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Old 12-04-2008, 02:50 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

In April 07 I remembered our combat engineer brudder 36SCE shared a FR on a massage joint for prostrate and little brudder massage - located in Xi Kang Lu / Kang Ding Lu.

Wonder if any of the brudders have been to this joint recently or a similar one elsewhere and can share their experience.

Would like to hear from the brudders if can.
Shanghai Dung
Old 12-04-2008, 06:22 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by XuJiaHui View Post
Bro Shengge, you are senior bro.. dun suan me lah... dating because I am single and have not go thru the dating life enough so no experience.. where got like u no need date and bed them straight!! ....
You told you so? I am not that senior here lah. Only know about Parks not Pubs, know KFC not KTV.
By the way, I have not go thru the bonking life enough so no experience....where got skill like you. For those that I have bed them, true that I don't have to pay them...............bcos I paid their boss at the counter....

Originally Posted by XuJiaHui View Post
So I always console myself it is high maintenence and high expenses and chances to bed is slim..... just for the feeling not the result...
Look on the brighter side lah. After all, these ladies mostly single child in the family, chinchai-chinchai, should have RMB1M worth at home lah, high maintenance high expenses...........high returns. Compare with Sgp...........Hor seh, tio boh...

Originally Posted by XuJiaHui View Post
so why so many people bother about point.... sigh!! Better make more money for more dating... hahahaha
The benefits of the point system actually helps to reflect how individual samsters being appreciated by fellow samsters, if you read those in the discussion and exchange plaza threads and etc, you will know what I mean.
On the other hand, it also reflects a bit on who are reader and who are contributor? My view above may not be totally true but really up to individual.


Old 12-04-2008, 11:21 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by Ronaldo View Post
Actually I think you are giving yourself too much pressure. I mean if you are looking out for a GF here. You might tend to consider too much and appear lack of self confidence. Instead of using the "Can I marry you" or "Can I fuck you" approach, I think you should just be yourself and dont commit too early.

This kind of error, many lao jiao, would consider them as schoolboy error. Because only in schooling days, you will appear shy and make mistakes. In schools, usually the popular/bad/cool guys get the attentions. The good guys with good school results just dont attract enough chicks..

If you start flourish the girls with gifts and free meals, your name in their mobile phone might be just "Free Meal" instead of your real name.

Thats why those married men and attached men can hook girls easily. Because they already have one at home, so they can be themselves and appear very cool in front of even the hottest chick. At the end of the day, it is not a MUST to have them. And they might feel, how come you are not as interested as the other guys. Then you will come across as special.

You are an expat here in Shanghai and maybe you should behaving like one. Give yourself more confidence. But if you are just being humble and post just the fun of it as a love loser in Shanghai, then ignore my post.... Hehehehehe....
bro, thanks a lot for your comment. you speak what inside my heart
Alone in nanjing and going beijing on monday... i think it all depends on the girl ... sometime i can treat the girl like can have can dun have... but sometime i just feel to give them some love and exchange for some love...
most of the time , i told those gal that i have seen too many people bla bla bla... but u know those shanghainese gal is just too too smart... seem like can see thru me.. Got 2 target at the moment..... and they seem like smarter than me.. guess i got to find more targets and have the i have many choice attitude...
Been a little bit upset after breaking up with 3 beloved gals in 3months time..what to do.. this is shanghai and ...
anyone wanna introduce none shanghainese gal to me ?? i think i cant fight shanghainese...
Old 13-04-2008, 08:12 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by XuJiaHui View Post
Been a little bit upset after breaking up with 3 beloved gals in 3months time..what to do.. this is shanghai and ...
anyone wanna introduce none shanghainese gal to me ?? i think i cant fight shanghainese...
Look at brighter side.
1) 3 girls in 3 months and two targets on hand.......... still complain? (You must be very handsome)
2) once you conquered Shanghainese girls, what else are you worrying?

So look at the brighter side, as some senior bros have said, failure makes you wiser and stronger.........not weaker.


Old 13-04-2008, 11:37 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Ya agreed, Sh gers very smart indeed. They always act act one. kns. I was once talking to 1 sh ger on phone, my gf's gf, she was joking all the way, so i also joke with her lor. Afterthat, she commented to my gf that I was too "playboy", not a good man. cb. 2 times liao, another time with another one. They joke, but they testing at the same time. ccb, like that also can?

So, last few days when I finally met up with 1 for dinner, with my gf, I act act also, and the whole dinner I was very guai guai, gentleman and very plastics.

One discovery, towards Shanghainess gers, we always must act act and act again till we get to know them better after few months. They always like to set traps during conversation and do analysis. I always on my toes now whenever I see or speak to 1. damn tired!!! must always plastics. !!
Another another simple man.
Old 13-04-2008, 11:51 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by Niceman View Post
Ya agreed, Sh gers very smart indeed.
So, last few days when I finally met up with 1 for dinner, with my gf, I act act also, and the whole dinner I was very guai guai, gentleman and very plastics.

One discovery, towards Shanghainess gers, we always must act act and act again till we get to know them better after few months. They always like to set traps during conversation and do analysis. I always on my toes now whenever I see or speak to 1. damn tired!!! must always plastics. !!
Bro Niceman,
You're learnt fast and a wise man now! Congrats bro.....
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 14-04-2008, 01:01 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by shengge View Post
Look at brighter side.
1) 3 girls in 3 months and two targets on hand.......... still complain? (You must be very handsome)
2) once you conquered Shanghainese girls, what else are you worrying?

So look at the brighter side, as some senior bros have said, failure makes you wiser and stronger.........not weaker.

Bro... those are not shanghainese la... 1 Jiangxi, 1 Shenzhen and 1 Nanjing... the former 2 actually break my heat especially the first girl..
Not handsome.. old and fat guy .... 2 target is too smart for me ... both shanghainese and no way I can conquer them.. Today meet another gal, not so pretty but should be easier target,, guess ugly gal easier to tap...

Failure maybe good but our heart is soft..... Guess it is time to find a long term gf... Life been too bored recently....
Old 14-04-2008, 01:03 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by Niceman View Post
Ya agreed, Sh gers very smart indeed. They always act act one. kns. I was once talking to 1 sh ger on phone, my gf's gf, she was joking all the way, so i also joke with her lor. Afterthat, she commented to my gf that I was too "playboy", not a good man. cb. 2 times liao, another time with another one. They joke, but they testing at the same time. ccb, like that also can?

So, last few days when I finally met up with 1 for dinner, with my gf, I act act also, and the whole dinner I was very guai guai, gentleman and very plastics.

One discovery, towards Shanghainess gers, we always must act act and act again till we get to know them better after few months. They always like to set traps during conversation and do analysis. I always on my toes now whenever I see or speak to 1. damn tired!!! must always plastics. !!
Bro... got this type of things.. I guess I must fallen into all the trap and do not know what happen... What is the meaning when someone call you brother ?
Old 14-04-2008, 08:45 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by XuJiaHui View Post
Bro... got this type of things.. I guess I must fallen into all the trap and do not know what happen... What is the meaning when someone call you brother ?
I think it means "Sorry, my friend, can see, can touch but cannot fxxk."

Old 14-04-2008, 08:54 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by XuJiaHui View Post
Bro... got this type of things.. What is the meaning when someone call you brother ?
Bro Xujiahui,
When a SHA gal address you as 'brother' meaning.....'boh' chance liao la....
It's a kind way of them telling the guy......I have NO interest in you.......hurting truth but it is that very meaning lah bro......sigh...
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 14-04-2008, 09:36 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69 View Post
Bro Xujiahui,
When a SHA gal address you as 'brother' meaning.....'boh' chance liao la....
It's a kind way of them telling the guy......I have NO interest in you.......hurting truth but it is that very meaning lah bro......sigh...
Thanks bro... I feel it.. because she just like to hang up with me.. treating me mcdonalds.. then like me to bring her singing etc... those gal strategy really powerful.. imagine for free gift free meal and expect no fxxx... hahaha .. So anyone got experience tackle this situation ?

Guess I have to stay a few more days in Beijing to cure my heart.. Going Beijing today.. Anyone got lubang ?
Old 14-04-2008, 09:44 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by XuJiaHui View Post
Thanks bro... I feel it.. because she just like to hang up with me.. treating me mcdonalds.. then like me to bring her singing etc... those gal strategy really powerful.. imagine for free gift free meal and expect no fxxx... hahaha .. So anyone got experience tackle this situation ?
Bro Xujiahui,
Honestly if I will you, I'll move on with life and 'hunt' for other gals.....especially your objective is to bonk this gal but reality kicks in telling you she's literally leading you to no where other than making you paying for KTV sessions.....?

Go hunt for another prey if that's your intention bro........
SGP-SHA69, Another Simple Man
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Old 14-04-2008, 11:54 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Bro SGP,
:P Thanks bro.... still learning, still need you to show me the rope. I not as good as good, knn, so many gfs within 1 place... LOL U the Man !!!

Bro XuJiaHui,
Ya lor, damn tired one talking to Sh gers. They awlays bring me round the world and pop 1 question without me realising.

"Brother"?? If I were U, i simply ignore. "Just Do It" and try conquer their hearts. But, 1 bro back home ever told me 1 thing, "She has friends". If cannot makan, dun makan, she has friends and can intro friends to you, in the end, who's knows, she might be your goose that lay the golden eggs. Pass the one u cannot makan to other bros.

Dun fluant money and dun buy gifts, we all make money not easy, especially I am just a poor man. Since they like to play mind games, we play mind games with them lor. Honestly speaking, bonking is sian liao, I more interest not only body but their mind and soul, kekekeke... more fun this way. :-D

Only my 1 cent worth
Another another simple man.
Old 14-04-2008, 12:19 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by SGPshanghai69 View Post
Bro Xujiahui,
When a SHA gal address you as 'brother' meaning.....'boh' chance liao la....
It's a kind way of them telling the guy......I have NO interest in you.......hurting truth but it is that very meaning lah bro......sigh...
When they start calling me "大叔", it literary means we'll end up on bed liao.. It's true... at least happened to me twice..

anyway, flavour of last mth just spent the wkend at my place... bonk until weak legs... haha!
Old 14-04-2008, 12:22 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation

Originally Posted by XuJiaHui View Post
Thanks bro... I feel it.. because she just like to hang up with me.. treating me mcdonalds.. then like me to bring her singing etc... those gal strategy really powerful.. imagine for free gift free meal and expect no fxxx... hahaha .. So anyone got experience tackle this situation ?

Guess I have to stay a few more days in Beijing to cure my heart.. Going Beijing today.. Anyone got lubang ?
i suggest u spent more time wif bro ronaldo n limpeh..they r good in sianing gals! Bro spoonfork is highly experienced in dealing wif gals as well. I learned frm him..
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