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Old 23-03-2023, 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Max80 View Post
This is a bar, not a Fark joint. It's one of those bars in those small alleyways. These bars are very noticeable as they blast loud music, have neon lights all-round the shop and have girls in skimpy clothes.
The girl wanted no protection, but I did it with protection
Interesting…👍🏻. How about in San jiang or around sithong road. Are there any interesting places around, I tried massages parlor once, it was a legit one, not erotic one I was looking for.
Old 23-03-2023, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Max80 View Post
Dalah spa is not a designated brothel, so there is no fixed price. I've been quoted 2mn before for a bj, so the tactic is to always mention you've come here before and FJ at 1mn.
I see, good tactic, I will try that next time, thank. I am looking for interesting places to try my luck this weekend. Is there any places you can recommend, I prefer ST, the price range between 600k kip and 1m kip.
Old 28-03-2023, 07:54 PM
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Re: Vientiane,Laos

Anyone on budget probably better to hunt at beer bars for Kips 300,000 shots any 1/2 decent tuk2 driver will know where to go
Old 29-03-2023, 08:23 PM
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Re: Vientiane,Laos

Hi all, thinking about going to Laos solo for 5D4N at vientiane, just a couple of questions.

1. Is 5D4N too long, purely for sight seeing in the day and overnight a lady for 4 nights if I find someone fancy.
2. I know it is illegal to have sex with Laos ladies, are the odds worst for someone who does not look like chinese and only speaks barebone Mandarin and zero Lao? I am worried about police entrapment...
3. Any recommended hotels for bringing ladies in for overnight?

I am Asian from Bolehland.

Planning to go next week (a week before Laos's New Year) if feedbacks are good. Or else Bangkok or HCM will be my backup plan. Many thanks for the help.
Old 02-04-2023, 02:24 PM
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Re: Vientiane,Laos

I am flying to Vietiane later this week and staying around Easter, let me know if anyone is around.

1. Is 5D4N too long, purely for sight seeing in the day and overnight a lady for 4 nights if I find someone fancy.
I wouldn't stay more than a day in Vientiane if sightseeing is the main motive. Not sure about the other 2 qn.
Old 02-04-2023, 05:13 PM
freshstartm freshstartm is offline
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Re: Vientiane,Laos

1. it's ok...but not much sightseeing to do in vientiane, it's a sleepy town. sightseeing you go north to vang vieng or luang prabang
2. should be ok but if u want good service just go bkk, for language you can use google translate
3. sanjiang area should be ok adn china hotels along asean rd. stay away from 4-5 star hotels in the city center
Old 02-04-2023, 11:07 PM
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Re: Vientiane,Laos

First day report at Vientiane…

Haze is not too bad, but god damn it is so warm out here. And freaking dusty too if you walk around. Staying at Sanjiang area.

Tonight I went to Zhijinchen KTV to survey. The “head waiter “ who spoke basic English explained to me the package … price nothing changes. I asked if I can mirror the ktv ladies he said I need to book room. Then I asked if I can LT them … he check with his boss from China he said cannot must wait 12 pm. LT 700rmb, left that place to survey other shop.

Found a spa joint about 2 shops to the left when facing Zhijinchen KTV. This one is 1 dragon service, the captain from China assured me quality guaranteed. All Laos girls saw about 6 when mirror, I say looks wise a strong 8, some tall ones too, at most mid20s girls. Damage:

ST/90minutes/unlimited shot: 600rmb
LT/to 6am: 1200rmb (not sure start what time most likely midnight)

Too darn expensive for me. But the rooms are big and new, at least queen size bed, and have a very spacious waterbed. And the captain very friendly and ok to conversed using Google translate.

Went to the spa to the right of Zhijinchen KTV got no captain….so I left…. Played wechat, found a good one, video chat all good. 500rmb for LT, she shows up, have doubt if lady boy. Inspect no Adam’s apple, got pussy, went to toilet to have a better look, cibai post op pussy. Gave “her” 200rmb and lucky he went away….

I don’t look like Chinese nobody gave me a cards when I was walking at Chinatown, but someone put a card below my hotel door instead.

Anyone in Vientiane who wants to go ktv let me know, I am not used to this type of scene.
Old 08-04-2023, 05:36 PM
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Re: Vientiane,Laos

Went to sanjiang ktv on first day, got quoted 450rmb for small package, 200 for girl sitting, 650 for dabao. Around 30+ girls for selection at 8pm
They drink like fish, finished all the beer in 1 hour.

Second night went on a date, the girl brought another friend with her! Haha, both were cute but couldn’t close. Went to goldstar around midnight, partied with a girl and her friends there until 4am, had supper then the girl didn’t want to come with me. Disappointed…
Old 09-04-2023, 03:53 PM
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Cool Re: Vientiane,Laos

If you're out for an overnight companion, its better off paying 650 and go out with the tabao girl than trying to chat a girl up at a pub/date/whatever, spend money for a 50:50 chance of taking the girl back. Waste of time and money imo.

Originally Posted by drawing View Post
Went to sanjiang ktv on first day, got quoted 450rmb for small package, 200 for girl sitting, 650 for dabao. Around 30+ girls for selection at 8pm
They drink like fish, finished all the beer in 1 hour.

Second night went on a date, the girl brought another friend with her! Haha, both were cute but couldn’t close. Went to goldstar around midnight, partied with a girl and her friends there until 4am, had supper then the girl didn’t want to come with me. Disappointed…
Old 10-04-2023, 02:18 PM
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Smile Re: Vientiane,Laos

Posts so far have been about "cheap" girls. I don't think the Bkk prices will suit them however good the service Oil massage at girlie joints in Sukhumvit is already THB2,500. How much do you think overnight will cost?

Originally Posted by freshstartm View Post
1. it's ok...but not much sightseeing to do in vientiane, it's a sleepy town. sightseeing you go north to vang vieng or luang prabang
2. should be ok but if u want good service just go bkk, for language you can use google translate
3. sanjiang area should be ok adn china hotels along asean rd. stay away from 4-5 star hotels in the city center
Old 10-04-2023, 05:20 PM
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Re: Vientiane,Laos

Originally Posted by equalizer View Post
Posts so far have been about "cheap" girls. ............Oil massage at girlie joints in Sukhumvit is already THB2,500...............
Normal massage in Poipet, Cambodia, for 1hr, done by pretty cambodian syt, cost only 200 baht. Damn shiok feeling as they do quite good massage and they were usually playful and at certain point, as they need to bent your legs etc, so will usually sit near your groin area and start to massage yr thighs, bent your legs etc..............
Old 10-04-2023, 07:56 PM
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Cool Re: Vientiane,Laos

Since Cambodia pretty much deals in USD, THB200 would be around $5-6 for an hour of good massage is not bad. However, from my experience, overnighters cost at least USD100 and KTV visits were pretty expensive. There are some excellent FRs in the Cambodia forums

Reposted from Phnom Penh thread:

Originally Posted by oldtits View Post
ya, dont bother with Scambodia girls la. the colourful tattoo ah tiongs are back in full force in PP already, airport arrivals every flight have them in groups bringing luggages of $. they will be spoiling the ktv, club, bars, fish tank, etc. from March onwards, more and more Chinese airlines increase frequencies are flying back into Scambodia.

Sihanoukville will be lively with kidnappings, ransom, sex slaves, tele scam, gun & drug imports, gang fights, murders, etc. seen all that needs to be seen.

dont waste time coming to PP. save the time , $ and your xiao in thai,viet,phil,indo,laos, char bos better. Myanmar is shit dont bother too.

Originally Posted by sohbuckkong View Post
Normal massage in Poipet, Cambodia, for 1hr, done by pretty cambodian syt, cost only 200 baht. Damn shiok feeling as they do quite good massage and they were usually playful and at certain point, as they need to bent your legs etc, so will usually sit near your groin area and start to massage yr thighs, bent your legs etc..............

Last edited by equalizer; 10-04-2023 at 10:01 PM.
Old 13-05-2023, 11:04 PM
Coffeee Coffeee is offline
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Re: Vientiane,Laos

Hello brothers,

I have been reading this forum for around 18 months and have found so much useful intel and advice here - kudos to all members for providing the information!
I joined the forum a couple of months ago Hoping to add my experiences to the database, but things are deadly quiet...I don't want to post anything if he forum is compromised...can any veteran members tell me what's going on?
I have been making good use of the information I have found here - particularly around the Inpeng area near where I live, and I am keen to expand my experiences and help others to enjoy the scene here.
Old 14-05-2023, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Coffeee View Post
Hello brothers,

..I don't want to post anything if he forum is compromised..
Hi Coffee and welcome to the forum.
Pls share any info you have here and do not worry about info being compromised. The local MIBs know every local port in existence and they do not rely on info here at all 😅

The only local port around Inpeng that I know of is the ktv itself as well as the nearby Champa Hotel which has some local ladies, but nothing great, TBH.
For me, I still frequent Vientiane plaza and Muong Thanh even though the later can cost a bomb. 😂
Old 24-05-2023, 04:55 PM
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Re: Vientiane,Laos

Current Update:

The area around T4 ban Phonpapao is a dead zone now, the small shops have all been demo for new construction. only the beer-gardenish one is left. Further south a couple of km there is a smattering of shops.

Sithong road is alive and well, but busy with mainland chinese who seem to have displaced the lao guys. all the girls are basically in cages now, not to keep them in, but if police comes they lock the cage to keep them out. i was trapped in there once when either police or an irate guy came, an experience i do not want to repeat but I managed to get away. They gave me a free water while i waited haha. girls 150,00 to 200,000 kip ST still. since the girls are a locally produced items with no shortage price has not gone up with inflation. Cheapest in SE asia i am sure but you get what you pay for.

For T4 and Sithong, I do worry about police shakedown.

VTE plaza hotel. 850,000 kip ST for grumpy viet service. i'd rather keep the money and go to udon thani Thailand to be honest.

I would like to find more places. If anybody knows any daytime action please post. Loitering in the dark on the side of a road is not my thing. I need a local or Chinese guide.

VTE seems to be more geared to Chinese style now and not western. KTV and hidden chinese hotel massage are plentiful and have the young and beautiful girls. For westerners it is quite boring just drink at mekong with the old bar girls.
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