… just report him . huh ? ….. no ??? hahaha

Abbas sniggered.

There was something creepy about the way Abbas spoke and it affected me as well.

He’s sick alright.

Even more so than Omar.

Abbas looked around once more before asking Kate and I to go into the bathroom.

Abbas : Take out her underwear James…

James : You’re shitting me !... enough of this

Abbas : Why ? huh ? Are you 2 in this together ?? is it ? you like her ?? is she your girlfriend ?? is she ?? DO IT!!

Before I could do anything, Kate slapped me, returning me the favour I did to her earlier.

Abbas laughed as I grabbed hold of Kate and started to pull her into the bathroom.

Kate : No… let go… no… no…let go !!!

I wanted to pull Kate away.

That way we can talk privately.

Abbas : Alright…hahah… I’ll see you tonight little girl…. And you too James…… get me her panty….

He smiled and looked at Kate before tapping me on my shoulder and entered the dining hall.

As the door shut, Kate slapped me again.

Kate : You jerk !...

James : What was I to do ? At least I can stay beside you…

Kate sniffed and wiped away her tears, smudging a bit of her makeup.

I took out my phone and passed it to Kate .

Kate : What >??

James : Call your brother…. Now!!!!

Kate looked away and folded her arms.

James : Call him… now…

After a 10 second hesitation.

Kate brushed me aside and head to the bathroom.

I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. My eyes were pressed shut as I took in another deep breathe, trying to calm myself.

I really felt like strangling her.

I called Andy and told him what Kate did.

He says he will call Gabriel and get back to me.

I went back to the dining hall and Kate joined me shortly after.

Everyone raised their hands and clapped as the band finished their latest song except Kate.

As my hands came back down to my lap, I felt Kate’s hands reached for mine.

Instead of her soft hands, I felt the tease of soft lace that was a little damp.

My eyes immediately turned to Kate as blood rushed to my groin.

Kate pressed her panty into my hand under the table as she tried to muster up a smile.

Kate : James.... it’s not that I don’t want to call my brother…. I already did…. He refused to help…

I felt as if someone had just punched me in my gut.

Kate’s hand slipped away slowly, leaving her panty in my hand under the table.

I could see she was shaking a little.

The reality of what she has gotten herself into has slowly but surely sunk into her head by now.

Kate : What…. What should we do… ?

I sighed and clenched my fist, wrapping her panty tightly within my hands.

James : Don’t worry…. I’ll get us out of this mess….. one way or the other…

Old 26-10-2016, 04:32 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Thanks Bro ilock for the update!
Old 26-10-2016, 04:46 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Thanks ilock bro for the updates.
Old 26-10-2016, 06:52 PM
Chia65 Chia65 is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Thanks bro, really love your writting
Old 26-10-2016, 07:05 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Here comes james revenge..
Old 26-10-2016, 08:47 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office


jin exciting!!!
Old 26-10-2016, 09:40 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Nice updates!! Thanks
Old 26-10-2016, 09:45 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by CoolTea View Post
Will we get to see Kate having sex with Omar and gang?
This is a good plot
Old 26-10-2016, 09:45 PM
jwat jwat is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Thanks for the update, felt like Belinda mastermind this
Old 26-10-2016, 10:49 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Kate plan backfired! Thanks for the update... waiting for the raid...
Old 26-10-2016, 11:42 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

god damn exciting sia, can't wait for the next installment
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